June 1883

1 June 1883 • Friday

We all went to the Lake yesterday afternoon Mrs. Coupar called today and we arranged to go to Sharp’s to lunch tomorrow Dr. Pratt lectured last night in the 14th. Ward and I went with her the lecture was good– it is very dusty and unpleasant. It is Emmie’s birthday [p. 100] {p. 103}

2 June 1883 • Saturday

Another busy day expected the girls but they did not come had lots of callers and plenty of work. the paper came over just at evening– distributed a few with Mary [M. Wells]’s help. Went out with Dr. Pratt and to see Belle and Dot [S. Isabel Sears] came home with me–

3 June 1883 • Sunday

Spent the morning in bed Sister Howard came went to meeting in the afternoon and in the evening Mrs. Coupar came and spent the whole evening She is very rich I am sure very finely educated but not at all inclined to be a Mormon too proud and haughty– [p. 101] {p. 104}

4 June 1883 • Monday

Looked all day for the girls felt quite disappointed– but tried to work it off by mailing. Rob came down– Mr. Sears & Belle came over Sunday afternoon and this evening Belle seems worried Mr. Sears is to be Superintendent under Mr. [Horace S.] Eldredge of the Coop1

5 June 1883 • Tuesday

Today is Daisie’s birthday I went and bought her a hat and trimmings and took dinner with them. Six oclock train the girls came Q is greatly improved indeed both the girls seem better, we had a pleasant time, Rob was down here too. [p. 102] {p. 105}

6 June 1883 • Wednesday

Today we are finishing the mailing Sister [Jane Snyder] Richards of Ogden was here all day yesterday and we were going over old accounts and trying to make everything right in the account of Weber Stake with the Hospital Did not get quite completed– with all the receipts

7 June 1883 • Thursday

Have been very much occupied and could not get all ready to send by train this afternoon. Wanted to go to Ogden by the 3-40 train but could not do it so decided to go in the morning and Annie & baby are going with me– Have been up very late on towards morning [p. 103] {p. 106}

8 June 1883 • Friday

Went to Ogden Annie & baby– attended Conference–2 did the necessary business at intermission, spoke in the afternoon meeting and afterwards visited Miss Hall3 who was very ill and administered to her with Sister Jane Richards. Sister Sara [Sarah Snyder] Richards came home with us–

9 June 1883 • Saturday

Felt very weary this morning went off as early as I could– found lots of work waiting for me– kept up all day and at night came home tired and went to the Opera House to see Mochiske [Modjeska] in the play of Twelfth Night in which she was surpassingly lovely– [p. 104] {p. 107}

10 June 1883 • Sunday

A very sultry day Annie & Louie went to meeting and I took care of baby– wrote to my sister Ellen & to Mrs. [Margaret Cruickshank] Morrison of Mt. Pleasant– in the evening tried to read some and prepare some copy– Annie was not very well neither was Louie– Belle came over but went to Mell’s to dine.

11 June 1883 • Monday

Went to the Office early found Sisters King & [Ann Gibson] Sharp waiting, Dr. Pratt and Mrs. [Augusta Joyce] Crocheron came and afterwards Helen [Mar Kimball] Whitney Mellie & then Aunt Zina– who was in excellent health and spirits. Helen & I went up to the Hospital. George M. & Rob were here Annie wrote a letter to John Q. [p. 105] {p. 108}

12 June 1883 • Tuesday

These are the balmy summer days, the city blooms with roses and flowers of all descriptions and all nature seems in the most joyous mood. Everything seems auspicious and nature joins in the wonderful rejunevation all is bright and cheerful and heaven seems more tender and forgiving than us.

13 June 1883 • Wednesday

It is 23 years today since Irene [Haskell Pomeroy] my bosom friend died she died in my house, under my own care. so sudden and yet not for she had been ill.4 Annie was a babe then and I was so delicate it seemed to upset my nervous system and yet since then I have had more grievous troubles. [p. 106] {p. 109}

14 June 1883 • Thursday

This is a lovely day. I find my office so pleasant and it seems to good to be comfortably situated. I scarcely know how to be thankful enough for all the blessings and privileges the Lord has given me. In my days of melancholy and despondency when passing through sore and grievous trials I tried to be humble and hopeful

15 June 1883 • Friday

Another grand and glorious day. Sunshine & fragrance flowers and bloom on all sides. We went out for a ride today and had a pleasant time. I am very busy trying to get my paper out in time. The girls are very helpful and as baby is well we have nothing to complain of. [p. 107] {p. 110}

16 June 1883 • Saturday

More fine weather. So many have called today. It is hard work to keep up with everything. We have had a meeting in regard to celebrating the 24th, with a concert. The Committee of ladies will prepare National costumes for children boys and girls. I am on the programme committee

17 June 1883 • Sunday

Went to meeting had very good preaching. weather very warm. Company in the evening. not feeling very well. So much to do in the middle of mailing and no rest when one’s mind is upset Sister Howard has been here and we had a pleasant interview she is so jolly [p. 108] {p. 111}

18 June 1883 • Monday

Was at the office all day working hard at the mailing so many people coming in hinders one very much indeed.

Louie and Annie went out for a ride and took the 7th Ward papers. Q is pretty well, and all the rest except Belle who is not feeling in her best spirits.

