August 1898

1 August 1898 • Monday

Hurried off this morning and read proof and worked until the last minute– Drove down to the depot with President Geo. Q. Cannon, and found Sister Horne & Annie Hyde and others that I knew already aboard the train, the day was fine especially so and everything seemed auspicious I had letters from several this morning, and circular from Emerson’s school of Oratory which Mrs. Richardson had mentioned to me. I had lunch at the lake with Aunt Zina– Sister Smith Sister [Matilda Moorhouse] Barratt and Beattie– such a fine lunch it was then we had exercises dancing and so on and afterwards Prest. Woodruff spoke a few words and then the people scattered around I am weary drove home with Annie & George Q. met the Governor [p. 245] {p. 171}

2 August 1898 • Tuesday

This morning first thing Will came to tell me they had a little one born– a girl–1 24– minutes past three in the morning– it is such a relief of course I went over and saw it– Dot was very pate [pale] baby small and very sweet and perfect– I wrote a letter to my brother’s wife,2 speaking of his death and her grief– such letters are hard to write. I had a very peculiar dream last night about George Q. Cannon– a dream I do not like at all.

The news of today indicates peace, and yet Gen. [Wesley] Merritt wants 30,000 more troops for Manila– have been looking up old papers to make a miscellaneous volume for Exposition at Hague– [p. 246] {p. 172}

3 August 1898 • Wednesday

This morning went off early Annie Hyde came to get help with Preamble for Nurses corps then Press Committee on excursion matters and I had letters from Mell & Mrs. Hall3 & telegram from Jane Richards of Ogden, called on Sister Stevenson to get her to go to Morgan– bought the new baby a ring with a pearl– sent a spoon engraved Isabel to Mrs. [Johanna Haskel] Harrison for her baby–4 went with Dr. Pratt to see about excursion and to several other places, and read & corrected my revise Clarence [M.] Cannon’s benefit tonight George Q. and Annie have gone to Forest-dale to the party– sent off the book to Dr. Jacobs at Amsterdam for the Hague Exposition came home very weary Called over at Belle’s saw the new baby. [p. 247] {p. 173}

4 August 1898 • Thursday

Letter in mourning this morning from Sister Lucy– black border wide– Manson’s death Annie came up with Margaret Katherine & Cavendish– terrible wind-storm and lightning also rain– no news but peace News from war department– Mrs. Marion Baxter from Chicago is in town and called upon me today. It has been unpleasant in the office on account of smoke and dust I wrote a letter to Dr. Jacobs in Amsterdam, and sent it off also sent Forty Years in the Valley to Mrs. Barrett in Washington– Saw Prest. Cannon and was much shocked to see how altered he looked– Mrs. Sorenson came to say Goodbye before going to Beaver Dr. Shipp has been in and we had a talk about Emerson’s School of Oratory and Development– [p. 248] {p. 174}

5 August 1898 • Friday

Called at Belle’s saw the new baby and then on Sister Horne took the Receipt for Snowflake– and My Century (July) for her to read the article on Equality– went to see Dr. Pratt– saw Susa & Aunt Lucy B. [Bigelow Young]– Leah Dunford [Widtsoe] & Prof [John A.] Widtsoe with Lula [Emma Lucy] Gates start for Germany tomorrow– Press Club met in my office at 4. p.m. eight members present, made arrangements for an excursion to Saltair on Aug 22nd. Went to hear Mrs. Marion B. Baxter in the evening at the Congregational Church– gave 25 cts to the collection– came home at eleven very weary– read for hours in bed– feel the importance of sending a resolution or two to the Omaha Exposition. [p. 249] {p. 175}

6 August 1898 • Saturday

Primary Officers meeting in office– yesterday had a wonderful letter from Ruby Lamonte with others and today several but none out of the common. Dr. Shipp and myself went to select a gift for Dr. Pratt– a medallion of Queen Louise and her poor people (subjects) Annie came up– Lula G. Richards Mary L. Morris & myself administered to Sister Cobb here in the office Sister Cobb gave me her sanded wood fan– I wrote to Sister Barratt– and prepared copy invited the Governor to speak at the Banquet at Saltair and also June. Kate Lydia-Ann and others came in to see me– I feel oppressed This is a very hot day & I am weary went to Annie’s and had supper came home late & read in bed– [p. 250] {p. 176}

