April 1881

1 April 1881 • Friday

Louie felt sick today I was obliged to go and leave her. She took her father’s picture & Mrs [Annie Gibson] Sharp’s down to Jubilee Box. Received a letter from Belle which made me feel very unpleasant came home tired no-one in the house. Went over the money for Aunt Eliza got it all together, Sister Shipley is here

2 April 1881 • Saturday

Saturday the first thing in the morning came the girls from Gunnison Edlah & Gustava, one will go to Belle’s after Conference is over. Many are in from the country Miss Claridge’s mother1 came last night, Adam [S.] & Em [Emma Spencer] Patterson have parted Went up with Aunt Eliza’s money, Belle came to night– [p. 69] {p. 73}

3 April 1881 • Sunday

A nice day we all went to meeting, Belle staid and went up to the grave yard,2 She went home by afterno in the evening Sep. came she will go off in the morning. Her sild [silk] brocade and silk velvet shirt are very nice. Conference commenced today.

4 April 1881 • Monday

The town is runn[in]g over with Conference folks. Belle went by morning train. All day the office has been full. Some back money paid on the paper. Sister [Marinda Johnson] Hyde, [Deborah Lippincott] Irons, [Mary Ann Weston] Maughan and many others calculated to help along, but I am so weary my brain seems on fire I am anxious about Lucile [p. 70] {p. 74}

5 April 1881 • Tuesday

Conference continues to increase in interest. Yesterday Mon [Monday] Heber hart was suspected of taking money from the Coop drug dept. and acknowledged– told Sister Eliza all. She feels it keenly Sister King can scarcely realize it. Money comes in– I feel so glad. very stormy

6 April 1881 • Wednesday

This is the day of days. very stormy yet the streets are full of people. I shut the office and went to meeting in the afternoon. Joseph F. Smith preached on family govrenment– an excellent sermon. The church business was all transacted. John W. [Young] was left out of the Counselor’s quorum3 [p. 71] {p. 75}

7 April 1881 • Thursday

This is fast day. Many of the people are going home from Conference. Business is still thriving. Gustava goes to work for me today. Louie & Edla went to Ogden. It is very lonely Sister Claridge is here I have been most unhappy. Work constantly and scarce any real pleasure. Mrs. Claridge went home

8 April 1881 • Friday

Today is the anniversary of Emma [Emeline W. Wells]’s death.4 Sorrow reigns in my heart deep and lasting. Kitty [Lucretia Heywood] sent me some flowers & I took them with some beautiful loose flowers and green leaves to the graveyard. It was very cold and cheerless almost dark, the wind sighed dismally, went to Annie’s afterwards. [p. 72] {p. 76}

9 April 1881 • Saturday

All day in the office rain poured down in torrents, dismal day no word from Belle went over to Annie’s in the afternoon Br. Cannon sent to me to get up some names for him of prominent ladies in the East. All the evening I was at work at it. Howard [O.] Spencer came and proposed to Miss Claridge5

10 April 1881 • Sunday

Rainy morning, Set to work hunting up names etc. kept on till 3 o’clock– Frank Kimball was here all day. Gustava went out. I went over to Annie’s and staid until train time. Louie & Onie came home. Dot has been very ill with rheumatism. Lucile is no better Dr. Ferguson’s <birthday> [p. 73] {p. 77}

11 April 1881 • Monday

A most dreadful day snow and hail mud etc. We are going to surprise Dr. Ferguson6 Aunt Eliza is invited and many others. Joseph E. Taylor Br. Penrose, Br. [James P.] Freeze, Br. [Joseph H.] Felt and ladies, we got there after much perseverance because of the storms. Took such a lovely wreath to the graveyard on Emma’s grave–

12 April 1881 • Tuesday

Presendia [Kimball] came home with me from Dr. Fergusons and staid all night. Slept with me. A great confusion all day in the office. Sister King my husband and several others. got a new book Famous Women. gave Lou one of my pictures from Washington. Louie fainted in the schoolroom [p. 74] {p. 78}

13 April 1881 • Wednesday

This is Emeline’s birthday she is twenty-four I gave her Jean Ingelow’s Poems. I was very weary could scarcely sit up came home and was much distressed. How lonely it is not to have any one to go to in the hour of trouble. Poor little Louie I cannot burden her, she is not well herself and I must not add to her misery

