January 1913


12 May

EBW maintained correspondence with notable women she met in national organizations.

30 September

Upon the marriage of her granddaughter Emmeline Cannon, EBW mourned the loss of a companion and helper in her office work and with personal needs.

1 October

EBW unveiled the new Seagull Monument on Temple Square. The same day, she welcomed a Māori delegation from New Zealand who had come to attend general conference and receive ordinances in the Salt Lake Temple.

2 October

EBW presided at the Relief Society semiannual conference and admonished the sisters to exercise faith. At noon, board members served doughnuts and buttermilk to several hundred visitors.

23 October

EBW attended a Relief Society stake conference in Morgan, Utah, traveling there by train with board member Sarah McLelland. She spoke, gave a blessing, and was hosted graciously.

23 and 29 December

Feeling “very much unsettled in my work,” EBW asked for an interview with President Joseph F. Smith. When it occurred, she said it was “very satisfactory.”

1Journal E. B. Wells

1 January 1913 • Wednesday

21913 Wednesday January One

Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] came to help mee write my book of account, my cold is very bad I feel quite ill and yet I cannot give up We had an immen[s]e turkey Isabel [Whitney Sears] carved for the whole family, 12 people at table– It did seem a New Year’s dinner I spnt the even[i]ng c[a]me home late and had many sober thoughts of the old home when we were so happy together before any one was taken from the grroup at the fireside even after the marrage of 2 older omes [ones] [p. 338] {p. 241}

3Wednsday, Jan. 1. 9913 [1913]

New Year 1913 begins here. I slept at Anmie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon]’s on the last night of the old year and whn the bells began ringing and whistles blowing we began wishing each other a happy New Year– Soon after we all retireed– the stockings were hung and filled for the younger children and all were at home except the maried ones who were in their own homes All was pleasant a beautiful fire in the open grate and bright faces & delightful converse all around [p. 366] {p. 258}

2 January 1913 • Thursday

Jan. 2, 1913 Thursday George Q. [Cannon] birthday 32 years it seems incedible– now he has marrried and has 3 children) we shall nome [none] of us see him today Indeed I have made a mistake it is the anniversa[r]y of the boy younger the first son of the father– he will be six today I am grieved to commit even an error such as this is I do hope he has a happy birthday I regret I have so little to give my heart is willing and I love to give good gifts [p. 339] {p. 242}

4Thurday Jan. 2. 1913.

Board meeting [p. 367] {p. 259}

3 January 1913 • Friday

Fr[i]day Jan. 3, 1913 the day has been full of work and the fact is work such as mine is never done– there are many interruptions, and people coming with all sorts of caus[e]s for advice when one does not know just what is best to say Wisdom is essential and how can onee keep in touch with the right advice, only by the Holy Spirrit– how essential it is to obtain from the fountain of all trruth the choicest gemss of excellence and to be ever in sympathy of the right & [r]ighteouss [p. 340] {p. 243}

4 January 1913 • Saturday

Jan. 4. S[a]turrday5– this is really Go. [George] Q. Cannon’s birthday bo[r]n in 1881– how real the scenee is in my mind Dr. Romania B. [Bunnell] Pratt Sister McAllister6 the nurse and my own sweet Louise [Louisa Wells Cannon] & myself how proud we all were and how beautiful We sent a letter and messages and we sincerely hone [hope] and pary [pray] [t]hat they may enjoy the day [p. 341] {p. 244}

5 January 1913 • Sunday

Sunday Jan. 5. 1913. A fine meeting in the Temple Presidnt [Joseph F.] Smith was inspired to poclaim certain truths and to denounce thosse who seek to dest[r]oy the faith of our young people– President Penorse [Charles W. Penrose] made eloqunt opening remarks– Apostles George F. Richards and Anthony H. [W.] Ivins sprok [spoke] with greaat p[o]wer and also Elder Andrw [Andrew] Jensen the assistant historian particularly, thn Emma Lucy Gates Gates said a few words and thn sung; it was quite touching and made us all feel her farewell as a bnediction. [p. 342] {p. 245}

6 January 1913 • Monday

Monday Jan. 6. 1913 After the Tenple meeting yestrday I wnt to see sick people at noon to Susan [Alley Wells]’s who has ben ill thn Kate [Catherine Wells] went with me to the Fast mee[t]ing where we had the Sacramnt [p. 343] {p. 246}

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January 1913, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1913/1913-01


  1. [1]text: This title is inscribed at the top of the first lined page of volume 40 of the diary.

  2. [2]text: The entries for 1–6 January 1913 come from volume 38 of the diary. EBW wrote entries for the year 1913 in three diaries—volumes 37, 38, and 40. Entries have been pulled from those diaries and arranged here into chronological order. As EBW’s eyesight worsened, her handwriting became less legible. She also sometimes lost track of where she was in some words. Words with extra strokes are represented as closely to the manuscript as possible. Letters with missing strokes are represented as complete.

  3. [3]text: This is a second entry for this date from volume 38 of the diary.

  4. [4]text: This is a second entry for this date from volume 38 of the diary.

  5. [5]text: EBW did not give a year for this entry, but it appears from handwriting and context that the intended year is 1913.

  6. [6]text: EBW has written over a partially erased word here.