May 1910

1 May 1910 • Sunday

Went early to the Temple and found several waiting to go up the meeting was very peculiar a strange sort of trend in the spirit of the meeting, went up to see Edna Sloan afterwards and over to Jode’s and to 18th. Ward chapel and had the sacrament.

2 May 1910 • Monday

Busy working and preparations being made by the sisters of the Board for the Birthday party tomorrow, Sister B. W. Smith’s 88th. birthday anniversary, and she came over in the midst of the preparations, it is rather trying cannot do as we would if she were not here.

3 May 1910 • Tuesday

Aunt Susan Wells birthday she is 80– sent the automobile to take me up to Nett [S. Annette Wells] Culmer’s the reception was most agreeable Harry [Henry A. Culmer] full of cordiality and the refreshments dainty and delicious all seemed happy. Our party was a success in many ways, President Smith spoke & also John Henry and {p. 77} <A. H. Lund & F. M. Lyman>

1Today I have been very nervous trying to do my article for the birthday anniversary of Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and also to go to Susan’s or to her reception she is 80 today and her daughter Annette Culmer is having the reception at her home– Sister B. W. Smith came over very early and we both went together in the Auto to Nett’s and had a very pleasant time– it was arranged prettily and the refreshments were very dainty and the flowe[r]s were of the finest variety and we enjoyed it very much– could only stay a few minutes as the reception for Sister Smith began at 4. P.M. and when we returned people were coming in & really seemed to think they were to stay However it was all very nice and enjoyable and I am sure the lady herself was highly honored in having those she wanted [p. 123] {p. 125}

4 May 1910 • Wednesday

Sister Smith is not very well after the birthday, but went to the Temple, she seems quite pleased with all that was done to make her day a success, the day has been a busy one clearing up and disposing of the remains of the feast

5 May 1910 • Thursday

Isabel is at the Temple today officiating for my eldest sister Adaline Emily [Woodward Earl] I am so grateful for her taking an interest in the genealogical work It has been neglected so long in our family, there is so much to be done and we are all so busy, but there must be time to do what is essential

2Isabel went to the Temple today and was endowed for Lucy Catherine Granger my eldest sister Adeline Emily Woodward who died when I was a baby. [p. 125] {p. 55}

6 May 1910 • Friday

Meeting of the Board today and I feel a great dread, because there are so many unpleasant things, There were a number of absent ones & we did not bring up the school of nurses affair, and the meeting was not exactly unpleasant, in the evening Annie and myself went to the graduating exercises of L.D.S. Hospital {p. 78}

3Meeting in Room 29, 13. members present [p. 126] {p. 56}

7 May 1910 • Saturday

Today felt most wretched had a bad night with cramp, have been over to Sister Smiths & was much fatigued, King Edwards son was proclamed King today and he is called George V, it was a great ceremony, all will be changed in many ways

8 May 1910 • Sunday

Was resting in the morning then dressed and went to the Tabernacle Nephi Jenson preached a fine sermon, went to Susan H. Wells, May [Mary Wells Whitney] & Kate [Wells] and Charles [H. Wells] family came and we visited together, came home very weary and only read in magazines

4This is Jethro [H. Whitney]’s birthday, he is 52 <62>. sixty two years old, born in Winter Quarters, now Florence Nebraska, his mother was Ann Houston Whitney he lives now in Park City Utah [p. 128] {p. 57}

9 May 1910 • Monday

Went off early worked very hard at editorial copy and had many callers and some things quite unpleasant, did not see or hear from Sister B. W. Smith, dined with Dr. [Jane Manning] Skolfield at Cafeteria in Des. News Annex, no news special letters from Dublin Dr. Penrose & Mell and others on business. {p. 79}

10 May 1910 • Tuesday

<answered letters May 10. & 11.> Sat all day in the office not once leaving it– news in the morning of Susan Grant having parlysis, very much affected by it, so unexpected, other letters were common place, no consequence many callers.

