June 1917

1 June 1917 • Friday

Amy called for me quite early in the morning to go with me to Pleasant Grove and Provo. I attended the conf. of Alpine Stake and spoke at the morning meeting then we called at Amy’s mother’s for lunch and then on to Provo to the commencement exercises of the B.Y.U.1 and celebration of Pres. Young’s birthday I responded to the toast The Mantle of Joseph on the prophet Brigham. We had a very wonderful day and came home about seven o’clock. Annie came up and stayed with me at night [p. 152] {p. 154}

2 June 1917 • Saturday

Ida came in about 10 o’clock, she was on her way to Preston [Idaho] to the Oneida Stake conf. After I dressed Annie and I went over to the office Clarissa and Jennie and Susa and Emma were all there. Amy leaves at noon for Pittsburg to attend the Social Welfare Convention. I went back to the hotel and waited for Amy who came just before 12 and she & I went up stairs and I gave her a blessing. Annie & I had lunch in room and about 3 o’clock she went home. Mary & Minnie Anderson two women who used to live with me and Belle, called. Belle stayed at night [p. 153] {p. 155}

3 June 1917 • Sunday

Belle & I went to the Fast Meeting in the Temple. Pres. Jos. F. Smith was the principal speaker and he spoke at great length on present conditions and the enlistment of the young men Many others spoke also It was nearly two o’clock when we got out of the meeting I went over to Clarissa’s to dinner and afterwards Bro Williams took us for a long ride in their auto. Dot & Will came in the evening. It was Wills birthday. Belle was here at night. [p. 154] {p. 156}

4 June 1917 • Monday

I went rather early over to the office Mrs Alice M. Horne came to see me and bro’t me a large bunch of lilies. then she and I went together to the Z.C.M.I2 to lunch. I stayed at the office until quite late in the day. Recived a telegram from Inez Earl of Arizona that she would be here tomorrow. Annie came up in the late afternoon and after I had supper she read to me from the News & Harpers magazine. This is a holida until twelve o’clock. [p. 155] {p. 157}

5 June 1917 • Tuesday

This is a holiday because of the registration of young men for military service.3 Annie went to the train to meet Inez Earl, they came straight up to the office and after a nice dinner which I ordered bro’t up they both went down to Annies. Mrs W. [William] W. Riter [Priscilla Jennings Riter] was going to speak to the Bee Hive girls at Annies to night. Belle stayed with me. [p. 156] {p. 158}

6 June 1917 • Wednesday

Annie and Inez came up about 6’ o’clock and we went over to the building then to the Z.C.M.I. for lunch. On our way back we met Hiram Smith and many of the brethren who had met Inez in Arizona & were very cordial. [p. 157] {p. 159}

7 June 1917 • Thursday

The M.I.A.4 Convention opened to night with a big affair in the Deseret Gymnasium. Inez went over and came back to stay with me. We had a long meeting of the R.S. board to day and discussed Red Cross work.5 [p. 158] {p. 160}

8 June 1917 • Friday

Inez went to the morning seession of the M.I.A. conf. and reprrted the work in the Maricopa [Arizona] stake. They say she spoke very good in deed I attended the afternoon session and spoke for a few minutes. At night there was a beautiful reception on the Tabernacle grounds There were hundreds of people there. They had moving pictures and many other interesting features [p. 159] {p. 161}

10 June 1917 • Sunday

Went to the <afternoon> sessions of the M.I.A convention held by the young men young women and Primary. Enjoyed the meetings very much indeed Inez and I lunched in the hotel. [p. 161] {p. 162}

14 June 1917 • Thursday

This is Flag day and the Salt Lake Stake are holding their annual flag and flower festival. Inez went over to the Sunday School festival in the morning and I went in the afternoon. [p. 165] {p. 163}

15 June 1917 • Friday

We had quite a nice day I had a number of callers and spent a part of the day at the office. Sister Crismon, Dusenbury and Nell Silver called, also Eugene S and Jack Clawson. In the evening Walter Beatie and Phebe and Ida came in. Phebe & Ida left on the late train for Portland [Oregon] and Union Stake. Belle stayed until about eight o’clock and then Annie came and stayed all night. She started to read to me “The Light in the Clearing.” [p. 166] {p. 164}

16 June 1917 • Saturday

This is a beautiful morning. Inez came in quite early and then Amy called she was on her way home from train Had just arrived from her trip to Pittsburg. She looked fine. Susa came to read a notice for the News and an article about Red Cross work. I corrected it a little and then she left. Annie & I went over to office. [p. 167] {p. 165}

17 June 1917 • Sunday

I was requested to go to the Murray First Ward S.S.6 and bear my testimony to the Children. They sent an Auto for me and I took Inez with me. We came back and had lunch and then I went to the Tabernacle service. [p. 168] {p. 166}

29 June 1917 • Friday

Inez brought one of her friends from Arizona and a young man named Gilbert Layton up to see me. She went with them to the Lagoon saying she would come back to stay but she did not and I was alone all night the first time since my illness in the winter. The Temple closed to day for the summer vacation and Belle went home very tired. [p. 180] {p. 167}

30 June 1917 • Saturday

Today is Louise birthday She will be thirty three years old I called her up over the phone. Inez came up early in the morning She had an accident which delayed her so she said. She and I went to lunch and she stayed with me all day. and night. [p. 181] {p. 168}

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June 1917, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1917/1917-06


  1. [1]Brigham Young University.

  2. [2]Zion’s Co-operative Mercantile Institution.

  3. [3]After the passage of the Selective Service Act of 1917, which instituted a military draft, President Woodrow Wilson made a proclamation on 19 May 1917 that all men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty must register for the draft in their local precincts on 5 June 1917. (Woodrow Wilson, Proclamation, 19 May 1917; “Wilson’s First Draft Call Must Be Answered Today,” Salt Lake Tribune, 5 June 1917, [1].)

  4. [4]Mutual Improvement Association.

  5. [5]The Relief Society general board encouraged stake and ward Relief Societies in the United States to work with the Red Cross in the war effort and created a cooperative plan for “Relief Society Red Cross workers.” “Following entry of the United States into the war, the general board was ‘besieged with letters and inquiries’ regarding the involvement of local societies in Red Cross work. A July 7, 1917, letter to stake Relief Society presidents explained that wards and stakes who chose to be involved should be known as ‘Relief Society Red Cross workers,’ thus maintaining the identity of the Relief Society organization.” (Derr et al., Women of Covenant, 208; “Red Cross Work in the Relief Society,” 4, no. 8: 436.)

  6. [6]Sunday School.