July 1898

7 July 1898 • Thursday

Today is the birthday of Rulon Seymour Wells the son who is in Europe Prest. of the Missions in that country– he is a man of destiny undoubtedly and will rise to great prominence in the Church and in the State– I am so weary Mrs. [Mary S.] Gist is spending the day here and I am invited to lunch with Mrs. Salisbury and I hesitated about going on her account but decided to take her with me and we went together and lunched for the first time in the new dining room in the grand new house Mrs. Richardson of Boston was Mrs. Salisbury’s guest and we had quite a visit after dinner. [p. 220] {p. 154}

8 July 1898 • Friday

Today was hot and wearisome and I hurried to go to Mrs. [Rachel Ulman] Siegel’s to a luncheon of fifteen ladies given in honor of the guest Miss [Grace Carew] Sheldon. The rooms were lovely and the table exquisite and the viands were in good taste and everything perfect. several courses and delicious coffee in the drawing room– After lunch and rest we went over all in a body to Mrs. Salisbury’s to see and hear Mrs. Richardson who read us her new paper or parts of it on the Memorial University– it was very ideal and uplifting and we had lemonade served to us. the same evening there was a meeting at the Ladies literary of the Red Cross [p. 221] {p. 155}

9 July 1898 • Saturday

Today has been full to overflowing with work and callers so many of the visitors are now just about leaving the City to go home, and the most exciting war news that could be imagined– had to see Aunt Zina on business of great importance to the Society– we had a long talk over many things and she seemed very well pleased came quite a ways towards howards the office with me. She is physically strong– but mentally not equal to the position– yet as all associated with her are more than willing to do her work it will perhaps be just as well if no one interferes thinking to make improvement in the Society we have some women who do that sort of thing– [p. 222] {p. 156}

10 July 1898 • Sunday

Mrs. Hatch of Dallas Texas and Miss [Manon] Buck of La Porte Indiana spent the evening at my house and asso [also] their brother1 who has been a teacher at Panguitch They sang and played for me and I talked to them of our work here in clubs and in the Church last evening July 9. and this evening Miss Lorena Dill of Cincinnati came and Annie and we had a pleasant time going over old themes and historical events also news of the day. She is a newspaper woman and quite bright– I have been to the Tabernacle today though I felt very uncomfortable and not equal to the exertion [p. 223] {p. 157}

14 July 1898 • Thursday

Today I wrote a number of letters among them one to Dr. Aletta H. Jacobs Amsterdam Holland in answer to hers also sent her a copy of my poems, for the Exposition at Hague– and prepared copy for Miss [A. Isabelle] Evans the type setter [p. 227] {p. 158}

15 July 1898 • Friday

This morning went on the early morning train to the Relief Society Conference at Provo– Sister Sarah Jane Cannon accompanied me by my invitation– We had a pleasant time, three of the Apostles were on the train with us– F. [Francis] M. Lyman going to Fillmore– George Teasdale to Nephi & Anthon H. Lund to Ephraim also Angus M. Cannon Senior to his farm at the point of the mountain. I spoke both in the forenoon and afternoon and we had dinner served in the old tabernacle basement about two or three hundred people were served. [p. 228] {p. 159}

17 July 1898 • Sunday

I wrote a long letter to Mell today and did a few other little things, wrote some notes and odds and ends went up to Annie’s later in the evening and had a little talk over the visit for tomorrow. I had expected when Mrs. [Kate Tannatt] Woods came to have a few friends to meet her of our own people but I seem to have been hindered some way in my calculations. I am very glad however to have my evening to myself after returning from Annie’s I could never do my work without some seclusion– It is a positive necessity when one expects to do brain work– I must sometimes be <alone> both for solitude and companionship <(must be>2 congenial [p. 230] {p. 160}

18 July 1898 • Monday

This morning a new girl came to stay with me Constance Irwin, she seems a sweet-mannered young woman. I hope to be able to rest now. The day is hot and sultry. Kate Tannatt Woods of Salem Mass. and also of Boston author lecturer, poet, and newspaper writer came to make me a morning visit– Mrs. [Lillian Duke] Lynn who is her hostess came with her– she is a very bright woman and we had a pleasant visit and luncheon Annie Louise and Margaret were here and my eldest daughter Belle who is very chary of her visits even to me came over– Dot came and seemed to enjoy the visit and conversation– It has been quite a red letter day for me– I wrote my name on a table spread to be worked in embroidery on <her table cover for use Annie also wrote hers> [p. 231] {p. 161}

19 July 1898 • Tuesday

This is the day of the Primary excursion and the Association gave me a pass to go out with so I feel in duty bound to honor it I really must make an extra exertion to be their guest– The Committee had a table prepared at which President Woodruff and Prest. Cannon were seated and also Prof Karl G. Maeser and Br. Penrose and others– I was honored as much as any one could be, sat next the [Stake Primary] President Camilla C. Cobb– the exercises were very fine indeed all by the children– singing marching flag drill and highland fling dance–3 Mrs. Beck– Captain Beck’s wife went out with Annie and she seemed to enjoy it very much [p. 232] {p. 162}

24 July 1898 • Sunday

Wrote a long letter to Verona today nine pages of note paper– went to the Tabernacle and heard Frank Cannon (Senator) and Wm. H. King, Representative, speak on the Maine disaster and kindred topics and also <President> Angus <(M. Cannon> pray and George Q. Prest. close with a most eloquent prayer– choir sang America and Utah We Love Thee– Rest on the hillside etc closed with an anthem money was collected for the monument I gave fifteen cts. it was all I had in change Annie gave 25 cts. After meeting went up to the Governor’s had dinner with Martha and came home after dark Hebe is up in the cañon with a party of young folks [p. 237] {p. 163}