5I had a peculiar night, for one thing I was thinking of the comet Haley’s Comet it is designated and the weather was unusually warm for the time of the year and altogether my nerves were unstrung. I was wakeful even more than usual and I had sensations of uneasiness beyond expression in words. Had the place been more comfortable I might have tried to do some original writing, as it was I tried reading and now and then a nap half waking and half unconscious. I had a fine letter yesterday from Mell quite happy in tone and altogether most satisfactory. Today has been trying– letter from Frank [Franklin] D. Grant telling of his mother’s6 illness that gave me quite a shock. She had a stroke of paralysis Friday evening and was thankful she had reached home. Have been arranging for some visits to Conferences– calls from Sisters Emilia [Emilie Damke] Maeser Julia P. M. Farnsworth, Dr. Margaret C. Roberts, Lydia D. Alder, Mrs. Stewart, Rhea Freeze, Hannah [Settle] Lapish [J.] Don Carlos Young Z. [Zachariah] Derrick, [G.] Alberta Barton Violet [G.] Lloyd, Dr. Jane Skolfield Joseph H. Grant, John Q. Cannon and others. [p. 130] {p. 132}

11 May 1910 • Wednesday

Today Sarah M. [Marietta Smith] Webb daughter [of] Augusta Cleveland Smith Bathsheba Merrill President B. W. Smith Dr. M. C. Roberts Lizzie [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox H. B. Harker, Allie [Alice] Howarth Arthur Lewis, Elias [S.] Kimball and others, worked hard all day, never know what rest is Isabel & Annie [Taylor] Lynch and more & and more

12 May 1910 • Thursday

Isabel went to the Temple and was endowed for Lucy Catharine Ganger [Granger] my niece, Sister Jemnings and myself went to the President’s office to present the picture or painting of our President B. W. Smith to the Temple, could not see President {p. 80} <left message with his Counselors.>

7Today Lydia D. Alder, Susa Y. Gates, [S.] Annie Lynch & Isabel, Priscilla P. Jennings, Allie Howarth, Arthur Lewis, several others called Dr. E. R. Shipp and some others, the day was fine & warm and I did more work than usual Dr. Roberts came in and one or two from a distance

Isabel went to the Temple and was endowed for Lucy Catherine Granger my niece today [p. 132] {p. 59}

8Today Belle went to the Temple and was endowed for Lucy Catharine Granger married name King– husband John [S.] King, she was the eldest daughter of my Sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] and was very beautiful but died young– I am very much gratified that I can have even a little work done in the Temple, if it is but a beginning– there is so much to do all the time [p. 132] {p. 134}

13 May 1910 • Friday

A day of sunshine and work had callers L. D. Alder S. Y. Gates Allie Howarth many who bothered me and hindered, coming in to see the rooms Nellie Webber to to the chest and talk– and I am so busy and weary and not well

9This morning rose feeling very miserable, sometime just before noon, a carload of powder exploded10 at the O. S. L.11 depor [depot] or just North of there, shook this building on N. Main Golden Kimball was in the office or I might have been more alarmed. received letters from Blackfoot Idaho and Mesa Arizona Junius & John Q. Lydia D. Alder, Louise and Emmeline, and copy boys and Post men and nurses two or three, and the maid Mimie [Minnie] Shelly, went down town to dinner– have not felt very well and the office seems cold wrote in Susan Grant’s and S. J. Cannon’s Albums today Mary A. Freeze sat for hours in the office– [p. 133] {p. 60}

14 May 1910 • Saturday

Today I have hurried and was upset about my revise and then to Mrs. Gates to her Nauvoo party nearly or quite forty 16 or 18 who had lived in Nauvoo refreshments strawberries and cake Isabel was invited but not Annie– Bathsheba W. Smith & Lucy W. [Walker] Kimball were there.

