December 1898

1 December 1898 • Thursday

Sister Kimball is <worse> and the people are fearful [of] her endurance [p. 367] {p. 292}

2 December 1898 • Friday

Went to see Sister Kimball today although I kneew of her beinng dead1 found Frank Hiram Lizzie & Keetie [Kimball] all at the house. Funeral is to be in the 15th. Ward Meeting house– there is to be no black anywhere– it was her special request– [p. 368] {p. 293}

3 December 1898 • Saturday

Had a tedious day Primary officers meeting, attended the exercises– Sister Kimball will be buried tomorrow she is being cared for by the Relief Society sisters who knew her better than any one else could in these later years. [p. 369] {p. 294}

16 December 1898 • Friday

Today I have been very very ill– Annie has been to see me and waited upon me some Lucile came to sleep also Louise as there is no school tomorrow I have suffered great pain today have had mustard poultices and drafts on my feet and my feet soaked and taken Syrup of figs, and so on also quinine. It is very depressing to be ill and know how much there is one ought to do. Neither Belle nor myself could go to the Boston Tea Party to be given at Maria Dougall’s to commemorate the day. I was to have an address but had been too ill to prepare it– in the evening John Q. & Annie came, and I was really very ill indeed. Dr. Pratt sent word that she was too ill to come down to see me– so it goes. [p. 382] {p. 295}

17 December 1898 • Saturday

Louise went up town to do errands for me and fetch my mail– no letters very important, only magazines and papers. Dr. Pratt still ill and this is the 14th. Ward meeting day Sister Horne not able to go– dismal day– Emmie is a little better so is Will and baby. [p. 383] {p. 296}

19 December 1898 • Monday

This morning I made an extra exertion to go to the office and stayed all day, it was the Reaper’s club and Mrs. Druce Miss [Julia A.] Druce and Mrs. [C. M.] Hannibal came, we adjourned until Jan. 9. 1899. Mrs. Aimee Schiller also came she has been away in Missourie [Missouri] came to get instruction about minutes of meetings, gave her the Secretary’s book and the printed minutes of meetings. [p. 385] {p. 297}

20 December 1898 • Tuesday

Five years ago today since my house was dedicated– by Bishop Whitmey [Whitney] Zine his wife was here with him– Aunt Zina was here Sister [Jane S.] Richards was invited but did not come also Sister Kimball– Sister B. W. Smith came and Sister Horne and the children wives of Gen. Wells Lydia– Ann Susan, Martha, Hamnah [Hannah] Belle Annie John Q. and so on Lucile too I believe. The prayer was eloquent and quite apropos. as I recall it. Dr. M. C. Roberts nursing class graduated today and I was present at the exercises and spoke a few minutes, it was quite an interesting affair– Mrs. Roberts was presented with a chair by the R.S. Stake Board and the Class gave her a silver cake basket and picture of themselves in a group. also one to Prof. [Andrew C.] Nelson Sister Smith, Annie Hyde & Clara [Clarissa Moses] Cannon each spoke. [p. 386] {p. 298}

21 December 1898 • Wednesday

This morning I wrote the final letter to President Lorenzo Snow concerning the Exponent five pages of letter paper– had prepared much of the material beforehand. I commend it to my Father in heaven as I know not what to say He directs me in my writing I feel positive. Br. Hunsaker took it to the office for me. George F. Gibbs came down and brought me my two letters sent to Prest. Snow, one was Susan B. Anthony’s from Rochester and one from Dr. Lockwood, Alliance Ohio– I am to use my own discretion in answering them. Paper made up for Dec. 15. 1898 and revise read. Wrote to Mell & Verona, Annie, Louise and others, Dr. Pratt, Mrs. Stevenson Annie Hyde and several more. Sister Horne is suffering from neuralgia. No word from Charles Cannon who is very ill in California, his father2 has gone to be with him. [p. 387] {p. 299}

