July 1891

1 July 1891 • Wednesday

<Sent off my letter to Sister Richards in Ogden–> This morning I was up in good time had lots of strangers, expected to go to Cottonwood but could not get away. A letter from Mell today, Kate May & Lyde have been in to see me. Helen has been too and Ort it is his birthday, born in 1855. He came to read me his sketch of his father and grand father Whitney, prepared for the genealogy of the Whitneys. I have read all my first proofs for the paper except one, and have written letters to Rachel Foster Avery, to Mary F. Seymour, to Augusta J. [Joyce] Crocheron, to Clara B. Colby to ask her to send addressed to me 3 copies of the “Strike of a Sex.” also National Bulletins 30 cts. worth for all of which I paid in stamps. I read a little while afterwards but was very nervous and could not sleep– [p. 212] {p. 209}

2 July 1891 • Thursday

This morning I really was not able to get up, but felt compelled to on account of the paper going to press, had all the second proofs to read, several people called upon me, and I let the money go today to Nathan Sears with security, proper– It has been a very hot sultry day and I have felt quite miserable. Lydia Ann, Kate[,] Frank[ie] have been in to see me, and several strangers. Josie is making up the paper and she is always nervous at such times. This evening I have tried to write and copy Vilate Kimballs biography for the Juvenile,1 did a few pages wrote to Mrs. [Julia Murdock] Farnsworth and sent off some receipts [p. 213] {p. 210}

3 July 1891 • Friday

This morning Sister Richards came from Ogden and stayed all morning, I promised to go with her to Sister Horne, and I had lots of errands to do besides, but managed to get there and keep my promise to her. We had a pleasant call and then we went together to the Post Office and then I prepared to go to Ogden, the paper is out, and I really ought to stay at home and work but must go to Annie & the children; Arrived safe found all well only Annie so tired just giving the little ones their baths, her girl had not returned and she had been all the week without help. We had a pleasant evening I helped a little with baby [p. 214] {p. 211}

4 July 1891 • Saturday

Last night the noise of cannons and bells began in good earnest, though we were not so near the cannons as we are when at home. Annie was up early and dressed the little girls Louise was in white with a basket of flowers and wreath on her head, Margaret was in green tarleton with wreath on her head and bouquet of roses in her hand, they both looked charming John Q. took them down to the Float. John Q. Annie Geo. Q. Daniel & baby with myself all went to see the parade. It was quite a grand one; afterwards we walked home and soon after Pompey the beautiful dog, went into convulsions and died in about two hours. When Q. came in he cried bitterly [p. 215] {p. 212}

5 July 1891 • Sunday

We are all tired today especially Annie who hardly had any sleep the children were so restless, but we managed to get through breakfast someway or other and Annie felt a little better after a good bath. Katie [Clark] the girl came back and then we were all very glad. We had a nice dinner and ice-cream and cake & strawberries– and John Q. got a carriage and took me to the train and the little ones came along. He was going to take Annie & the children out for a ride. I found all safe at home and Emma and her beau were both in. I was alone during the evening. It is Edna Wells birthday 22. Ort & Zine have another son2 born July 3rd– there were no letters for me as I expected. [p. 216] {p. 213}

6 July 1891 • Monday

Rose very late felt very ill, Sister Crocheron came early and stayed long, Sisters Howard & Raleigh both came and spent part of the day. Sister Stevenson called, Kate, Miss Osburn, and several others. Mr. Libby a stranger came & took an inside view of the Office with a Kodak. Sister Crocheron and Alden3 were here. I have been trying to do a little of my mailing Had a sweet letter from Ruby Lamont4 and one from Emily [Bush] Spencer and such a sweet poem from A. J. C. [Augusta Joyce Crocheron] addressed to me.5 I am here a lone as usual tonight Emma has gone to bed. These are tiresome days Politics are all the rage at present only 3 weeks or so to the August election [p. 217] {p. 214}

7 July 1891 • Tuesday

This is Rulon Wells birthday, he is 37 today. A grand young man and one bound to succeed in making a mark in life. I went by invitation with Sister M. I. Horne to attend the see the First Presidency in reference to the Incorporation of the Relief Society as a whole or in Counties. After some free expression of opinions with Presidents Cannon & Smith, (Pres. Woodruff was not present) we were referred to the Church lawyers. [Franklin S.] Richards, [LeGrand] Young, [James H.] Moyle and Lieut [Richard W.] Young, we went and saw Richards who spoke of both Incorporation or an Association with Constitution & by-laws. Joyce [Catherine Joy] Young 8 years old died today of diphtheria– oldest child of Bid [Brigham S.] & Lottie [Charlotte Claridge] Young– [p. 218] {p. 215}

