February 1904

29 February 1904 • Monday

This is quite an eventful day for me, the 18th. birthday & 76 years old, in Nineteen hundred the day was not kept up given up to lost time, so that makes eight years since I had a birthday last. The meeting of the Daughters of the Pioneers will be in my honor in part, at the Bee Hive House, Annie will read a sketch of my life and Alice Merrill Horne the President will talk about me, they will sing one of my songs. A very large company gathered at the Bee Hive House and it was something of an ordeal to shake hands with them all. In the evening a party was given at Annie’s the Cannon Farm house. All the Wells family and many of the Whitneys were present I had many beautiful gifts & many complimentary things were said, it was most flattering, and very enjoyable to have so many dear ones present. {p. 50}

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February 1904, 29 February 1904 • Monday, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1904/1904-02