June 1895

1 June 1895 • Saturday

One of the dullest June days I have ever known– Lucile went up with me and helped all day– had many callers Stake Conference began today and Concert tonight in the Tabernacle– Brigham Young’s birthday Anniversary celebrated in the Social Hall Emmie [Emma W.] Sears is Seventeen today and June Welles [Junius F. Wells] is forty one– I am not well my head is very bad indeed– Aunt Zina came over from the Social Hall & we had some talk about the June Conference and other important matters I am reading in my leisure moments the book A Country Doctor by Sarah Orne Jewett– have just finished (Things will take a turn) <by Beatrice Harridan> {p. 181}

2 June 1895 • Sunday

This morning rose late & set to work hunting for the copyright of my book. It seems very strange but of course I have moved since then from the old house and it is carefully put away somewhere there is not the least doubt. In rummaging among old documents & papers one finds curious things and those which bring back long forgotten memories. Life is so full of strange incidents at least it is so with me and when one link is furnished a chain of events succeed that bewilder one’s vision and pierce each tender chord of the human heart making every nerve quiver with the shock. Went to Annie’s and found Daniel’s cough very bad Annie quite cheerful and plodding away– {p. 182}

3 June 1895 • Monday

This morning was quiet and I worked away fearlessly & began to feel equal to my task though there were interruptions but Sister Horne came in and went over some old grievances, and set my thoughts astir and made me very low spirited, one does not need much to excite one’s feelings and of late there has been so very much to stir one up. Miss McMaster came about the transcribing of the Conference minutes and several others called on errands. Ria [Maria] Dougall and Minnie Snow came to tell me that the Y.L.M.I.A. had decided not to hold a General Conference in June. Received a letter from Louise Barnum Robbins asking me to send Report of the Relief Society & 40 years in the valley {p. 183}

4 June 1895 • Tuesday

<Went to Annies in the evening John Q. & Annie at the Concert–> Sister Zina came today and brought me some cheer. What a difference in the spirit of the two women who came in together. One all hope and comfort the other despondent and disposed to find fault. Hattie [Harriet Hoagland] Huntington is dead Aunt Zina’s sister in law. died last night very easily tho’ she had been a great sufferer. Aunt Zina showed me Sister [Jane S.] Richards letter saying she too had thought to give up the June Conference. I feel very much disappointed so does Aunt Zina, but it was not possible with all the opposition, yet we ought to have carried it out. Letters sent out today asking for payments to help out the subscription for printing money is so scarce {p. 184}

5 June 1895 • Wednesday

<Sister Smith came in today and brought me more news saw Ort [Orson F. Whitney] & decided> This is Daisie’s birthday how well we would like to see her and baby Martin [W. Allen]– I wanted to send a telegram but felt it would be better to write, so sent two photo’s one of Black Rock and Garfield Beach both familiar places to her. I have thought of her almost constantly today and wondered what they were all doing, having a happy time I trust– I went to Annie’s this evening and after I came home wrote to Ruby Lamont1 to Marghirita Arlina Hamm Fales to the Cycle Pub. Co. & sent one dollar for six months also to Louise Barnum Robbins did not retire until 2 in the morning thoroughly exhausted and desirous of doing much more than I could possibly. {p. 185}

6 June 1895 • Thursday

A rare June day, worked very hard Mrs. Salisbury came to see me and after some talk she invited me to go to lunch with her at the Woman’s Exchange. Margaret [Mitchell Caine] came too and then Mr. [Orange J.] Salisbury. Maggie [Margaret Whitehead] Young, R. W [Richard W. Young]’s mother came in to see me today and lots of others. I wrote to Mrs. Eva Rosenbaum of Ovid [Idaho] in reference to canvasing and getting sisters to subscribe have been reading proofs all day nearly and so many callers. A Wedding today at Bishop [Robert T.] Burton’s Florence [Burton] & Ed. [Edwin E.] Wilcox they are to settle in Nephi. I came home very weary Mattie [Martha Ann] Royle & Mr. Caine [Lorin U. King] were married last night, her parents2 are in the East and will be very much disappointed at her conduct– {p. 186}

7 June 1895 • Friday

The day is cold and damp the wind has been high in the night and it seems very much like a storm. I have written notes to President Woodruff and to Jos. F. Smith in reference to some articles in my paper and received favorable answers. I have had a number of calls today and have been quite busy. The Kindergarten Association met and arranged for an entertainment in the 13th. Ward A strawberry festival. Really Miss Chapin has been acting very hypocritically and opposing our sisters who are trying to do good and help the children as well as the mothers– in the evening I was going over old accounts, and making things straight– I have so much writing to do and grow so weary of it– {p. 187}