8 July 1891 • Wednesday

I have had no sleep for the last two nights worth mentioning and yet have not been sleepy through the day– pain in my back and under my heart– but the cause of my not sleeping was not from pain. I have worked hard at the mailing these two days and feel weary; tonight Mr. Coffmon of the Denver R.R. and his mother called upon me, she seemed to know a great deal about our people said she lived near Nauvoo when young. Her home now is in Cincinnati. Some other strangers called today, the lady quite agreeably surprised to find us intelligent. I have had no word from Belle for such a time. And not much from any of them. Very warm today and to night quite cool [p. 219] {p. 216}

9 July 1891 • Thursday

Last night I finished 11½ pages of manuscript of Vilate Kimball’s biography for the Juvenile. took it over today– slept less last night than any time– this morning was invited to go to a Meeting in Farmer’s Ward at Sister Margaret [Gray] Peart[’]s. Sister Howard was here and I took her along with me, went on the street car, had a pleasant time. Sisters Horne & Kimball were there also Dr. Barney, and the local sisters. Sister Emma [Smith] Woodruff presided, Sarah Jane and Caroline [Croxall] Cannon were there. Sister Howard was the first speaker then Sister Horne. and Kimball Dr. Barney & myself Refreshments were served after & social conversation followed. I have been much wrought upon today in my feelings [p. 220] {p. 217}

10 July 1891 • Friday

This has been a tiresome day, have not accomplished very much, Sister Howard was here doing hospital work. Dr. Pratt called and Sister Wilcox and Spencer. I am very anxious to hear from Annie as I fully expected Q. down this week and he has not come. Sister [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber called on me today, she told me she had been in twice before since Pres.Wells death. I wrote to Aunt Zina tonight sent her a copy of the letter to the Executive meeting and also sister Widerborg’s letter, to her of May 19. Wrote also to Sister Sarah G. [Griffith] Richards who is very ill. I have a letter commenced to Mell, which I must finish as soon as I can. Feel very unsettled tonight. [p. 221] {p. 218}

11 July 1891 • Saturday

Finished my letter to Mell and sent it away, have been just rushing my work all I possibly could to get away to Ogden, feel so uneasy about the folks, up there. Have seen Ort today in fact he came in I went with Dr. Pratt and Sarah M. Kimball to assist in Washing & Anointing Jessie Penrose Jones, who is in a delicate condition and has had two or three miscarriages. We had prayers at first and then I did the Washing and Sister Kimball anointed and Dr. Pratt sealed and confirmed the anointing, then we all drove down to Mina [Wilhelmina Mousley] Cannon’s and there I saw Annie’s dear home– [p. 222] {p. 219}

12 July 1891 • Sunday

At six o’clock <last evening> I took the Union Pacific train for Ogden, and arrived late–spent the evening with Annie, she informed me Belle’s girls would all be here on Tuesday morning. It was quite unexpected to me. Sunday we had a nice day and I came down home on the D & R.G. train John Q. took me to the depot. I took Annie’s valise to go to Manti with, but could not expect to start until I have seen the girls. This6 Went up to see Zina and stayed to see the baby blest– named Charles Byron. [p. 223] {p. 220}

13 July 1891 • Monday

Have been working hard to-day and am very tired but even then cannot do all I wish to– never do what I think I can it is not possible– how long I shall be in this dear old house I know not. Here where my husband has been and spent so many happy hours with me, happy as they could be in consideration of circumstances, intellectual feasts upon poetry and kindred topics. He appreciates the beautiful in intellect and in soul, more than any one I know of– and it is that which draws me to <him.> [p. 224] {p. 221}

14 July 1891 • Tuesday

So much to do that it seems scarcely possible to get ready for Ogden and Manti both. The meeting at the Deseret Hospital occurs today. I have all my minutes & report ready. Hurried and went to the meeting, Lydia D. Alder came and went with me, talked all the time of what Pres. Wells had said to her. Went down to the meeting and found no one there– Finally Sister Horne came and we stayed awhile & came away together. She came in with me and I went off to Ogden almost immediately. [p. 225] {p. 222}

15 July 1891 • Wednesday

This morning I went over to see Sister Jane S. Richards. Last night I went up to see Belle’s children. Isabel, (Dot) Lucile & Emma, how the last two have grown, I stayed all night, the girls went to the Fair. They think their mother will soon be here. Elise [Gasser] will come down to stay with me. I came home on the ten o’clock train and Heber Grant brought me up from the depot in his buggy. I made all preparations for going bought me a new white wrapper. and stayed up all night to get my editorial written & proofs read– [p. 226] {p. 223}