19 June 1883 • Tuesday

Some trouble about Sep. [Septimus Whitney Sears] dear little fellow I hope he will be a good boy. All these uncommon bright boys are mischeivious. Belle worries over him dreadfully. Dot seems the pink of perfection. Everything seems to be at its best at present. Some of the sisters are going out of town to Conferences [p. 109] {p. 112}

20 June 1883 • Wednesday

Last night, <there was> was the most destructive fire which ever occurred in Salt Lake. The Council House was burned and all the adjacent buildings. H. [Hiram] B. Clawson had giant powder which exploded causing great destruction to property. The Tabernacle took fire twice. I lost in property alone over three hundred dol<lars>5

21 June 1883 • Thursday

Today we have been getting things together from the ruins finding out what really had been saved which seems very little. I am in want of an office to transact my business in– desk standing out on the porch at the Corner House. All my papers are gone– broken glass in every direction. [p. 110] {p. 113}

22 June 1883 • Friday

Conference of the Salt Lake Relief Society to day. I could not attend. I was too busy trying to get shelter. Mr. Sears came and offered me a place in the Brick Building at the back of the house.6 I think the family have feelings over it in fact I feel sure of it and I am loth to accept of it.

23 June 1883 • Saturday

Went over to the Primary Conference and made a few remarks and then notified the sisters in regard to the Exponent There was a very good spirit manifest and I was pleased with the improvement in seating the children. worked very hard in the afternoon trying to wait on the [p. 111] {p. 114} people who came to do business with the paper & the Hospital

24 June 1883 • Sunday

Went to the Tabernacle and heard Br. Penrose preach. A very large congregation were assembled. Had some friends to supper and in the evening had some music and a pleasant evening baby is better and the house is more cheery and though we lost by the fire do not feel to repine.

25 June 1883 • Monday

Accepted the kind offer of Junius to sit in his office and do what business I needed to there. Captain Evans was here from Denver and he visited Abbie [Abby Corilla Wells] regularly every day Both were very polite to me but I feel in the way and would like to be [p. 112] {p. 115} in some place of my own.

26 June 1883 • Tuesday

The days are very hot and dry. In Main Street the glass is being replaced and the city resuming its former respectable appearance. There is much talk about Clawson not getting his insurace on account of the powder

27 June 1883 • Wednesday

This is the regular meeting day of our Relief Society but I cannot attend not having any regular place of business and my work all behind on account of the recent fire. The girls are very busy and Belle & Lou are talking of going East– [p. 113] {p. 116}

28 June 1883 • Thursday

O such dreadful hot days I find it so difficult to write anything which requires thought in this office with June and Abbie though both are extremely kind and obliging. Annie has had such a good letter from John Q. good news which is always cheering.

29 June 1883 • Friday

Mr. Sears came and offered me a room in the building up stairs; over the office June occupies. The building is now in the hands of the Z.C.M.I. and he has it in his charge for the present under Mr. Eldredge. I do not like to accept as I am sure there will be feelings over it. [p. 114] {p. 117}

30 June 1883 • Saturday

Belle has been up and is anxious to have me accept the offer of going into the room up stairs. I am sure some of the folks are against it– one would think that considering I earn my own living, a favor like that might be looked upon as only a trifle.

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June 1883, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1883/1883-06


  1. [1]Zion’s Cooperative Mercantile Institution, the Church cooperative store, with headquarters on Main Street in Salt Lake City. (See Leonard J. Arrington and Dean L. May, “History of the Church: 1844–1877,” in Ludlow, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 2:621; Maxine Lewis Rowley, “Home Industries,” in Ludlow, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 2:654.)

  2. [2]EBW referred to the quarterly conference of the Relief Societies of Weber Stake. EBW’s report on the conference included the full text of “The Disfranchisement of the Women of Utah,” an address by Belva A. Lockwood presented before the National Woman Suffrage Association in Washington, DC, on 24 January 1883. Emily S. Richards read the address to the congregation. (“Quarterly Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1883, 12:12; “The Disfranchisement of the Women of Utah,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1883, 12:12–14.)

  3. [3]Probably Millennium (Millie) Matilda Hall or Thirza Ann Hall, daughters of Joseph and Ann Hall in the Ogden Second Ward. Joseph Hall was editor of the Ogden Herald and had attended the Weber Stake Relief Society Conference, along with other dignitaries. (1880 U.S. Census, Ogden, Utah Territory, 423B, accessed 12 Oct. 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MNSG-9NZ; “Quarterly Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1883, 12.)

  4. [4]For more on Irene H. Pomeroy, see EBW, Diary, 10 Jan. 1883.

  5. [5]The fire and gunpowder explosion at Clawson’s Wagon Depot burned nearby buildings and blew out glass panes in buildings along Main and South Temple Streets. The Council House was occupied by the Woman’s Exponent. (“Heavy Fire,” Salt Lake Tribune, 21 June 1883, 4; “The Big Blaze,” Salt Lake Tribune, 22 June 1883, 4.)

  6. [6]Beginning 1 July, the paper’s masthead listed “Exponent Office, in brick building north of Z. C. M. I., East Temple Street.” (Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1883, 12:16.) Its location was behind the home of Daniel H. Wells. (Madsen, Intimate History, Fig. 21, facing p. 243.)