July 1917

1 July 1917 • Sunday

Went to fast meeting. after went down to Em’s & spent the day, Inez had gone down before. Lyman & Em brought us home in Auto, Inez is here tonight, but is going to Em’s to spend a week. Ort called while I was at Em, it’s his birthday [p. 182] {p. 169}

2 July 1917 • Monday

After breakfast went over to office, do not feel very well took a cold down at Em’s. very quiet here. Could not find wheat receipt so sent for Belle she found it, and I feel better. have been out & had lunch, Evening. I went up & called on Julina she is quite sick, has bad cold & pain in back of her neck. they seem quite anxious about her. it is quite warm. Belle here tonight [p. 183] {p. 170}

3 July 1917 • Tuesday

After breakfast went to office there was a meeting up stairs Annie & Dot were up there they came in for a short time, Inez also came in for some things, but did not stay. Belle staid until about 2. went to bank. she is going to theatre Hermann is coming in for the 4th & the family are all going together she will come here after theatre. Ry Dougall called this A.M. says she will be back here soon. Did some writing yesterday. [p. 184] {p. 171}

4 July 1917 • Wednesday

Very warm this morning though they put up another awning yesterday, it will be much cooler. Very quiet 4th not even the sound of a gun. Belle expects to go to Dot’s to dinner but will come back tonight Lyman came for me & I went there & spent the day went to Park after dinner Lyman brought me home. Belle was here when we came in [p. 185] {p. 172}

5 July 1917 • Thursday

Came home very tired last night, had a very pleasant day with Em & Lyman. went to the Park after dinner then back to Em’s. Lyman and Em brought me home, Belle was here I had a cup of tea & felt better. now Went over to office this A.M. Belle went home about noon she is going to Dot’s to dinner & will come back here for the night staid most of the day at the office they are all rushing & hurrying with conservation work. No time to speak to any one. [p. 186] {p. 173}

6 July 1917 • Friday

Went to office about eleven Clarissa, <Mrs. Gorham>, Amy, Jennie, Emna Empy, & Lizzie Wilcox <Sister Farnsworth> were having a meeting on conservation. I staid as I like to kno[w] what is being done. Clarissa is chirma [chairman] I staid & talked to Mrs. Gorham J. O. called me up & told me the Princess Rahme Haider was going to call on me. but it is after nine & she has not come it looks like rain so I suppose she thought best to wait until morning [p. 187] {p. 174}

7 July 1917 • Saturday

Just after nine the Princess called up to say if it was not too late she would come up she was here in a few minutes with her companion Lucille Burgess she is most entertaining & very natural has been in America some time at school they staid over an hour. she is very natural told us of the Holy Land & of her own home Baalbek.1 I promised to go with her to the recital this A.M. Did not get ready in time to go to recital but went over so to be there when they came out, but the Princess was not there if she was I did not see her. Inez & her friend came up this afternoon they went to a picture show. Inez staid & had some thing to eat. Belle & I went over to the Welcome to dinner as we came back met Mrs. Rachel Siegle in Lobby she wanted me to go for a ride said it would cool me off. Went came back & Belle read to me the News & To have & to hold by Mary Johnston. [p. 188] {p. 175}

8 July 1917 • Sunday

<very warm> Up quite early went to the Immanuel Baptist church to hear the Princess give her lecture “Under Syrian Stars,” enjoyed it very much Dr. Eubough [William C. Ebaugh] brought me to Hotel Kate Thomas came with me. The Princess <& Miss Burgess> came down & spoke to me they are coming to see me again. Went to afternoon meeting. (The Ensign Stake Conference) Lucy Clark came in & went with me. June came in he was going up on the hills with some man guess to look at a mine as he was in his old clothes & had a sort of hammer with a pick on it. [p. 189] {p. 176}

9 July 1917 • Monday

Went over to office about 11 staid there until nearly 5. Belle & Lucile B. [Buchholz] went down & bought me a blue silk coat think I’ll like it, Annie came in before I was up said she had been up all night with Inez, they had sent for her at 11 last nigh[t] she was at R.S; Home2 but she was going to move her. Lucile B staid & had dinner with us. We are just home from the Princess’ lecture & both Bell & I are very tired it was so warm there. [p. 190] {p. 177}

