February 1902

1 February 1902 • Saturday

<Press Club last evening in the office Amelia F. Young has been in> Today cars were late power off Mrs. F. [Franklin] S. Richards and Miss [Vida] Goldenstein were in to see me but I was not there‒ Mrs. Richards gave Miss G. a reception tonight. This is Cavendish birthday and I went to the farm to lunch, dear little fellow was ever so fine in his new suit‒ and gave a matinee party to his brothers and sisters. baby has grown finely. Annie seemed pretty well, George Q. had been to the Tabernacle to assist about the baptizing. Sisters Lapish, Stevenson, Caine, Evans, Alder[,] Wells, Richards, and others have been in and I have been to the President’s office and to & Dr. Shipp’s and so on‒ cannot do everything; I am so weary and disgusted too with some things that happen [p. 64] {p. 68}

2 February 1902 • Sunday

Missed the Temple Fast meeting on account of cars not running, and wrote the address of the N.W.R.S.1 for the Council and called on Belle, those were my only occupations for the day

All day had a fire in the parlor and hoped Annie or some one of the family would come but nome [none] of them came. I had worried very much about my mailing and yet I could do no more than I had done. Will came a minute and late I ran over to Belle’s and found all right‒ so tried to be content but could not sleep well even after going to bed. My mind is disturbed in many ways. [p. 65] {p. 69}

3 February 1902 • Monday

Had the address of the N.W.R.S. type-written‒ by Miss Hall one dollar expense, and worked hard all day long trying to get ready Reaper’s Club met in office and I was out part of the time looking up on matters before going away. Mailing finished and tickets secured and money paid, Margaret Caine came and gave me five dollars and brought me a message from Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury of love and friendship [p. 66] {p. 70}

4 February 1902 • Tuesday

Today have gone over letters and have done all things possible towards going. Have paid dress maker and all little things‒ bill for rent and Printing‒ sent off packages been to see the children at Annie’s and bade all Good Bye‒ went to Dr. Pratts at six to have dinner; it was her mother’s birthday, she is 87 yrs old today Br. [Charles W.] Penrose’s birthday he is 70 years old today, and I am the only guest invited except his wife Lizzie [Louise Lusty Penrose] and the Dr.’s children with an elaborate dinner on the table, turkey goose and every luxury and wine of a fine quality Grandma [Esther Mendenhall] Bunnell 87 years old sat at table and ate well‒ Dr. seemed very happy indeed and as soon as supper was over we all chatted until I was obliged to go and see Annie & the little ones. [p. 67] {p. 71}

5 February 1902 • Wednesday

Only today before going away for a few weeks, and not knowing what may transpire, I had promised to go to Phebe Beatie’s to stay and go from there to the depot in the morning, to the 7 o’clock train, all has been arranged Mrs. A. F. Young to sleep with me, Annie Hyde and Ria Dougall Ida Dusenberry and her sister Teenie [A. Christine Smoot Taylor], S. J. Cannon & Olive [Sophronia Jenne Peck], Dorothy [Cannon Hyde] and children2 Ann [Mousley Cannon] & Addie Cannon Mrs. Lapish & Mrs. [Alice Mitchell] Steele, Phebe Beatie & Jote [Josephine Beatie] Burton‒ this is how we are paired off the company very agreeable and weather reasonably fine at evening went home packed my trunk although Emeline had been down then Hebe [Heber M. Wells] & Emily [Katz Wells], John Q. and Annie came and we opened the champagne, that had been given to me at Christmas [p. 68] {p. 72}

6 February 1902 • Thursday

Had slept very little with Hazel in back parlor, and early breakfast, then Charlie [Charles S. Burton] & Jote came and took us to depot‒ Margaret came to go with me, and brought me comb & brush which I had forgotten‒ the road is very monotonous but company pleasant and of course scenery now and then diversified; therefore helps relieve one of ennui. I have many magazines and books am trying to keep in mind material for my article for the Council, “The Age We Live In.” Dorothy Hyde and her two girl babies are with us and keep us in mind of a nursery Amelia F. Young with me [p. 69] {p. 73}

7 February 1902 • Friday

All day going over scenery familiar from long association and also recalling journey across the plains. Had talk with Sarah Jane Cannon also sort of class lesson in Parliamentary Law some unpleasant remarks Amelia deliful [delightful?] has a bad cold babies getting tired. [p. 70] {p. 74}