7 August 1898 • Sunday

This morning had a singular dream and woke then fell asleep and the dream repeated itself I saw two strange men come to the house, one in grey suit of clothes one in uniform– Constance [Irwin] the maid went to Sunday School and I lay down to read– a strange man came in grey tweed– and I found him to be be a distinguished traveler & Prof. of Botany and Horticulture– Peter Barr of London though a Scotchman– and I talked with him for hours– Belle came over then Emily & Eugene and Margaret came down– Mr. Barr came back in the evening and we had a long conversation and Annie came for a few minutes. I read one of my poems for him Somewhere [p. 251] {p. 177}

8 August 1898 • Monday

This is Dr. Pratt’s birthday 59 years old and the Utah Woman’s Press Club are going to go to her rooms this evening– Mr. Barr of London called at the office, and had a chat with me Junius, Emeline & Kate were here then Annie came, and Sister Hyde– I worked very hard & got off some letters, towards evening the ladies began to come in only a few and when we went it was late– and she had started off to the 15th. Ward to a party Br. Penrose turned her back and we had a pleasant time only a few came Sister [Maria Richards] Wilcox & Ella Hyde Ruth Fox, Dr. Shipp Emily [Greening] Cluff, Helen Kimball Clarissa Smith [Williams] Margaret Caine E. B. Wells, D. Pratt5 Lydia Alder Lizzie Wilcox & Br. Penrose. We gave her a picture Louise (Queen) among her people– came home at midnight [p. 252] {p. 178}

9 August 1898 • Tuesday

This morning could hardly rise looked up on some things to show to Mr. Barr– went over to see Dot & baby– went up late found May [Mary] Earl Sister E. S. Taylor & [blank space] had been in– went out awhile and meantime others came. Sister Richards sent for me to go up to Emily’s and I rushed off– had a talk with her about things and came back and found Mr. Barr had gone to the Cemetery– and would come later– went down to the house at Waterloo and brought up some things to show to Mr. Barr. Briant [H.] Wells arrived this morning and is all right after his wounds in Santiago [Cuba]– have not yet seen him.

Mr. Barr came and we had a talk among other things about Gladstone– he says he is the grandest man of the century– he wrote in my Guest Book took away my poem of the Old Garden & photo’s [p. 253] {p. 179} <of Brigham Young & George Q. Cannon & of me– shall send him one of D. H. Wells.>

10 August 1898 • Wednesday

This morning did many little things before going to the office– went over to see Belle and Dot and baby and the day was very hot and had an unpleasant matter come up as soon as I arrived– M. D. Woolley about the Deseret Hospital– and said I was wanted at the office of Prest. Woodruff at ten tomorrow– an old claim of which I never had heard. Ella Hyde Mrs. [Aimee] Schiller and others came about Saltair excursion– news of the fighting at Manila in which our Utah boys are and that Capt Richard Young has distinguished himself. The struggle does not seem to be over– “Spain dies hard” so to speak. Went to see Aunt Zina had a long talk with her about Society matters– went to Annie’s in the evening came home worn out– [p. 254] {p. 180}

11 August 1898 • Thursday

Hebe Wells birthday and J. C. [Charles] Earl’s also he will be 44– and Hebe 39– Annie went to the Lake with his sisters Emily [Wells Grant] & Edna [Wells Sloan] I was at the Presidents office from tin [ten] to 12.30 also H. [Hiram] B. Clawson & M. D. Woolley– about Hospital debts, very unpleasant. Dr. Pratt, Mrs. Schiller, Kate Wells, and others were in the office– sent two books to Pima Arizona to Laura [McEwan] Nuttall and one to Mrs. [Ellen Bailey] Humphrey Salina leather cover– went to R.R. office for ticket to Collinston– and sent copy of Exponent from ’72 to 98– bound to Hague Exposition. Sister Stevenson came home from Morgan tonight and came to see me. I went to Annie’s and came home found Constance sick. Letter today from Salina [p. 255] {p. 181}

12 August 1898 • Friday

Left home to go to Conference Malad Stake Constance the maid sick– felt bad to go had to do all myself– and yet paying for help– it seemed I must go– Awful hot journey and wind disagreeable– dust and waiting for conveyance at depot– called at East Portage on the way with mail team. Hoskins carriage came there to Br. Mansfield’s6 had supper and then went on to West Portage– Sister [Lucinda Howell] Hoskins felt sorry for delay team unruly etc. had pleasant evening talked over matters was asked to pray & responded very weary good bed & candle [p. 256] {p. 182}

