March 1882

1 March 1882 • Wednesday

This is a disagreeable unpleasant day. Lou started for Frisco with Nett Sharp and a party of six or seven. I felt worried about her going. Rob was quite annoyed. It seemed very lonesome– Baby was quite sick with fever– we went to bed earlier than usual– the mortuary report for February has been very much more than any <year previous> [p. 54] {p. 56}

2 March 1882 • Thursday

This has been a charming sunshiny day. Baby is better. Annie came to the Office with him. I received a letter from Ort. Will [William] Sharp called to say the train arrived in Frisco on time I saw my husband and talked with him a little while on subjects connected with the cause of woman’s emancipation he seemed to think my ideas were worth hearing

3 March 1882 • Friday

It was Lucile’s birthday yesterday, O how dreadful I feel about her misfortune–1 poor little thing I know what it is to go thro’ one’s life, feeling that every one thinks you in some way lacking because of some imperfection. The weather is dreadful disagreeable and much more so than ever. I am lonely without Louie– [p. 55] {p. 57}

4 March 1882 • Saturday

Louie came by this morning’s train from Frisco– Joe [Sharp] came to tell me. Dear Joe how sorry I am he is not a Latter day Saint in sentiment and spirit– Lou is the dearest sweetest girl in the world almost and must never marry any one who is not good & pure & true in the Gospel

5 March 1882 • Sunday

Belle came down last night and staid over Mrs. [Sarah Wagstaff] Sears was here she brought Lucile. They are going to leave Ogden and Mr. Sears is going into business for himself, it may be advantageous or not none of us know– but we hope for the best– Well it is raining and snowing and blowing [p. 56] {p. 58}

6 March 1882 • Monday

This is a cold March day all is unpleasant, tomorrow we intend having a lot of the Legislators to dine with us. We are making the necessary preparations and will be glad to see them too. The weather still continues excessively cold; tomorrow Aunt Zina is expected home and some of us are invited to meet her

7 March 1882 • Tuesday

We had Br. [William B.] Preston & wife2 Samuel Attwood [Samuel F. Atwood] & wife3 Bishop Attwood [Millen Atwood], and The Esquire– all to dinner & we had a fine time too oysters & a lovely supper a bouquet of the most oderiferous flowers. After supper the brethren went off to a Council and Sister Bathsheba W. Smith & I went down to meet Aunt Zine. [p. 57] {p. 59}

8 March 1882 • Wednesday

In returning home last night Sister Smith fell and hurt her-self badly the blood poured all over us both– she nearly fainted before we reached her home and found her head badly cut. We were both nearly covered with blood it has been a very cold day. Conference is so near that people are coming to inquire & learn particulars.

9 March 1882 • Thursday

Tomorrow will be Conference in the 14th, Ward Meeting House. Sister Horne will preside of course and Sister Helen Mar Whitney is to be her Second Counselor in place of Sister [Sarepta Blodgett] Heywood. We have called on her and asked her if she is willing to accept the appointment. I feel heartily glad she is to occupy a position. [p. 58] {p. 60}

10 March 1882 • Friday

This morning I was much disappointed, but at noon I ordered a carriage to take Helen, Mrs. Packard Mrs. [Hannah C.] Norton M.D. and Aunt Eliza. The Hall was decorated with white cashmere or some soft material in graceful drapery. Resolutions of Respect were read4 we could say it seemed proactive

11 March 1882 • Saturday

Went off to S City the train by seven o clock to Conference at Grantsville Tooele. Br. [Philip] De La Mar met us at the depot went to the meeting house dircet. Br. Lyman was on the train we all went to Jennett [Janet Meikeljohn] De La Mar’s to dinner had a meeting in the afternoon & evening.5 Legislature adjourned yester<day>6 [p. 59] {p. 61}

12 March 1882 • Sunday

Went to Tooele Sunday School spoke to the children; this makes four times I have spoken since I have come here. In the afternoon spoke again & had a good meeting slept at Sister Tate [Ann Seetree Tait]’s. Went to Y.L. & M.7 Joint Meeting in the evening & heard Lysande[r] Gee lecture on Church History. After him <I> spoke one hour.

