April 1918

1 April 1918 • Monday

I did not go over to office until afternoon then Miss Addams walked over with me and saw our head quarters and registered in my book. She was bare headed and very natural in every way. Annie came up about 6.50 to help me dress for the dinner I wore my new grey crepe de chene dress. When I went in the dining room. The president of the Club showed me great honor and seated me next to Miss Addams and him self. Lyman & Em were at the dinner. Katharine stayed at night. [p. 91] {p. 93}

2 April 1918 • Tuesday

I gave Minie A. Meckle one of my books this morning. I went over to office and had lunch as usual at Z.C.M.I. Lucile Francke came over with me and spent a few moments in my room. It is a very stormy day Annie came in she had been to a meeting of The Library Board. Word came this morning that Grandma [Ann Emmett] Browning was dead. To day also is the funeral of Alonzo Young. but of course I could not go.

Belle came up and stayed at night. [p. 92] {p. 94}

3 April 1918 • Wednesday

This morning was the opening of our Relief Society conf. The first session was an officers meeting in the Bishop’s Building. Nearly all the stakes were represented and it was a very satisfactory meeting. I made an address of welcome and also spoke of the death of Sister Jennigs I then introduced Donetti [Donnette] Smith Kesler as the new member of the Genl Board. David Clayton’s funeral is today and Annie did not attend the afternoon meeting. Belle and Dot went to Ogden to the funeral of Sister Ann Browning. Ida came Belle stayed at night. [p. 93] {p. 95}

4 April 1918 • Thursday

Our regular conference was held to day and we had two long interesting sessions. The music was particularly fine. In the evening we held a musical and reception in the Bishop’s building which was quite successful Ida was here in the afternoon and had dinner with us. Belle stayed with me at night. I spoke about 40 minutes at the close of the conference.1 Sister Nibly took me a long Auto ride [p. 94] {p. 96}

5 April 1918 • Friday

I went early this morning to the regular general conf. & sat in my accustomed place both my counselors were also there. It was a very fine gathering of the people. Pres. Smith made the opening remarks. After the meeting I attended the concert by the choir at 3: it was the oratorio of Elijah. and very fine but I find at night I am very weary. Annie came up to stay at night. [p. 95] {p. 97}

6 April 1918 • Saturday

Went to conf. all day to day and enjoyed it very much The Genl Authorities were sustained and Richard R. Lyman was placed in the vacancy of the Council of the Twelve. caused by the death of Hyrum Smith, Belle came up to stay with me at night. I was very tired. [p. 96] {p. 98}

7 April 1918 • Sunday

I went to every meeting of the Conference two to day in the Tabernacle but after the afternoon meeting I went home with Bro [William W.] & Sister [Priscilla Jennings] Riter to dimer They bro’t me back to the hotel. where I found Katharine waiting, she had been to the S.S.2 union meeting in the Tabernacle. She stayed with me at night. [p. 97] {p. 99}

8 April 1918 • Monday

Katharine went off early to school and I stayed in the hotel all day until evening. Belle came up to stay and she helped me dress for the presidents party in the Bishop’s building I went to the party and had a very nice time In the morning there was a meeting about the State defense work. in the Hotel quite a large meeting and Clarissa presided.3 [p. 98] {p. 100}

9 April 1918 • Tuesday

I went over to see the doctor about my leg which is quite painful and in the evening Dr. Middleton and his wife came to see me. Katharine came up to stay at night. [p. 99] {p. 101}

10 April 1918 • Wednesday

Katharine went away as usual and I had a rather tiresome day.

Belle came over from Temple and stayed at night [p. 100] {p. 102}

11 April 1918 • Thursday

This morning at eleven we held a meeting of R.S. Y.L.M.I.A.4 & Primary stake & board presidents on the question of the Liberty Loan drive. It was quite an enthusiastic meeting. After the regular meeting of the Board where we transacted a good deal of business, making an appropriation of $15. for Bro [John F.] Fowler & the janitor among other things5 a number of us went down to Bro Jno McDonalds to a party give in remembrance of his father’s6 birthday. Came back to Hotel about eight Annie was here to stay at night. Read the paper and New West Magazine [p. 101] {p. 103}

12 April 1918 • Friday

Annie went out on some errands and when she came back Belle & Mrs Lillie [Foster] Sperry came in from the Temple. When Belle and Mrs Sperry went back Annie went over to the office with me then we went together to lunch in Z.C.M.I. This afternoon I attended a meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution Kate came over to the hotel with me Mrs Lizzie Crismon brought me a currant pie. It was very good. Mrs Kate Lena C. Fallis called also Brent. Belle stayed at night. [p. 102] {p. 104}

13 April 1918 • Saturday

Belle went home rather early and I went to office.

Katharine came to stay at night. [p. 103] {p. 105}

14 April 1918 • Sunday

Katharine left for Sunday School and later I went to Tabernacle. Mrs Maybelle T. [Thurman] Davis came over with me after the meeting.