13 August 1898 • Saturday

<Prest. Woodruff & Geo. Q. Cannon left for San Fran[cisco]> Conference at 10. A.M. Prest. O. [Oliver] C. Hoskins attended not many from other settlements had good spirit and felt well except for heat. good reports & good testimonies people have abundant harvests & much grain to store Sisters glad to see me talked about industry Silk, grain, houses, land, obedience, reverence order cooking housekeeping. greatness of the Society National Council of Women– Voting &c– Women Responsive– In the evening the Y.L.M.I.A.7 and a program talked to girls about marriage home keeping joining the Relief Society spoke three times today feel very weary– [p. 257] {p. 183}

14 August 1898 • Sunday

<Nights hot sleep little> Folks coming from Samaria Malad St. John’s8 to attend Conference Y.L.M.I.A. forenoon with program– spoke on politics and many other things– 2. p.m. Sacrament– then Primary with program– singing very good– children observed good order– <spoke a short time to them> after meeting many sisters and some brethren came to talk with me and a young man from Iowa with Gramaphone– the first I had heard– a new instrument– talks, sings, & whistles. [p. 258] {p. 184}

15 August 1898 • Monday

<thunder very much> during the night rose early have had a room to myself quite a luxury but could not sleep have had wakefulness. prayed this morning in family– came soon after breakfast, on the road to meet mail. dust awful– stopped at Collinston waiting for the down train– had dinner & room to rest but found bugs and could not rest. Caught the train and came home wearisome ride– reached office found many letters & pictures of Verona’s boys. went to see Annie; heard Eugene had hurt his ankle and that they had word from Sep. that he was ill and must come home– [p. 259] {p. 185}

16 August 1898 • Tuesday

<Sent Mell a birthday present of a medalion picture Musings.> Had a very bad night and slept little– went to see Belle this morning baby not very well. Have had strangers today from St. Louis Mrs. & Miss Jennings– lots of callers– yesterday some of the sisters kept Memorial day for Sister [Hannah Tapfield] King at Sarah M. Kimball’s– Aunt Zina was there– I had not returned from Malad Stake Dr. Pratt, Sister Stevenson Ella Hyde, and a dozen more have been to see me Mrs. Byron [Julia Sutherland] Groo, This evening the family gathered at the Governor’s house to honor Brie, and to present him with a handsome silk flag in remembrance of his first battle and the wounds he received. It is very elegant silk and rich tassels and eagle silver shield engraved came home in an awful wind storm [p. 260] {p. 186}

17 August 1898 • Wednesday

This morning went to Annie’s heard John Q’s letters– Mrs. Baker9 had taken some of our books wrote editorial matter 9 pages letter paper– letter to John Q. one to Sister [Charlotte] Ballard, sent off Receipts and Deseret News to John Q. had a miserable day, hot and uncomfortable, Annie and children came up– Red Cross Society moved in to the Templeton. June came in and talked over politics– also about the party last night– News of the formal taking of Manila and that Col. Tarrey had resumed command of his regiment today– Jim [James V.] Standing’s oldest son10 died today of typhoid– sent postal to Sister Haskell of Manassa about silver spoon given to Isabel Harrison. June told me a dream he had about Mell. Very singular. Annie & children went to the Lake– [p. 261] {p. 187}

18 August 1898 • Thursday

<John [G.] Roberts arrived from Detroit today> Commenced looking over papers and trying to find Hospital Books of accounts wanted by the Presidency– so as to collect old bills of long standing.

This is Mell’s birthday, I suppose she still dreads growing old as she did formerly– nevertheless she seems to hold on and get on well. Today has been tiresome– had lunch at Dr. Pratt’s and talked over matters saw C. W. Penrose & brought him up to the office to see the books– I have never been more weary in all my life not even in staying in new countries. I feel almost worn out and as if I should have nervous prostration. The Tanner Reunion held at Payson is over– the folks returning home again. I am simply exhausted [p. 262] {p. 188}

19 August 1898 • Friday

I feel more worn out than I can express today have had an unpleasant morning, Belle has gone to depot to meet Sep– and meanwhile a telegram came to say he had not started Em– was feeling better than usual. I am reading proof and doing unpleasant and wearisome work on papers books and letters– have quite exhausted my strength of body & spirit Inez Earl Godbe’s birthday and Brie is having the children together to tell them the story of the battle Brenton has gone and all Annie’s except Q. and baby Annie took me a ride in the Park today. but I was too weary to enjoy anything came home thoroughly worn out and could not rest had several callers though I was so worried and confused [p. 263] {p. 189}

