April 1900

1 April 1900 • Sunday

Went on seven o’clock car to D. & R. G.1 depot waited until train from Ogden came and was disappointed in not seeing my sister‒2 then went over to O. S. & L.3 depot and found her, but O so altered and soon had her home with me, we had the day together‒ Belle came in the evening. We went over many old memories and also many unpleasant things as well as other matters not so disagreeable‒ many things come to one’s mind I have much writing on hand but must pay some attention to my sister and feel justified in doing so. I am reading Little Dorritt and also Janice Meredeth for review & Red Pottage‒ {p. 117}

2 April 1900 • Monday

This morning went off early not withstanding my sister was there she will go and see Belle today sometime Prest Snow’s birthday is tomorrow but is being celebrated today because of temple work going on tomorrow‒ today is Franklin D. Richards he would be 79 I think‒ Seats were reserved in front for the ladies who have charge of the Temple work Sister Richards sat with Aunt Zina by courtesy All the 12 were on the stand except one or two who are away‒ Bishop [John R.] Winder had the program‒ Exercises good singing excellent {p. 118}

3 April 1900 • Tuesday

<Lorenzo Snow 86 today> Today is the Board meeting of the Society I have everything in readiness and therefore it does not seem as if there could be any misunderstanding about matters‒ yet there is invariably some who make unpleasantness dear Aunt Zina is always agreeable no matter what transpires Annie came up I went out with her‒ we bought dresses for Margaret who is fourteen today‒ I went there to dinner and spent the evening Ellen [Woodward Fuller] had gone over to Adeline’s‒ {p. 119}

4 April 1900 • Wednesday

Sister Richards has been in and out all day long aunt Zina little Zina [Young Card] now fifty years old & others have been in & out and kept me constantly on the qui vive Mabelle has not been very gracious and Ellen is still up and down‒ the Hakes family are all upset over the affair of Prest. [Collins Rowe] Hakes losing his eyesight here since he came‒ {p. 120}

5 April 1900 • Thursday

Hurried to the Assembly Hall and attended to details about singing and music‒ Aunt Zina presiding Sisters Richards[,] Smith, & Cannon Counselors & myself Secretary & Horne Treasurer all present‒4 I read the minutes and gave out notices Duet was fine Christine [Nielsen] Anderson and her girl Judith “Whispering Hope”‒ At noon met many good sisters from a distance, my sister Ellen was with me Afternoon meeting much was said about the Exponent more than ever before, many Presidents from a distance were present to report. Sister Jane S. Richards made a much longer speech than any other one‒ I spoke a few words and gave out notices etc. Sister Richards controlled the Conference‒ Zina Card was very officious‒ {p. 121}

6 April 1900 • Friday

Conference opened this morning‒ Seventieth Annual‒ Prest. Lorenzo Snow was in full accord with the Anniversary‒ he is in the zenith of power and holds a firm hand and is full of the spirit of progress of this age in the work of God‒ none more so. All the day Apostles were called to speak one after another and great power rested upon them the people generally feel renewed in spirit. I am too much occupied to go to hear the preaching My sister Ellen went and many sisters from the country have called to talk with me about existing conditions. And also about the Relief Society past & present‒ {p. 122}

7 April 1900 • Saturday

This has been a day of annoyances as well as business, so many coming from long distances and anxious to know more than can be told without previous explanation, and one hardly knows how to satisfy those at a distance, who hear so many statements that are not correct‒ awful dust and wind just as Conference closed Tonight the Concert I am too weary to go even if I had a ticket. There is a very large Conference, and we who wish to go tomorrow must be in time. I went out to do a few little things for Sunday as my sister is here and I must provide If I could only do more work I should feel better satisfied. I have so many things begun and cannot finish them {p. 123}

8 April 1900 • Sunday

This is the Anniversary of that dreadful day when Emmie [Emma W. Wells] left us,5 O such sorrow how our hearts bled‒ and yet we do not know although we realize she must be happy because she was so pure and lovely in character and life‒ beloved by all and loving so intensely all her friends and family‒ So many years and yet how vividly it all appears now these twenty-two years ago‒ Ellen Mabel & myself all went to the Tabernacle & in the afternoon the Authorities were sustained‒ Reed Smoot of Provo is the new Apostle‒ vacancy caused by the death of Franklin D. Richards‒ so that agony is over and all conjectures set at rest. Sunday School Conference in the evening‒ {p. 124}

