June 1893

1 June 1893 • Thursday

<Zina Young called & went on to New York> This morning pouring with rain– and there seemed little chance for going out but I plucked up courage at last and went a while before it was time to be at the opening of the Childrem’s Building. Went thro’ there and saw the library, the nursery, the play room the gymnasium exercises were very good– heard Gov. [Roswell P.] Flower of New York– very much disappointed in him– heard Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. [Emma B.] Dunlap,1 Mrs. Clara Doty Bates2 music by the girls harp violin & piano– After exercises, adjourned to the large halls and had tea served in Japan style in tiny cups by the Japanese and we each had candy and a fan given us also a tea rose. then saw the children [p. 172] {p. 100} go through their exercises.

2 June 1893 • Friday

Went to the Social Purity Congress this morning Dr. Gilchrist came home with me and we went and dined together by her invitation at the American oyster house then took the elevated railroad to the World’s Fair– saw nearly all the buildings, went to Woman’s Building and in to the organization room where the National Council has its headquarters, saw Miss Nicolas Shaw & Lucy Anthony and talked with them about the table for our literature. Went to the Midway Plaisance,3 saw our sweet Syrian woman, and went into see the entertainment of the Domascus [Damascus] people girls and men– then to see Egyptians & Arabs etc. Mummies and tombs and camels and all– came home & went in the evening to the Social Purity Congress [p. 173] {p. 101}

3 June 1893 • Saturday

Today I have been everywhere it poured with rain and I went out to the Fair determined to see the Fine Arts. went almost direct there after going almost all over I found Mrs. Talmage she told me she & Mrs. Eardley were to leave for home tonight. I took her over to the Woman’s Building– and then I went and had some lunch in the Horticultural and then visited the Massachusetts building where I registered– went through it and saw many old fashioned things. I came home all over mud and quite worn out. Mrs. Voo[r]hies and Mrs. [Mary Frost] Ormesby4 would not excuse me from the Reception and so I went such an exertion, but I got through it somehow– we arrived home about 12 midnight Mr. Cummings and a clergyman [p. 174] {p. 102} came to the door.

4 June 1893 • Sunday

I felt almost too ill to get up this morning but rose about ten and breakfasted, the teas helped me considerably. and I went to the Art Palace– Rev. Anna Garlin Spencer was speaking when I arrived, then Mrs. [Mary Rice] Livermore spoke at some length, paying a beautiful tribute to Josephine S. Butler–5 Miss [Susan B.] Anthony came on last in her usual bright cheery manner. Then the Chairman made his little speech & Mr. Lawson pronounced the benediction. I went forward and shook hands with Miss Anthony, Miss Shaw, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Livermore, & Madame Marshall of Paris. Later wrote letters to Daisie, Dot, Mrs. Sewall & the Inter Ocean. Went out to [C. Edward] Wallin’s to see Dollie [Dorothy Wallin] had a nice time then to see Mrs. Salisbury and spent an hour or more. [p. 175] {p. 103}

5 June 1893 • Monday

This morning went to the National Temperance Convention or Congress and heard Bishop John Ireland of the Catholic Church– went out to the World’s Fair in the Fine Arts– in the Utah & Idaho buildings in the India Building Round the Elevated Railroad– saw and heard a great deal. The many images and idols reminded me so much of Hypatia6 and other books similar which I have read– and tonight when here alone I am in a sort of dream land or mystic state as it were, with these queer sights and far off symbols of another age far back all around me– I wrote two letters one to Mrs. Barker7 Com. on Women’s talks at Woman’s building and one to B. [Benjamin] B. Herbert Editor National Journalist–8 [p. 176] {p. 104}