16 July 1891 • Thursday

This morning packed off to the train and started for Manti, weather fine and no hindrances on the way stopped to Provo for dinner– at Thistle waited for train changed cars there– Sister Evans of Lehi and her daughter were enroute– Journey tiresome latter part of the way because of being crowded and my being worn out with overwork– fields lovely and green and wheat beautiful, new mown hay etc. everything pleasant. Went direct to the Temple Hotel and found it so very lonely without Pres. Wells. They gave me his room however the one he occupied last and from which he came to the City to die. where I last stayed with him when there. [p. 227] {p. 224}

17 July 1891 • Friday

Many were the peculiar feelings and emotions of my heart in meditating on the scenes which had transpired there. I slept towards morning however & rose in time to go to the Temple– saw Br. Lund & told him my errand was baptized for my health– by Elder [Thomas] Higgs and blessed by Anton H. Lund the Scandinavian Apostle– Then Sister [Minerva White] Snow and Willardson were so kind to me– had a cup of tea brought into the wash room for me, and I was attended to so– exclusively. Sister Keller washed & Sister Lowrie anointed me for and in behalf of Dinah Maria Mulock7 I went through the house and kept with Sister Snow all the way– [p. 228] {p. 225}

18 July 1891 • Saturday

After going through the vail, I was not kept waiting and went into the room for adoptions. there I stood for two families to be adopted to Pres. Wells, I acting for the female line.8 I felt it a privilege & blessing. Then I received a [2 words redacted relating to a temple ordinance] for my mother Deiadama Hare Kimball Br. Adam Craigg Smith [Adam Craik Smyth] standing for Heber C. Kimball It was glorious indeed and is a great relief to me. This took place on the 17th of July. Rode home with the Temple hands and went to see Sister [Rebecca Coolidge] Wareham. She has to go on crutches has broken her leg but <it> is getting better now. Afterwards went up to see the Temple by moon light– it was grand in the extreme. [p. 229] {p. 226}

19 July 1891 • Sunday

Saturday came home, had a tiresome journey found Elise here. Had met Mr. & Mrs. Blank[e] <at the Hotel was with them> on the way home– Found the paper had not come off the press yet– went up to see Cal. & baby she was not at home found her at Emeline’s. This morning tried to get a good rest after the excitement of the week. Elise went to Brighton to see her brother and I stayed at home to get some rest and think over the events of the last four days. In the evening Elise came and we has several callers and I wrote some things. [p. 230] {p. 227}

20 July 1891 • Monday

This morning letters came saying Belle would be here on Tuesday, which surprised me very much indeed, but I set to work to prepare for it. The paper went to press and we set to work mailing Elise, Emma & myself– We did all in our power and I made every preparation for Belle’s arrival. Sent message to Annie etc. So many things to hinder all day long and so near the 24th, of July too. Mrs. Blanke came over and we had other callers and many hindrances, yet withal I tried to persevere and get ready for my dear children. [p. 231] {p. 228}

21 July 1891 • Tuesday

This morning I set off to the D. & R.G. train but Belle, Sep and boys arrived too soon and reached here while I was running after them. It seemed so disappointing that she should always be left to come home alone. When she returned from Chicago it was the same, here she came with a new baby9 born away that we had never seen and alone at night– now again after five years absence from the city, a similar occurrence She looks better than I expected and the children are well Sep has grown very tall, the girls are still in Ogden– [p. 232] {p. 229}

22 July 1891 • Wednesday

Belle is very tired and feels the heat very much indeed, she is very pleased to get home to me and the folks, but there are many things not quite so pleasant. Mr. Sears is still in San Francisco– she is look for a house, must have a large one for so many in family. Elise is waiting on us some and Emma– Dot came down and helped with mailing etc. How strange it seems to have some one of my own after such a lonely time. Geo. Q. is still at the Farm with his grand father’s folks. Sep is very restless, wants to get into work, will try to go into the Store of Br. Browning’s. The folks begun to call on Belle & she seemed glad to see every one. [p. 233] {p. 230}

23 July 1891 • Thursday

Preparations for the 24th are in progress– though it is likely to be quiet– the labor people are <going to> celebrateing in their way and many clubs & crowds are going to the Lake– Belle has been house hunting and I have helped her all I could. The children seem very good and happy and we are all right, Mr. Sears will soon be here and it seems so uncertain what he will do. Ort & Zine came and took Belle and myself out for a ride and we enjoyed it very much; indeed of going to the most desirable places we went to look after houses. The evening was very fine indeed bright, fairy moonlight and we stayed out as long as we wished it Zine is splendid company [p. 234] {p. 231}

24 July 1891 • Friday

So strange not to have any real demonstration but we must conform. I went away up into the 11th Ward to inquire about houses and passed Mrs. Salisbury’s and asked when she was expected to return. The gentleman who was to show us the houses called and I had quite an interesting conversation with him. We had a nice family dinner and pleasant evening. Nothing could be more satisfactory than to be together on a holiday after such a long separation the children are well Belle is very anxious to get to housekeeping, here we are very much crowded up and weather so hot and no place for children to play– [p. 235] {p. 232}