22 December 1898 • Thursday

Went up late and found all right Mrs. Caine waiting to keep her appointment, but it was very unsatisfactory and as I had no word from Prest. Snow I was not able to say what could be done. She was very noncommunicative about her plans in the silk work altogether I was a little disappointed. I am rather afraid of her. Belle came and we went out to lunch together– she is not well but seemed to keep up. The children came to see the Christmas windows and were quite gay over Santa Claus. I have had no letters today at all except a Xmas greeting from Ruby Lamonte [Lamont]. Zina Card came and we talked of Washington and London– She is very sanguine like Susa I sent off some Receipts today and wrote a letter to Sister Lindsey Prest. Bear Lake Stake this morning. Belle is not well tonight– [p. 388] {p. 300}

23 December 1898 • Friday

Belle was very ill this morning and I was late going up to the office. Prof. Muzzarelli go to Los Angelos today– she came and bade me good bye last night. Was very affectionate. Wrote an article for the Des. News about Christmas for Saturday’s paper. Sister Stevenson came to see me, heard of Lydia Pierce (Snow) death– very sudden and unexpected. package by express from Wallace [Idaho] handsome cloth skirt for me from Mell– black silk mittens Daisie & Harry. A very cold day and unhappy for me because of Belle’s sickness Adaline came to see me towads evening, Annie Geo. Q. and Louise– this evening wrote on my accounts. Emmie was so late that I ran over to see the girls and found them all busy. Eugene still up with them. Mell sent cards to Eugene & Brent– [p. 389] {p. 301}

24 December 1898 • Saturday

I worked very hard all day even tho’ I was very ill and chilly all the time, after all day working I came down to the house with my things, Lucile had two pairs of nice stockings for me, and Belle gave me a jardiniere for my <Laurel> Dot a silver candlestick and wax candle– to use and not for ornament Emmie a flannel night gown– Ellis R. Shipp gave me a Medallion of Priscilla and John Alden– with the spinning wheel a pretty scene. I only gave a book to Marion Dot’s baby and to Katharine Annie’s baby– after being a while at Belle’s and seeing all their preparations and the Christmas tree for Marion– I went up to Annie’s and spent the evening and the night– slept with little Emmeline– [p. 390] {p. 302}

25 December 1898 • Sunday

Rose early to see the Xmas tree in the parlor at Annie’s lighted with colored wax candles– the delight of the little ones was unbounded, books toys and various gifts on the tree and goodies in the stockings. Santa Claus had been very generous with them I felt miserable had to lie down on the lounge in the parlor John Q. was also very much distressed and made us all feel bad, especially Annie who had worked so hard to have a success in the way of happiness. My gifts were a silk waist from John Q. a half-dozen fine handkerchiefs from Annie box hand-made by Sweetie [Louise] from her, tulle for my neck from Bobbie [Margaret] new satchel from Daniel & Emme– garters from Cavendish. Turkey & plum pudding for dinner. [p. 391] {p. 303}

26 December 1898 • Monday

Several presents came today Mell sent me a handsome black skirt for the office, and Daisie black silk mittens very handsome ones, double. Verona sent me side combs Ruth Fox handkerchief and pretty card. Sister Stevenson gave me a small coal oil stove for the office. Will Buchholz a book by Charles Dudley Warner The Relation of Literature to Life. [p. 392] {p. 304}

31 December 1898 • Saturday

This morning went early to work read proof and flew back and forth to the typos etc. Em. went on with the mailing– Emmeline came up to Nellie Shipp’s party, Charlie Cannon is very bad indeed. The day is unpleasant. Prest. Lorenzo Snow’s wife Adeline [Goddard Snow] was buried today in Brigham City. Prest. Snow came back to Salt Lake this evening.

Louis Cannon for Zion’s Saving’s Bank paid me on advertisement 65.00 in gold– R. R. [Richard K.] Thomas 25.00 in orders. I handed over with this amount ten dollars more in cash and 2.00 in tithing orders. $102.00. and also got credit of 10.00 for Stories written at Christmas of 1896 & 1897. came home very weary then went to Annie’s had a glass of champagne– came home to sleep sat out the old year here with Emily– [p. 397] {p. 305}

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December 1898, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]“President Sarah M. Kimball,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Dec. 1898, 27:77–78; “Mrs. Kimball’s Funeral,” Salt Lake Tribune, 5 Dec. 1898, 5.

  2. [2]Angus M. Cannon.