October 1875

1 October 1875 • Friday

Friday Sept. 3 Oct. 1. This is Maria Hall’s birthday she is forty to-day; it does not seem possible, yet it is true nevertheless. Mrs. Katie [Catherine Spencer] Young is thirty nine. it has been a lovely day. I have been very busy Em. is better and went to school this morning and Miss Cook paid her some money today. Joseph F. Smith and F. [Francis] M. Lyman arrived from their mission this evening.

2 October 1875 • Saturday

Saturday Oct. 2d. Today instead of yesterday is Katie Young’s birthday– Allie [Alice R. Young] got up a surprise party for her and presented her with the wreath of hair all went off favorably. Miss Cook called on me at the Office. we were very busy mailing papers. in the evening we had several callers Mr. Hendrie among others, [p. 36]

3 October 1875 • Sunday

Sunday Morning Oct. 3d. President [Ulysses S.] Grant arrived today all the Sunday Schools turned out to meet him: he was very courteous to them, and greeted them warmly, they were quite a large party, the city council went out to meet them and offer them the hospitalities of the city, but they had been forestalled by the Governor. The city is very quiet no demonstration not as much as if some person of less consequence had come, he comes on a very serious errand seemingly.1

4 October 1875 • Monday

Mon. Morn. <Oct. 4.> Mrs. [Elizabeth Anderson] Howard called on me before I was up and after hurriedly bathing and dressing I went with her to call upon Mrs. Kimball. she advised us to decorate the president’s car with flowers and fruits, after much running around and deliberation we accomplished partly what we wished to do, Miss Cook went to Mrs. Staines with Annie and fetched all they could from there. The president gave a public reception at two o’clock– afterwards he called upon Mr. [William] Jennings, and then repaired to the cars, we had decorated them somewhat, the word welcome over the looking glass in his private car was tastefully arranged; I was introduced first to Col. [General O. E.] Babcock, then to Mrs. President [Julia Dent] Grant, then to Mrs. Col. Fred. [Ida Honore] Grant then to Ex Sec. [Adolph E.] Borie and his niece afterwards to Gov Fair [John M. Thayer of Wyoming]. They were all very sociable we accompanied them to Ogden. the time passed quickly and we were agreeably entertained. Mrs. Pres. Grant was as gracious as she could possibly be, to the Mormon ladies, thanked us for our flowers. during the time they were in the Tabernacle hearing the big organ playing Mrs. Pres. Grant said to Br. Cannon she prayed but he must remember although she prayed for this people it was a methodist prayer. The courtesies exchanged between the President of the United States and our own President were of the most friendly character. [p. 37] no lady could bear herself more nobly and more courteously towards our people than Mrs. President Grant. altogether the visit is one of distinction and in many of its characteristics a very singular or remarkable one.

5 October 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. Oct. 5th, This is the day before Conference people are coming in all the time. Mrs. Harriet [Squires] Snow came into the office introduced herself paid in some money Lydia Ann went down to meet the folks but was disappointed

6 October 1875 • Wednesday

Oct. 6th. This is the 45th, semi-annual conference there are a great number of people from the different settlements Emmie and Louie went down to meet their father. Annie was not well enough; they all returned this evening all the company came in well and in good spirits, May [Wells] has come and Miss Peacock with her. from Manti. Mrs. [Emma Leywood] Monk from Spanish Fork has just arrived to spend the few days of conference with us. I went in to see my husband–

7 October 1875 • Thursday

Oct. 7th. Shut the office and went to meeting Mrs. Addison [Louisa Barnes] Pratt has come from Beaver to remain a month as our guest. received a letter from Prof. [Thomas] Dill of Cincinnati Mr. Hendrie came down in the evening

8 October 1875 • Friday

Oct. 8th. Attended conference all day had lots of visitors. good preaching and an excellent spirit prevailing great interest manifested by the people, in the new order.

9 October 1875 • Saturday

Oct. 9th, This is an unusually exciting day every thing seems moving, preaching up to the pressure of the prevailing influence. Theatre to night and Matinee this afternoon

10 October 1875 • Sunday

Oct. 10th, This was my wedding day twenty three years ago,2 the most peculiar wedding and the most singular remniscences associated with it, this is a lovely day the conference closed, it has been a most interesting one, we all feel benefitted and blessed [p. 38] by it, it will be long remembered by all of us.

