October 1895

1 October 1895 • Tuesday

This morning prepared my minutes for meeting of the Board of Directors,1 Mrs. Lucy B. [Bigelow] Young, M. I. Horne, Helena E. [Einerson] Madsen & E. J. Stephenson [Stevenson] called early and several others. The meeting convened at three o’clock a quorum were present– and some business was transacted. I sent a dispatch to Mary Lowe Dickinson in connection with Mrs. Taylor of the YL.N.M.I.A.2 in reference to Bull Fights Emmie [Sears] is still very ill, Belle & Dot made some calls today. I had my feelings very much hurt and it has happened so often, from the same person and without cause. I had a letter from Verona today wrote to Mrs. [Lavinia Bentley] Woolley St. George & Mrs. [Martha A.] Greenhalgh and several others. {p. 303}

2 October 1895 • Wednesday

Today I was to dine at the Knutsford with Miss Field but she had not returned from Park City and so I came back, the Denver & Montana singers are here for the Eiste[dd]fod, Welsh Concert to be held on the 4th 5th. & 6th. in the large Tabernacle. Mr. Wedgewood called on me– this afternoon he is from Omaha, Mrs. Bucker [Braker?] from Denver also– and I was introduced to a Polish Count–3 who is to call– went to the Executive meeting of the State Rep. Com. at 4. p.m. Preparations are being made for a Grand Parade on Saturday night at the Theatre– Hebe M. Wells is the conspicuous person the nominee for Govenor Spoke twenty five minutes {p. 304}

3 October 1895 • Thursday

Went early to the Assembly Hall– took copies of my paper to give away of August 15– and Sep. 1. & 15– hundreds of them Sister Zina presided I called the roll and took the minutes and read the previous minutes. George [T.] Benson made the prayer. Br. Ewing [Heinrich (Henry) F. Eyring] from Mexico was there– Afternoon we had Apostles [Francis M.] Lyman, [Heber J.] Grant J. H. Smith and F. D. Richards and Pres. Geo. Q. Cannon– there was a free concert in the theatre which made a difference in the attendance– 1/2 past four a meeting of officers and quite a number of serious questions came up– I am very weary with it all and do not know how to endure it & keep up {p. 305}

4 October 1895 • Friday

Conference begins today and the weather is simply charming and the city crowded with people– not much money stirring however only patronage for theatres and the like. The preaching today was from the twelve mostly. Meeting in Assembly Hall for some private teaching. I am getting things in shape for meeting on Monday and suffrage also. Have such a time to get accounts in shape. So much coming all at once, we feel it heavy the big ratification and parade must be a success and we all have to work for it. Meantime I have had word Mrs. DeVoe4 is coming and we must do something for her too {p. 306}

5 October 1895 • Saturday

Saturday people coming in and trading going on more than usual– tabernacle crowded. a number of people calling– asking questions political and so on– Dr. Pratt went with me to the depot to meet Mrs. DeVoe– we found her immediately– and took her to the office– Dr. Pratt offered to give her entertainment in her rooms. I took her to lunch at the Woman’s Exchange– we talked for some time, then Lucy [Augusta Rice] Clark came and took her out to see the sights. I went to the meeting in the Walker pavilion where I was to speak. Kate Field was present– Mrs. [Martha Foote] Campbell presided. Meeting was a success great parade commenced at 1/2 past seven– very {p. 307} elaborate– Meeting in the Theatre– we had tickets I took Sweetie– we stayed to hear Hebe– then went to the Grand Opera House and saw “Babies”– Louise had Des. News tickets she came and slept with me.

6 October 1895 • Sunday

Sunday Oct. 6. fifty one years since my baby Eugene died so very sad– I was not well we had breakfast together Louise and I. I went to Phebe Beaties’s to lunch Mrs. DeVoe was there and Aunt Zina & Dr. Pratt we went from there to the Lake to Saltair, Zina [Williams] Card went with us Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Clark Mrs. [Mary Ann Greenwood] White of Beaver and we had a nice time. Dined at Sister Fox’s and spent the evening– Mrs. DeVoe left on {p. 308} night train for Nevada–

7 October 1895 • Monday

This morning at ten went to the 14th. Ward– only a few delegates came– we had Miss Anthony’s letters read– and nominations made. Very unpleasant affair with Mrs. [Emily S.] Richards, who had made up her mind to have some changes made. I was deeply wounded, but said nothing. Went home at noon & had business meeting of the Relief Society at two the office very full of sisters– went at 1/2 past 4 to 14th. Ward and opened the Convention proper– Reports & Resolutions and nominations to be accepted– then came the struggle with the faction from the Country.5 I suffered very much in my feelings. and had quite a nervous chill. Dr. Pratt was very kind– {p. 309}

