May 1882

1 May 1882 • Monday

Louie is still very ill her throat is worst affected– I was obliged to go to the Office, Mell & Rose [Sipple Wightman] called on me and I went with them to call upon Pres. Taylor. After on Sister Eliza– came home early found Lou suffering very much Dot went to Fullers Hill1 Septimus is here tonight

2 May 1882 • Tuesday

This morning I had an impression that Lou would soon be better. However she was very sick all day About noon June came and administered, then Penrose– in the afternoon she was much better & at evening better still I feel very thankful indeed and hope she will soon be out again. [p. 85] {p. 87}

3 May 1882 • Wednesday

Today Lou is better I had a call from the Correspondent of the New York World and London Telegraph– His name is Phil Robinson– Hiram [B.] Clawson came to introduce him– Sister King was present. Rhoda Richards Knowlton died this after noon, Annie went to the theatre to see Inshavogue.

4 May 1882 • Thursday

This has been a busy day. Went with Dr. Ferguson to make some arrangements about opening a Hospital–2 my husband came to see me. we had a very agreeable time. Joe Sharp came down, Julia3 was married today. It is raining to night [p. 86] {p. 88}

5 May 1882 • Friday

Worked hard all day long mailing. Louie is better– Belle’s house is getting ready, Rhoda Richards was buried today. I am very weary have been reading French this evening The weather is very cold had a letter from Mrs. [Emily Scott] Dill–Pres. Taylor has gone to Logan

6 May 1882 • Saturday

I am so tired tonight so many sisters are too much for me, talking all at once about Hospitals–Went to see Aunt Eliza with Sister Howard & Dr. Ferguson We went to have ice cream Lou is not feeling so well Meeting in the 14th Ward today. No news from the young missionaries [p. 87] {p. 89}

7 May 1882 • Sunday

To day is the anniversary of my moving into this house– what changes have taken place since then. Louie is a little better. I have been at home all day long. Annie went to Sunday School and took Q. and the children. It has been raining gently– Belle’s house is nearly ready Mell came down–

8 May 1882 • Monday

This was a damp morning went to the museum with Mell & Mrs. Rose Wightman. Went afterwards to see Pres. Taylor but he had not returned. Saw Sister Eliza The day has been a very disagreeable one. This evening the 13th, Ward incorporated as a church. I was present at the meeting [p. 88] {p. 90}

9 May 1882 • Tuesday

My husband spent the afternoon with me in the office, we had a very pleasant time In the evening went to the 13th Ward meeting of Y.L.M.I.A.4 Sister Howard and Dr. Ferguson came home with me and had supper. Annie and I both had letters from John Q. Annie & Louie from Ada– Dwyer, Boston

10 May 1882 • Wednesday

In the morning Mr. & Mrs. [William and Elizabeth Anderson] Howard called on me Went to Y.L.M.I.A. First Ward– about 12 of the representative women of the City–5 Louie is getting a little better– but is still very weak Belle is getting ready to move and we shall soon be without her and the dear children. Today the Secretary & under Sec. of Ireland were killed in the park. [p. 89] {p. 91}

11 May 1882 • Thursday

In the morning went in a carriage to Pleasant Green about 13 miles Sisters Horne & Whitney were of the party. Spoke about three quarters of an hour on politics of Utah and woman suffrage in particular–6 came home very tired went to administer to a sick child– a lovely evening Received letters from Boston George James–

12 May 1882 • Friday

Meeting to consider a Hospital for the Saints. Went with Mrs. Alma & Wightman to see Aunt Eliza Mell was with us also– Belle is nearly ready to move. Annie went to Dwyer’s and afterwards to the farm to stay all night– it seemed very lonesome I was up very late indeed– [p. 90] {p. 92}

13 May 1882 • Saturday

Belle went away with some of her things– I went early to the Office, had many visitors and great annoyances. Got through my proof reading early– and came home– lonely indeed without baby– Lucile & Emmie were here– I did some writing Mell and Rose called–

14 May 1882 • Sunday

Louie and I went up to Mell’s to dinner– it was quite cool– Annie came home I sat up very late writing– Dr. [Francis D.] Benedict was buried today Baby was quite ill in the night we were much alarmed– It was very likely owing to Annie being over tired and nervous– [p. 91] {p. 93}

15 May 1882 • Monday

Went with Mrs. Howard to the 3d. District Court to declare her intentions to become a citizen of the United States– Hospital meeting at 2 p.m. Annie went to Teasdel [George Teasdale]’s to a party– received a letter from John Q. from Berlin, Sister Edinboro was buried today–

16 May 1882 • Tuesday

A rumor was circulated that Queen Victoria had been assassinated but it was not confirmed. An executive meeting was held today at my office– Sister Eliza seems discouraged. The paper only came in at the close of the meeting. Annie went to the Theatre to see the opera of Patience [p. 92] {p. 94}

17 May 1882 • Wednesday

Went to the 10th Ward to the Primary and to Fuller’s Hill afterwards had a good time–7 Mailing the paper all day– Had much satisfaction in visiting several people, Annie’s baby is not well– Louie is better– Pres. Taylor went to Ogden– a French Count is here who wants to see him–

18 May 1882 • Thursday

Hospital meeting at 3 p.m. finished mailing– went to the opera with Louie to see Manola– Annie & Louie have been to Belles to day– it is lovely weather, but windy tonight– no news from Washington– saw the Governor [Eli H. Murray] Judge etc at the opera [p. 93] {p. 95}

19 May 1882 • Friday

Hospital Association meeting at 3 p.m. and went to the opera in the evening to see Patience performed by the Comley-Barton Troupe– this has been a day of days and I am so weary I scarce know how to endure more. Annie had a letter from John Q. tonight. He is well

