November 1912

2 November 1912 • Saturday1

Isabel’s birrthday she is ill in bed I went up and had dinn◊er, took her a pair of kid gloves tan color Anniee sent her a bluee scarf very unpleasant day [p. 306] {p. 226}

3 November 1912 • Sunday2

This moning went to Temple meetiing– very few present, Heber J. Grant presiding– went aftewards home with Jode and had lunch and went to the aftenoon fast meeting had dinner at Jodes’s and thn went to seee Kate and Aunt Susan, then to the evening meeting– was requested to make the opening prayer– for the Song [illegible]. It w[a]s a Diickens evning Horacee G. Whiney [Horace G. Whitney] the speaker [p. 307] {p. 227}

4 November 1912 • Monday


Today attnded Rpublican reception in the Hoteel Utah spoke on the question so did Anniee several mu[s]ical numbers were given, the star spangled banner was sung by Martha Smith[,] Edna’s daughteer Republican Ticket elected in this city Novv. 5 1912 Democ[r]ats in the United States [p. 308] {p. 228}

5 November 1912 • Tuesday

Tuesday Novv. 54 <Election day voted early> This is my Sister Ellens birthday 81 years old I have no doubt there is much going on there by her friends and children– It is a long time to live and she has seen many changees and yet been comparatively happy and comfortable– now she is rather independent in her own right– she has done her part well that is sure I do not know if any one has written her today [p. 309] {p. 229}

6 November 1912 • Wednesday

November Wednsday 6 1912

Went to the officce, Authorr’s club held 3rd meeting in our parlors, sisterrs comme[n]ting on the political situation in th[e] business room others herre and there talking on Relief Society work– I left and went to Big Cottonwood now Brinton [Brighton] Ward– meeting at Sister Bagley’s home– crowded housee had a fine meeeting and supper aftewards– went and came in Silver’s Auto,5 pouring rain terrific day– went to the office after and did somee mailing [p. 310] {p. 230}

7 November 1912 • Thursday6

The day was very gloomy and I was most unhappy, my brain was hot and my heart restleess I tried to do many things but really acomplishd little, many people coming and our regular meeting in the aftenoon, I did keep up however, sent a telegram to Will & Meell on theeir wedding-day from myself and family. Emmie went to theatre and Cavendish stayed and read to mee– after going home looked over old papers and poems spent a miserable night [p. 311] {p. 231}

8 November 1912 • Friday

November 8 1912

Officee full all mroning Conmittee meeting at noon almost [illegible] thn went to Hotel Utah to lunch with Jacob [F. Gates] and Susa Gatees Edna L. Smith Jennie Hyde Sarah [J.] Eddington Hilda [Ostlund] Larson Anmie and myself 8 persoons in all went a long auto ride with Julina Ina & baby7 and Mrrs. Musserr from New Hampshiree [Hampshire] came back very weary found office very full of people Mrrs. [Adaline Knight] Belnap and daughterr Em went with mee to supper [p. 312] {p. 232}

28 November 1912 • Thursday

Thanksgivng Thusday 28, Nov.8 Stayed in bed late, then went up to Isabel’s and had dinnerr with the fanily[.] of the family there Were Dot Lucile & Brent Will [C. William] Buchholz children Lucile9 [Buchholz] and Herman [S. Herman Buchholz]– had fine dinnerr and spent the evening [p. 332] {p. 236}

29 November 1912 • Friday

Friday 29, 1912 November

Went to Centerville to a meeting of Gnealogical class in the Relief Society– not many present but had a good meeeting and I made a few remarks concer[n]ing Nauvo [Nauvoo] and the baptissms for the dead in the Miisssisssippi [Mississippi]– river [p. 333] {p. 237}

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November 1912, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]text: EBW did not modify the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page. However, it appears the date of this entry should be 2 November 1912, based on handwriting and context.

  2. [2]text: EBW did not modify the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page. However, it appears the date of this entry should be 3 November 1912, based on handwriting and context.

  3. [3]text: EBW provided only the day of the week, Monday, for this entry, but it appears from handwriting and context that the intended date is 4 November 1912.

  4. [4]text: EBW did not give a year for this entry, but it appears from handwriting and context that the intended year is 1912.

  5. [5]Three brothers, Joseph A. Silver, Hyrum A. Silver, and John A. Silver, were among the first to own automobiles in Salt Lake City. (Carma Wadley, “A Century on Wheels,” Deseret News, 11 May 2000, accessed 4 Aug. 2022,

  6. [6]text: EBW struck through the preprinted day of the week, Monday, but otherwise did not give a date for this entry. It appears from handwriting and context that the intended date is 7 November 1912.

  7. [7]Luacine Peery.

  8. [8]text: EBW did not give a year for this entry, but it appears from handwriting and context that the intended year is 1912.

  9. [9]text: EBW has crossed the l.