8 October 1895 • Tuesday

<lunched at the Knutsford> Count Myndorff and Mrs. Salisbury came to see me the Count gave me some white chrysanthemums– such beauties– he is to lecture in the Congregational Church on Russian Conditions next Tuesday. He has been a Polish exile to Siberia– Ann C. [Cannon] Woodbury and David Cannon are here and Annie gives a dinner party to the Cannon’s today– I am invited. George Q. Cannon & Carlie [Caroline Croxall Cannon], Angus [M. Cannon] & Nina Amanda [Ann Amanda Mousley Cannon] Abram [H. Cannon] & Nina [Wilhelmina Mousley Cannon], Mary Alice [Cannon] Lambert & Ann C. Woodbury David H. Cannon & son. Lewis [R. Cannon]– Lewis [M. Cannon] & Mamie [Mary Alice Hoagland Cannon]. A fine dinner and pleasant evening with conversation– enjoyed it very much Frank’s wife [Martha Brown Cannon] was there too. Br. Cannon leaves very soon for the East– {p. 310}

9 October 1895 • Wednesday

This is a full day and I have much on hand. At 4. p.m. Executive Ter. Meeting quite important Mrs. Salisbury Mrs. Pardee and myself present– I presented the matter of money for the Secretary and had the sum provided– Expenses of the parade Saturday night were considered– I had passed a very unpleasant day and felt very ill. Wrote a letter to Mell five pages– my heart is deeply wounded and my spirit grieved. I feel to rely upon the Lord only who is able to do all we need if we ask aright. I wish things did not hurt me so very much– I gave Dr Pratt a gold ring with amethyst today– {p. 311} <she had done a great deal for me–>

10 October 1895 • Thursday

Forty three years ago today since I was married to President Wells in the old house behind the wall. How much has transpired since that time of joy & sorrow– I went with Mrs. Woodbury to Mrs. Allen’s and then to Mrs. Salisbury’s and then looked for her on the street– succeeded at last– Edna [Wells Sloan] came over to ask me to appoint a Committee on Banner for Hebe’s drum corps– Aunt Zina came to see me– Mrs. Caine has been & Mrs. Dougall and Mrs. Card and others– Annie came up also I called at the President’s office6 to get some advice. Mrs. [Rebecca Beesley] Doolan started East today– {p. 312}

11 October 1895 • Friday

This morning was late– went to pay some bills– Mrs. [Sarah Ann Sanderson] Boyer from Spring ville came to see me– we talked of the two parties– I took her to lunch at the Woman’s Exchange– Aunt Zina came also Sister Jane S. Richards– Kindergarten in the afternoon– Edna and Dot went to see about the banner for Hebe’s Drum Corps– A charming day– Nett [Susan Annette Wells Culmer] came in to see me a few minutes– Mrs. Bathsheba Smith came also and paid dues for Salt Lake R.S. Stake Susan Grant & daughter came about Kaysville on the 18th. So much going on Republican City Convention yesterday [James J.] Glendenning nominated for Mayor– came home early, and had supper alone Letter today from Mrs. Upton {p. 313}

15 October 1895 • Tuesday

This morning left for Springville D. & R. G. W.7 morning train with Mrs. McVicker, had a pleasant time on the way weather specially fine. We were met at the depot by Mrs. Hugh [Mary Streeper] Dougall. We went to Mrs. Cooper’s Mrs. Hall & other ladies were there– we dined there & went to the City Hall to meeting, the hall was handsomely decorated for the occasion with autumn leaves and bunting flags in abundance. We both spoke had a good house. called on Mrs. Dougall several Gentile women present– had ice cream then supper at Mrs. [Sarah Williams] Cooper’s then to meeting again a very crowded house, Mayor [Lafayette] Holbrook of Provo was one of the speakers. we came home on late train I reached Waterloo 1/2 past 12 {p. 317}

16 October 1895 • Wednesday

<Went to Lula [Carlie Louine] Clawson’s wedding to Seymour [B.] Young–> This would be Winnie [Winnifred I. Woods]’s birthday 20 years old, no doubt Mell will remember and be sorrowful and yet one does not know, but she is far happier there than we are here.