14 April 1881 • Thursday

A very fine day. many ladies in the Office, preparing the paper was so busy I could scarcely pay much attention to them Belle went home this morning. She is feeling and looking well I feel something better than yesterday. I have been down to Annie’s [p. 75] {p. 79}

15 April 1881 • Friday

May & Emeline both came to help fold & mail. Went to the 11th Ward to a Primary meeting– Eliza R. Zina D. Presendia & many other ladies were present went to Mrs. [Sarah Bouton] Felt’s to supper after meeting. Aunt Eliza was presented with a wreath of hair flowers by the children–7 came home felt quite sick again

16 April 1881 • Saturday

A very trying day. Silk meeting this morning some changes made in officers.8 finished all our mailing. sent off two pictures panel size one to Hiram [E. W. Clark] & one to Pallas [Woodward Clark]. Wrote to Hiram tonight. Wrote to Lucy yesterday. I am very weary. sent five dollars towards a birthday present for <Manson [J. Woodward]–> [p. 76] {p. 80}

17 April 1881 • Sunday

Slept late, went up in the garret to see after cocoons9 We all went to meeting– Rob & Frank dined here Mell came and took me out riding. We called to see mother and Maria [Anna Maria Whitney Hall], had some serious talk. Louie went out with Rob. was gone until late. I was here alone, many strange feelings agitated me, sad and solitary–

18 April 1881 • Monday

<sat for an oil painting> This is Dessie [Martha Deseret Wells Read]’s birthday 28 years old. It is a very windy day, I have been very busy. Went to take care of Annie’s baby for her to attend the theatre. studied my French lesson– had a pleasant time with baby. I rejoice in Annie’s happiness & trust it may continue. laid out Em. Spencer’s <little boy to day.>10 [p. 77] {p. 81}

19 April 1881 • Tuesday

We went to meeting in the 20th ward, had a good time with the Primary Association.11 had dinner in the hall, came home spent the evening alone called on Aunt Zina She had just received a telegram from Provo saying Thomas Edgar Williams had diphtheria12 and she must go in the morning–

20 April 1881 • Wednesday

Today attended the Primary in 12th. Ward13 had a pleasant time and went to Mrs. [Ellen] Clawson’s to supper. Miss Annie Davis was married to-day to Joseph [M.] Watson 19th. Ward this evening and went off to Logan to spend a few days. Theatre again to night I went with Rob– [p. 78] {p. 82}

21 April 1881 • Thursday

This is my brother Manson [J. Woodward]’s birthday. I have contributed towards a nice present for him– How many tender recollections it brings up. I have had a great many callers. My husband was here and we had a very pleasant interview In the evening I went to Annies John Q. took me home in the buggy

22 April 1881 • Friday

Went up to Kaysville to the Ladies Conference took Dr. Ferguson with me, had much attention and respect paid to me attended three meetings came home on the evening train and found Mrs. [Elmina Shepard] Taylor had decided not to go to Morgan and so I must. Emily [Wells]’s birthday [p. 79] {p. 83}

23 April 1881 • Saturday

This is little Percival’s birthday, and I am going out of town, on my way to Morgan,14 had a pleasant time reached there before the morning conference closed and were warmly welcomed. Took dinner at Br. [Richard] Frye’s. After meeting in the afternoon took supper at Br. [Samuel] Francis where the string band serenaded us.

24 April 1881 • Sunday

Slept at Br. [John H.] Rich’s Richville went to meeting at Morgan Y.L.15 Conference in the morning went to Sister Jane [Cook] Toomar’s to dine, in the afternoon went to meeting then to North Morgan Br. George Hiner’s had dinner held meeting in the evening then went to Br. Rich’s Sister Eliza R. Snow Smith16 with me [p. 80] {p. 84}

25 April 1881 • Monday

Went to Primary Conference. took dinner at Bishop [Charles] Turner’s had a pleasant time bid our sisters & friends good by and took the Union Pacific train for Ogden. Met on the train Mrs. Henrietta Overtury who had never seen a Mormon and was afraid of them. slept at Belle’s had a terrible scare with the Shetland ponies17

26 April 1881 • Tuesday

Went all over the new Co-op in Ogden– and left by nine-forty train got home all right found all well– saw Louie & Annie called on several friends. [p. 81] {p. 85}