Belle came to stay at night [p. 104] {p. 106}

15 April 1918 • Monday

To day is Arbor day and I do not care for holidays they are generally very lonesome After Belle went away I went up to see Susan and Kate. They made quite a fuss over me and I stayed all the afternoon and had dinner with them. Alfeles [Alfales] Youngs wife7 went with me from the car to the house she was very nice. Kate came home with me in the eveing Katharine came to stay at night [p. 105] {p. 107}

16 April 1918 • Tuesday

I had lunch <dinner> to day with Miss [Mary E.] Gardner, the lady who has charge of the type writing room. She lives in the Covey apartments and invited Belle and me and a Mis[s] Talmage We had a very nice time. Miss Jane Woodart and Miss Gardner live together and were very hospitable. We came back to Hotel in afternoon <Evening 10.30 PM> and Belle stayed at night David Keith died here in the hotel this morning. [p. 106] {p. 108}

17 April 1918 • Wednesday

Belle went to Temple and I went to office. Had lunch in Z.C.M.I. as usual I went with Mrs Lyman to luncheon at Mrs Hattie [Harriet Bennion] Harkers. She was entertainig the Friendship Club. at her daughters Mrs Preston [Mabel Harker] Cannon Alice Horne came home with me <They brought us in an Auto.> Annie brought a magazine and read to me until quite late. The stories now days are all about the war. Annie came up to stay at night. [p. 107] {p. 109}

18 April 1918 • Thursday

Belle <Annie> went over to Temple <home about ten> and I went to office. We had our regular Board meeting this afternoon. There were many things to attend to Among other things we voted to buy $500 dollars of liberty bonds from magazine money. There was a good attendance Mrs Matilda Frank of Canada came in evening to talk over matters pertaining to Temple Clothing. I made an appointment to take her up to see Julina and the R.S. temple clothing Belle came at night. [p. 108] {p. 110}

19 April 1918 • Friday

To day is Jno Q’s birthday I should like to have gone down but it is too far. Annie came in to see me in the afternoon She had been to the Hospital to see Mrs Cutler. Mrs Hunter–8 of Grantsville visited me this afternoon she had some aprons & caps she had made for the Temple. Donation. Mrs Matilda Frank had dinner with me in Z.C.M.I. Bishop Nibly came by and paid our bill. I went to a concert in Assembly Hall given by L.D.S. musical society Katharine came to stay at night. [p. 109] {p. 111}

20 April 1918 • Saturday

Katharine did not leave very early and I went over to the office for a little while then came back and got ready to go to Mr David Kieths funeral. I took a taxi. The funeral was held in the Presbyterian Church. Belle came up to stay with me at night. Mrs T. [Thomas] G. Webber called also Brent. Hattie Harker and Miss Rose Jones came and spent the evening. [p. 110] {p. 112}

21 April 1918 • Sunday

I went to the Tabernacle in the afternoon. It was the Liberty Stake conf. Rulon [S. Wells] was the principal speaker and he spoke very well. I went up to see Susan and Kate and stayed until time for the evening meeting Nett went with me to the 18th ward. and Mrs Julia [Morgan] Allen came down to the Hotel with me. Katharine came to stay at night. She was here when I came back. [p. 111] {p. 113}

22 April 1918 • Monday

Katharine left about 8.50 for school and later I went over to the office. In the afternoon I attended a meeting of the Daughters of Indian War Veterans It was a very nice meeting and there was good music. Seymour B. Young spoke and others. I was asked to give some reminiscences of the Indian Wars which I did.9 Belle came to stay at night Miss Jennie Beeching came and spent the evening. Dr Middleton came to see me to day [p. 112] {p. 114}

23 April 1918 • Tuesday

After Belle left I went over to office and Mrs Frank of Canada came to see me We went together to lunch at Z.C.M.I and then I took her up to the Red Cross head quarters and over to the Presidents office. I remained at office until about 6 then went out to dinner and from there back to Hotel. Annie came to stay at night and Mrs Elizabeth [Stevenson] Wilcox came to get notes for an article about me to give before the Daughters of Pioneers to morrow speaking of me as a historian. [p. 113] {p. 115}

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April 1918, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1918/1918-04


  1. [1]EBW’s closing address was transcribed in General Board Minutes, “General Sessions,” 4 Apr. 1918, 93–102.

  2. [2]Sunday School.

  3. [3]“The Woman’s State Council of Defense will meet at 10:30 a. m. today at the Hotel Utah, with the state chairman, Mrs. W. N. [Clarissa Smith] Williams, presiding. She has called this meeting to be attended by delegates from all the counties of the state and all the women’s various organizations of Utah as well. Reports of various kinds will be given and plans made for the national and state work.” (“Women to Discuss Plans of Defense,” Salt Lake Herald-Republican-Telegram, 8 Apr. 1918, 2.)

  4. [4]Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  5. [5]Minutes of the general board recorded, “Mrs. Lyman brought up the matter of making small money gifts to Brothers Fowler and Vilart. The wives of these brothers have both died recently after long illnesses, and the matter of financial assistance for them had been suggested by several members of the Board.” (General Board Minutes, 11 Apr. 1918, 105; see EBW, Diary, 13 Mar. 1918.)

  6. [6]John T. McDonald. (“McDonald, John Taaffee,” in Esshom, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, 1057.)

  7. [7]Ada Cottle Young. (“Alfales Young, 66, Newspaper Man, Is Dead at Home Here,” Salt Lake Herald, 31 Mar. 1920, [1].)

  8. [8]Probably Martha Hyde Hunter. (1920 U.S. Census, Grantsville, Tooele County, Utah, 119B; EBW, Diary, 12 Sept. 1895.)

  9. [9]“Mrs. Emmeline B. Wells, widow of General Daniel H. Wells, the latter being commander of the Utah state militia at the time of the Blackhawk Indian wars, gave many interesting reminiscences. An historical sketch of the Blackhawk wars was given by Dr. Seymour B. Young. He also turned over to the daughters the responsibility of decorating the graves of the veterans on Memorial day.” (“Encampment of Daughters Held,” Salt Lake Herald-Republican-Telegram, 23 Apr. 1918, 10.)