Mr. Meyendorff called he lectured last night on the Russian Life and Siberian exile. I was very sorry I could not hear him. Went to the Executive meeting of the Central Committee, there was not a quorum present. The principal matters discussed were how to dispose of the newspaper men, and their schemes. I have had some annoyances about my name on the Ticket Democrats will make a point of it and so forth. I suppose there is really no alternative but to withdraw {p. 318}

17 October 1895 • Thursday

The folks are talking of President [Daniel H.] Wells Birthday June [Junius Wells] has been here almost all day long– talking of that and Republicanism– I am thoroughly worried about my resignation I believe it is wrong– and am doing it against my own better & <best> judgment– I do not believe it would really affect the party or statehood or cut any figure in the matter whatever, and I think moreover I have a right to be elected to the Legislature– as also other women– I yield unwillingly to the pressure brought to bear against the name of women on the Ticket– There is quite an excitement over what was said at Conference in reproof of men who go ahead without counsel & accept positions8 {p. 319}

18 October 1895 • Friday

Another charming day Annie has been up and as usual is worried about me– I am so sorry she feels as she does about my political position. I have been working very hard for the paper to get it on the press. Pearl is very indifferent– I have great responsibility with such poor help. [Isaac] Trumbo & wife9 and [Charles] Crane with Lee Fairchilds are out campaigning– Mrs. Trumbo will recite on occasions she says. June has been out with Judge [Charles W.] Bennett. Hebe is out all the time with [Clarence E.] Allen & Frank Cannon I went to Annie’s to dinner and had a nice time, Louise came home with me & slept here– {p. 320}

19 October 1895 • Saturday

This is Dot’s birthday and I am trying at the letter to the Committee all morning was hindered, the paper is out– finally succeeded in formulating my letter and at last sent it off by a messenger Dot went to the matinés– I had dinner at Belle’s Sep was there and Will– I gave Dot a five o’clock silver tea spoon Belle gave her a handsome comforter of some fine material tied with ribbon Will [Buchholz] gave her a gold bracelet George Brasstow gave her some large and beautiful Chrysanthemums. I came home and did some writing– Will & Dot came over and Sep– we had a little music– it was a beautiful day– {p. 321}

20 October 1895 • Sunday

The letter I wrote yesterday was very important–10 I did not do it without very great consideration and advice– likewise nevertheless I think my own judgment was best– and that was I should maintain the position– and make a test of the principle of woman’s equality, and see how successful I could be in the election. I wrote in the morning and went to the Tabernacle Lorenzo Snow preached. Came home and had dinner– then went to the Eighteenth Ward in the evening Bishop Whitney preached– I enjoyed it very much– I did some writing after coming home and had a miserable night– could not sleep {p. 322}

21 October 1895 • Monday

All day I have been restless and felt like being out of doors. Wrote some letters and sent off some more material to Theron R. Woodward for the genealogy and found myself– invited to Sister [Laura Hyde] Miners when it was too late to go– Aunt Zina had been in and had seen Annie– Dot had gone up to Edna’s to help arrange the verses in the Bouquet of Beauty for the little ones– at evening I went up to June’s and Annie & John Q. came and most of the family– Martha [Harris Wells] Lydia Ann [Alley Wells] & Hannah [Free Wells] and Rule [Rulon S. Wells]– Jode [Joseph S. Wells]– Lyde [Eliza Free Wells] Emeline [Young Wells] and Edna [Wells Sloan]– we decided on November 1. and Oct. 31. for the Temple work {p. 323}

22 October 1895 • Tuesday

This is the Democratic Convention– reconvened it seems very unusual proceeding and much excitement– it is a cold dreary day– and not at all favorable– to good feeling I have seen several country delegates who are quite excited over the way things seem. I understand Mrs. Edna L. Smith is quite wild– and was even rude in the Convention, I hope it is not true. Talked with Aunt Zina today about the celebration in New York for Miss [Susan B.] Anthony she told me– Mrs. [Jane S.] Richards had gone to the East with Br. Franklin D. and possibly might be there– I wrote to Elder Samuel Richards about the affair {p. 324}

23 October 1895 • Wednesday

This is a lovely day, too fine for any one to stay in the house– went to Mrs. Salisbury’s to make a call– she was going out to a card party– had just a few minutes talk with her and came away– had a letter today from Mrs. Woolcott [Edith Prescott Wolcott] of Dedham Mass. regretting the Woman’s Congress not being held here– the Executive meeting at 4 o’clock was long and tedious– came home not feeling well at all and after reading and writing for some time I went to bed– but not to sleep only to read & read– I am reading Horace Chase– a story by Constance Fenimore Cooper [Woolson]– I cannot see the moral if it has one {p. 325}