10 July 1917 • Tuesday

The Princess phoned she & Miss Burgess would call to say goodbye on their way to train asked them to come to office which they did, they both said how much they had enjoyed their time while here & hoped to come again. Staid at office (after I’d been out & had lunch) until every one left then came over to Hotel Lyman & Em came about 9 and took us for a ride it was quite cool & pleasant I sat in back with Em & had a nice visit it is quite late but too warm to close do[w]n & go to bed [p. 191] {p. 178}

11 July 1917 • Wednesday

Very warm went to the office several people called this afternoon Sister Jennings took Aunt Sarah Jane & me down to W W Riters farm we did not get out Sister Brockbank phoned and invited me to go down there Friday wanted <Annie> Belle to go too. it is very warm & this room seems so small after being in the office June sent me two bottles of wine [p. 192] {p. 179}

12 July 1917 • Thursday

Just the usual routine over to office lunch back to office over her[e] dinner reading & chatting until it is cool enough to go to bed all the girls are away except Jennie & she is too busy to speak. Romania was up today she looks badly. Annie came in this evening and told us all about Inez sickness, she is getting better. John Q. came for Annie & they have gone to theatre [p. 193] {p. 180}

13 July 1917 • Friday

Went to Sister Brokbanks Ry & Zina came over here and they called here for us it was Bro. B. [Isaac Brockbank] <80> birthday had a most delightful day went som[e] after 11 & did not get back until after 8. they did every thing they possibly could to make it pleasant for us. Belle was here when I came, have not heard from Annie or any of her family to day. very warm. I am very tired. [p. 194] {p. 181}

14 July 1917 • Saturday

tried to rest this morning was so tired last night. went to the office & this afternoon went up stairs to D.R.3 meeting they are going to take up Red Cross work Mrs. [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber and some one else sat & knit all through the meeting. after meeting Mrs. Webber & Kate went down to my office & visited with me Mrs. W. told me about her golden wedding celebration. Belle here when I came over we have just had dinner & she is going to read to me. [p. 195] {p. 182}

15 July 1917 • Sunday

Sat around and rested until time for meeting very good meeting Bro. Kirkham spoke, came over her[e] would have gone to 18th ward this evening had Belle felt like going. but we went down stairs & watched the people it is quite warm here. came up & read from Tennyson’s Poems. [p. 196] {p. 183}

16 July 1917 • Monday

Went over to office did some writing Mrs. Lydia Adams Williams came in to talk to me about genealogy Willard & Phebe also called had a nice little visit with them talked about Nauvoo and the early days of the Church. Felt sort of faint after dinner so Belle & I went down stairs. Met Mr. & Mrs. Kimball who are on this floor had a chat with Mrs. K. felt better & now we feel cooler and like I could rest & sleep. the weather is very warm [p. 197] {p. 184}

17 July 1917 • Tuesday

was so exhausted this morning thought I’d never get ready to go to office Dr. Middleton came in we talked of the poets then Ry Dougall came in & we chatted until I forgot myself and felt better went down stairs met Mrs. Bertha [Greenewald] Bamberger & daughter4 she wanted me to wait in lobby until the Belgian Messino [Mission]5 arrived so we waited <Ex> Gov. [William] Spry George Romney and many others came up and chatted with us Kate Wells came & sat with us. after they came we had lunch then went to special recital which was very fine, went to office but came over early as the girls all went away Belle was here and a Mrs. Williams who is hunting Genealogy of the Adams family. [p. 198] {p. 185}

18 July 1917 • Wednesday

last night went up on the roof gardens, at ten oclock it was very warm and I hate to sit still, invitation to go to Ogden on 24. also to conference at Farmington tomorrow Emma Empey will go with me tomorrow. Dot is going to stay with me tonight as Belle felt she must go home for a night it is very warm Dot bought me a raisin cake and rice pudding with raisins in it so I had them for my dinner Dot had hers before she came she is going to read me Tennyson’s In Memoriam [p. 199] {p. 186}

19 July 1917 • Thursday

Was quite tired when I came home last <to> night. we had a very nice conference I spoke both morning & afternoon so did Emma. I met many old friends who were very nice to me, soon after I came in last <to> night Sister Elizabeth McCune and invited me to go for a ride she had sister Rachel Campbell with her, we had a most delightful ride Belle went too. she has a new car the one Bess6 is going to take to France went to the Park then around by Sugar House up on East bench & Yale Ave home. how it is built up out that way, some very beautiful places. have just had dinner and feel better. got so tired on the cars to day but the ride with Sister McCune & our visit together has rested me. [p. 200] {p. 187}