8 February 1902 • Saturday

This morning arrived in Chicago. Annie Hyde & Annie Cannon went off to see about Tickets for the party‒ we were much worried had breakfast in waiting room‒ finally left on two p.m. train Amelia remained in Chicago to visit friends and doctor her cold‒ [p. 71] {p. 75}

9 February 1902 • Sunday

Arrived in Washington about three drove to the Hall’s all except the Suffrage delegation‒ Lapish & Steele and Cannons all save Ann & Addie‒ The Halls were delighted to see me and made us very welcome and Mr. [Samuel K.] Hall went out with us to get dinner at a restaurant near by. Afterwards we part of us went to the Riggs House to see some of the Suffrage people and Mrs. Hyde & one or two others insisted upon staying there. I was much opposed to it but was finally persuaded much against my will to yield to those of the party much younger & less experienced I feel now that it was wrong and always shall I believe [p. 72] {p. 76}

10 February 1902 • Monday

I tried to rest and reconcile myself to things, Mrs. Hyde went to see the Cannons others their own way and I was collecting my ideas for my papers. Susa is in Jersey City but is expected here Wednesday with her daughter who is to sing in a concert with the violinist Florizelle [Florizel von Reuter] under Major J. [James] B. Pond. Sister Cannon came over to see me and we had a little visit together about our own affairs, Willard [T. Cannon] has gone off on his mission to Germany

Informal reception in the evening at Riggs house parlors‒ wore my blue silk waist and black lace skirt [p. 73] {p. 77}

11 February 1902 • Tuesday

A disagreeable day went to the Senate to hear some of the speakers, heard [George L.] Wellington from Maryland on the Phillipine question, very good

In the evening went into the meeting of the N.A.W.S.A.3 by permission‒ heard all the arrangements made for the International Conference to organize an International Association of Suffrage. [p. 74] {p. 78}

12 February 1902 • Wednesday

Went to the opening of the Association Convention at the Riggs House heard Miss Anthony 2.30 First Presbyterian Church, Mrs. [Carrie Chapman] Catt presiding Greetings Addresses of Welcome saw the great leaders of the movement presented by May Wright Sewall International Council Clara Barton International Red Cross, Susan B. Anthony N.A.WS.A. of United States Madame Soffja Levovna Friedland Russia, Anna H. Shaw‒ President’s address, Pioneer evening when I was privileged to sit upon the platform4 sung Battle Hymn Mrs. [Florence Fenwick] Miller read greeting from Mrs. [Priscilla Bright] McLaren, Mrs. [Elizabeth Cady] Stanton by Mrs. [Clara Bewick] Colby & others John Hutchinson [p. 75] {p. 79}

13 February 1902 • Thursday

<was introduced to Mrs. [Julia Langdon] Barber by the daughter of Judge Wait [Charles B. Waite]> This morning Organization Afternoon representation of States 20 of them mentioned and in the evening at 6 o’clock reception to delegates in which we were included at Mrs. A. [Arnzi] L. Barber’s‒ House Belmont or the Castle, the house & furnishings very fine & refreshments liberal met there Judge Waite’s daughter, and had some conversation with her‒ Evening with the new Woman[,] Helen Adelaide Shaw Boston[,] actress Dorothy Dix Lady & the Quill Her name Elizabeth [Meriwether] Gilmer & others [p. 76] {p. 80}

14 February 1902 • Friday

<Anna H. Shaw’s birthday 51 years old> Friday Feb. 14. Morning Work Conference Mrs. Elnora M. [Monroe] Babcock Chairman Press Com. in the chair Ex. Com. discuss plan of work Afternoon reports of States including Utah by Hannah Lapish and Ex Senator [Frank J.] Cannon Evening the new man when I was again allowed to sit on the platform Oswald Garrison Villard grandson of Wm. Loyd [Lloyd] Garrison Wm. Dudley Falke [Foulke] John S. Crosby Mandalin Club Floradore [p. 77] {p. 81}

15 February 1902 • Saturday

Miss Susan B. Anthony’s 82nd birthday and there was a purse made up for her and afterwards a reception tendered to delegates on her account principaly and I was introduced to Mrs. John B. Henderson [Mary Foote Henderson] by Miss Anthony the house was another elegant one and out 16th. St. extended. [p. 78] {p. 82}