24 October 1895 • Thursday

<Mrs. Sharp told me today of Br. [Charles Roscoe] Savage’s marriage11> This morning felt very languid and weak and scarcely able to get up– finally succeeded in getting off– a letter from Susa [Young Gates] about the Ballot Box we are having made for the birthday of Miss Stanton [Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton]– Br. [John T.] Hardy, is dead– also Sister Emma [Green] Bull– which gave me quite a shock. Dr. Barney has been going over some of her old grievances to me– today– I helped Dot with the mailing, stayed late at the office. Had some talk with Gov. Thomas– about my resigning from the Ticket, he thinks I made the mistake of my lifetime by doing it so does Arthur Brown, Marcellus Woolley Mr. Sears & lots of others– Had a letter from Lavinia Woolley {p. 326}

25 October 1895 • Friday

Had a very busy day and at 2.15 went out to the Lake to Saltair with a party from the East Mr. Manley of Maine wife and daughter Miss Sydney Manley–12 friends of James G. Blaine Mr. & Mrs. Salisbury were of the party also Mr. Walker & wife Mrs. Salisbury’s brother– Mrs. Pardee was with me– George Q. Cannon President Woodruff wife and daughter– Joseph F. Smith Geo. M. Cannon Heber J. Grant, Col. [Nephi W.] Clayton & others. We had a good time– in the evening went to the theatre with Louise to see a Contented Woman– {p. 327}

26 October 1895 • Saturday

<Republican <Woman’s> parade 2 miles long–> This morning went off by an early train to Springville– Dot went with me– also Mrs. McVicker– We drove to the Boyer Hotel. Spent the day in Springville called at several places. At evening drove over to Mapleton where we held meeting– house handsomely decorated & well-lighted. Glee club and band in attendance. Mrs. McVicker was the first speaker. I spoke last but much more at length. We had an attentive audience and a full house– drove to Springville by moonlight a glorious night. took train for home on board was Mrs. [Mary Jane Johnson] Eakle who had died at Lehi– husband,13 daughter & Sister it was very sad, came home quite exhausted– {p. 328}

27 October 1895 • Sunday

This is the anniversary of D. H. Wells birthday, but it will not be kept today– except as each one does it separately. I rested this morning after my hard day yesterday & coming home on 12. midnight street car– reaching here about 1/2. past 12. Belle and myself went to Sister [Caroline Peckham] Seddon’s funeral in the 6th ward. She looked very calm and peaceful– and one could not help feeling she had entered into her rest.

Came home and wrote some letters– went up to Annie’s afterwards and came home tired and did some reading– went over to see Mr. Sears, he goes away in the morning campaigning– I did finish reading Horace Chase by Constance {p. 329} <Fenimore Woolson>

28 October 1895 • Monday

<Mr. Sears left for Logan> This morning went early to the office and began work– Went to the Knutsford to see Kate Field found her quite miserable with a cold, she expects to leave the day after election, for Honolulu– I do not think she will ever return. Club meeting in the afternoon– very few attended as it was a Democratic meeting in the afternoon. At five o’clock went to Sister [Elizabeth DuFresne] Stevenson’s to her wedding Anniversary, About 50 people present– Joseph F. Smith & Julina [Lambson Smith]– there were thirteen at the table where I sat at dinner. Joseph F. spoke very decidedly upon the political situation became very emotional I spoke a few minutes– the only woman who did speak {p. 330}

29 October 1895 • Tuesday

Making preparations to go to the Temple tomorrow– Went down to Annie’s Elizabeth [Jane Jarrold] Hider Free (Aunt Betsy) died today at Hiram Kimball’s in the 5th. Ward. She is 86 years old– I have written my editorial tonight– Sep is here and went to bed early I am reading Jane Field by Miss [Mary E.] Wilkins–John [Edward] Callister died on Sunday he was a printer– there is a scare in Idaho again this time at Mullen [Mullan, Idaho]– Union men making the disturbance– One never knows how those things will terminate– it is very exciting. {p. 331}

30 October 1895 • Wednesday

Went to the Temple early about fifteen of the family were there. Martha Lydia Ann Susan & myself– Junius & Joseph Emily Nett & Frank, Jote14 Mrs. Finch & sister and daughter & husband15 and one or two others. Went home with Martha to lunch– then down to see Sister Sarah M. Kimball who is very sick– letters from C. C. Catt. & H. T. Upton. Maggie Y. [Young] Taylor was married to Gideon Gibbs today in the Temple– Have been going over my very old diaries tonight. political matters are very exciting at present– {p. 332}

