May 1909

1 May 1909 • Saturday

May-day but not very bright although some have gone up into the caňons and found a few flowers. I have been busy with my work and could not pay much attention to May day or flowers. Had many callers and tried to get through a lot of work but did not succeed in getting through all the copy I intended to finish [p. 121] {p. 137}

2 May 1909 • Sunday

Went early to the Temple sat on the car with Julia Brixon [Gutke Brixen] and in the Temple with Sister Smith Lucy Kimball on the other side she is very lame and is feeble– had to go before the meeting was over. I took Brenton Sears name to be prayed for– There were a number of people there more than of late. President Jos. F. Smith occupied most of the time, Junius F. Wells and Adolph Madsen each spoke before him he told us of the visit to Honolulu in an entertaining manner. Afterward I went to Sister P. P. Jennings and then to 18th. Ward Chapel– then to Willard Young’s to dinner called on Edna [Wells] Sloan and went to Assembly hall to a Temperance or Prohibition lecture by Chaffin [Eugene W. Chafin], the man who was nominated for President on the Prohibition Ticket Sister [Amanda Ross] Ramsey’s funeral today in the 14th.Ward hall [p. 122] {p. 138}

3 May 1909 • Monday

Sister Bathsheba W. Smith kept open house receiving her friends and relatives from 2. until 8. p.m. 160 people called and were served with dainty refreshments, flowers and other gifts were brought toke[n]s of love and esteem. The lady was 87 today Reaper’s Social met today in the office– Annette [S. Annette Wells] Culmer gave a dinner in honor of her mother’s1 birthday anniversary– 79 years of age There were present at dinner Lydia Ann Susan H. Hannah & myself, Kate May, Nett, Cathie and Florence,2 I was invited to ask the blessing at table, After dinner we went to call on Sister B. W. Smith in Nett’s Automobile, Susan Nett and myself– Hannah and Lydia Ann went home, did not feel equal to the effort– gave Susan a little book fifty poems selections [p. 123] {p. 139}

4 May 1909 • Tuesday

This was the banquet day for the General Board. Committee were C. S. Williams P. Y. Beatie and Rebecca Nibley– Roast beef beautifully carved and well cooked, potatoes peas and other things lettuce pickles olives hot rolls, then a delicious salad, ice cream and strawberries, angel cake and birthday fruit cake, then toast mistress Emmeline B. Wells who opened with presenting the honored guest as the greatest woman of the time, and then called upon Ida S. Dusenberry then Clarissa S. Williams then Julina L. Smith, Sarah Jenne Cannon Susan Grant, Pres. P. P. Jennings, Phebe Beatie Alice Horne Annie W. Cannon Minnie James Hattie Harker Rebecca Nibley then Sister B. W. Smith– [p. 124] {p. 140}

5 May 1909 • Wednesday

I made up the paper, had many callers and Belle came down and went to the Pioneer meeting3 Annie came up too June was here and John Q. Belle had had news from Brent and there was a talk of scarcity of flowr Mamie [Cannon] Lambert’s wedding to which John Q. and Annie were invited. Annie and Emily [Cannon] Willey gave a fine chocolate and salad set gilt band china– George C. Lambert the bride’s father married them at the home the day was very cold, Grace Grant’s engagement is announced to [Isaac B.] Evans of Ogden teacher in the Academy up there [p. 125] {p. 141}

6 May 1909 • Thursday

Read my revise this morning Margaret Cannon came up to help me with getting ready for mailing. Violet’s mother4 came from American Fork to make her dress and nurse costume Meeting of the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exhibit today– no mail of much consequence Edna L. Smith came with request to subscribe to Aunt Eliza R. Snow’s picture to hang in the Temple by Aunt Zina’s. 50 dollars. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith came to sign orders to pay bills etc. Scarcity of water, none in the Templeton Building, [p. 126] {p. 142}

20 May 1909 • Thursday

Today I met Miss Robina Miller on the street and she told me that when her mother5 was coming to the valley, I got on the train at Ogden and sat beside her, and conversed with her, in the meantime telling her that she would be able to convert her family & they would all come into the Church– which has now came to pass; that happened 20 yrs. ago last 18th. of May and soon after within a few years all even the father6 who was very bitter came in at last all inside ten years. This is quite a manifestation of the spirit of prophecy–7 [p. 140] {p. 143}

30 May 1909 • Sunday

Fast meeting in Temple dinner at Hannah Wells Abbie [H. Wells] & June home called at Mrs. [Rebecca Mantle] Little’s saw her niece Sister [Mary Jenkins] Decker her brother Lewelyn [Llewellyn J.] Mantle Sister Lizzie Crismon Called on Sister Farnsworth who was to leave for Europe in a few days, had tea there and the graduating class from the Utah University were there in caps and gowns, went with Sister Farnsworth and the young folks to the graduating exercises in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall Professor [James E.] Talmage made the address a very masterly address indeed. Had a very high compliment from Joseph [S.] Hyde and wife8 and also from Prof J. E. Talmage [p. 150] {p. 144}

31 May 1909 • Monday

A very busy day, so much to do and so many people to notify of Sister Little’s funeral tomorrow we ordered carriages and flowers for the Board [p. 151] {p. 145}

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May 1909, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Susan Alley Wells.

  2. [2]Attending were sister wives and daughters: Lydia Alley Wells, Susan Alley Wells, Hannah Free Wells, Catherine “Kate” Wells, Mary “May” Wells Whitney, Annette “Nett” Wells Culmer, Catherine Culmer Roberts, and Florence Culmer.

  3. [3]EBW’s daughter Isabel Whitney Sears was an early member of Daughters of Utah Pioneers and president between 12 April and 2 October 1909. (See EBW, Diary, 24 Sept. 1901; “Past Presidents,” Daughters of Utah Pioneers, accessed 29 Dec. 2020,

  4. [4]Susanna Johnson Lloyd.

  5. [5]Agnes Murphy Miller.

  6. [6]Matthew Miller.

  7. [7]EBW’s diary entry for 18 May 1889 reads, “Came down on morning train John Q. Annie Sweetie & Margaret all came in the carriage to the depot. Arrived home about noon, paper is out, lots of hindrances.” (EBW, Diary, 18 May 1889.)

  8. [8]Janette Acord Hyde.