11 October 1875 • Monday

Mon. Oct. 11th, This has been a tedious uninteresting day, at evening I expected to see my husband but did not consequently was much disappointed, an old acquaintance called upon me, Olsen from Cache Valley. the evenings are very lovely, the moonlight so soft and radiant: how glorious all nature seems at this particular season of the year when the soft glowing Indian Summer reigns over all the Earth. every thing seems to partake of its brilliant beauty and magnificence.

12 October 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. Oct. 12th. Another most fearfully exciting day for me, thinking constantly upon one certain subject which engrosses all my time and attention; takes from me all ideas of things which are immediately connected with my every day life and make my thoughts abstracted from what should occupy them. I spent the evening out and had a most delightful time.

13 October 1875 • Wednesday

Wednesday Oct 13th, Every thing has been pleasant to-day all the time my mind has been absorbed in my paper and its duties. Mother came to visit with Sister Pratt. Emma went to Wasatch at Beattie’s [Hampden Sidney Beatie]

14 October 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. Oct. 14. Hurry and bustle about the paper, trying to make up for lost time conference etc. my husband called on me a few minutes I was almost rude to him I was so hurried.

15–16 October 1875 • Friday–Saturday

Friday Oct. 15, Mellie has been ill all night and all day long Will had to remain at home Mrs. Olsen is there, I went down soon after noon staid a short time went for a nurse came back to the office had ever so many callers, Mr. Hendrie and several people, the dust is fearful. [p. 39] Went back to Mellie’s staid all night, had a most fearful time, got very much frightened, and suffered tortures in my feelings, baby3 was born a quarter past one, came home about 8 o’clock in the morning. went back directly; the baby was very bad and seemed unlikely to live by [but] afterwards revived considerably; Mellie is much easier, Emma went to the 14th, ward meeting, I staid in the office all day in the expectation of the paper coming out and got some about 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

17 October 1875 • Sunday

Sun. Oct. 17th. I could not get to meeting Lou. has been ill with a sore throat; I went down to Mell’s up to Mrs. Richards then to Mrs. Godbe’s then to see one particular friend, and returned early.

18 October 1875 • Monday

Mon. Oct. 18. This is a very pleasant day in the morning Mrs. [Sarah] Kimball called at the Office with Mr. Coles one of the Chicago Tribune men and hindered me considerably, we were mailing the papers Minnie [Permelia E.] Horne assisting me as Cornelia has gone to Bear Lake, I was invited to [William and Priscilla Paul] Jennings in the evening and also Em. and Ort. I went and invited Rolan [Rulon Wells] and Em May [Wells] also Miss Cook, to accompany us. We went and passed a very pleasant evening, was introduced to several gentleman and had some very pleasant conversation. On our way home we called at the oyster parlor where those who wished partook of them.

19 October 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. Oct. 19 Dot is three years old today Belle has made a children’s party for her, I have been too busy for anything; in the evening one of my teeth ached very much and I succeeded in getting it out– Annie went to a party in [p. 40] the 14th, Ward in honor of Br. [Martin] Lenzi–

20 October 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. Oct. 20. Mrs. <Hannah T. [Tapfield]> King called at the office we had a little chat. went down to Mellie’s and to Mrs. Bean’s. Em. has gone to the Wasatch she has an essay on society. Annie & Louie are both gone to Lizzie Young’s to a party.

21 October 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. Oct. 21. There is a surprise party at the other house in honor of May’s return and of Rulie and Junie going to on Missions, I was urged to attend by all parties particularly Louisa and Lydia Ann, they had a very pleasant time indeed dancing and supper toasts etc. all passed off pleasantly,

22 October 1875 • Friday

Friday evening Oct. 22. I was invited to the debate but could not attend Em. was indisposed and it was rather unpleasant weather,

23 October 1875 • Saturday

Sat. Oct. 23. Em. was taken very ill today seriously ill, it is very painful indeed to see one we love suffer so, and find no alleviation, she is a dear good girl and one who has many friends, and true ones too; it is always hard upon me when sickness comes because I have all the burden to bear alone, no outward help my husband is too much engrossed with public affairs to devote much time or even sympathy to his family, therefore the care and responsibility devolves upon the mother.