9 April 1900 • Monday

Priesthood Meeting in the Assembly Hall no new developments that I know of‒ all is well in Zion‒ we are much exercised over George Q. going away with the Scientific expedition.6 God grant he may be preserved from evil and sickness & harm of all kinds. His mother is very brave, I bought him a Spanish-American Dictionary‒ he is having everything new and good. Annies girl is leaving and so much to do that it really seems unendurable yet she is quite equal to the occasion, of course Louise & Margaret must be kept home to help. {p. 125}

11 April 1900 • Wednesday

This is the 31st. anniversary of Belle’s marriage‒ I went over early and took her a new book A Double Thread Sister Jane B. [Ballantyne] Taylor’s birthday party all invited guests came except Sister Jennings, she was in good spirits and made the remark casually. when shall we all meet again.‒ At evening Q. came he had dinner at Belle’s I looked up his baptism for him‒ on account of looking in the ,89 I did a great deal of unnecessary looking by candle-light however I found at last what I wanted {p. 126}

12 April 1900 • Thursday

This morning went up early & called at Mrs. Caine’s, she was out‒ went to see about my silk waist being made, and to do some other errands. At 2. p.m. went to Prest. Snows and had a long talk with Minnie then to the office found Aunt Zina and Zina Card & Jane Richards considerable excitement about going to Oneida Conference. Louise & Margaret have both been in also Margaret Caine Emily Richards & others Sister [Mary Jane Robinson] West from Arizona, and many more. Annie wants me to come to dinner. At seven p.m. went to President Snow’s had a talk with him about going and about Charlotte Perkins Stetson and her lecture‒ then President Snow of his own accord set me apart and gave me a blessing which satisfied me in going on this calling7 went to Annie’s and spent the evening, bade Q. Good Bye, he leaves in the morning. {p. 127}

13 April 1900 • Friday

Last night I dreamed of Sister Eliza R. Snow‒ she seemed elaborately dressed <as for traveling> and wore a vail‒ she had six or seven ladies with her all unknown to me. She was delighted to see me and put her arms around me and embraced me. She talked of new developments and showed me her new books that <were> written on silk leaves.

Emmeline [Young Well]’s birthday all the girls invited‒ Annie went used the new dishes it was at Cal [Clara Wells Hedges]’s‒ Q. {p. 128}

15 April 1900 • Sunday

My brother’s8 birthday {p. 129}

18 April 1900 • Wednesday

This morning all hurry and bustle everything had been done except that Belle would not let me go unless she put a binding on my shirt‒ carriage came too soon had a fine day however & begun to rest for I was worn right out when I left home Mrs Sherman9 a young widow opposite me was very interesting and wanted to hear about our people‒ invited me to call in Chicago her home is in Fredonia Chatauqua New York. {p. 130}

19 April 1900 • Thursday

I have been fairly comfortable trying to rest as we journey on‒ I have rather avoided talking as I am still as I am still very hoarse there is a good dining car on and I have tried to eat and sleep and get recruited a little, I do not know how we shall be received, as the Roberts case is in everybody’s mouth and people seem to have no regard for our feelings whatever but we can hold our own nevertheless. {p. 131}

20 April 1900 • Friday

Arrived in Chicago went direct to R.R.10 Office got my ticket and went to Nickel Plate office to secure my berth and made me too late‒ train pulled out ten minutes‒ went to Grand Pacific Hotel & took a room had lunch went to see my cousin Theron Woodward then to George E. Snider [Snyder] at the Wells Fargo & Co‒ general express office then wrote some letters one to Mell one to Hiram [E. Clark] and one to Annie Hyde & Mrs. [Elizabeth Claridge] McCune Postal to Dr. [Rosetta Luce] Gilchrist of Ashtabula of Ohio‒ {p. 132}

21 April 1900 • Saturday

<The rail fences are attractive to me> Rose 1/2 past 8. found we had reached Ohio first town was Lorain,11 next Avon then Dover then Rocky River, had a good view of Lake Erie and the Ohio scenery, then Cleveland next. the name of this car is Domora‒ the only Pullman on the train & I was the only woman on last night, until near mid night‒ then one young lady came on. Willoughby, Mentor, Painesville, Madison, Unionville, Ashtabula where my friend Dr. Rosella [Rosetta] L. Gilchrist lives. Conneaut where we had a fine dinner, Springfield one more then Fairview, Snowville, Now Pa Girard first Harbor Creek a pretty little town, Moorheads, Erie North East next New York, Brocton Dunkirk, Silver Creek, {p. 133}

22 April 1900 • Sunday

Reached New York and went direct to the Bayard as I found my trunk had been left in New York‒ we had some lunch up stairs and then June [Junius F. Wells] & myself went over to Brooklyn to the L.D.S. meeting Br. Gardner preached and then June Mr. [Robert C.] Easton sung a solo when meeting closed then the folks came to shake hands, Julian Smith young [James H.] Garrett the Prest. Hattie [Harriet Hooper Young] and Willard [Young] and children Nett [Jeanette Young Easton] & [Robert Charles] Easton then home and spent a long and pleasant evening LeRoy [LeRoi C. Snow] & Mabelle came‒ {p. 134}

23 April 1900 • Monday

Abbie [H. Wells] fainted last night Went to the Building 156 5th. Avenue and met the ladies delegates etc. Mabel came‒ I was put on the nominating Committee and stayed up stairs to make up the ticket‒ at noon we lunched at a restaurant Mabelle and I together then to the Afternoon meeting in a pouring rain took a hansom 25 cts. each then went over the reports of officers and commenced the election succeeded in getting a president elected and adjourned until Tuesday Miss Adeline E. Sterling was the one elected‒ evening cheerful‒ {p. 135}

24 April 1900 • Tuesday

<News from home about Dr. Pratt unpleasant & annoying> Next morning routine election again‒ and reports read between from several states, Utah among them‒ Mabelle read my report and did very well tho lift [left] it out in some parts & made it incomplete to me. Mrs. O Neil of Colorado stood up for the West almost aggressively‒ Miss [Sarah E.] Hunt was true as steel all the way through it was quite satisfactory & I felt quite upset not having the chance to read at all {p. 136}

25 April 1900 • Wednesday

At eleven in the morning we went to the Dutch (old) Reformed Collegiate Church and Abbie & Mamie [Mary] Sharp went with me. The services were dignified and appropriate presenting the tablet in Memory of the Officers Soldier & Sailors who fell in the war of the Revolution Mrs. Roe of the New York Society D.R. presented the Tablet and did the honors. At One we were at the Savoy Hotel at the breakfast given by Mrs. Henry Sanger Snow [Anna Brook Snow] to both Boards and Regents, 38 present Reception at Waldorf Astoria‒ {p. 137}

26 April 1900 • Thursday

This morning the D.R. went off to West Point we I took Abbie with me & Mabelle Snow came in after we were seated. Had lunch up there; failed to see the Utah Delegate, tried every way we could. saw all the buildings and had a guide with us‒ then the review both of the infantry and artillery. None of these women do I care much for except Miss Hunt of Boston‒ I sat with her the entire way home and felt uplifted at least mentally {p. 138}

27 April 1900 • Friday

Went off to see Miss [Ada] Patterson talked over Utah affairs, saw Belle Kimball Pitt, and went with Miss Patterson to lunch at a fashionable restaurant, enjoyed her very much, then went on elevated road to Park Place Club Woman’s Magazine in an immense building eleventh floor‒ saw Margherita Arlina Hamm Fales, and talked over literary matters, then to Twentieth floor and saw the rooms of the National Woman Suffrage Association Mrs. Catt & Miss [Mary Garrett] Hay were in the South‒ came back tired and spent the evening with Charlie [Charles H. Clark] & wife12 & baby Son13 had to go to banquet Charlie took me home at eleven o’clock. he is a very promising young man {p. 139}

28 April 1900 • Saturday

Went to Mrs. [Frances Smith] Gaffney’s and spent some hours talking over Council matters. She invited me for Sunday to tea and supper, Jayta [Humphreys] will be home‒ then went home and dressed and went to Charlie’s 454. Manhattan Ave. had dinner and spent the evening. Granger [F. Granger Clark] showed me all his Manilla views and told me his experience over there; we had a pleasant evening and came home very late Granger with me‒ last evening Moronhi [Mahonri M.] Young was here and gave Abbie one of his paintings, he is very talkative‒ so much so that he is rather oppressive. Met several fashionable ladies at Mrs. Gaffney’s {p. 140}