13 March 1882 • Monday

In the morning made some calls, drove to the depot and came home by train it was very windy, found all well at home and went to the Office, after that to the Lion House and other places. Was very weary, mud & sleet and wind made it very disagreeable. In the evening we had some company. [p. 60] {p. 62}

14 March 1882 • Tuesday

Some ladies were in the Office all day busy with addressing letters to the different newspapers of the country. Mrs. King wrote it– it was a sort of circular Everything seems very much as if the Edmund’s bill was to become a law, However all will be right if we can only wait patiently.

15 March 1882 • Wednesday

Today the Edmund’s bill passed the house by two thirds majority there has been many able speeches made against it and in favor of justice for our people– It will perhaps awaken some to a just sense of the sentiment of the outside world against us as a body of people [p. 61] {p. 63}

16 March 1882 • Thursday

Today is Sister King’s birthday– I bought her a book and sent her– it is a disagreeable day very stormy, quite like March itself, Every one on the street is talking of the Edmund’s bill and the possible & probable results of such strong measures when enforced in the Territory

17 March 1882 • Friday

This is an awful day, so stormy it is scarcely possible to go out we are mailing, and at three o’clock I went to Mrs. [Elizabeth Harrison] Goddard’s, it is her birthday and the 40th, anniversary of the Relief Society. Several representative women were present about 20 in all– staid until eleven o’clock.8 [p. 62] {p. 64}

18 March 1882 • Saturday

Finished the mailing and prepared copy wrote some letters and had some agreeable visitors. We are all in comfortable health at present, and quite happy in our home life baby is better tho’ he coughs some, and Lucile is getting better. The weather is more pleasant.

19 March 1882 • Sunday

Today went to the Tabernacle sat by Sister Howard, went to see some sick people did a little extra writing and had company in the evening. We are enjoying the nice bright coal fires exceedingly, the reveries over the grate are exceedingly pleasant, and many are the poetical thoughts it inspires. [p. 63] {p. 65}

20 March 1882 • Monday

Monday after the paper is out is always a day of more leisure than any other, today I feel as if I had breathing time & wrote an article for the Contributor on Awakening of Spring9 it is a poet’s theme and one on which I feel to elaborate, but one cannot have the time to write as they would like when the cares of life press heavily and persecution for religion’s oppress & crowd upon the soul.

21 March 1882 • Tuesday

This is the vernal equinox and a disagreeable storm has been gathering all day Everything seems dull and oppressive and one after another of my friends come into the office with their ideas and views about the condition of the nation and the operation of the Edmund’s bill– and all seem to be determined to refrain from trading with outsiders– [p. 64] {p. 66}

22 March 1882 • Wednesday

Today would have been Carrie Granger [Snyder]’s birthday she would have been 27. I have had a letter from Lettie [Thorndike] Granger, the first one for years. she has been very sick. Lou [Louis E. Granger] has got a daughter by his new wife.10 I have been to a meeting in the 5th. ward. My home life is very pleasant and, we are enjoying ourselves and we hear from John Q. quite often, paid 50,00 on the piano–

23 March 1882 • Thursday

Today I went to order a piano, it arrived today from David O. Calder. It is an elegant one and a new style an upright and a beautiful tone Louie is pleased to have one, and is so fond of music that she will be much happier. Annie too is fond of the instrument, and will I hope get up her practise. [p. 65] {p. 67}

24 March 1882 • Friday

The afternoon, has been quite a pleasant one, the Esquire has been in and staid all the afternoon, we have enjoyed ourselves very much, the evening I had a very good French lesson I feel as if I were getting on now, and am in hopes soon to be able to accomplish something creditable. Belle sent for Lou & she went to Ogden–

25 March 1882 • Saturday

This is the meeting day & most of the ladies have gone but I was too sick to go at all, indeed I feel almost alarmed about myself. Lou has gone to Ogden & we are feeling very lonely & sad I cannot help it. I am so worried about Lou’s bank-book I have spent much time in hunting for it– [p. 66] {p. 68}

26 March 1882 • Sunday

It is a dull cloudy dismal day I went thro’ garrets and boxes drawers and cupboards for the bank book but have not-yet succeeded in finding it– In the evening I had some letters from New York11 Dr. Ferguson is coming home– and wants me to arrange matters for her.12