12Today I have been worried over my revise for the paper and I am to be off at 2. P.M. in the motor to Mrs. Jacob F. [Susa Young] Gates to a party she is giving to the Nauvoo people, to get some items of how they lived in Nauvoo and the recreations and amusements and customs and habits of that period. There were present Bathsheba W. Smith, myself, Lucy W. Kimball Hannah C. Wells, Elizabeth Ashby Snow Nargaret [Margaret] G. [Judd] Clawson, Emma S. Woodruff, Sarah Jenne Cannon Louisa Norris Decker, Amelia [Crossland] McDonald Edna L. Smith Alice K. [Kimball] Smith and many more whose names are not so familiar to the public one more notable Mary Ann Stearns Winters Augusta W. [Winters] Grant Maria B. Winder Caroline C. Raleigh Wells, Anthony [C.] Ivins wife whose <own> namee I do not recall13 Maria Y. Dougall Isabel Whitney Sears Anna [Annie Taylor] Lynch– The conversation was mostly on the past and quite a fund of information could have been culled from what was said, Some things were very good and others not so edifying– I was very weary, and yet I worked after my return home and also in the office until the usual time– [p. 134] {p. 136}

15 May 1910 • Sunday

Today I went over to the Cannon home to see them and have dinner with the family as it was Katharine’s birthday, Louise was on the car with me, she is a very gifted girl and witty and affectionate and I seldom see her now, Katharine was wreathed in smiles with her gifts etc. {p. 81}

14Was busy all morning trying to look up on important matters– it is Katharine’s birthday and I am due there, she is thirteen today, and a very sweet amiable girl, more so than most girls, I am very sorry that there is not more means to help Annie with the children– especially the younger ones, it is very hard on her. The day is rather cold and unpleasant, snows now and then a few flakes. It is Annual Peace Day and the meeting is in the Tabernacle– it is eleven years since we held the first Peace Meeting when Governor Heber M. Wells presided.15 I am rather proud of that meeting and also of having been connected with the International Peace Society and of having had a cablegram from the Hague signed by Andrew [D.] White ambassador from the United States–

I went over to Annie’s and had dinner with the family John Q. Annie, Emmeline Cavendish Katharine, Abram, David [W. Cannon], Jack [John Q. Cannon, Jr.] and Theodore [L. Cannon] besides myself Annie & Katharine went down to Murray to see George Q. Ruby [Derr Cannon] and baby, Spent the evening in the parlor Louise came down for an hour or two, Annie came home very weary– and Katharine also. [p. 135] {p. 137}

16 May 1910 • Monday

Came up in good time Annie came to the car with me & Theodore [L. Cannon]– 2 meetings today one in the office one side and one on the other, D.R. & Reaper’s no special news of good today all quiet– read revise & wrote letters.

16Came up from Annie’s letters waiting one from Mrs. [Harriet Vaux] Sanford in Toronto Canada and one from Emery, Utah Luella Christenson and one or two others, one from Carlie C. [Caroline Clegg] Tidwell Heber City– wrote to Mrs. Christenson, Emery and to Mrs. Tidwell Heber City and to Mrs. Celia E. [Woods] Smith Mesa, sent Mrs. [Louisa Ballif] Benson’s letter to Mrs. Farnsworth to read and return– D.R. meeting only six present Emily [Cannon] Willey, Julia [Farnsworth] Lund, Clint [Clarissa Young] Spencer, Nell [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber Ella [Ellen Wilcox] Hyde & myself– transacted some business and went on with regular duty. Meeting was rather trying and finally decided on some of the business and adjourned to the 10th. of June business meeting for choosing officers for the coming year– preparations for Graduating exercises for School of Nurses to be given in the Relief Society Head-quarters. I am in some anxiety about business and really in trouble over my affairs [p. 136] {p. 138}

17 May 1910 • Tuesday

Today Angus M. Cannon’s birthday anniversary and also the day so many years ago since Louie lay dead in San Francisco and I was broken hearted there is a party for Brother A. M. Cannon it is a fine day and I am so very unpleasantly situated went over to Sister Smith’s)

17Today is the anniversary of the opening and Dedication sevices of the Logan and Manti Temples– and it is also the 78th [76th] birthday anniversary of Angus M. Cannon a party is being held in his honor at the home in Forest Dale [p. 137] {p. 139}