31 October 1895 • Thursday

Went early to the office then over to Headquarters saw Mrs. Pardee & George M. Cannon– got a check for Dot– had a letter from Kate Bond16 containing receipt for money– Mrs. Salisbury came up to see me– and we met afterwards on the street had some talk about private matters– lunched at Woman’s Exchange Miss Field called brought me some Chrysanthemums– there has been an earthquake in St. Louis Chicago and other cities. I have been writing on my story– and reading my poem of the birthday 1890– also reading in my book Jane Fields by Miss Wilkins a New England Story very pitiful {p. 333}

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October 1895, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1895/1895-10


  1. [1]The board of directors of the National Woman’s Relief Society, which held its general meeting on 3 October 1895. (EBW, “Relief Society Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Oct. 1895, 24:68–69; EBW, Diary, 27 Apr. 1898.)

  2. [2]Young Ladies’ National Mutual Improvement Association.

  3. [3]“Mr. M. A. Meyendorff, a Polish exile, and patient who is sojourning in this city for a short time, is arranging to give a lecture here on Russian prisons and life in Siberia.” (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Oct. 1895, 24:59; EBW, Diary, 8 Oct. 1895.)

  4. [4]Emma Smith DeVoe (1848–1927) worked as a suffrage organizer in 1895. Originally from Illinois, she also campaigned in Dakota Territory, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington state. (Arksey, “DeVoe, Emma Smith (1848–1927),” HistoryLink.org.) At the 1897 NAWSA Convention, EBW’s daughter Mell C. Woods paid tribute to DeVoe for helping the women organize suffrage associations in Idaho. (Anthony and Harper, History of Woman Suffrage, 4:283–284.)

  5. [5]Nellie M. Little, “Utah W.S.A.,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Oct. 1895, 24:66.

  6. [6]Wilford Woodruff.

  7. [7]Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad.

  8. [8]In an address to priesthood leaders on 7 October 1895, Joseph F. Smith of the First Presidency rebuked an apostle and a member of the First Council of the Seventy (without giving their names) for accepting nominations to high political office without consulting with the church presidency. That same month, President Wilford Woodruff released a statement to the press affirming that the church separated religion and politics but insisting that individuals holding prominent positions in the church should consult with their ecclesiastical leaders before accepting political nominations or new duties. At the general conference on 6 April 1896, a “political manifesto” based on President Woodruff’s press release was read to the membership of the church. (Cannon, Journal, 7 Oct. 1895; 5 and 6 Apr. 1896; Alexander, Things in Heaven and Earth, 312–315; “New Manifesto Issued,” Salt Lake Herald, 7 Apr. 1896, 1.)

  9. [9]Lydia White Trumbo. (“Town Talk,” Salt Lake Herald, 11 May 1898, 8.)

  10. [10]EBW withdrew her name as Republican candidate for representative in the state legislature. (“Mrs. Wells off the Ticket,” Salt Lake Tribune, 20 Oct. 1895, 5; see Madsen, Advocate for Women, 326.)

  11. [11]C. R. Savage, noted Salt Lake City photographer, married Annie Smith Clowes, a widow, as his fourth wife. (“Savage, Charles Roscoe,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 3:708–711.)

  12. [12]Joseph H. Manley was a member of the Republican National Committee on his way to San Francisco. (“J. H. Manley of Maine,” San Francisco Call, 29 Oct. 1895, 5.) In the 1880 U.S. Census for Augusta, Maine, page 88B, Sydney was listed as one of four children in the family of Joseph H. and Susan C. Manley.

  13. [13]Henry Kennedy Eakle. (Hatch, “Henry Kennedy Eakle,” 2, 6.)

  14. [14]Family of Daniel H. Wells at this temple session included wives Martha Harris Wells, Lydia Ann Alley Wells, Susan Alley Wells, and EBW; and children Junius F. Wells, Joseph S. Wells, Emily Wells Grant, Susan Annette Wells Culmer, Frances L. (“Frankie”) Wells, and Josephine (“Jote”) Beatie Wells.

  15. [15]Likely Malinda Gamble Finch; her sister, Orphia Gamble Glanding; Malinda’s daughter, Emma Jane Finch; and Emma’s husband, Alva Butler. (“Malinda Jane Gamble,” FamilySearch, accessed 30 Apr. 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/242T-TMY; “Alva Butler,” FamilySearch, accessed 30 Apr. 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/KWCQ-5C1.)

  16. [16]“Kate Bond New York.” (EBW, Diary, 1895, Memoranda, 399.)