8 June 1895 • Saturday

Went up early this morning and kept steady at work all day– wrote a letter to Mrs. Elizabeth Bean of Richfield and to Mrs. Olivia Widerborg of Box Elder– Received an invitation to go to Mrs. Mackintosh’s on Wednesday next to meet friends in honor of Mrs. Lane. Have had several calls Ort has been in to see me– brought back his sermon for the paper. I have this afternoon an invitation to hear some Rabbi who will lecture at the Jewish Synagogue from [Frederick H.] Auerbach & Bamborger [Simon Bamberger] and think I shall go. The city is full of flowers roses everywhere and perfume delightful– Minnie [Permelia] Horne James has a little daughter3 {p. 188}

9 June 1895 • Sunday

This morning I was very wakeful which is very unusual for me in the morning– had been much disturbed during the night though the night was glorious. Belle Mr Sears and Lucile all went to the Opera House, John Q. & Annie to the Louise to the theatre. I was very weary and really could not sit up not even to read. I was much annoyed that the paper was not out. Still I did a great deal I wrote to Mrs. E. Bean & to Mrs. Widerborg. All this yesterday, today I have been going over my papers trying to find my copyright went up to Annie’s and while there Mattie [Martha Brown] Cannon & May [Wilcken] Hugh [Cannon]’s wife4 came to see Annie, had dinner at Belle’s lunch at Annie’s {p. 189}

10 June 1895 • Monday

<Mailed letter to Susan B. Anthony today–> Worried over making up the paper– Reaper’s Club at 2. p.m. Dr. Pratt gave a paper on Madame Blavatsky5 which was of great interest, related many mavelous incidents in her life– Aunt Zina had a letter asking for pieces for a national crazy quilt wanted material for one block from Utah6 Aunt Zina went here and there for home-made silk I went to the 13th. Ward to the Kindergarten entertainment, and enjoyed the exercises very much indeed; handed Sister Horne Money account of the Society for last year, and some for this present year– I have read the revise but the paper has not gone to press yet. Mrs. McVicker called this morning– {p. 190}

11 June 1895 • Tuesday

This morning I rose a quarter before five, the sun had not risen from behind the Wasatch mountains the day was glorious, the air sweet and refreshing. I took the first car for up town and reached the depot all right– Aunt Zina was there waiting– On the train she showed me the silk pieces she had collected and I put them in shape– wrote from whom each had been procured & sent them direct to Geo. F. Sherman Williams– post Penn. and mailed the package in Ogden. Reached Brigham City before nine A.M. and found Sister Widerborg ailing– we held two meetings had lunch in the First Ward R.S. Hall– administered to Sister Widerborg– {p. 191} and talked to her a great deal about the Conference

12 June 1895 • Wednesday

I came to the City this morning on the seven o’clock train, attended to my mail after arriving at the office, and then came down home and dressed for the reception at Mrs. McIntosh [Mackintosh]’s, wore my black silk velvet and Dot put up my hair. I felt as if I looked all right. Many ladies were verry elegantly dressed. Mrs. Lane elaborately. Very many attractive features, grand modern house, profusely decorated with roses of great variety, refreshments punch served in immense bowl– from cups, maccaroons ices and ice cream.7

In the evening went to the Jewish Synagogue to hear Joseph Krauspopf [Krauskopf] Rabbi–8 {p. 192}

13 June 1895 • Thursday

<Ida Snow’s Recital in Unity Hall–9 took Lucile with me> This morning lingered late went up to office expecting to work and was hindered with bills etc. Mrs. Bennett came with her carriage and took me home to luncheon, there were no visitors, no great ceremony showed me her house and talked of its completeness. Came back and after some business went to Simon Bamberger’s to hear the Rabbi speak upon the Russian Jews. It was a very select reception given in honor of the Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf, D.D. there were dainty refreshments and punch– I was introduced to the Rabbi and had a few minutes conversation with him. In the evening I did a little writing {p. 193}

14 June 1895 • Friday

The day is cold and disagreeable and several who came in had unpleasant news of this and that– in reference to the steps to be taken in the Relief Society Conference tomorrow. It is Heber C. Kimball’s birthday and he would be 94 were he living– A party of ladies have gone up to Helen [Mar Kimball Whitney]’s to celebrate and cheer her up– taking many good things with them.