20 May 1882 • Saturday

This morning Belle came to take me a ride with her horse and phaeton we went about 2½ hours Annie & Louie went to the matinee and Bell fainted about 4 o’clock and fell and hurt herself but we were not aware of it and Annie & Louie went to the theatre to see Madame Favart [p. 94] {p. 96}

21 May 1882 • Sunday

Belle is quite ill and Annie is spending the day with her, Louie and I went to meeting. In the evening I went over to Belle’s and when the mail came in I got a letter from Br. Cannon– asking me to do the honors for some Boston people who are coming here so soon– I am so worried about Belle– Louie is staying all night

22 May 1882 • Monday

Went to Pres. Taylor’s this morning– and talked over some matters with him– saw Sister Eliza– and Dr. Ferguson and several others went to the 10th Ward to see Mrs. [Elizabeth McLean] Livingston in reference to the Hospital held a meeting of the Executive board–8 at evening Belle came over & was better. Emma’s gravestones <were set to day> [p. 95] {p. 97}

23 May 1882 • Tuesday

Like other days this is in no way remarkable I am hurried and a great deal bothered. many questions are being asked about the Hospital now under contemplation I have had some annoyances about home arrangements but all is easily settled as our home is very harmonious

24 May 1882 • Wednesday

Today have been busy but found time to devote to a meeting & as there are many duties to perform in that connection had to find the time for them also. Saw President Taylor and had a pleasant interview with him in reference to some parties who are coming [p. 96] {p. 98}

25 May 1882 • Thursday

A very brilliant day warm and sunshiny. So many inquiring about the Hospital I find it a labor to make the necessary explanations. We are getting on pretty well in the way of money although some who are very rich have been parsimonous in the extreme towards us Sister M. A. Young is very ill

26 May 1882 • Friday

Sister Young continues very ill I have been up to see her found her very low– we are still prospering in the work of inaugurating the Hospital. It is only tomorrow these Boston People will be here and all is arranged for them Mr. & Mrs. Giles–saw Hiram Clawson about the affair [p. 97] {p. 99}

27 May 1882 • Saturday

Waited all day expecting Mr. Giles to call– they took dinner at the Gardo House came to the office afterwards and I joined them in their carriage arriving there found a number of ladies waiting who in comparison with her and Mrs. W. mere excellence–

28 May 1882 • Sunday

Went to the Tabernacle had the girls home to dinner. This is a day I remember well 34 years ago when we were in Winter Quarters now called Florence [Nebraska]. Jethro [H. Whitney] was born there and we were preparing to come to the valley and there were many important things transpiring [p. 98] {p. 100}

29 May 1882 • Monday

The season is late rather but this is a beautiful day and all nature is in her glory. When we realize how the seasons come and go spring time and harvest we cannot but feel God is near to watch over all, and help us to see and acknowledge his hand in all things.9 [p. 99] {p. 101}

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May 1882, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Fuller’s Hill was a privately owned resort with a dancing hall, picnic grounds, croquet and quoits grounds, and refreshment stands. It was located on 1000 East and 400 South on the bluff east of downtown Salt Lake City. (“Fuller’s Hill,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 7 May 1876, 4.)

  2. [2]The Deseret Hospital Association was announced in the Woman’s Exponent in June 1882, and the hospital itself was dedicated a month later. (“Deseret Hospital,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1882, 11:12; “Deseret Hospital,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1882, 11:36; see also “Report of Deseret Hospital Dedication, July 17, 1882,” in Derr et al., First Fifty Years, 497–498.)

  3. [3]Perhaps the hired girl Julia, to whom EBW paid wages of four dollars on 4 April 1882. (EBW, Diary, 1882, Memoranda, Cash Account—April.)

  4. [4]See “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1882, 11:4.

  5. [5]“On Wednesday May 10th the Y.L.M.I.A. of the First Ward celebrated their anniversary. A beautiful feast was prepared at the residence of the President, Mrs. Sarah Graham. Sister E. R. S. Smith and many of her co-laborers were present by invitation. . . . Brief speeches were made by Mrs. Graham, Sisters Eliza R. S. Smith, M. I. Horne, Phebe Woodruff, B. W. Smith, M. P. Young, M. A. [Mary Ann Burnham] Freeze, Clara Y. [Young] Conrad, E. B. Wells, E. Howard, Dr. E. B. Ferguson, and by Coun. [Margaret Farquahar] Steele.” (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1882, 11:4.)

  6. [6]The Woman’s Exponent wrongly reported that the meeting was held in Pleasant Grove, Utah County, rather than Pleasant Green, Salt Lake County. (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1882, 11:4.)

  7. [7]“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1882, 11:4.

  8. [8]A photograph of the Deseret Hospital board includes Ellis Shipp, MD; Bathsheba Smith; Elizabeth Howard; Romania B. Pratt (later Penrose), MD; Phoebe Woodruff; Mary Isabella Horne; Eliza R. Snow; Zina D. H. Young; Marinda N. Hyde; Jane S. Richards; and Emmeline B. Wells. (Scott Parker, “Deseret Hospital,” in Ludlow, Encyclopedia of Mormonism¸ 1:375.)

  9. [9]text: EBW evidently passed an 1881 blank diary to her daughter Louisa (Louie) Wells to use on a trip Louie took in July 1882. Louie crossed out the 1881 dates and inserted dates for a trip to San Francisco. Louie used this diary for trip notes again on hand-marked pages 38–55 when she and her half sister Belle Whitney Sears traveled to the East. Louie's diary entries can be found at and In the Memoranda section of the same diary, pages 206–212, EBW wrote out names and places Louie and Belle could visit on their trip east. Those entries can be found at In the Cash Account section of this diary, pages 226–244, EBW wrote notes of Salt Lake Temple fast meetings that took place in June 1907. These notes are located here: