July 1908

1 July 1908 • Wednesday

Today the hot weather is beginning and one feels the heat more because it has been so cool all along. It is the birthday of Apostle Orson F. Whitney he is 52 today and it seems only a little while to me since he was only a boy, and had no real aspirations or objects to occupy his mind Now he has come forward to fill high places and do great works in more ways than one. I am fond of him although I can see his weaknesses. {p. 216}

2 July 1908 • Thursday

Getting ready for the meeting tomorrow have planned the trips away and will bring them before the meeting tomorrow, people are getting wild over the Denver Democratic Convention for President– want to nominate [William Jennings] Bryan, probably will but to elect him will not be so easy {p. 217}

3 July 1908 • Friday

Meeting was very good in some ways Ida was here this morning went off to lectures by some famous man who is here from Columbia College– Sister Smith came and we had a fairly good number 16 of the sisters and an interesting meeting in some ways. Afterwards Annie and Sister Smith stayed and Alice came back to talk as she often does. At the meeting Julina did not come nor Annie Hyde nor Susan Grant nor Jane Richards of course Emily Richards is away and so is Romania B. Penrose and some of the others are not equal to much work and so we have to do the best we can. I began on my minutes after the meeting so as to be ready in case I should be called away. North. Before midnight the noise began and later cannons firing without cessation {p. 218}

4 July 1908 • Saturday

This morning I wanted to rest tho’ it was useless to try for even in this quiet neighborhood the firecrackers and toy pistols and all sorts of noisy games began early There were some parades and flags flying everywhere and every sign of hilarity and festive mirth, music and parties at all the resorts. Sister Susie Theobald and baby Leo went off to Emigration caňon with some friends from Hinckley, and I was here alone, went up town for an hour or two and back again. Sister Theobald did not get home until ten or more at night. She had a long story to tell of the doings at the new resort in Emigration Caňon. {p. 219}

5 July 1908 • Sunday

This morning went off early to the Temple Fast Meeting. sat by Sister Bathsheba W. Smith, Orson F. Whitney came and sat by me until Heber J. Grant called to him to come up and sit by him, as he was the presiding officer none of the First Presidency were there not President F. M. Lyman nor John Henry Smith and Heber J. Grant comes next now in the order of the Quorum, Hyrum Smith and Rudger Clawson were present that made only four of the Quorum present– however it was a very good meeting and excellent spirit. I went up to see Hannah and then to the 18th Ward fast meeting, that was a very unusual meeting went to Hebe [Heber M. Wells]’s afterwards and then down home to do my writing {p. 220}

6 July 1908 • Monday

The weather is very hot and one feels too languid to make much exertion, still I do try to get on with my regular work and keep up {p. 221}

9 July 1908 • Thursday

Thursday Margaret came over to finish the parlor and then she went to the Lake to the Real Estate day. I went up to Sister Sophia [Smith] Sharp’s birthday party at Mrs. James E. Jennings [Sarah Sharp Jennings] home and found many ladies of my acquaintance and had an enjoyable time, the refreshments were particularly delicious and in good taste served by the grand-daughters of Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Priscilla Jennings. After coming back I worked hard at my copy trying to get things ready and the office was very hot and I was weary and telephone ringing to be answered Letter from St. John’s Sister Udall saying she would see to everything before leaving and have all in good shape {p. 222}

10 July 1908 • Friday

So many letters came that needed attention and I had to go to the Annex to see about my proofs and talk to Brothers Parry & [Joseph S.] Tingey who seem to put me off all the time. Ida came in she had been to the Convention in Ogden speaking before the educationalists and had much attention, went off to the Lake with Sister Little I went to Louise’s to dinner and spent the evening there we had quite a visit together and then Richard & Louise came home with me. Belle’s house across the way was lighted up for a garden party. Chinese lanterns etc. Woodbury’s too had a garden party {p. 223}

11 July 1908 • Saturday

This morning made myself late in getting to the office, Ladies soon came of our Board Sisters B. W. Smith Ida S. Dusenberry E. B. Wells S. J. Cannon E. S. Woodruff J. L. Smith J. P. M. Farnsworth P. Y. Beatie C. S. Thomas A. M. Horne A. W. Cannon R. E. Little R. N. Nibley P. P. Jennings I rode in the President’s carriage, and was very glad I had much attention from the people up there which was very embarrassing. I was invited to speak, the luncheon was very excellent {p. 224}

12 July 1908 • Sunday

This morning tried to rest and did some home-fixing necessary Sister Theodeald [Theobald] went to the Tabernacle and I went to Annie’s at the Cannon farm– took the children a box of candy. They had all been to Sunday School except Annie. Daniel is at Snyderville with his Uncle Angus [J. Cannon] to help with haying. I had a fine dinner and pleasant evening came home at 10 p.M. Nothing unusual went to bed reasonable time– Midnight. These are glorious nights & moon very fine and bright {p. 225}