6 June 1893 • Tuesday

This morning I expected Edna and decided to stay in– about 1/2 past eleven was in the parlor and saw the people gathering to see the Infanta9 when she came up to go to her apartments, I was with Mrs. I. B. Hooker <Com.> and Mrs. A. Barker, England. The crowd was terrible policeman and hotel men striving to keep the way clear and prevent an accident. They came Princess & her suite and I saw a glimpse of her back etc. thro’ the mad crowd in the hall of the pastors Afterwards spoke to Mr. [Henry H.] Honore– a few minutes then went out to the Fair. at Midway Plaisance to the German village, over the curious old drawbridge into the old oaken dining hall had lunch fine coffee etc. then to the Alps Swiss Panorama– then Alps, Alpine Glow– A day in the Alps– poetic and charming [p. 177] {p. 105}

7 June 1893 • Wednesday

Today I have longed so for home– never saw a person to whom I could speak all day long. Went to Fine Arts Liberal Arts, Administration Government Machinery and some other buildings. finished my editorial & sent it off this morning– before going out– This evening dined with Miss [Margaret] Windeyer10 and Mrs. Salisbury Mrs. Ormsby came back from her visit. I have seen the Infanta Eulalia and the Marchesa and another lady of honor– she was dressed in a very handsome silk and train– low neck at back and front– and her hair is red she has not a Spanish appearance– Mrs. [Belva Bennett] Lockwood of Washington is here she is librarian for [p. 178] {p. 106} the Woman’s Building.

8 June 1893 • Thursday

after waiting for Mrs. Ormsby I went to the Fair and at the Utah Building found the 2 copies of Poems Edna had left for me–11 looked at them and took one away to use for Liberal Arts building– Mrs. Salisbury had given me an invitation to be present when Mrs Palmer presented the Princess to the Ladies and I waited in the gallery for her– saw Edmund Russell at the door of the Japanese room while standing waiting. Afterwards passed in and sat at the reporters table, Mrs. Jennie F. White12 of Spokane was there; she had been speaking in the woman’s building in the morning. The Princess came at last and Mrs. Palmer presented her with a card case of white Morocco and silver corner [p. 179] {p. 107} with the Woman’s building on it engraved Chicago Aunt Zina came back from New York and slept here–

9 June 1893 • Friday

This morning Zina and I went out with Mrs. Barker and then to the Fair– Afterwards I went through the California house, Germany, Agricultual, Casino, and La Rabida13 the convent saw the Infanta again this evening– had a letter from Annie– Aunt Zina came back tonight– Mrs. Palmer gave a grand reception tonight and also a ball– garden party canvas covered– saw Edna today– wrote to Mrs. Voorhi[e]s and sent a postal note very disagreeable night thunder lightning & rain Terrible accident in Washington at Ford’s theatre where Lincolm was assassinated14 [p. 180] {p. 108}

10 June 1893 • Saturday

Loitered in the morning waiting for others <Edna> and finally went out to the Fair thinking to see Edna as she had not called Went to the Art Building and to Liberal Arts also Agriculural French cafe and several other places, came home weary dined with Mrs. Salisbury and went to the meeting of Charities & Corrections heard Bishop Ireland and other noted speakers saw Mrs. J. M. Flower15 and talked with her introduced Aunt Zina and after we went home and had some conversation with the ladies in the house– Aunt Zina likes to stay with me instead of going with any one else [p. 181] {p. 109}

11 June 1893 • Sunday

This is the birthday of E. K [Elijah K.] Fuller my sisters [Ellen Woodward] husband born in 1811– 82 years old today. This morning I saw Mrs. Salisbury and she advised me to go to St. Mary’s Church to see the Infanta who was to be present there. Oliver and Aunt Zina went off to the Fair and I went to the Catholic Church on Wabash Avenue– could not get near the entrance came back and went in at the Art Palace Hall of Columbus, heard Washington Gladden16 preach from Gal. 5– Bear ye one another’s burdens– a fine sermon all Mormonism Edna & Tom [Thomas W. Sloan] came to call on me– sent off my article to Des. News– [p. 182] {p. 110} then went to the Wallin’s they were out.

12 June 1893 • Monday

<Went to International Congress> 17|This morning Aunt Zina was very determined to start home– but we found we could not get a berth, she went off to get her ticket extended and I went to see about the book for Liberal Arts building. I met with Mrs. Troutman [Mary Blampey Trautman] who is Vice Pres. but who is making herself obnoxious to everyone with <her> autocratic manner. Ascertained how to get to Mrs. [Rosine Sterne] Ryan18 who has charge of Woman’s Dept. in Liberal Arts Building and found her a most charming person– so good and kind and helpful– told me what to do– took the back [book] and examined it called it beautiful and fine– went back to Woman’s building and left it with Miss Shaw in Organization room in Woman’s Building– came out and a man ran against me and knocked me down ruined my new dress & [p. 183] {p. 111} <had a nice time at Wallin’s> hurt me all over, gave me a nervous shock, went to the Tuesday <Wallins> in the evening– also to see Mrs. Salisbury

13 June 1893 • Tuesday

This Tuesday morning began packing and had my berth secured for Salt Lake City– Went out to the Dormitory and got my book of stock– felt very much insulted by the manner of the young man cashier– finished packing had no dinner, saw Mrs. Barker and husband– I tried several times to see Mrs Salisbury & failed– saw Mrs. Hooker, Miss Windwyer Mrs. Barker– got packed at last & went to dining room had a cup of tea and rolls & came up and finished everything, saw Jo Young who stopped and went to depot with us, on board the train was very nice had a berth opposite Gen. Warren & wife– [p. 184] {p. 112}

14 June 1893 • Wednesday

All day very hot and felt uncomfortable with my throat, Aunt Zina is very solicitous about me almost too much so. Geo. Thatcher & Luna [Young Thatcher] and daughter are on the train also Mrs. [Alice Doyle] Whalen husband19 & children We have passed some beautiful scenery, first was a wreck of a railway train which had happened in the night and had we gone on without a dispatch– some man who was injured cried out– My God what will become of the next train– thanks to the electric wire we were saved. Mrs. Warren has been very courteous and sociable– knows several Salt Lake people, her husband Gen. Warren is up in all the Salt Lake business [p. 185] {p. 113}

15 June 1893 • Thursday

Sherman reached today 8247 feet above the level of the sea, this morning passed Cheyenne and at noon reached Laramie City, and are passing thro’ Wyoming, had a bite with Aunt Zina out of her basket and again at noon– called on Mrs. Warren and conversed awhile, and afterwards on Mr. & Mrs. Thatcher Afterwards Mrs. Warren came and gave us her cards Aunt Zina & myself– then Mrs. Mc’Intosh called and talked with us quite a while, she is a very interesting person the engine is broken and we are delayed, the west side of Laramie after going on a little further [illegible] was noticed by a danger flag and we found the cause was a wreck on the [p. 186] {p. 114} road a mile ahead it was a freight train

16 June 1893 • Friday

This morning we are in Wyoming and will soon reach home– passed the Devil’s slide and the wonders of Echo Caňon, and the route then became characteristic of Utah– reached Ogden & Aunt Zina got off to go to Chariton [Jacob]’s and I cam on home– found the office locked went to the Des. News Office saw John Q. and Hebe Wells at the Bank then met Annie on the street with Louise & Margaret– after awhile we went home together stayed to dinner then went down to Belle’s and stayed over night. Gave out the simple little trifles I brought with me– Belle & Dot each a book– Lucile a pretty jewel tray Em. a pin cushion Gene a pail of Bohemian glass B[r]ent a ship Sante Maria [p. 187] {p. 115}

17 June 1893 • Saturday

I gave John Q. a book and Annie a table spread bought in the East Indian Building– Geo. Q. a tray– Sweetie [Louise Cannon] a Bucket of Bohemian glass– Margaret a pin cushion Daniel a ship Sante Maria Baby Emmeline a Spoon– came early to the Office and met several old friends– had a long talk with Mrs. Caine about affairs during my absence went up to see Lydia Ann & Susan– they gave me a bouquet of roses, went on to Annies and stayed, had a pleasant evening– talking all the time of the Exposition and of events which had transpired while I was away– [p. 188] {p. 116}