27 April 1881 • Wednesday

Found plenty of work to do. Mrs. King has been here most of the day I have been quite ill & nervous had to lie down most of the time must have taken some cold– It was our meeting but I could not attend

28 April 1881 • Thursday

Felt some better, was busy all day but went with Rob in the evening to see and hear Archibald Forbes the great War Correspondent lecture in the Theatre on “Royal People[”] he did well tho’ suffering from a cold and lameness. Went up to Mell’s Mr. Happersett of New York called on me– [p. 82] {p. 86}

29 April 1881 • Friday

Worked hard in the office all morning, had lots of visitors. At four o’clock went up to Aunt Eliza’s and from there to John Nicholson helped to wash and anoint her. Aunt Margaret [Young] sung in tongues & I interpreted went to the second lecture of Mrs. <Mr.> Forbes

30 April 1881 • Saturday

Had a most arduous day. Louie was taken sick, came home early. Lou bought me a new coat & trimmings. Mrs. Pratt came home with me Sister Shipley is staying here for a few days I have felt very gloomy I seem so much alone Will & Joe Sharp called [p. 83] {p. 87}

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April 1881, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1881/1881-04


  1. [1]Charlotte J. Claridge. (“Claridge, Samuel,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 3:47–48; Whitney, History of Utah, 4:606–607.)

  2. [2]Salt Lake City Cemetery.

  3. [3]John W. Young was ordained an apostle by his father, Brigham Young, in 1864 and subsequently served as a counselor to him but not as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve. After his father’s death in 1877, he was named a counselor to the Twelve until he was released on 6 October 1891. (“Young, John Willard,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:42; “John Willard Young,” Deseret News 1991–1992 Church Almanac, 41.)

  4. [4]Emeline Whitney Wells, EBW’s third daughter, died on 8 April 1878. (See EBW, Diary, 8 Apr. 1878.)

  5. [5]Howard Spencer may have proposed to her, but Charlotte Claridge married Brigham S. Young in 1883. (Gates and Sanborn, “Brigham Young Genealogy,” 47.)

  6. [6]EBW summarized the surprise celebration in “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1881, 9:172.

  7. [7]In presenting the wreath, Laura Denney, age seven, gave a “perhaps seven-minute” speech written by Dr. Ellen B. Ferguson. Eliza R. Snow “was so completely taken by surprise she could scarcely reply. The wreath is formed of a lock of hair from each child in the Association.” (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1881, 9:181.)

  8. [8]For a history of the Deseret Silk Association, see Arrington, “Finest of Fabrics,” 376–396. This article describes the reorganization of the Silk Association in January 1880. (Arrington, “Finest of Fabrics,” 391.)

  9. [9]Silkworms were raised in homes. The Deseret Silk Association arranged to have threads from the cocoons reeled. (Arrington, “Finest of Fabrics,” 380, 388.)

  10. [10]Parley W. Patterson. (“Died,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 20 Apr. 1881, [3].) “Laid out” referred to preparing the body for burial. For the marital situation of Emma Spencer, see EBW, Diary, 2 Apr. 1881.

  11. [11]At the event, “a bazar was fitted up at one end of the hall with a variety of articles, ornamental and useful, all made by the little folks.” (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1881, 9:180–181.)

  12. [12]Thomas E. Williams, the son of Zina Presendia Young Williams, died on 22 April 1881. Zina D. H. Young, one of Thomas’s grandmothers, wrote the obituary, which was followed by “resolutions of respect” from students at the Brigham Young Academy. (“Thomas Edgar Williams,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1881, 9:181.)

  13. [13]The Primary conference in the Twelfth Ward was reviewed in “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1881, 9:180.

  14. [14]“Visit to Morgan,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1881, 9:180.

  15. [15]Young Ladies’.

  16. [16]After the death of Emma Smith in July 1879, Eliza R. Snow began using the surname Smith, reflecting her plural marriage with Joseph Smith. (Derr et al., First Fifty Years, 676–677.) This is the first occurrence of the full name in EBW’s extant diaries.

  17. [17]Septimus W. Sears raised ponies in Ogden. In July 1882, he “went to see about Schetland ponies” while in California. (See the travel journal of Louie Wells, in EBW, Diary, 13 July 1882; see also EBW, Diary, 22 Apr. 1882, note 54.)