13 July 1908 • Monday

This morning heard that John Q. was not well and I felt very sorrowful for Annie knowing how depressed she would be in thinking of going away, and him not well. Susan Grant came and stayed all day long, Sister Smith came first with a bundle of hospital matter soliciting influence for the Nurses to be trained for work in the hospital– I was reading proof. had a letter from Mary Bell Heywood signed by Brother [Joseph L.] Heywood and enclosing a letter he had received from Emma Smith in her own hand writing and some other matter. Louise came to see me and also Margaret– Louise went with me to Franklin’s tea rooms to have dinner, I enjoy having the girls I wish I could do more for them than is in my power to do at present {p. 226}

14 July 1908 • Tuesday

<Emma Lucy Gates has returned from Germany where she has been studying music–> First news this morning was the death of Race Whitney Horace Newel Whitney son of Orson F. & Zina Smoot Whitney born October 27, 1880 in Salt Lake City He was a very brilliant young man and artistic musical and intellectual. He married unhappily they had one child and were divorced. the baby died. Sister B. W. Smith and myself went to the Relief Society meeting in the 12th. Ward meeting house, an annual 29 years since Sisters [Julia Ann Jinks] Druce Midgeley and Hooper had presided. We were the principal guests– and both of us spoke, the banquet was superb I do not care for those banquets unless the viands are dainty and choice. Most of our sisters do care for them– There was particularly fine music both vocal and instrumental. Sister Druce has been a fine President and has managed affairs nicely. Dr. Wm. Cannon brought us home in an Automobile. Pioneer Stake Sunday School were at Wandamere today. {p. 227}

15 July 1908 • Wednesday

<Scarcely ever in my life saw a moon so beautiful and brilliant as last night.> Today Annie and myself went up to Ort’s and we saw May, Emily & Margaret also Maggie [Margaret Smoot] Dusenberry from Provo and her son,1 and little Virginia [Clayton Whitney], we stayed only an hour or so, called at Mame [Mary Whitney] Ensign’s on our way out– went to Franklin’s and had lunch together, then I made up the paper– then over to Sister Smith’s and we two went to Amelia F. Youngs, then called on Clarissa wind blew and rain came down and there was much lightning, George Smith a lad 14 years old walked back with me to the Templeton and I came home the usual time completely exhausted. I am very weary so much so I can scarcely keep myself in thought of what I should do or say. I sent Mell and Emily Roberts copies of last Evenings News today containing notice of Race, very well written. I feel too much exhausted to even speak to any one {p. 228}

16 July 1908 • Thursday

[T]o day I have worked at my proofs until I could not do any more then I hurried off to the Printing office to make up the paper and look to its being all right so many telephone messages and questions about the funeral Dr. Roberts came up and I let her see the Bishop’s notices, She did not think it would make2 any difference with us. Sister [C. Adella Woolley] Eardley came to see me and Brother Reese of Wales [Utah] came about a paper that should go to Sister Reese the President,3 and several hindered me Belle came for me before I was dressed, we started off and were in time Br. B. H. Roberts Golden Kimball & John Henry Smith each spoke quartet sung <fine> and F. M. Lyman & Geo. F. Richards made the prayers, and Mary Jane [Whitney Groo] Latie [Vilate Groo Taylor] Isabel and myself rode to the grave together, I was so weary I could scarcely crawl but managed to get home all right {p. 229}

17 July 1908 • Friday

Today Annie goes North to La Grande [Oregon] and then to Spokane and Coeur d’Lane City [Idaho] and Lake. Jack goes with her Louise Cavendish John Q. and myself went to the depot. After coming back I missed my satchel which very much annoyed me and so put me out it nearly drove me wild. However I could not find it and had to submit. I tried every way to get wind of it and had to go home not knowing what to do. Could not sleep, read and wrote and telephoned here and there It seemed such a strange thing and yet no way to help myself A very serious matter for me involving so much. {p. 230}

18 July 1908 • Saturday

Went to Street Railway office and got another book of tickets, in the bank Brother Nibley came up and told me the party with the President reached the city at 6.30. A.M. All day there seemed the loss hanging over me Margaret came up and I went here and there could not rest. Finally the new paper came over and I had a notice put in the News column. Mailed papers containing Emily’s death to Joseph Heber Edna & family Amelia Young H. J. Grant, Annie Hyde, and one or two more. Went up to Belle’s to lunch took Bell & Dot copies of Sister Smith’s birthday poem. Then sent off some letters and papers that had been ordered and Receipts, finally came home so dissatisfied because of the satchel not being found as soon as I came in a telephone message notified me of letters and diary soaked in water and Sister Theobald started off {p. 231} it seems the satchel was stolen and the thief or thieves not pleased with some of the contents had put them in a water tank children playing fished some out and the mother’s knowing my name had telephoned and Sister Theobald brought them home dripping with water. Some valuable things were gone and no satchel to be found. However I was glad and slept better.

