July 1904

3 July 1904 • Sunday

The meeting in the Temple was very melancholy because of the sad news of Br. [Elijah F.] Sheets death at Rexburg and also the late news concerning Owen Woodruff and his wife’s1 sad death in Mexico with small pox. Those things cast a gloom over all and it seemed almost impossible to feel cheerful. After meeting I went with Hannah to her house and had dinner and then to the 18th. Ward Fast meeting and had a day full of spiritual life and strength. {p. 93}

4 July 1904 • Monday

This was a holiday but not as much observed here as in many other towns in the state I went to the office and did a little work not very much but did not get much mail Deseret News issued a paper as usual. Very hot weather {p. 94}

5 July 1904 • Tuesday

Annie visited the 7th. Ward Sister Pettitt was sick and could not accompany her, and Sister Smith and myself visited the Ninth ward. Sister [Anna Seegmiller] Musser the new President and her Counselors were there we had ice cream and cake served to all the meeting and it was very enjoyable. Sister Woolley drove us home in her Surrey, and we enjoyed the ride very much indeed. {p. 95}

6 July 1904 • Wednesday

The party at Sister Cannon’s was on Wednesday and it was a mistake to put it Thursday the 7th. {p. 96}

7 July 1904 • Thursday

This is Rulon [S. Wells]’s birthday he is away in St. Louis fifty years old today half a century. It is a tolerably fine day, not so very bright– Sister Jennings is to take Sister Horne down to Sister Sarah Jenne Cannon’s and I am to ride in her carriage. I wore my black silk skirt and light blue silk waist and had my hair dressed. We had a goodly company Sister M. Isabella Horne 85. Sister Bathsheba W Smith 82. Sister Caroline Daniels Smoot nearly 80, then a number over seventy and we had Maggie Hull to sing for us. Annie Taylor was there Clara C. Cannon Priscilla P. Jennings Eliza T. Cannon and Dr. Elvira S. Barney, who is very deaf. We had a fine supper elegant tea service wind came up as we were driving home but the Lord tempered the wind so we did not take cold. Annie visited Brighton Ward today {p. 97}

9 July 1904 • Saturday

Went up feeling very weak and unable to work went almost direct to the Printing office and read proof and wrote an editorial and had it set and had paper made up– went down to Royal for lunch and read the revise afterwards then went to President B. W. Smith’s to read a letter from Blackfoot and get her opinion found her very glad to see me and quite alone in her parlor which has been quite renovated: she had received a letter from Ida Smoot Dusenberry from Berlin Germany and wished me to reply to it– the letter was very unsatisfactory so far as news and rather complimentary to Sister Smith herself. Went home late met Mrs. A. [Alfred] W. McCune Jun. [M. Alma Menard McCune] on the car and promised to go and take tea with her some day before she goes to Peru. {p. 99}

10 July 1904 • Sunday

Today rose late, children all went to the Cannon Ward Sunday School and I began writing– wrote to Countess of Aberdeen,2 Blackfoot Stake R.S. and Ida Smoot Dusenberry. Dinner as soon as children came home and George Q. stayed to dinner then drove off to the farm later Mamie [Mary Alice Hoagland Cannon] Emily [Cannon Willey] Winnie [Winnifred Saville Cannon] Israel [E. Willey] and the children drove over. I called over at Belle’s Sep [Septimus Whitney Sears] and Gertrude have come on a visit of a few days, as Sep. is not well. Will [C. William] Buchholz was there too. I am sorry I cannot hold out better than I do to work at my writing. I feel as though it was a hindrance I can scarcely endure, I have so much need of getting my work up and it gets so far behind. When the weather is cooler I may be able to do a little more, the day has been very hot– {p. 100}

13 July 1904 • Wednesday

Today I had promised to go to Mrs. Webber’s and had such a time getting ready in the office but at last succeeded Lyde came in and put in a few pins for me and helped me some and at 2. p.m. the buggy came and I did not have to walk a step, for which I was very thankful for my feet hurt me so much. Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Webber made a great fuss over me I took them one of my new photographs and we sat in the library a very pleasant room shaded and easy opening South with West view as well. We conversed mostly of the National and International Councils, and explanations were made about patrons and joining. Tea was served at 5. p.m. and I enjoyed it very much. At six I came home in the buggy, having had a fine afternoon. {p. 103}

15 July 1904 • Friday

This morning rose early and went to Sister B. W. Smith’s and from there to the train Gov. [Heber M.] Wells was on the train going down to the Asylum meeting and we had a fine trip, drove with Sister [Emily Hinckley] Holbrook to Sister [Mary Wride] John’s on arriving and then to Sister Holbrooks where we had a cup of tea and walked from there to the meeting house. Sister Smith and myself both spoke at noon we had a grand banquet in the old meeting house basement all the sisters partook Afternoon we had Br. [David] John & Br. [Lafayette] Holbrook and quite a spiritual feast– fourteen persons present who had seen Joseph the Prophet. After meeting drove about the City called to see Sister [Florence] Bullock and her daughter and Jean Claire Jarvis, had a meeting of several sisters and supper at Sister Holbrooks and slept there in such a fine chamber all alone {p. 105}