20 July 1917 • Friday

right after breakfast as I was getting ready to go to office two reporters came from the Telegram wanted items for the a Pioneer story for the 24. June was here & he gave them many items of the Jublee celebraton and asked them to give all credit to Spencer Clawson who worked it up. then I went with them over to Temple Grounds had my picture taken for the article. Mrs. Williams was here & went with us she & I went to lunch together then I went to office the girls went home at five & I came over here Belle was here & we are going to read To have & to Hold. by Mary Johnston. [p. 201] {p. 188}

21 July 1917 • Saturday

was late getting over to office Catherin came in & went to lunch with me. went back to office after lunch but all were gone & office locked came back here called Belle up and she came up Will, Dot, Sep & 21 came up this Evening Sep did not stay long the others staid until after ten. it rained a little Lucile had been to Bountiful for a few days & she told us all about hay rack rides dances picking cherries & all the things she had been doing it was quite interesting Annie phoned that Inez was getting along pretty well. [p. 202] {p. 189}

22 July 1917 • Sunday

It was very close & warm last night & we were very much exhausted this morning I went to meeting Rudger Clawson & Joseph McMurrin spoke Pres. Lund Presided. there has been a little shower & it has cooled the air so we all feel better. [p. 203] {p. 190}

23 July 1917 • Monday

Thought Id rest as long as I could this A.M. as I want to feel right tomorrow. Called Aunt Sarah Jane up she says she will go with me tomorrow was at office several hours this morning & again this afternoon. went over to Mrs. Alder’s for dinner and as we started back their was such a dust storm came up I did not dare cross the St. so Belle <went> for one of the boys (Tony) from the Hotel to come for me. Annie came up this afternoon Says Inez is quite week yet & that she is almost tired out herself [p. 204] {p. 191}

24 July 1917 • Tuesday

<Aunt Sarah Jane & I> left on the 12 train for Ogden there was no one to meet us so we waited at depot, but as no one came we got a taxi & went up the celebratin was at Glenwood Park every thing was very nice Levi Young gave the address. I spoke there was a fine dinner, and many people there many I knew & I enjoyed it all but when we go to depot to come home they could not bring our car & we had to sit there in the car for an hour which was quite tiring found Belle & Ida Dusenbury in my room when I got here. Ida had just gotten back from her Northe[r]n trip she had spoken 27 times says she is worn out. She staid talking until after ten, has a room here in the Hotel. would have staid with me had no one been here. Belle is going to read from Tennyson. [p. 205] {p. 192}

25 July 1917 • Wednesday

Quite tired this morning so rested went over to office wrote letter to Mell Ida came in this A.M. also this afternoon. had a card from Florence Crismon Rich, sweet of her to write says baby7 is better. Am tired & exhausted with the heat all the time [p. 206] {p. 193}

26 July 1917 • Thursday

Went to the office about eleven quite a few people came in Annie came up says Inez is getting better. Dr. Middleton & his wife’s8 brother9 came in to night just as we were having dinner. his name is [blank] Lizzie Crisman called & brought me a cherry pie she is a very sweet woman Daniel called this Evening. [p. 207] {p. 194}

27 July 1917 • Friday

Went to a testimony meeting in 20th ward this afternoon went to see Aunt Susan & Kate before meeting had lunch there went to Sister Jennings after the meeting then she took me for a ride quite a heavy shower while we were out. found Ort & Belle here when I came up Dot was here while I was out. Ort is going to Yellowstone Stake four of his boys have enlisted. quite a commotion on roof garden it rained in ther & they had to move tables & thing around so we could not get <supper until after 10> [p. 208] {p. 195}

28 July 1917 • Saturday

June came before I was dressed staid an hour or more. Herman [Hermon J. Wells]’s engagement to Agusta [Augusta] Ivins in this mornings paper. Sol [Solomon F.] Kimball called Catherine came up I sent the twins each a silver dollar Inez Earl came up she looks very sick. is going home Monday. [p. 209] {p. 196}

29 July 1917 • Sunday

quite late getting up went for a nice ride last night with Sis. McCune went to Pioneer Stake conference this afternoon Rul was the only speaker. Inez & Catherine came up then Belle. had a cup of tea went back to Evening meeting George A Smith spoke on Keeping the Sabath a very fine sermon as I came bak met Nett [Jeanette] Sharp Ferguson in Lobby also Mrs. Kimball who came to door with me. Belle here we have just had supper Sep came in before supper and chatted a while with us. Martin [W. Allen]’s wedding cards came today.10 [p. 210] {p. 197}