20 August 1898 • Saturday

Another wearisome day plodding on with the work of sorting books and letters. Sister [Elizabeth Williams] Layton from St. Joseph Stake came to see me on business about the Relief Society and Exponent She has been appointed President in place of Sister Willmirth [Greer] East– and is no doubt very capable of filling the position. In the evening I went to Saltair sat with Mrs. [Cynthia Briggs] Terhune on the way and chatted– Annie Q. & Louise were out there– Em. Sears & Mr. Roberts were there also Eugene with a party of the Oquirrh school– Saw the Magniscope pictures– Vera Croxall Cannon was operated on for appendicitis yesterday [p. 264] {p. 190}

21 August 1898 • Sunday

George Q. and Carlie [Caroline Young] Cannon were expected home this morning on account of Vera’s illness– wind blowing and I am not well. If the family were all well and no unhappiness how glad I should be but with Sep away and no one knows just how ill he is or what it is that ails him one cannot be placid. I want to go to the Tabernacle but do not feel it will be possible. I want to do certain writing which is on my mind but shall not be able to I am quite sure– Margaret came down to see me– and we had a pleasant visit– went over to see Bell. Mr. Roberts is there spending the day. Annie sent for me to ride with her. We called at Aunt Martha’s I spent the evening there– came home late and read for hours [p. 265] {p. 191}

22 August 1898 • Monday

This morning hurried off to the office heavy mail but very little money– paper not out and revise provokingly full of errors. Vera Cannon improved and father & mother here. Went down to Annie’s to lunch and worked hard all day to clear up– Sister Evelyn Carter Hales was buried yesterday from Bountiful– she was a veteran in the Church. Meeting of the Press Club at six o’clock and decided to go to the Lake in September– Ella Hyde brought me the Box belonging to the Suffrage Association– that contains only the books and bunting and loose papers– It has been a very hot day and I am thoroughly worn out– came home late saw Belle a minute or two– we are all troubled about Sep– [p. 266] {p. 192}

23 August 1898 • Tuesday

Still working away at the papers– went over to see Dr. Pratt had lunch there Br. Penrose was there and in an exceedingly good humor we talked and chatted for an hour or more– which was a great change for me. Annie has a very elegant card case sent her from Jacksonville– a present from John Q. She is out settling up Red Cross affairs– Sister Horne & Annie Hyde were here– and came just when I was engaged with Mrs. Robinson of Peoria Illinois who is a newspaper woman and called thro’ Mrs. [Eurithe K.] Le Barthe’s recommendation Several visitors– papers came over at last– I stayed late sorting and putting away letters and magazines– came home ready to drop– read for some hours– too weary to do any writing– [p. 267] {p. 193}

24 August 1898 • Wednesday

Went off early without seeing Belle or any of the folks over there nurse has gone went on Monday– found no mail worth mentioning– news about troops that Torrey’s Rough Riders are to come home– to be disbanded with many others. Annie had a letter which stated they were to move camp from Jacksonville to St. Augustine and a very satisfactory account of John Q.’s health. She had her picture taken today also George Q. had his– they are to send to John Q. Annie is invited to spend a week in Ogden Canon with Frank J’s wife11 and take all the children with her– she is getting ready to go– I came home in the afternoon after being hindered with callers– Emeline Kate Georgie Young and a dozen more– went over to Belle’s saw the baby it has not grown much Mr. Roberts of Detroit– Em & Lucile spent the evening here we had refreshments [p. 268] {p. 194}

25 August 1898 • Thursday

<Dot’s baby’s hand is swollen tonight we all feel worried–>

This morning Belle had Annie’s buggy to go to the depot to get Sep. coming from Seattle. We are all excitement and anxiety I am full of fear not knowing how he is. Belle came home without Sep– then I saw her and went over there– Constance had already gone to the office. I went up later– no mail for me save papers– worked all day at the mailing– Annie had the children’s pictures taken– George Q. and she herself had theirs yesterday– baby Katharine fell in my office and we were dreadfully alarmed– Annie and the six little ones in the buggy looked too sweet for anything– Mr. Roberts bade me Good bye last night– he goes tomorrow morning to Detroit. Press Club meeting kind of a failure– no quorum have had a very unhappy day [p. 269] {p. 195}

26 August 1898 • Friday

This morning Belle went to the depot to get her boy Sep– coming from Seattle– but was disappointed– had a letter telling of his loneliness and she became quite hysterical and sobbed so that when the buggy came back I could hear her at my upper window– I went over and tried to comfort them– Dot with her little babe was white as a ghost and Belle was not to be comforted. O how terrible our children make us suffer. I went to Annie’s then came back, then up town and so on all day long– finally telegram came saying he started Thursday morning– and would arrive Sunday– I went to the Rep. Primary in the evening a dreadful day of it. [p. 270] {p. 196}