29 April 1900 • Sunday

Wrote letters in the morning to Mrs. Dickinson Madame [Lydia Mamreoff von Finkelstein] Mountford & Annie‒ then had lunch with the folks up stairs Mamie Sharp is quite ill mother sent for Dr. Phelps. I dressed and went to Mrs. Gaffney’s saw Jayta first thing Mrs. Sabator & Mrs. Cromwell were there‒ Mr. Smith came Consul at some foreign place‒ 86 years old‒ we had tea in the parlor‒ Jayta waited on us. Mr. Smith told of his lecture entitled Reminiscences of an Octogenarian‒ introduced the ships Guerriere & Constitution‒ wants me to send him all I can remember of the famous song {p. 141}

30 April 1900 • Monday

This morning told the folks June & Lena [Helena Fobes Wells] I was going to New England paid my bill for the eight days 20.00‒ June went with me to depot New York New Haven & Hartford to Palmer. Pleasant day and scenery beautiful‒ crowded cars. met Hiram at Palmer and went on electric car to Thorndike had tea found Carrie [Caroline Fuller Clark] & Ginevra [Genevra Clark], fine‒ supper and talked all the evening. Hiram decided he would go with me to Orange next morning, told the folks much of my trip to Europe Neva is a beautiful girl. I slept in the same guest room where I had been on two or more previous visits, and I pray I may go again that the Lord will bless me with means to collect genealogy beyond my expectations‒ {p. 142}

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April 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1900/1900-04


  1. [1]Denver and Rio Grande.

  2. [2]Ellen Woodward Fuller.

  3. [3]Oregon Short Line. (Don Strack, “Railroads in Utah,” in Powell, Utah History Encyclopedia.)

  4. [4]The Relief Society general presidency included Zina D. H. Young, president, with Jane S. Richards, Bathsheba W. Smith, and Sarah Jane Jenne Cannon as counselors. The secretary was EBW, and the treasurer was Mary Isabella Hales Horne. (“Relief Society Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1900, 28:124.)

  5. [5]EBW’s daughter Emma W. Wells died 8 April 1878. (EBW, Diary, 8 Apr. 1878.)

  6. [6]Benjamin Cluff, the president of Brigham Young Academy, led a scientific expedition to Central America to uncover Book of Mormon artifacts. EBW’s grandson George Q. Cannon is listed as one of the twenty-three members of the group. (“Utah’s Scientific Expedition to South America,” Salt Lake Herald, 15 Apr. 1900, 5.) The expedition was photographed as the group left Provo on 17 April 1900. (“South American Exploration Party Departs, April 17, 1900,” photograph, BYU Campus Photographs, accessed 6 Jan. 2016, http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/BYUPhotos/id/158.) The men were stopped at Nogales, Arizona, on the Mexican border in July, and all but nine turned back, after being counseled to do so by church leaders. (Jones, “Search for Zarahemla,” 228–231.) EBW’s grandson George Q. Cannon may have served a short-term mission on his way back to Salt Lake City, which he reached in October. EBW recorded her grandson’s adventures in her diaries. (EBW, Diary, 25 July, 12 Aug., 18 Sept., and 6 Oct. 1900.)

  7. [7]EBW attended the annual meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution in New York City. (“General Society Daughters of the Revolution,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1900, 28:132.)

  8. [8]Hiram E. W. Clark.

  9. [9]Perhaps Flora H. Sherman. (1900 U.S. Census, Pomfret Township, New York, 138A, accessed 24 May 2021, https://www.familysearch.org.)

  10. [10]Railroad.

  11. [11]EBW identified towns the train passed through in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. The towns in Pennsylvania, some of which were not clearly identified, were Springfield, Fairview, Snowville (perhaps Swanville), Girard, Harbor Creek, Moorheads (Moorheadville), Erie, and North East. EBW may have written these names from memory, perhaps at the end of the day, since the towns are not recorded in geographical order.

  12. [12]Annetta C. Smith Clark.

  13. [13]The known child of Charles H. and Annetta Smith Clark was a daughter, Josephine K. Clark, born 6 April 1899. (EBW, Diary, 11 and 12 June 1899; 14 Mar. 1901; 8 Mar. 1902.)