The meeting here at four o’clock was quite satisfactory and afterwards Miss Smith & Emeline [Young Wells] stayed and we went over the Bylaws & Regulations of the [Kindergarten] Association and spent some time in considering the matter {p. 194}

15 June 1895 • Saturday

This morning I was late and did not feel well– went to the office a few people came in some from the country and we had a great deal of talk on various current matters I did not feel that I could go but prepared papers and pamphlets to take over at noon– which I did– heard considerable of the steps taken in reference to dividing on party lines and that Sister Jane. S. Richards, Zina D. H. Young and M. Isabella Horne had all declared for the Democratic party– in the afternoon the resignation of Sisters Elmina S. Taylor and Helen M. Whitney were given and Annie T. Hyde and Clara [Clarissa Moses] Cannon chosen to fill the vacancies–10 {p. 195}

16 June 1895 • Sunday

President Angus M. Cannon blest them and set them apart for their offices.

Today Sunday I went up to see Sister Horne & had a talk with her about the new paper “Men & Women.” Also on the political subject, and bade her good bye before her going to Bear Lake in Idaho– to visit her daughter11 and family. Went to the Tabernacle– Br. [George G.] Bywater & C. W. Penrose were the speakers. I went to the office a few minutes and then to Sister [Julia Cruse] Howe’s and stayed until almost dark talking over various matters & she confided to me her private sorrows– and told me many of her domestic grievances. I came home very weary and had dinner at Belle’s and then to my own house to write {p. 196}

17 June 1895 • Monday

This morning Lucile had to help with the washing I went up and did a lot of work I felt determined not to go out but to work steadily and get off some mailing which I did accomplish pretty well, but not as I expected I had several letters some required immediate answers and were satisfactory others were in relation to business– sent off a number of Receipts– Allie [Margaret Alley] Davis & Prof [George M.] Marshall are to be married on the 19th. and Lutie [Lucy H.] Whitney and John [D.] Owen will be married on the 20th. I went to Annie’s on my way home to see the children and was late getting home afterwards Annie had an invitation to go to the Democratic Meeting at the Social Hall {p. 197} <on Tuesday signed by P. P. Jennings>

18 June 1895 • Tuesday

Lucile went up early and I was very late but had such a head ache I could scarcely go at all. Mrs. Salisbury & Mrs. Bennett were there when I arrived, other members of the Ex. Com. of the Utah W. Silk A. came later– – at 2 p.m. I was at the 22nd Ward Meeting house at the Annual Meeting of the Relief Society of that ward. I spoke about forty minutes the other visitors who also spoke were Sister E. [Elizabeth Taft] Webb & E. J. Stevenson– a very pleasant gathering and after service we had refreshments An ovation to Sister M. A. [Mary Ann Burnham] Freeze was given in the 14th. Assembly Rooms in the evening– decorations were very beautiful and the program very good she was literally buried in roses & praises– {p. 198}

19 June 1895 • Wednesday

<Prof. Marshall & Allie Davis were married today–> This is a beautiful & bright day quite warm, worked hard and went off to Sister Julia A. Howe’s to a Memorial Party for Hannah T. [Tapfield] King– which was quite a select affair. There were present Sarah M. Kimball, Zina D. H. Young Elizabeth J. Stevenson Eliza Vernon Smith,12 Elizabeth J. [Jardine] Macfarlane Helen Mar Whitney, Louisa [King] Spencer Lydia D. [Dunford] Alder Emily H. Woodmansee Mrs. John [Margaret Anderson] Alford, Lula Greene Richards, Maria W. Wilcox besides Sister Howe and myself the memorial cards were very appropriate

This is Brenton Sears birthday he is ten years old today– I gave him a new waist and a half pound of best candy {p. 199}

20 June 1895 • Thursday

<Lutie Whitney was married today Johnnie Owens–> This is the day of the entertainment in the theatre for the Kindergarten and Sister [Georgiana Fox] Young had a meeting here at 1/2 past ten and was quite upset, fearing it would be a failure, one must have courage at such times if one would be a leader. We talked over the matter and Sister Young went to the Presidency and got some assistance and we did all we could to fill the house. At evening I was so weary I could scarcely get there but decided I must go and though I was weary I enjoyed the evening very much indeed– came home late and quite exhausted– I have worked very very hard today {p. 200}

21 June 1895 • Friday

This is my Sister Pallas [Woodward Clark] birthday, she is 76 today– I presume she will have a large party or something grand I hope so at any rate– Aunt Zina has been in and excused herself from the meeting of the Kindergarten. We had a very long meeting with much discussion, and finally did not adjourn until after seven o’clock– It is a great undertaking to start the schools in all the places and very expensive– and there is so little money in sight or in prospective– Saltair on the 10th of July may bring in some but even that will soon be used up. I have been so weary at the close of these meetings there is so much talking to so little purpose and one gets very weary– {p. 201}