25 July 1898 • Monday

The pioneer square where the North & South Forts formerly stood was today publicly dedicated for a public park. Prest. Woodruff who is Ninety one years old was present and spoke so every one around him and all the people could hear him. I went to dinner to Sister Annie Hyde’s– her mother4 aged 84 was at table also B. W. Smith aged 76– we had a nice chat and also fine dinner & all was pleasant– then went to Annie’s and stayed very late– came home so weary I could do nothing more except to read. I am still reading “By Fire & Sword” the book is by a Pole Henryk Sienkiewicz and translated by Jeremiah Curtin–it is so full of war and bloodshed that I can only read one chapter at a <time–> [p. 238] {p. 164}

26 July 1898 • Tuesday

<My brother Manson died today in Kansas City Missouri> This morning had a call from Miss [Mary C.] May Kindergarten teacher at the University– afterwards Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett of Washington whom I had met in Washington in 1895– came – she had been looking for me the day before– We talked on for hours– went to the Lake together at 4.15 train Annie was there Margaret and Katherine– Kate [Wells] & May and Murray & Wendell [Whitney]– we had a pleasant time Prest. Cannon was there & was very agreeable with Mrs. Barrett who had a letter of introduction to him & we had a chat together. The sunset on the Lake today was the most glorious I have ever seen– I cannot recall one more so– it is simply indescribable– came home 10.15 Saw the battle of Manila [p. 239] {p. 165}

27 July 1898 • Wednesday

Mrs. Barrett came this morning and we went to the News and tithing office Bishop’s office and office of Angus– M. Cannon– so forth & so on. introduced her to the Governor and Junius, Gershom [B. F. Wells] & Charles [H. Wells] and Tom [Thomas W.] Sloan & George M. Cannon. Called to see Aunt Zine found she had gone to the Lake– had several visitors– Dr. E. B. [Ellen Brooke] Ferguson with political schemes & others– my sister Adeline came and told me Brother Manson had died on the 19th.5 I had expected it some time previous but not now she also told me my Sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] was not well enough to sit up all day; out of ten children three are now gone to the other side. I have no doubt my mother was inexpressibly glad to meet him & also James [D. Woodward]. [p. 240] {p. 166}

28 July 1898 • Thursday

Today has been extremely hot– have been working very hard and took papers to Juvenile to be bound for Exhibit at Hague– Mrs. West brought me her Grandma’s journal from which I am to make extracts for the paper– I called on Dr. Pratt today and she told me of Etta Stringam [Ettie Penrose Stringham]’s baby bo[r]n last night a fine boy.6 Later I called on Mrs. Salisbury and met there Mrs. Downey and Mrs. [Sarah Montgomery] Faber and I saw plainly that Mrs. Downey intended to snub me– which so disconcerted me I could not be content, or feel free until she left the house– Mrs. Caine who was present did not care. She is not so susceptible to influences I suppose as I am. Came home late and did some writing of editorial work for my paper– [p. 241] {p. 167}

29 July 1898 • Friday

A most remarkable day in my history indeed–7 one which thrills me through and through as I recall it year after year– I called at Belle’s before going to the office– had a hard day reading proof and so on and tried to see different people in whom I was interested to get things done– Sister Fox came to see me, also Dr. Pratt about Press Club– Louise and George Q. and some of the other children were up– Louise has an elegant belt her father sent for her birthday– with eagles on it and the colors red white & blue– she is making great preparations for tomorrow– I have purchased a book for Louise (The New England Maid) Kate Tannatt Woods– [p. 242] {p. 168}

30 July 1898 • Saturday

<Louise Blanche Cannon 14. today> This morning went to Annie’s on my way up town and gave Louise the book and the fan I bought in Denver After going to the office I called on Miss Evans and then Aunt Zina and we talked over several things in connection with our Society Wrote a special notice for the papers in reference to Summ[e]r Conference and bought trifles for house, then flew off to the train and caught it in time– Annie and children were there also Belle Eugene and Brent– had a pleasant day and came home late regretted not being at the Press Club but could not leave the Lake party. Mrs. Salisbury introduced me to her cousins son [J.] Randolph Walker son of John Brisbane [Brisben] Walker editor of the Cosmopolitan who lives at Irvington N.Y. [p. 243] {p. 169}

31 July 1898 • Sunday

This morning tried to rest had breakfast in bed and did some reading– wrote letters to Sister Jane S. Richards, to Sister [Sarah Sweetland] Rawle Morgan– Madame Mountford Jerusalem, Mrs. Mary S. Gist Washington, Louise Barnum Robbins, Cor. Sec’y National Council– and had Annie’s children down in the afternoon, Belle came over and Brent– Lucile too– It was a very hot day and I did not feel well at all. Went up to Annie’s at evening stayed with them a few minutes– a most magnificent night and cool to what the day has been. [Otto von] Bismarck is dead– the morning papers announce it– he must have died yesterday, one of the nation’s great men– [p. 244] {p. 170}

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July 1898, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1898/1898-07


  1. [1]Dexter A. Buck.

  2. [2]text: EBW used the parenthesis here to mark this as an insertion.

  3. [3]“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1898, 27:21.

  4. [4]Jane Ballantyne Taylor.

  5. [5]EBW’s brother Manson Woodward died on 19 July 1898.

  6. [6]John G. Stringham.

  7. [7]EBW married her first husband, James Harvey Harris, in Massachusetts on 29 July 1843. (EBW, Diary, 1862 or Later, p. 9.)