18 May 1910 • Wednesday

She18 is not well, days go and come and one feels upset not knowing how to manage Many callers at the office and the time goes without results– tomorrow graduating exercises are to be here and all will be in commotion Halley’s comet is now in the west tail has gone {p. 82}

19 May 1910 • Thursday

Today preparations going on and this morning heard of Celia [Hunt] Bean’s death by accident a fearful thing upset me, Annie speaks at the exercises tonight. All is ready Lucy Vancott presented me a beautiful red rose, long stem exercises went off well–

19Today the people of the Nurse class have been making the rooms ready and the refreshments etc. Dean of University20 has been here all afternoon nearly recounting to me her trip to Washington D.C. with the Governor’s21 party and her letters and visit to Mr. [Andrew] Carnegie and her letter to the millionaire Helen [M.] Gould– she brought me an American beauty rose and said it was like me, paid me very great compliments– the evening was very satisfactory. [p. 139] {p. 141}

20 May 1910 • Friday

Today is the regular Board meeting and we are to decide about the School of Nurses, whether it is to be continued or not– there were 13– members present– Sister Smith is not well– we were very unable to carry either way Julina wavered & I am sure Clarissa was against us & wanted to continue

22Sister Julina L. Smith called me into the North west corner room to speak to me privately and wanted me to turn over the Woman’s Exponent to the Relief Society immediately (today) I said No it could not be done in a hurry, she said her Aunt Bathsheba might die and she wanted the paper to have her name– but I should be the editor– it struck me to the heart– so flippantly was it all said. [p. 140] {p. 62}

23Today Ida came early and has been here all day went out about one o’clock– Board meeting in Room 29. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith the President came early, Sister Merrill her daughter with her, also Sister Emma Woodruff, afterwards Belle came in from the Temple, she was endowed today for my Aunt Harriet Woodward Rand– at the meeting commencing at 3. P.M. there were present President Bathsheba W. Smith, Counselor Ida Smoot Dusenberry, Secretary Emmeline B. Wells, Treasurer Clarissa S. Williams, Emma S. Woodruff Julina L. Smith Julia P. M. Farnsworth Emily S. Richards, Annie Wells Cannon Priscilla P. Jennings, Elizabeth S. Wilcox, Minnie H. James, Amy Brown Lyman After the meeting Annie and myself went to the Cafateria togther and had supper– Meeting was very unsatisfactory and we appointed a special meeting to decide the matter in hand– to be held Wednesday May 25. at 3. P.M. [p. 140] {p. 142}

21 May 1910 • Saturday

papers came over yesterday– things are very unsettled Ida is very positive. disagreeable about Sarah Jenne and Harker going to Wasatch, Margaret [A.] Dusenberry came up with the Opera Co. from Provo Letter came from Verona about the new baby,24 Annie & Emm have both been in also Cavendish, saw the comet {p. 83}

25Today a letter from Verona telling me of the girl baby born January 16, 1910– she is very much pleased with it– have been mailing all day had both Minnie [Shelley] & Violet here to help me, Emmeline Cannon came and did some errands for me, and Annie came to see me for a while– I saw the comet tonight outside on the college grounds– in the old Whitney place [p. 141] {p. 143}

22 May 1910 • Sunday

This morning at 7.30. an earthquake came quite severe more than any ever known in this city– affected me very much house rocked and bed swayed– shook me severely Violet Lloyd and myself here alone Minnie had slept away– went to Jode’s tonight to Wells meeting

26This morning the most severe earthquake that has ever visited this city occurred– time 7.30. A.M. it was so alarming people in some places ran into the streets, it rocked my house from east to west and shook me severely– I felt it through my whole body– never experienced anything like it before– I have been dizzy all day in consequence of it– I went out and up to Joseph Wells to a meeting of the Wells family– no other one of the wives of President Wells were present, there are only three now, Susan Alley Wells, Hannah Free Wells and myself– the meeting decided on a Wells-Field Day at Wandamere– probably June 11. cannot be sure yet– [p. 142] {p. 144}