16 July 1904 • Saturday

This morning had early start called at Hannah [Libby] Smith’s for Sister Bathsheba, she had slept there, went on train to Pleasant Grove, where Florence Bullock met us with Surrey and took us up to Emily [Harris Bullock]’s from there we drove to Linden to the meeting– fine new meeting house and good attendance, fine spirit too. Sister [Rebecca Smith] Standring presided and Sister [Jane Robinson] Hindley her Counselor assisting her. Sister Smith spoke morning & so did I went to the Bishop’s to dinner and enjoyed it very much– had a Splemdid afternoon Conference, left before it closed and Sister Standring also, she came on to Lehi and we came home. I came on direct to my own house very weary, yet satisfied with our meetings and the spirit manifest, All well at home– no news in particular– feet swollen badly {p. 106}

17 July 1904 • Sunday

Have been resting all morning and am writing a little– letter to Susan Grant Bountiful and Alice J. [Jeannette Farnham] Call Afton Wyoming, and then did some recording. John Q. and Annie went to the Tabernacle service and when they came back told us Br. Benjamin F. Goddard had occupied all the afternoon. I had felt too weary any way to go myself and my feet are swelling very badly most of the time. The day had been very hot but quite pleasant. There is not much shade here and the dear little children have no good place to play. Annie of course suffers considerably with the heat, and the girls complain of it too but I do not feel uncomfortable My blood is thin and poor no doubt at my age. {p. 107}

18 July 1904 • Monday

Today Annie has been busy getting ready to go to Wasatch, huying [hurrying] and making every arrangement to leave with the most of the family. I am very much discouraged with my work and feel I must have help. {p. 108}

19 July 1904 • Tuesday

Annie and the children most of them left for the Wasatch to spend some time in the cool John Q. went up to get them fixed Margaret & Katharine stay here Geo. Q. at the farm to work Today while walking along Main Street a very peculiar hunting dog of the greyhound species came up behind me and licked my hand, it seemed a strange circumstance something unusual for dogs do not generally take to me. I cannot help thinking it has a significance. Recently I have dreamed of my mother3 and my Sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] looking beautiful young and happy. I really feel I ought to hear from my folks in the East and yet no news comes. {p. 109}

20 July 1904 • Wednesday

Sister Smith came early this morning was going to the Coop Store4 to get some things, we talked over some affairs and I read her some outlines which we decided we would change leaving out a great part of the one from Liberty Stake. Amelia came while she was here and told me she had changed her luncheon to Thursday, she and Sister Smith do not affiliate very well it seems after Sister Smith had gone Amelia told me Dr. S. B. Young had said he would have raised the money for me to go to Berlin if he had been aware that was what hindered me, and so did Nelson [A.] Empey. Mr. T. [Thomas] G. Webber also offered but all these offers came too late to do any good towards it. I would like to know why I was hindered & if it was best. {p. 110}

21 July 1904 • Thursday

Had lunch with Sister Amelia F. Young, Bishop Empey and wife5 were guests also the Bishop gave me a pound of tea– had pansies at each plate tied with purple ribbon.

Ellis [R.] Shipp6 came to help me today she cleaned up the office fine but is not very quick at the writing. {p. 111}

23 July 1904 • Saturday

Have worked hard all day and finally felt I must go over to see Sister Smith as I had not seen her for several days found her alone and busy looking over papers Alice had brought home. We sat and conversed about old times and the present. she told me all her neighbors nearly were out of town– [Charles W.] Nibley’s, [Annie Davis] Watson’s, [William B.] Preston’s, [James H.] Moyles, [William N.] Williams, Smith’s and she seemed to think it was uncalled for no sort of need of it. Sister [Elizabeth Taft] Webb visited me today and some Jewish women from Portland who used to live in Salt Lake 20 years ago, the Meyers family Rebecca & Minnie were at Miss [Mary E.] Cook’s school Rebecca now married and has a grown daughter who teaches school in Portland named Judith Gasler {p. 113}

24 July 1904 • Sunday

This is a blazing hot day and we are trying to rest– Margaret and Katharine went to the Cannon S.S. and I stayed at home looking up on things and putting away those I could do without, then commenced writing letters to some of those I was most anxious to hear from Mell C. Woods, Frau Marie Stritt Rachel Foster Avery Dr. Aletta H. Jacobs. I sincerely hope to get answers to these letters, as it seems quite important to me. I have to leave off writing to do some reading or I should never be able to do my work <unless I could read & know others.> {p. 114}

25 July 1904 • Monday

Today the celebration of the Pioneers of 1847– and the Daughters of the Pioneers are to give a banquet in Liberty Park my daughter Isabel is to assist in the entertaining of the veterans at table, she went early this morning to the Park I stayed at home and wrote letters to Verona Ida Smoot Dusenberry then to the office and worked with all my might to get on with my work. In the evening went over to Belles but she was not at home {p. 115}