22 June 1895 • Saturday

This is a busy day I had intended visiting the Primary Conference but proofs and copy kept me employed so I could not I had hoped to have a little more means than usual come in today but there seemed only a few coming to care for the children– Olive is down from Ogden with some of the children [Daniel] Spencer Wallace her husband’s13 brother was married and last night was the reception– the children stayed at Annie’s. I worked as long as I could see and came home faint & exhausted– Belle came up today and talked over Sep’s going away he is to go to Butte as an Assistant book-keeper in some mining office. I do hope he will do well. {p. 202}

23 June 1895 • Sunday

I determined to stay at home and rest and I did so, but meantime I wrote a long letter to Verona and tried to go through a trunk full of letters to find my copyright for the book I want to publish– in a way I am just about decided to do it immediately and I have so much material in mind to use for a novel which shall be a greater success. Olive came over from Belle’s where she was spending the day to see me, and in the evening Sep– came & stayed a short time– I have been very faint and had to rest and read something very light. I have one of Thomas Hardy’s books Some of Life’s Ironies but I do not care much for it– {p. 203}

24 June 1895 • Monday

This morning I went off in good time– Annie is down at Belle’s with baby picking roses to take to the dinner at George Q’s. Mr. Meyers a wealthy druggist, who has been traveling in the South with Abram H. Cannon is to be there– and it is to be a very grand affair– invitations are out for receptions at Frank [W.] Jennings and Jimmie [James Sharp]’s or Mrs. Lizie [Elizabeth (Lizzie) Rogers] Sharp’s. I have an invitation to Mrs. [Alice J.] Whalen’s at Ogden– Annie is invited to Mrs. Jennings I had a letter to day from Mrs. [Harriette Robinson] Shattuck of Malden, Mass. in reference to Woman’s Manual of Parliamentary Law. Also one from Mrs. [Clara Bewick] Colby in reference to coming here for lectures– Dot, Sep, Lucile and Em all went out to Saltair this afternoon {p. 204}

25 June 1895 • Tuesday

This morning I went away early, saw Belle for a minute, Sep went up to his Aunt Annie’s and I had some talk with [Daniel] Harrington about nominations of women– went direct to Pearl– about finishing the make up– Mrs. Salisbury came in to see me, and urged me to go down to lunch with her at the exchange– Mr. Barrett14 & Marshall Brigham invited me to their table and began to talk Politics and Democracy I was introduced to Mr. Burton of Egypt Ill. I had a letter from Mell– good news; the [First] Presidency and some members of their families have started today for Portland, the Sound and the Coast Pacific. Sep went on the same train Annie came up town with Louise & Margaret– Lucile goes to Ogden tomorrow {p. 205}

26 June 1895 • Wednesday

Lucile went away this morning– Sep would arrive at Butte at Nine A.M. Belle feels very lonely I know– I came up town early and commenced looking up accounts– and sending out bills receipts and so on– Aunt Zina came to see me and bid me good bye– as she goes to Sanpete tomorrow– to the Sisters Conferences– Sister E. S. Taylor is going too. President Woodruff is quite ill– cannot lie down and sleep– he is afflicted with asthma. I saw Dr. [Washington F.] Anderson today for the first time in many months. He used to be such a friend in times gone by I was very fond of his society– he is a fine scholar and splendid conversationalist. {p. 206}

27 June 1895 • Thursday

I do not feel like rejoicing but one must conform to circumstances and as I have been invited to attend a party this evening where the company will be very social I must make an extra effort to attend. I am making the utmost exertion with my mailing and Em. is helping me, and we shall have almost all off today. I have received Miss Patterson’s photo– from San Francisco. The Democratic party are doing all in their power to help the women of the Territory forward, they are speaking here and there in Wards and districts Aunt Zina made the first speech at Taylorsville and Dr. Ferguson in the 10th–Ward. Mattie H. Cannon is in the field. {p. 207}

28 June 1895 • Friday

This is the day of Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Frank Jennings reception Belle Annie & Dot are going. We had quite a full meeting of the Kindergarten Association and discussed Commencement exercises Saltair and Liberty Park– it seems to me we are doing too much at once. However one cannot always be opposing– I am very weary and feel the need of some actual rest and instead of that– more and more comes on to be done or advise to be given. I have a letter from my sister in Chicago15 in which– she encloses a letter from Pallas who is in delicate health which is very touching and makes one feel depressed {p. 208}

29 June 1895 • Saturday

Always a busy day tho’ my mailing is really off hand yet one has so many odds and ends to keep up– shall we ever do all that is our duty and desire to accomplish. I fear not in my case– Em came up and I asked her to go and tell the girls to come to the Club tonight– I tried to finish my poem– A Voice From The Mountain but have not succeeded and shall have to read one of my old ones after promising– We are to have the Silver Question on pro and con affirmative Phebe C. [Clark] Young negative Ruth M. Fox– A terrible storm came up and I was drenched to the skin– {p. 209}

30 June 1895 • Sunday

did not reach home until the last car but one. how exhausted I was– I read to the Club– Autumnal Musings Dr. Ferguson looked daggers at me– she is unscrupulous. the ladies did remarkably well in the discussion. We are to have the single tax next time.

