August 1916

1 August 1916 • Tuesday

I have just returnd yesterday from visiting Cass◊ia Stake and am very weary indeed but feel I shall get rested and go on with my work of vissiting Stakes and the various dutiees that pertain to my calling in the Relief Society I have the utmost desire to work righteousness {p. 158}

2 August 1916 • Wednesday

I can scarcely be thankful enough for the active energy that I feel and realize in the position which I have been called to fill in the Church it gives me largerr opportunity than I could othrwise whave done Ida Dusnberry [Dusenberry] stayeed in the States and has not yet retu[r]ned, She is having a vacation frm herr school work. {p. 159}

3 August 1916 • Thursday

I am simply drifting although I have had some pleasant hours with friends and am glad of my oppotunity to converrse with thosee who are not versed in the conditions of our people So mny thngs arre always trnspiring that we cannot count [recount?] but few of them {p. 160}

4 August 1916 • Friday

Sister Jennings called to see what we werre intending to do about the Relief Society Nurse Class but we have made no definite decision, the Circulars are out & of course the work will go on She is still workd up about the affair, and it is very tiresome but she is very good {p. 161}

5 August 1916 • Saturday

I was busy all day with people and Magaret [Margaret] Caine came at evening and stayed all night with me She read to me until time to retirre and we had quite a pleasant evening togetherr I had not seen her for somtim [some time] and we talked and read together {p. 162}

6 August 1916 • Sunday

Ths was a fast day and we went over the Temple and found there was no meeting Margaret read to me and we talked, it was the fast meting and we each went on ourr way I to the 18th Ward and Margaret to the 11th. Warrd– after meting I went to Lyde Wells house to see the girls h[a]d supper and spent the evening and Emeline came ho[me] with me {p. 163}

7 August 1916 • Monday

Today is the birthday of Louisa Freee [Free] Wells– I suppose her children rm[e]mber it. The day is very hot & we are all busy keeping cool– Yet we here in Utah are comparatively comfortable escaping mny of the severe stormss and troubles of the world There arre mny p[e]ople in the City and those who are really inter[e]sting we arre now inter[e]sting {p. 164}

8 August 1916 • Tuesday

Jennie Hyde who has been away is at Am fork [American Fork], she is an interesting person and has wonderful stock of information– I am glad she is with us again– weather continues hot and mny people aree going into the caňonss but I have had enough of camping out {p. 165}

9 August 1916 • Wednesday

Sister Jennngs [Jennings] came in this morning to talk about the Nurrse Class I told her to go ahead and advertise as we must keep up the cl[as]s and she talked on and on of conditions etc all of whi[c]h anount to nothing when one considers the importance to the real matterr {p. 166}

10 August 1916 • Thursday

The weathr is very hot but I am able to stand the warm weather very well, There is much excitemnt because of th[e] election for Governor and a Baker’s Conventin is being held in the City, there are also many travelerss going backwards and forwrds East & West which is good in a way for those who are in th[e] busi[n]ess of Hotels and so forth {p. 167}

11 August 1916 • Friday

Ths mo[r]ning Kate Wells and myself went to Cotonwood to spnd the day with Sister Katharine Brockbank and we had a delghtful time– looking s[o]me rare pictures and boxes etc. of the late Sister Howrd [Elizabeth Anderson Howard] came h[o]me in an auto with Kennt [Kenneth A.] Culmer {p. 168}

12 August 1916 • Saturday

I have not been verry well today {p. 169}

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August 1916, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024