19 July 1908 • Sunday

Sunday July 19. Annie will be in Conference at La Grande today and I hope is feeling happy and comfortable. Sister Nibley will be with her and it will be better for both of them. I wrote to Sister Mary A. [E. Wright] Smith two letters one personal and one business, a long letter to Sister [Selena Layton] Phillips at Thatcher and to Sister Binn of Albion [Idaho] Cassia Stake It has been very hot and sultry I am glad those letters are written then I went out on the cars to the cemetery and back again, have done a lot of reading today {p. 232}

20 July 1908 • Monday

Went up early to office Emmeline was already there began folding I had word about the rooms and the article in the Sunday Herald sent to me, Miss Baker came and we went to see Br. [Ovando C.] Beebe he was obstinate, Sister Smith came and we went over our Missionary work and made appointments for Canada & some other matters. I sent off letters to Canada 2 and to Blackfoot [Idaho] also some to the subscribers of the paper, gave Miss Baker a copy of Songs & Flowers of the Wasatch and attended to callers. gave Sister Smith the poems fifty I had printed of her birthday poem and went out with her to make some calls, came home and wrote more letters and telephoned to some of the sisters, I am weary {p. 233}

21 July 1908 • Tuesday

Today is Relief Society at Wandamere, I had expected to go with Clarissa in the surrey but she came with an Auto– and when we were at 12th South and State Str. the tire snapped, we were delayed until a carriage could be sent for and then went on. There were sisters from all the Stakes, and a sort of program, a band playing in the large pavilion and John Q. Cannon had been asked to take charge as master of ceremonies, and we went over there, where the largest crowd were, a pretty dance by some little girls, a solo by Miss [Ivy] Evans, and some quadrilles and finally Br. [Thomas H.] Morrison announced he wanted to speak, he told how the Relief Society had done kindness for him and he wanted to show his gratitude, and presented 50.00 to the General Society, came home about 8. p.m. tomorrow we go to see Amelia Young. {p. 234}

22 July 1908 • Wednesday

Have had no sleep scarcely at all and ache in every limb and joint, beautiful day, and glorious night went to Amelia Young’s to dinner, also Sister Bathsheba W. Smith, we blessed her Sister B. W. being mouth, I had strangers from Madison Iowa a woman whose grandfather was a Wells and who was much interested in genealogy of Wills [William Wells Woods]’s particularly, have had some notes prepared and sent out to meet at Sister Smith’s on Saturday to congratulate her on her wedding anniversary Am very tired tonight, and feel that I have accomplished very little I pray for strength to do my work and finish it acceptably Callers Cora Smith & children, Maria [Mabey] Holt, Riverton, Mr. & Mrs. Snell Madison Iowa Letter from Pueblo [Colorado] {p. 235}

23 July 1908 • Thursday

Wrote a letter to Sister Woolacott [Eliza Stapleton Woollacott] in Los Angeles this morning the first thing, and then went over my list of women to invite to Sister Smith’s, for her wedding anniversary, Emmeline came and we did a little work, had not many callers, so many worries, Gershom Wells came and I went to Mrs. Arthur to get my satchel that had been stolen, John Q. came in and Caroline Raleigh, then after noon Emmeline and I went to Franklin’s tea rooms and had dinner, Bertha Anderson came. I talked with George Gibbs and Wm. Naylor today. This evening went to see Louise[;] Richard came home with me, I am very weary and much annoyed about my work. {p. 236}

24 July 1908 • Friday

This is the 61st anniversary of the advent of the pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley and there has been no sort of demonstration, in a public way, people are having pleasure excursions here and there, and enjoying the day as best they may. I went up to see Isabel and stayed and had dinner with them, just four of us for little Lucile [Buchholz] had gone to Saltair with the Parker’s [Francis L. Parker and Mary Forsaith Parker] as a companion for Hope [Parker] their little daughter, I had two letters one from Milwaukee Wisconsin and one from Blackfoot Idaho, no word from Annie today I finished copying my report ready to hand in to the auditing Committee, Belle told me that Septimus and Gertrude are likely to make up and I am rather glad {p. 237}

25 July 1908 • Saturday

Today is the 67th. anniversary of the marriage of Sister Bathsheba W. Bigler to Brother George A. Smith cousin of the Prophet Joseph Smith the ceremony performed by Don Carlos Smith the brother of the prophet and cousin to George A. Smith I had sent out 40 invitations and the response was over half I think though counting up find those who stayed away were more. A presentation was made of a handsome book from illustrated “An Old Sweetheart of Mine”– Cake Candy wine and flowers in abundance were brought and served by a Committee of four, the flowers were very beautiful indeed. I made the Presentation and in fact was Master of Ceremonies and called upon all to speak each one present responded in a few words {p. 238}