This is a beautiful day. I made up my mind to stay at home and try to rest. I wrote one chapter of my Story, “In Rural England.” I have gone over hundreds of letters today but have not found my copyright yet–

Sep came home today, Belle came over and told me he was coming as he was sick and could not possibly go up into the mountains I finished reading Sonya Kovavelsky [Sofya Kovalevskaya] Russian {p. 210}

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June 1895, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1895/1895-06


  1. [1]Pen name used by Maria Miller Johnson, a contributor to the Woman’s Exponent living in Circleville, Utah Territory. (See Page, “Woman’s Exponent,” 27; EBW, Diary, 2 and 3 Jan. 1898.) EBW published a long essay countering the arguments of B. H. Roberts, the delegate from Davis County at the Utah Constitutional Convention. (Ruby Lamont, “Woman Suffrage,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1895, 24:6–8; Madsen, Defender of the Faith, 217.) EBW published Lamont’s poem, “Woman’s Sphere: A Satire,” in Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1895, 24:17.

  2. [2]Jonathan C. Royle and Eliza Kirtley Royle. (1880 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, 218C.)

  3. [3]Marie Isabella James. (“Marie James Lucas,” Ogden Standard-Examiner, 30 Apr. 1970, 7D.)

  4. [4]Jenne Cannon.

  5. [5]The work of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891) in spiritualism was popularized by Countess Constance Wachtmeister, who visited Salt Lake on a lecture tour in June 1894. (EBW, Diary, 29 June 1894, footnote; Encyclopædia Britannica Online, s.v. “Helena Blavatsky,” last modified 8 Aug. 2019, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Helena-Blavatsky.) Blavatsky’s book, The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, was published in two volumes in 1888. Wachtmeister published Reminiscences of H. P. Blavatsky and “The Secret Doctrine” in 1893.

  6. [6]The Pennsylvania Centennial Fair committee solicited pieces of silk dress material to be worked into a national quilt representing each state and territory in the Union. (“Ogden Society,” Salt Lake Tribune, 9 June 1895, 4.) For EBW’s response to the request, see EBW, Diary, 11 June 1895.

  7. [7]“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1895, 24:12, describes the event but identifies the honored guest only as “Mrs. Lane of Washington, D. C.”

  8. [8]For a report on the lecture, see “Champion of the Jews,” Salt Lake Herald, 13 June 1895, 2. Joseph Krauskopf (1858–1923), born in Prussia, studied theology at Cincinnati’s Hebrew Union College, became a leader of Reform Judaism in America from the pulpit at Keneseth Israel Synagogue in Philadelphia, and conducted lecture tours to fund the National Farm School in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. (“Joseph Krauskopf,” Delaware Valley College Archives.)

  9. [9]Miss Ida Snow’s lecture on Italy and recital from Shakespeare’s As You Like It was previewed in “Lecture and Shakespearean Recital,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1895, 24:3. The event was described in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1895, 24:12–13, mentioning her as a daughter of President Lorenzo Snow.

  10. [10]Proceedings of the Salt Lake Stake Relief Society conference were reviewed in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1895, 24:12. Elmina S. Taylor was concurrently a member of the Salt Lake Stake Relief Society presidency and general president of the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association. Helen Mar Kimball Whitney was ailing. (Florence Smith Jacobsen, “Taylor, Elmina Shepard,” in Ludlow, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 4:1436–1437; Hatch and Compton, Widow’s Tale, 665.)

  11. [11]Leonora Horne Spencer. (1900 U.S. Census, Paris, Idaho, 321A; Spencer, Death Certificate, 16 May 1920.)

  12. [12]Likely Christiana Vernon Smith, who also attended memorial party for Hannah T. King on 19 June 1896. (EBW, Diary, 19 June 1896, note 75.)

  13. [13]Joseph Bates Wallace. (1900 U.S. Census, Ogden, Utah, 249B; 1870 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, 695[B].)

  14. [14]Perhaps Samuel M. Barratt. (Barratt, Death Record, 25 Dec. 1900.)

  15. [15]Lucy Woodward Hewlings. (1900 U.S. Census, Chicago, Illinois, 59A.)