27 August 1898 • Saturday

This is the anniversary of the day my darling Louie [Louisa Wells Cannon] was born– 36 years ago– she was a sweet child and gave me great happiness for many years– her death was very sad– and her loss to me almost irreparable if not quite– I can never be the same again never– no– never– Belle went to the depot again today and Sep was there, arrived as I said he would– he came in the buggy with Belle– I had been waiting looking over some old letters meantime and sorting them, burning some also, I went over to see him and then to Annie’s; she is getting ready for the cañon I have spent most of the day with her– left there on ten o’clock car tonight. Q. has gone on to Farmington on horse back– will meet them in Ogden tomorrow– [p. 271] {p. 197}

28 August 1898 • Sunday

This morning Annie & children will start for Ogden early[.] I tried to lie in bed and rest but could not sleep– so began writing– wrote to Zina Card a letter of 13½ pages. Explaining many things about suffrage and so forth– Constance cooked a warm dinner before going to meeting. It is a hot day– In the afternoon Dot & Will came over and later Belle, Sep– Eugene & Brent– Belle seems so glad to have Sep at home God grant he may be a comfort to her, baby is well– a sweet little thing. I burned hundreds of letters today including Joe Sharp’s Rob Sloan’s and others of Lou’s also from her girl friends, Belle and myself– Wrote to Miss Susan B. Anthony this evening– such a weird feeling while burning Lou’s letters with her looking down from the picture– into the grate [p. 272] {p. 198}

29 August 1898 • Monday

This morning burned many of my letters– many of them about Suffrage & Republican Candidates– and others not good enough or of sufficient consequence to keep. Mail this morning not very important no news of a startling nature– wrote to Emma [Levens] Crawford Brigham City– Annie E. [Elizabeth Huey] Slaughter Frisco– John Q. Cannon Jacksonville– Florida Had several ladies call on me Sister Julia Druce & daughter Julia– also Mary Lois Morris heard two ladies from Texas were looking for me yesterday. A refreshing rain came in the afternoon and wind & dust blew disagreeably– Miss Adams of Parowan a music teacher came– to see about a place for a girl– had word from Annie that she arrived safely– tired out to night Em– has had a bad spell. [p. 273] {p. 199}

30 August 1898 • Tuesday

This morning went off in fairly good time and had to call on the Governor & Lieut Wells– no letters that were important– Amelia F. Young called and staid during a rain shower, she had much to say about things and really was in better spirits than usual– Mr. Meakin [Charles Meaghan] came to change our day again– and meantime some ladies called strangers who had been directed to me– Mrs. Hirschfield– Mrs. Heldt Mrs. Magruder– they were only ordinary women with money used to society– I wrote a letter to Fanny [McBride] Cole’s sister12 in Oberlin Ohio the letter had been mislaid for more than a year. I also wrote other business letters but most of the day was spent in going over old accounts [p. 274] {p. 200}

31 August 1898 • Wednesday

This morning first thing called to tell the Governor about change in outing for the Press Club, he will start for the Yellowstone on that day– the postponement was because of the charity entertainment for the Maine Memorial Monument. to be given at Saltair on the 6th. so we must take the seventh Aunt Presendia [Huntington Kimball]’s birthday. June came up and we talked silk on practical basis. I went to Saltair office with Dr. Pratt. Wrote to Ann C. Woodbury St. George– Mrs. [Antoinette Brown] Kinney Salt Lake and postals to Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] & Pallas [Woodward Clark] also Lula Greene Richards sent off papers with Manson’s death to all my sisters & brother Hiram had a nice talk with Jos. F. Smith about Republicanism– have had visits from several of the sisters, Sep had been up to see me today– [p. 275] {p. 201}

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August 1898, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Marian Buchholz.

  2. [2]Fanny Abell Woodward.

  3. [3]Perhaps Massie Dickson Hall.

  4. [4]Isabel Harrison.

  5. [5]Perhaps Delia Bishop Pratt.

  6. [6]Perhaps Gervis G. Mansfield, who lived in Portage, Utah. (1900 U.S. Census, Portage, Utah, 128B, accessed 26 Mar. 2021,

  7. [7]Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  8. [8]These towns are in Idaho.

  9. [9]Mrs. Baker, identified only by last name, gave moving and housekeeping help to EBW when she moved her office from November 1897 to January 1898. (EBW, Diary, 1897, Memoranda, Cash Account, Nov. and Dec.; 1898, Memoranda, Cash Account, Jan.)

  10. [10]James B. Standing.

  11. [11]Martha Brown Cannon.

  12. [12]Mary Moody Pugh. (EBW, Diary, 1898 Addresses.)