26 July 1908 • Sunday

I stayed in bed late my housekeeper went away to Provo for the day and when I rose telephone would not respond at all which was very aggravating and I was alone had to go down to prepare my tea and so on It was a fine day but very hot and oppressive, I dressed late and went to the Cannon home, found Louise and Richard were there John Q. not well at all had fainted coming from Sunday School, but was better came to the table and carved. There were John Q. Louise Richard Margaret Caroline Cavendish Katharine Abram David Theodore and myself at dinner, Everything calm and peaceful Joseph J. Cannon and Henry Tanner were the speakers at the Tabernacle I came home 10.30 {p. 239}

27 July 1908 • Monday

This morning went in good time and set to work, Solomon F. Kimball came and told me some very wonderful things he had found in his father’s4 diary about certain men who would lose the positions they then held, he also thinks he had seen angels and has had revelations. Sister Smith came and signed the orders and reports and tonight a letter for me to answer from a sister who asked very silly questions Margaret Hixon [Hixson] of Wanship. The Peace Congress met in London to day (International) the Delegates were received by King Edward and Queen Alexandria and presented an address to His Majesty who responded to the address very freely, Charles W. Penrose President of the European Mission was one of the Delegates. I am very weary tonight, feel very uncomfortable Louise is suffering from heat and with swollen feet. {p. 240}

28 July 1908 • Tuesday

The twins birthday nine years old, mother away in Idaho Margaret took them over to Saltair Theodore too Emmeline Katharine & Cavendish, I could not go, but John Q. went at 4 p.m. they had the whole day, Belle is quite sick & I have been too busy to go out even for lunch, Emeline Wells, Sister [Anna Gaarden] Widtsoe and others have been in to see me, it has been hot and close, and at last I went down to see Louise and spent the evening, Rich came home with me. A severe storm of thunder and lightning came up while on the way home in fact one clap of thunder was very loud indeed, and the lightning brilliant rain very refreshing, the stars not being bright in the night <makes me almost sad> {p. 241}

29 July 1908 • Wednesday

A very lovely morning quite a beautiful July day so typical almost such a day as the one when I was married 65 years ago, I went off in good time Clarissa came and we fixed up money affairs and then Sister Smith who brought me wine and cake from her party, and we had some private talk. she had been to vote on the bonds or against the bonds, American party5 are determined to ruin our people who have made the country what it is, people bothering me visitors today Sisters [Mary Pile] Silver, Harker [Ann Dalton] Neal, Williams, Smith, Sears, Cannon, Sol. Kimball, John Q. Dr. Wm. Cannon Br. [James B.] Walkley, Drynan Dwyer. and I have written to Sisters Merkeley of Vernal and [Maria Reddish] Hyde of Pocatello, had a postal from Elias [W. Smith], Edith and Ina Smith the cottage & monument. on the card– {p. 242}

30 July 1908 • Thursday

<moved to day from 509 to 507.> This is the anniversary of Louise’s birthday, she is 24 today born in my home soon after her parents came from Germany I recall vividly the hot July morning and I went for the nurse Sister McAllister, wife of T. D. E. McAllister, she was a sweet baby and was almost idolized by us all, I went down to dinner, John Q. Margaret and Emmeline & Cavendish were there, we had a pleasant time, I spent the evening I gave her a silk shawl the family gave her [blank] Rich gave her slippers, Mrs. Andrew a white waist, Richard came home with me I was almost ill unable to get home without help called to Midgleys and the telephone would not {p. 243} <ring–>

31 July 1908 • Friday

Today I am in the midst of confusion after moving in to the room 507. a fearful day Ida Dusenberry came she and R. E. Little had been to Davis Stake to the Conference, and were quite annoyed over the treatment they received, Sister Annie T. Hyde is getting some better now. Trying to get some of the mailing done, and missionaries fixed off no letters worth while, and no good news, Eva [Evelyn Young] Davis birthday 58 today, she is [not] that much older than Mell so both are nearing 60. There are so many changes made this way and that one feels at a loss to tell how one may be in a day or two even. {p. 244}

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July 1908, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1908/1908-07


  1. [1]Abraham O. Dusenberry. (Abraham Owen Dusenberry, Death Certificate, 11 Oct. 1946.)

  2. [2]text: This word was mistakenly written at the end of the line above, perhaps as EBW proofed her writing; there was sufficient space for the word on the line where it belonged.

  3. [3]Perhaps Thomas D. Rees and his wife, Elizabeth Rees Rees.

  4. [4]Heber C. Kimball.

  5. [5]The American Party was a political group organized in Utah to support the candidacy of Thomas Kearns for governor and oppose votes for Reed Smoot as senator from Utah. (Alexander, Utah: The Right Place, 255.)