23 May 1910 • Monday

Today had made an appointment to meet some ladies at Sister Frances [Francis] home– they were from East India the island of Ceylon– very refined women I quite enjoyed the time– had so many things to hinder me, but had some pleasure out of it after all

27Today has been unsatisfactory in some ways[.] I had promised to go to Sister Francis to meet some East India ladies and was to be there at 3. P.M. but was hindered unavoidably until 4.30– however I went then and had a very interesting time. The ladies were from Ceylon and were genuine refined cultivated gentlewomn, they brought paintings to show me of views, foliage and scenery from that far-off land, paintings of their own work. [p. 143] {p. 145}

24 May 1910 • Tuesday

Queen Victoria’s birthday England will be in mo[u]rning for the late King I cannot help thinking of our own affairs it is a season when there are many things of importance transpiring in the Church and in the world– {p. 84}

28Queen Victoria’s anniversary of birth generally observed by English people everywhere although King Edward’s death may seem to make it gloomy and perhaps do away with any public demonstration– here all is as usual– I am trying to get mailing done, both Violet Lloyd and Minnie Shelley are here helping, but so inexperienced– slow getting out and most unsatisfactory. [p. 144] {p. 146}

25 May 1910 • Wednesday

Today is Jode Wells birthday & I fully intended going up there but could not however I tried people coming and going and so many questions to answer and my feet hurting me very much indeed– I have a present for Joseph– I am very fond of him

29Today is the birthday of Joseph S. Wells he is 48 today– he is very dear to me, but I cannot go up as we have the special Board meeting to decide the nurse class question and Ida has come up from Provo on purpose– well we are just as wrought up as we can be on the matter [p. 145] {p. 147}

26 May 1910 • Thursday

Minnie Shelley went home to American Fork tonight she had been here six weeks, she graduated as a nurse, and is expecting to come back to the City and follow the profession– she is very unfit even if she did graduate, no sort of experience only theory, and not so very much of that.

30Worked very steadily all day long, had both Minnie and Violet he[l]ping, and Minnie went home tonight she has been with me six weeks lacking one day Isabel went to the Temple and was endowed for my great Aunt Hannah Woodward my grandfather Elisha Woodward’s sister.31 I am very glad to have this Temple work making even a little progress this makes five names of mine Isabel has officiated for and it is very pleasing to me. I have had a number of callers today and a visit from Sister Martha [Marcussen] Hammond from Moab– she has given me a good idea of the way the sisters feel about the Building,32 they are not at all satisfied, and I did not imagine that they would be yet we are powerless in the matter ourselves– here in the City just as much as those at a distance. We must abide by the counsel of the priesthood, those whom we ourselves pray for to be rulers in Zion– the Lord is over all and will maintain His own work in the way that is best for his people [p. 146] {p. 148}

27 May 1910 • Friday

Cadets at High school today Cavendish among them he is strikingly handsome, and in every way clever, in music and in books and studies, he will most likely make his mark I hope so– I am ambitious to have some of the children excel pass the common place {p. 85}

33Today is the anniversary of the day we left Winter Quarters on the Missouri river to come across the plains to Salt Lake City only a fort had been made then, a day never to be forgotten in my history, and many solenn thoughts arise in the vivid contemplation I have been very miserable all day long, faint and almost alarmingly so– heart failure– perceptibly– I am determined to overcome it if it is at all possible– I must complete my work as near as it can be done, Cavendish was among the cadets at High School today. [p. 147] {p. 149}

28 May 1910 • Saturday

Have really finished my mailing today Violet Lloyd and her friend Mayme have been here and gone down home together to go out this evening, and I am here trying to get some things finished have been to the Bee Hive to meet Dr. [George W.] Middleton and hear him speak of the Nurse Class and the prospect of entering the class at the Hospital, Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and myself– Clarissa & Julina were present, that was all [p. 148] {p. 150}