27 March 1882 • Monday

Today so many ladies have been in the Office and got up such a controversy about the Edmund’s bill, it was quite exciting and I became quite irritated Pres. Taylor has moved all his wives out of the Gardo house to their own homes and he is there with his children only– [p. 67] {p. 69}

28 March 1882 • Tuesday

Today Kate [Catherine] Wells is 29. so long it seems strange but so it is, she is not very likely to marry. I have been quite miserable all day, nothing seemed to go right, a cloud seems hanging over me as if ready to burst on my head– the paper is all up I do not like Mr. Anderson. he is most offensive in man<ner> Lou came tonight with the children

29 March 1882 • Wednesday

My head was very painful all day went to the Relief Society of the Ward and had a good meeting but felt too sick to talk, Our next meeting is to be in the Assembly Rooms & it will no doubt be much better for all parties, as it is more public, Came home very sick indeed [p. 68] {p. 70}

30 March 1882 • Thursday

Have been very ill all night delirious even, and today have suffered severely with pain in all my body but most of all in my head. I could not hold it off the pillow even for a minute– Annie & Louie have been most considerate and tender and I have got on very comfortably except the suffering.

31 March 1882 • Friday

Today I was better went for a ride with Rob to his farm had a nice time, Mrs. King Mrs. Howard & Mrs. [Ellen Spencer] Clawson all called to see me today had just learned I was ill– went to Sister E. S. [Elmina Shepherd] Taylor’s to tea & spent the evening had a nice time, but my fever was quite high– [p. 69] {p. 71}

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March 1882, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Granddaughter Lucile Sears received injuries to her face in 1880. Entries in EBW’s diary describe Lucile receiving doctor’s treatments in Salt Lake City and administrations from the sisters. (EBW, Diary, 15 and 16 Jan. 1881; 20 and 24 Feb. 1881.)

  2. [2]Harriet A. Thatcher Preston.

  3. [3]Mary Jane Cornwall Atwood.

  4. [4]At the semiannual Salt Lake Stake Relief Society conference held on 10 March 1882, “the stand and the organ were draped with white, in honor of the decease of two most eminent women, Mrs. E. A. Whitney and Mrs. S. M. Heywood, and the Relief Society banner was hung over the stand. It bears the date of the first organization in Nauvoo. . . . Mrs. E. B. Wells read Resolutions of respect to Mrs. E. A. Whitney and Mrs. S. M. Heywood.” (“Interesting Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Mar. 1882, 10:157.)

  5. [5]See “Visit to Tooele,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Mar. 1882, 10:156.

  6. [6]See “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Mar. 1882, 10:156.

  7. [7]Young Ladies’ and Men’s.

  8. [8]“After supper all assembled in the parlor and the question was asked, how many were there in the room who were present in Nauvoo at the first organization, when it was found there were only two, Sister Sarah M. Kimball and Bathsheba W. Smith.” (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1882, 10:164.)

  9. [9]EBW (Amethyst, pseud.), “Awakening of Spring,” Contributor (Salt Lake City), Mar. 1882, 3:183–184.

  10. [10]Jennie Niles Granger.

  11. [11]Dr. Ellen B. Ferguson, writing from New York City, summarized sentiments of the Utah women: “The suspense is over and both Houses of Congress have declared their determination to put down Mormonism, even if it be at the expense of a violated Constitution—Practically they have said that Mormons have no rights that Governments are bound to respect. . . . The politicians and the clergy are the prime movers in the matter. The former, because they know that a fearful social and financial crisis is near at hand, and they desire to divert the attention of the people from the irrepressible conflict between Capital—Monopoly and Labor, which will very soon produce a panic. . . . The clergy join in the cry with might and main for almost the same reason. Like Demetrius and the silver smiths of Ephesus, their craft is in danger.” (Ellen B. Ferguson, “New York Letter,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1882, 10:165.)

  12. [12]Ellen B. Ferguson returned from medical studies in New York City at Belle Vue and Woman’s Hospital of the State of New York. While Ferguson was away, EBW helped manage care for Ferguson’s daughter Queenie. (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1881, 10:164; see also EBW, Diary, 1881, Cash Account—August.)