25 July 1891 • Saturday

Horace [K.] Whitneys birthday and a very hot sultry one here it is dusty in the extreme. Belle feels the heat so much we are still looking at houses not anything she quite likes, must have plenty of bedrooms with so many children and needs many conveniences that she is not likely to find here. She is very weary and the weather is quite exhausting for her. She seems so glad to get back and see her old friends and acquaintances. O if there were no sorrows or troubles or trials in this world how happy we might all be. Unfortunately it is not so & we are left to mourn– [p. 236] {p. 233}

26 July 1891 • Sunday

I went to the Tabernacle and took Dot with me. I felt so glad to have her once more– Belle would have gone but Mr. Sears is expected hourly and wants her to meet him in Ogden which she will not be able to do. She had expected to do so but things have not turned to favor it. Sep has an idea of going to work for the Browning’s of Ogden in their store here in Salt Lake. I hope he will as it will be better for him to have steady employment– Dot will help me and I shall be very glad to have one of my own <with me.> [p. 237] {p. 234}

27 July 1891 • Monday

Belle has commenced in earnest to get her things in and as Mr. Sears came last night– he has gone up and will help arrange if he can stay there without exciting suspicion. I supposed he had positively decided before coming not to go to her house, and make any sort of venture but he seems to be unable to keep away. Belle has done so much for him and kept him along in one way and another he is at a loss to do without her now, and it is very hard indeed for her to have him coming privately– [p. 238] {p. 235}

28 July 1891 • Tuesday

We were all invited to Lydia Ann’s to dinner Belle is in the middle of unpacking and Mr. Sears is here and very unhappy and of course that hinders Belle. It has been raining all day too which makes it more unpleasant still. Dot Em Lucile and myself went up at last and we had such a fine dinner. Dot and the young folks had a great deal of fun, things passed off pleasantly and they spent the evening though I came home as Elise & the children were here, and also Emma Kofod, it rained all night long very hard and the mud was very disagreeable and with such a house full it was not very nice [p. 239] {p. 236}

29 July 1891 • Wednesday

Belle’s house is topsy turvey, she does not know how to get all the things in and the weather is so hot for them, they are accustomed to a more even climate– Mr. Sears stays here some of the time and that is better– We shall have one of the folding beds in the parlor for him so he can stay whenever he likes. Mr. [John E.] Pilcher is here from St. Louis. has been over to see us, seems as friendly as ever and even more so– Belle was very much pleased to see him, of course he has been a good friend to her. [p. 240] {p. 237}

30 July 1891 • Thursday

This is Sweetie’s birthday and I sent her a telegram and a pink silk dress, She is to have a party it is her seventh birthday and she is getting quite knowing and intelligent, can play pretty will [well] and sing a little and is a most interesting child The weather is very hot She had a children’s party and wore herself completely out– as she is very nervous and excitable– she thoroughly enjoys company and is very fond of entertaining but gets over-excited at times. Her childhood seems to be a very happy one and she is almost adored by her parents and friends she is really quite an extra<ordinary> [p. 241] {p. 238}

31 July 1891 • Friday

Belle is getting moved into her house and working so very hard Sep is helping her and the children are all busy trying to get things straightened. The house has a charming view of the entire city; one can see to the point of the mountain, the sunset on the Lake and to the South the entire stretch of Cottonwood Sandy etc. and at night it is grand in the extreme. The City looks like a fairy picture dotted all over with electric lights, etc. Out on the balcony out of Dot’s room is the beautiful view; it is worth walking up there to see– [p. 242] {p. 239}

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July 1891, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1891/1891-07


  1. [1]EBW’s “Heroines of the Church: Vilate Murray Kimball” appeared in Juvenile Instructor, 15 July 1891, 26:447–450; 15 Aug. 1891, 26:506–508; 1 Sept. 1891, 26:540–542; 15 Sept. 1891, 26:561–563; 15 Nov. 1891, 26:682–685.

  2. [2]Charles B. Whitney.

  3. [3]Perhaps Lydia Dunford Alder, an officer in the Utah Territorial Woman Suffrage Association. (See Anthony and Harper, eds., History of Woman Suffrage, 4:940.)

  4. [4]Ruby Lamont was the pen name of Maria Miller Johnson of Circleville.

  5. [5]Augusta Joyce Crocheron, “To a Friend,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1891, 20:9.

  6. [6]text: “This” begins an incomplete thought. The following sentence appears in darker ink, as if written at a different time.

  7. [7]EBW was baptized by proxy for Dinah M. Mulock in the Logan temple on 29 November 1887.

  8. [8]For an explanation of the practice of adopting adults to notable persons, see EBW, Diary, 3 Apr. 1891, footnote.

  9. [9]E. Brenton Sears.