29 May 1910 • Sunday

I rose early and went off to the Temple– Julia [Stringham] Woolley was on the car and we went in together, very few present President Anthon H. Lund presided– O. F. Whitney was there and addressed the meeting first, he was very simple in language and seemed humble and perhaps weary, then after wards Hannah C. Wells and finally Br. McCourrie34 and Hugh J. Cannon, and one or two sisters and Hamilton Park and Aurelius [H.] Miner and a number of brothers and sisters– Junius was there but did not speak– President Angus M. Cannon spoke well referred to his recent visit to California, I went up to see Kate Wells and Aunt Susan Wells had lunch and went to the 18th. Ward meeting– spoke of Joseph Smith the Prophet related my impressions and interviews, until his death [p. 149] {p. 151}

31 May 1910 • Tuesday35

36Letters today Lewis M. [S.] Pond Thatcher Bannock Co. Idaho Susannah [Neff] P. Booth Brigham City, Julia A. [Peterson] Richards Riverdale Utah Caroline E. [Ericksen] Facer Malad Idaho Mrs. L. W. Shurtliff Ogden Weber Stake Utah all on business of the Relief Society [p. 151] {p. 65}

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May 1910, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  2. [2]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  3. [3]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  4. [4]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  5. [5]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  6. [6]Susan Noble Grant.

  7. [7]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  8. [8]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  9. [9]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  10. [10]“Fifteen tons of dynamite exploded in a car on an Oregon Short Line siding at Beck’s hot springs at 12:20 Friday afternoon, . . . paralyzing telephone and telegraph service between Salt Lake and Ogden, interrupting street car traffic here and breaking windows in a number of residences in the northwestern part of the city. No lives were lost, and no one was injured.” (“City Shaken by Explosion,” Salt Lake Tribune, 14 May 1910, 1.)

  11. [11]Oregon Short Line.

  12. [12]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  13. [13]Elizabeth Snow Ivins.

  14. [14]text: The remaining material for 15 May 1910 comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  15. [15]EBW, Diary, 22 and 28 Apr. 1899; 15 May 1899; “Peace Demonstration,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1899, 28:1–2.

  16. [16]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  17. [17]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  18. [18]Bathsheba W. Smith.

  19. [19]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  20. [20]Lucy Van Cott. (Chamberlin, The University of Utah, 398; EBW, Diary, 18 and 19 May 1910.)

  21. [21]Governor William Spry.

  22. [22]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  23. [23]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  24. [24]Marjorie Katherine Betts.

  25. [25]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  26. [26]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  27. [27]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  28. [28]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  29. [29]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  30. [30]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  31. [31]Hannah Woodward was rather a cousin of Elisha Woodward. Her father was Israel Woodward (1711–1792). Elisha’s father was Benajah Woodward (1716–1792). (“Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1626–2001,” FamilySearch, accessed 25 Mar. 2022,; “Hannah Woodward,” FamilySearch, accessed 25 Mar. 2022,

  32. [32]In 1896 the women of the Relief Society began saving for a women’s building to be erected on a site east of the Salt Lake Temple, joined by sisters serving in the Young Ladies’ and Primary organizations in 1900. When they were unable to raise the $20,000 President Lorenzo Snow had set as a base amount, priesthood leaders planned a building that would house officers of the Presiding Bishopric as well as officers of the women’s organizations. After these officers moved into the new building, EBW continued to hear visitors, perhaps women who contributed to the fund, express regret that the women could not have a building solely for themselves. (General Conference of Relief Society, General Relief Society Minutes, vol. 2, 3 Oct. 1896, 25–26; Regular Semi-annual Meeting of Board of Directors, General Relief Society Minutes, vol. 2, 2 Oct. 1900, 52; Derr et al., Women of Covenant, 174–177.)

  33. [33]text: The material from this point to the end of the 29 May 1910 entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  34. [34]Probably John G. McQuarrie.

  35. [35]text: The preprinted date on this page is “Tuesday, May 31, 1910”. EBW struck through “Tuesday” and added “Wednesday” instead. It appears she made these changes when she added a later entry on the same page for Wednesday, 31 May 1911.

  36. [36]text: This and the next two entries come from volume 37 of the diary.