18 June 1893 • Sunday

Rose very late– saw Annie dress the baby–20 such a beautiful child– had lunch with the family came up and went to the Tabernacle, sat quite alone, had an excellent sermon by Bishop O. F. Whitney– went over to Walter Beatie’s after meeting to see Aunt Zina– dined there and then came over here for awhile & went on to Annie’s Elise was with me, later we went down to Belle’s and after talking with the girls I retired for the night. The weather is simply delightful– air bracing and nights cool and moonlight. My heart is very full of gratitude as I recall all the blessings vouchsafed to me in going and coming promises fulfilled and blessings conferred [p. 189] {p. 117}

19 June 1893 • Monday

Slept at Belle’s, this is Brent’s birthday– he is eight years old and his mother brought him up town– he was born in Chicago– under very trying circumstances21 I had a settlement with Mrs. Caine in the money and letter question today. I began a petition to the Governor of the Territory22 asking for the Woman’s Industrial Home23 for the Deseret Hospital– these are such disagreeable documents to write, one cannot do them as well as the ordinary things of life– Dot came today, Mrs. Salisbury has been here and we had a pleasant chat about the sending of silk reelers and weavers to Chicago. Annie & John Q. went to the Theatre and I stayed with the children [p. 190] {p. 118}

20 June 1893 • Tuesday

This morning felt very ill, had been sick all night– and felt very uneasy about the future– thinking I should newer [never] need a home again or have any use for one. Came up to the office fasting– attended to my letter– John Q. corrected it for me, or rather revised it and I went to the President’s office and read it to President Woodruff and Jos F. Smith– then to F. [Franklin] S. Richards whom I had to follow up to get hold of him. It was well approved I have kept a copy that I might know how much I had done in the interest of public welfare. Went to see Adeline [Woodward Earl] who is ill– at her own house she is much better– stayed very late– came up town on Rapid transit car and went to East Waterloo– very cold evening [p. 191] {p. 119}

21 June 1893 • Wednesday

This my Sister Pallas [Woodward Clark] birthday she is 74 today quite an old age– well and able to do her own work, living in a New England village apart from bustle and confusion [p. 192] {p. 120}

27 June 1893 • Tuesday

The day of the martyrdom of Joseph & Hyrum Smith in Carthage jail 49 years ago [p. 198] {p. 121}

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June 1893, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1893/1893-06


  1. [1]Emma B. Dunlap, a mother of six children, was responsible for fundraising, construction, management, and writing the report on the Children’s Building at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. (Dunlap, “The Children’s Building,” 189–201; Weimann, Fair Women, 326, 336–339.)

  2. [2]Children’s authors Clara Doty Bates (1838–1895) and Alice L. Williams compiled a model library of juvenile books for the Children’s Building. (“A Home for the Little Ones,” New York Times, 2 June 1893, 2; Weimann, Fair Women, 344–345; Herringshaw, Herringshaw’s Encyclopedia of American Biography, 89.)

  3. [3]The very successful entertainment district of the fair. (Handy, Official Directory of the World’s Columbian Exposition, 200.)

  4. [4]Mary Frost Ormsby (1845–1931), author and journalist, founded the Seabury Institute in New York City. She was a member of Sorosis Club and the Woman’s National Press Association and a U.S. delegate to the Universal Peace Congress in 1891. (Logan, Part Taken by Women, 819.)

  5. [5]British Christian feminist Josephine Butler (1828–1906) worked to rescue women from prostitution and headed the campaign against the United Kingdom’s Contagious Disease Acts of the 1860s. (Hay-Cooper, Josephine Butler and Her Work.)

  6. [6]Charles Kingsley’s novel Hypatia (1853) is mentioned in EBW, Diary, 12 Jan. and 22 Mar. 1892.

  7. [7]Probably Helen Morton Barker of South Dakota, a member of the committee on congresses to be held in the Woman’s Building. (Elliott, Art and Handicraft in the Woman’s Building, 143; Eagle, Congress of Women, 1:[13], 21.)

  8. [8]The full name of the publication was National Printer-Journalist.

