December 1913

22 December 1913 • Monday

1Yesterday was my mother’s2 birithday anniversary the very shortest day in all the year, Louis [R.] Wells was born on that d[a]y he was 51 yr.3 [p. 356] {p. 137}

23 December 1913 • Tuesday

Dec. 23. 1913.

Today I have been very much unsettled in my work hoping to see President Smith and failing in that acomplishd

I am uncrtain about writing to night there is much to do and ome [one] can scarceely decide what’s best and wisest [p. 357] {p. 138}

24 December 1913 • Wednesday

Dec. 24. 1913.

This is near the end of the year and I am sure anong the years that are past, this has been one of the b[es]t and perhaps next year may be [illegible] so even than this one. So Let It Be [p. 358] {p. 139}

25 December 1913 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 25, 1913

I slept at Isabel’s & spent the mo[r]ning the[re] hade a pleasant time Lucile Buchholz went with me to the car and I went to Emm’s to dine, all were gay and light-hearted & things passed off fime [fine]. pehaps one might might say a very good [illegible] Christmas I would have been glad to call on many friends but did not [want] to face the storm, Dot & Emm have been here also, Ort [Orson F. Whitney]. it has been quite a remarkable day and although I have not yet seen President Smith I will tonorrow [p. 359] {p. 140}

26 December 1913 • Friday

Friday Dec. 26, 1913

Today has been a great day for uss all. It is said a comet is approaching the earth, Suptdnt. [Superintendent Andrew C.] Nelson died today, it will be a very great loss. [p. 360] {p. 141}

28 December 1913 • Sunday

De[c]. 28. Saturday 1913

nearing the close of the year attended Salt Lake Stake R.S. Conference am hurying home tonight had Verona’s present today white silk jacket [p. 361] {p. 142}

29 December 1913 • Monday

Dec. 29. 1913

Dot’s wedding anniversa[r]y The day has been long and yet short– there has been so much noise and confusion heere Saw Pres. Jos. F. Smith interview very satisfactory [p. 363] {p. 144}

30 December 1913 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 30– 1913

Emm came up and we bought some New Yearr’s cards– I gave her a Journal for 1914– I was terribly disappoimted that she would not stay [p. 365] {p. 146}

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December 1913, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]text: The entries for 22–30 December 1913 come from volume 37 of the diary. This entry is not dated in the diary, but the date can be determined based on the two birthdays mentioned in the entry. The handwriting also appears to match that in other entries written by EBW in 1913.

  2. [2]Diadama Hare Woodward Clark, born on 21 December 1795.

  3. [3]Louis R. Wells was born on 21 December 1862.