24 October 1875 • Sunday

Sun. Oct. 24. Emma has been very ill today Br. [Millin] Atwood came and administered to her, and made her some promises of being speedily restored; Rulie came to bid us good by he is going to Germany. we all love him so very much, he is so congenial to us, he seems as near to me as my own son, almost. the girls all wept when they parted with him. In the evening my husband came I was particularly glad to see him; he seemed more than usually attracted to me, yet he is always all kindness and caresses. [p. 41] he administered to Emma too and spoke feelingly and tenderly of her.

25 October 1875 • Monday

Mon. Oct. 25. Emma is still very ill, Br. [Levi] Richards and wife4 came down and we all administered to her again,5 she is really very seriously ill. Rulie did not go to-day as anticipated

26 October 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. Oct. 26. This morning the missionaries started Rulie among the rest, most of the family went as far as Ogden with him.6 Emma is not much better.

27 October 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. Oct. 27, Emma is some better she came down stairs towards evening, and when the Wasatch met she sustained her part of the programme very well; we had a most interesting and pleasant evening Mr. Honore amd Mrs. Kimball Chief Justice [Alexander T.] White’s son was here;7 he is a boy quite unsophisticated and seemingly childish.

28 October 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. Oct. 28. Emma went to school this morning and resumed her duties in the schoolroom, she is very pale and rather weak, but much better, and O we are all so grateful for it. I feel renewed in consequence. Mrs. Kimball called on me at the office in the evening a terrible fire broke out Friday on the block the Walker House is situated, it bu[r]ned in all nine buildings. it was a magnificent fire our house was light up as if it was one resplendent blaze. how terrific fire is, no power can restrain its ravages when once it is fairly started upon its course. the snow was coming down all the time.

29 October 1875 • Friday

Friday Oct. 29, this has been a wet disagreeable unpleasant morning, I met a very dear friend who was very sympathetic; I bought some overshoes, [p. 42] and a stove and pipe for the office I had it put up and all arranged. in the evening went up to the University to debate: took Mrs. Kimball and young White, we had a pleasant time, President Young was arrested today8

30 October 1875 • Saturday

Sat. Oct. 30. Sister Eliza came in and said she wanted our ladies to be represented at the centennial. she had been appointed as the president for some arrangement. we had many calls during the day mother came from the [Whitney] farm

31 October 1875 • Sunday

Sun. Oct. 31. I went to meeting took Mr. G. [George] Snider and sister Pratt. the missionaries talked; went down to see Mellie after meeting and found her comfortable but the babe not so well, called at Hannah’s to see Junie she invited me to go to Ogden with them, saw my husband a few minutes. came home found Junie had been to bid us good-by– several young ladies and gentlemen were here, having a social time. singing playing etc. after all were gone Mr. Hendrie came and sat some time with Emma and I. I am very weary and scarcely can write it is very late and a great exertion on my part.

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October 1875, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1870s/1875/1875-10


  1. [1]President Ulysses S. Grant was anxious to control political and social deviance in Utah. (Alexander and Allen, Mormons and Gentiles, 93.) EBW recorded social aspects of Grant’s visit. (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Oct. 1875, 4:76–77.)

  2. [2]According to archival records Emmeline Blanche Woodward Whitney married Daniel H. Wells in Salt Lake City on 18 October 1852. However, in her diaries EBW repeatedly remembers the date as 10 October 1852. (“Daniel Hanmer Wells,” FamilySearch, accessed 5 Oct. 2017, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/KWNR-6S1.)

  3. [3]Winnifred Isabel Woods.

  4. [4]Lula Greene Richards.

  5. [5]In the nineteenth-century church, women pronounced blessings of healing and comfort as needed on other women and on children, speaking in the name of Jesus Christ but without invoking priesthood authority. This was approved by early church leaders. (See Derr et al., First Fifty Years, xxiv–xxv; and EBW, Diary, 22 Aug. 1874 and 31 Jan. 1875.)

  6. [6]Missionary departures were reported in the Woman’s Exponent. (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Nov. 1875, 4:85.)

  7. [7]EBW announced the arrival of Justice Alexander White and his family in the Woman’s Exponent. (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Nov. 1875, 4:84.)

  8. [8]Judge Boreman reversed Judge Lowe’s previous dismissal of the Ann Eliza Webb alimony case. Because he was ill, Brigham Young was placed under house arrest. (“Young vs. Young,” Salt Lake Tribune, 30 Oct. 1875, 4; “Brigham’s Body Guard,” Salt Lake Tribune, 31 Oct. 1875, 4; Arrington, Brigham Young, 373.)