19 February 1902 • Wednesday

The opening of the Convention in Business session at its Fourth Triennial session of the National Council of Women of the United States. Of the officers there were present Hon. Pres. May Wright Sewall, Prest. Fannie Humphrey’s Gaffney <New York City> Vice Pres. Maria Purdy Peck of Davenport, Iowa, Cor. Sec.5 Kate Waller Barrett Washington D. C. Anna Garlin Spencer of Providence R. I.‒ E. B. Wells Salt Lake City Utah, and Hannah G. [Greenebaum] Solomon Chicago Illinois Representatives from Utah Annie T. Hyde Proxie for Pres. R. S. Ida S. Dusenberry Delegate‒ Maria Y. Dougall Proxy for Pres. Y.L.M.I.A.6 Ann M. Cannon Delegate – also Christine S. Taylor Sarah J. Cannon, Martha A. Cannon and some others. [p. 82] {p. 83}

20 February 1902 • Thursday

Business meeting this morning and at the afternoon session Mrs. Annie T. Hyde read the Report of the N.W.R.S. written by me‒ which was well rec’d in the evening I read my own paper entitled “The Age We live In”‒ other papers were given and some excellent ones Miss Law of New York Pres. Woman’s Business Club and Miss Richards Delegate Nursing profession into Reform and Prevention and after my paper [p. 83] {p. 84}

23 February 1902 • Sunday

Lay in bed until late felt very ill at last dressed and went to F. J. Cannon’s to the meeting Amelia F. Young was with me and when we arrived the meeting was nearly over & the sacrament had been administered but we were allowed to have it passed to us. An Indian brother named Terry was there and there had been quite strong manifestations of power, Ben [E.] Rich was there. [p. 86] {p. 85}

24 February 1902 • Monday

Morning business meeting very active and some controversy with Miss [Sadie] American. Mrs. [Ellen M.] Richardson was on the platform and Mrs. [Mary Wood] Swift of California the new Vice President [p. 87] {p. 86}

27 February 1902 • Thursday

Mrs. Amelia F. Young Susa Y. Gates and myself went thro the Conservatory of the White House, with Dr. Jones who had been sent by Senator [Thomas] Kearns to escort us through there. we had a pleasant time and at 3. p.m. I went for a ride with Dr. John Edward Jones the Secretary of Senator Kearns It was the day Prince Harry7 was in Washington at the Capitol and Representative [George A.] Sutherland took Mrs. George S. Taylor [Christine Smoot Taylor] to see the ceremony at the Senate. In the afternoon some of the folks left for other places to make visits and some to Baltimore. [p. 90] {p. 87}

28 February 1902 • Friday

This is my birthday and the rain is pouring down in torrents‒ Mrs. Young goes to Baltimore and I went to the depot with her. Dr. [Samuel H.] Allen & wife8 are here and baby,9 she was a Miss Lowrie of Manti. He is an International Council Patron. I went with them to the reception given to the Mother’s Congress at the White House among a crowd we went in a carriage but returned on foot‒ met Dr. Rosetta Luce Gilchrist and introduced her to Dr. & Mrs. Allen also Mrs. Dusenberry they went away as soon as we returned from the White House and I spent the evening with Miss [Clara] Barton in her room‒ a happy finish to a lonely birthday that no one recognized the second <one in succession in Washington>10 [p. 91] {p. 88}

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February 1902, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1902/1902-02


  1. [1]National Woman’s Relief Society.

  2. [2]Dorothy L. and Jenne C. Hyde.

  3. [3]National American Woman Suffrage Association.

  4. [4]For a description of the program honoring suffrage pioneers, including EBW, see Husted, History of Woman Suffrage, 5:30–32.

  5. [5]Corresponding Secretary.

  6. [6]Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  7. [7]Prince Albert Wilhelm Heinrich of Prussia, also referred to as “Prince Henry.” (See EBW, Diary, 6 Mar. 1902.)

  8. [8]Ida Lowry Allen.

  9. [9]Ethel Allen.

  10. [10]“This is my birthday tho’ no one here knows it except Susa.” (EBW, Diary, 28 Feb. 1901.)