30 July 1917 • Monday

nice cool morning went to office about 11 from there to Milk stations11 with Clarissa & Emma Empey came back to room found Belle Annie & Inez here Inez getting her things packed to go home. had lunch then went again with Clarissa. Came back in time to go with Inez to depot we all went down with her. Shall be glad to know she is home with her Mother,12 she seems quite weak. Belle & I came back to Hotel Annie went home I bought Inez a birthday book We have had dinner and will read some more in “Mr Britling sees it through.” by H. G. Wells. [p. 211] {p. 198}

31 July 1917 • Tuesday

Went over to office this A.M. Miss Gardner the stenographer down stairs called, went to ZC.M.I. for lunch met so many people & talked to them went back to office wrote Mell hope she will answer it. came over to hotel about five Belle and I thought we would go down the street for dinner when we got just below the 1st floor the elevator stuck and we were pinned there over 20 minutes. I almost fainted it was so warm there were 13 on the car one woman from chicago was very much excited & kept telling the boy what to do then some people from St Louis who wanted to catch a train one woman talked a great deal [p. 212] {p. 199}

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July 1917, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1917/1917-07


  1. [1]Baalbek, present-day Lebanon. (“Syrian Princess to Lecture Here,” Salt Lake Tribune, 7 July 1917, 9.)

  2. [2]A Relief Society Home for Women to provide temporary housing for immigrants, out-of-town sisters, and young women coming to work in Salt Lake City was dedicated in 1913 and continued to operate until the Beehive House opened to young working women in 1920. (Derr et al., Women of Covenant, 184–185; “General Relief Society Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, Nov. 1913, 41:77.)

  3. [3]Daughters of the Revolution.

  4. [4]Dorothy Bamberger. (1910 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 170B.)

  5. [5]The Belgian war commission, under the direction of Baron Ludovic Moncheur, toured cities in the United States to raise support for liberation of that country from German occupation. Mayor W. Mont Ferry of Salt Lake City and Governor Simon Bamberger of Utah, along with other public officials, met the delegation at the railroad station and brought them to the Hotel Utah for a luncheon in their honor. (“Governor Eloquent in Welcome Address,” Salt Lake Telegram, 17 July 1917, second section, 6; “Bring Message of Gratitude from Belgium to U.S.: War Mission Welcomed to City and State by Governor,” Salt Lake Tribune, 18 July 1917, [1].)

  6. [6]Elizabeth Claridge McCune prepared to go to Europe to drive the ambulance donated by her father, Alfred W. McCune, to support Utah troops being sent to the front. (“$8000 Ambulance Will Accompany Utahns to Front,” Salt Lake Telegram, 1 Aug. 1917, second section, [1]; “A Utah Girl in France,” Relief Society Magazine, Dec. 1917, 690–691.)

  7. [7]Joseph C. Rich. (Joseph Cain Rich, Birth Certificate, 6 Sept. 1916.)

  8. [8]Margaret Palmer Middleton.

  9. [9]Margaret Palmer Middleton had four living brothers at this time. Richard H. Palmer, Edward J. Palmer, Jethro R. Palmer, and William R. Palmer all lived in Cedar City, Utah, in 1920. (“Margaret Elizabeth Palmer,” FamilySearch, accessed 27 Sept. 2022, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/KWCJ-R7Z; 1920 U.S. Census, Cedar City, UT, 42A, 43A, 45B, 46A, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9RN2-WJL?i=24&cc=1488411.)

  10. [10]Martin W. Allen was EBW’s great-grandson.

  11. [11]In an effort to reduce childhood problems from contaminated milk, public health officials in some cities in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries established milk distribution centers to provide inexpensive or free milk, including nutritious infant formulas, for babies and young children from impoverished families. (Markel, “For the Welfare of Children,” 90, no. 6:896.) The Relief Society board hired trained helpers to staff milk stations in Salt Lake City during the summer months and were thanked by the City Health Department for their assistance. (General Board Minutes, 8 Mar. 1917, 34; 21 June 1917, 145; 6 Sept. 1917, 161.)

  12. [12]Adeline Woodward Earl. (Inez D. Godbe, Death Certificate, 10 July 1930.)