26 July 1904 • Tuesday

Today I finished every thing of the mailing Ellis Shipp came and did a little I went over to see to see a friend or two Sister Smith our Prest. was here when I came in the morning and we talked over a number of things. Annie came home this morning from Wasatch and has a meeting of officers this afternoon– In the evening we had quite a nice visit and I did not try to do any writing although I ought to be busy with my record {p. 116}

27 July 1904 • Wednesday

<Rosie [Rosina Matthews] Lambert went up to stay with Louise at the Wasatch> Went off to the office and left Annie home to get ready for Saltair and get in supplies for Wasatch I was away all day expecting Annie or Belle but neither came Gertrude is very sick & Belle had to go there. In the evening we had a long talk over past times and went late to bed nothing much accomplished and no news from my folks which I much regret. {p. 117}

28 July 1904 • Thursday

<Abram & David7 are five years old today.> Hurried all day then went to the Lake on the 4 o’clock train– Met some strange ladies from Missouri who were very polite and asked many questions President Winder and wife were on board. Before we reached Saltair there were signs of a storm. Sister B. W. and Julina Smith were with Annie and her company from her Stake‒ and soon after the storm came on and though every one was prepared yet not for so much violence. Pres. Winder came to our table and asked the blessing. the storm was furious for a short time Street cars were stopped {p. 118}

29 July 1904 • Friday

This morning Annie went off to the Cannon <farm> I have promised to go tomorrow with John Q. and Annie to Wasatch got through some work and then went over to Sister Smith’s Annie Hyde came first and afterwards Sister C. S. Thomas & R. E. [Rebecca Mantle] Little– There was some conversation about Conferences who could go and so on <and> finally we came away I picked up and locked the office as I was to go next morning to Wasatch and must leave early– Annie had all ready when we came home. were up rather late talking things over and getting into the spirit of it. {p. 119}

30 July 1904 • Saturday

<I took up books for the twins and carnations for Louise her father gave her an elegant guitar> Made an early start drove over to State St. with Lucile Annie & John Q. in their buggy– reaching Murray stage ready Mr. [Melvin B.] & Mrs. [Clara Bowen] Sowles were going on up in the stage also. they were very pleasant. I recalled that it was at their home in Salt Lake I first met Miss Frances E. Willard whom I afterwards became so well acquainted with. I fully enjoyed the scenery enroute and on arriving was most happily surprised to see the great changes that had been made since I was there last. The hotel is quite a good one well furnished and neatly kept by Mr. [Chester H.] & Mrs. [Henrietta Morrison] Alkire she the hostess Miss Morrison of Richfield. We had a lovely afternoon. I went in to see Clarissa Williams Annie’s cottage is fine, had a pleasant evening. {p. 120}

31 July 1904 • Sunday

I slept at the hotel Emmeline with me– passed a very good night did not have to rise very early. Breakfast over Louise took the children to the hall where they had a sort of temporary Sunday School. Mrs. Eweing [Ewing] is staying at the Hotel and seems very fond of our people also Mrs. Hannock a Jewess whom I know and several others.

I took a stroll with Louise and called at the Savage cottage, Mrs. George Savage [Roxeylena Snow Savage] and Geneva [Savage] & husband8 and Mrs. Hortense [Snow] Duke her sister who is in Utah on a visit are nicely fixed, they do their own cooking. We were visiting all afternoon Mary T. [Taylor Schwartz] Smith came over and Sarah Taylor W. [William] W. Taylor’s daughter, and the day passed quickly‒ tho’ we sat up late the murmuring water and moonlight on the white rocks {p. 121} are quite romantic & beautiful

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July 1904, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1904/1904-07


  1. [1]Helen Winters Woodruff. (“Mrs. A. O. Woodruff,” Deseret Evening News, 7 June 1904, [1]; “Woodruff Has Passed Away,” Salt Lake Tribune, 21 June 1904, 12.)

  2. [2]Lady Ishbel Marjoribanks Hamilton-Gordon.

  3. [3]Diadama Hare Woodward.

  4. [4]The Woman’s Cooperative Mercantile & Manufacturing Institution was organized in Salt Lake City in December 1890. For a summary of its history, see EBW, Diary, 19 December 1890.

  5. [5]Emma Adams Empey. (“Empey, Emma Adams,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 4:184.)

  6. [6]Ellis Shipp was the daughter of Milford B. Shipp and Ellis Reynolds Shipp, physicians in Salt Lake City. (1880 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 217B, accessed 27 Oct. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9YBG-17F?i=25&cc=1417683.)

  7. [7]Abraham H. Cannon and David W. Cannon, twin sons of John Q. and Annie Wells Cannon.

  8. [8]George L. Savage. (1910 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 208B, accessed 27 Oct. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GYBX-9GN1?i=33&cc=1727033.)