  9. [9]The Infanta Maria Eulalia (1864–1958) was the princess of Spain. (Royal Collection Trust, “Infanta Maria Eulalia.”) For her entrance, the crowd response, and her conduct at the Columbian Exposition, particularly her rudeness to Bertha Palmer in declaring “she could not be received by ‘an innkeeper’s wife,’” see Weimann, Fair Women, 559–560. EBW described Eulalia’s arrival in “One Day in June,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1893, 21:174.

  10. [10]Margaret Windeyer (1866–1939) of Sydney, Australia, a commissioner for the Chicago exposition, was the daughter of Mary Elizabeth Windeyer, president of the Womanhood Suffrage League of New South Wales. Margaret went on to become a librarian and to work for the establishment of children’s libraries. (Radi, “Windeyer, Margaret [Margy],” Australian Dictionary of Biography.)

  11. [11]Songs and Flowers of the Wasatch was a volume of poetry by Utah women edited by EBW and illustrated with flower drawings by Edna Wells Sloan. See the Publications page on this website for additional information about this volume.

  12. [12]Jennie F. Drake White (b. 1857) was a journalist for the Spokane (WA) Daily Chronicle. (Eagle, Congress of Women, 1:123n.)

  13. [13]Constructed in the architecture of the original in Spain, the Convent of La Rabida housed a variety of documents and artifacts purportedly from Christopher Columbus. (Wilson, “Collective Exhibit in the Convent of La Rabida,” 1:195–200.)

  14. [14]Three levels of a portion of the building collapsed into the cellar, killing twenty-five records clerks. (“A Crash in Ford’s Theatre,” New York Times, 10 June 1893, 1.)

  15. [15]Lucy Coues Flower (1837–1921) was chair of the Joint Committee of Moral and Social Reform Congresses. She was instrumental in creating the juvenile court system and introducing kindergarten and technical training into public schools in the Chicago area. (Encyclopædia Britannica Online, s.v. “Lucy Louisa Coues Flower,” last modified 6 May 2018, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Lucy-Louisa-Coues-Flower; General Exercises of the International Congress of Charities, [5].)

  16. [16]A Congregationalist minister in Ohio, Washington Gladden (1836–1918) was an advocate of the social gospel, working for social reform and against government corruption. (Encyclopædia Britannica Online, s.v. “Washington Gladden,” last modified 9 May 2017, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Washington-Gladden.)

  17. [17]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  18. [18]Rosine Sterne Ryan of Austin and later Houston, Texas, was commissioner-at-large to the Board of Lady Managers. She gathered “literary works by Texas women” for the Woman’s Building library. (Weimann, Fair Women, 134; Eagle, Congress of Women, page opposite 1:96; “Passed Away,” Austin American-Statesman, 5 Mar. 1897, 3.)

  19. [19]Thomas A. Whalen.

  20. [20]Emmeline Cannon.

  21. [21]Fear of prosecution for plural marriage in Utah led Septimus Wagstaff Sears to keep his second wife, Belle Whitney Sears, in another state when their eighth and last child, Edward B. Sears, was born in 1885. In that same year, to avoid being jailed, he pleaded guilty to cohabitation, renounced plural marriage, and resigned “his position as assistant superintendent of church-owned ZCMI.” (Allen, “‘Good Guys’ vs. ‘Good Guys,’” 172; Madsen, Intimate History, 321; “Septimus Wagstaff Sears,” FamilySearch.)

  22. [22]In 1893 Caleb Walton West was appointed Utah territorial governor a second time (serving 1886–1888 and 1893–1896) following the reelection of U.S. president Grover Cleveland. (Miriam B. Murphy, “Territorial Governors,” in Powell, Utah History Encyclopedia.)

  23. [23]The Woman’s Industrial Christian Home, supported by congressional funding, opened in 1889 on 500 East in Salt Lake City to house women and their children who fled polygamous households. Few in that circumstance ever occupied the home. (Pascoe, Relations of Rescue, 20–30; Savage, “Women’s Industrial Christian Home,” photograph, J. Willard Marriott Digital Library.)