September 1900

1 September 1900 • Saturday

Last night Press Club, Miss [Helen M.] Ring1 present at the meeting and spoke to us. A most memorable day for me, my dear baby Eugene Henri [Harris] was born on this day 1844‒ in Nauvoo Ill. The bare recollection is almost too much for me to endure even at this late date. I went off in the morning train to Bingham Junction with Sister Jane S. Richards‒ to the Sisters Conference, we went first to Bishop Hiram Goff’s and then to Goffs Hall where the morning meeting was held. We had lunch at noon and then drove to the Relief Society Hall at West Jordan where we had the afternoon meeting. I spoke at both morning and afternoon meetings‒ so did Sister Richards‒ then we went off on our return to the other depot, and I came home more than usually worn out {p. 248}

2 September 1900 • Sunday

I lay in bed this morning too weary to rise, finally went to find Mrs. Irvine and see to her going with Sister [Susan Noble] Grant to Vernal to the Sisters Conference of Uintah Stake. Then I went to Sister Stevenson’s and was disappointed not to find her at home, came down home and off again at 4 to Sister Stevenson’s from there to Dr. Wilcox’s where I found her and then to Sister R. R. Grant’s and then back to the Templeton succeeded in making all arrangements, and felt content after talking to both Sisters Grant & Irvine. It is something very important to see after these missionary matters. The S.S.2 Conference and S.L.3 conference have been held yesterday and to day for this Stake of Zion. {p. 249}

3 September 1900 • Monday

Went up early and to the Kenyon and took the first lesson in the art of expression etc. from Mrs. Mary Urquhart Lee‒4 only a few ladies present Mrs. Clement Mrs. Plummer, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. [Lena Johnson] Henry, Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. Boyle and three or four more. Afterwards worked hard at my mailing and as usual came home very weary almost beyond expression, Reaper’s Club day but as it was Labor day and a National holiday, so few came that the meeting was not held but we sat & conversed and meantime I gave some of the remakable incidents of my own life, which had the effect of making me very nervous and unable to sleep, after coming home. {p. 250}

4 September 1900 • Tuesday

This morning the news came that Dell [Ardelle] Young Harrison had died in San Francisco and no one knew particulars, the sad and almost tragic death makes one who knew her well feel greatly shocked. young and handsome and engaging in manner, it seems terrible, she leaves two little girls5 who will be orphans indeed as the father has seemed totally neglectful of them. Sister Minnie J. Snow called to invite me to join the Lake Party given by President Lorenzo Snow to the Temple workers. I was so depressed and not feeling well either I could not think of going among the brethren and sisters on such an excursion. Wrote an important letter to Mrs. Eliza Snow Dunford. Went this morning to Mrs. Lee’s class‒ {p. 251}

5 September 1900 • Wednesday

<This morning took the very first real lesson from Mrs. Lee> This morning went over to see Belle early then to Mrs. Lee’s class though first to the office to see after my mail, and so on‒ This was really the first lesson last evening at 4. p.m. she gave a sort of reception but I arrived too late‒ having been home to dress and was hindered so that all were gone except Mrs. Vincent wife of Dr. [Frank A.] Vincent the dentist, who stayed on to talk with Mrs. Lee‒

The lesson this morning was very interesting and one would feel there was much in the art of expression to be learned. My days are so full of work my time so wholly taken up that I really do not do myself justice in any way whatever. I have done considerable reading and feel that I have gained some useful knowledge in that way but, am too much exhausted to write as I desire {p. 252}

6 September 1900 • Thursday

This morning went as before to the lesson at the Kenyon I have taken a great fancy to Miss Ring of Denver who has called several times to see me. She is a charming person of exquisite appearance and very modest, and unassuming. Mrs. Shepherd came to see me today and several other ladies, it has indeed been a busy week, more so than usual.

Mrs. Dunford and Leslie Snow the Dr. came and we had a long talk over matters. {p. 253}

7 September 1900 • Friday

This morning went again to the Kenyon, it occupies the morning hours, but I am glad to have the exercise, Dell Harrison’s body arrived and the funeral was yesterday I could not go. Went to the Eighth ward meeting in the afternoon Sister Richards came down to go and she with Aunt Zina and Sister Langton who takes care of Aunt Zina came in a carriage for me and we rode down together. I spoke in the meeting and when the Banquet was spread gave the first toast The Mothers in Israel, we had a very pleasant time.6 In the evening attended Miss Ring’s lecture [“]Famous Women of the French Salon.” It was a rare treat and I thoroughly enjoyed every word. She is a most fascinating personality. {p. 254}

8 September 1900 • Saturday

This morning went first to the Saltair office to settle for the Kindergarten excursion and then to the Kenyon and immediately after to the Knutsford to call on Mrs. J. Ellen [Horton] Foster‒ the National Rep. Ass’n of Women’s7 President, sent out here by the Rep. Nat’l Committee to speak in the campaign. Then I went to the Royal for a cup of coffee etc. where I saw Brigham Young [Jr.] and invited him to go to the Sisters Conference in the Assembly Hall. I went to the President’s office to see the Presidency with whom I had a long conversation, first with Joseph F. Smith alone and then President Snow afterwards George Q. and Anthon H. Lund all of them together, very satisfactory as relating to my work‒ {p. 255}

9 September 1900 • Sunday

Last night went to see Mrs. Foster at the Knutsford hotel‒ had a long talk, over many things in the past and about the Council. This morning felt extremely weary and rather depressed, almost unable to go to meeting but had promised Mrs. Lee to take her with me. We found Dr. Pratt and sat with her, the first speaker was Ephraim [P.] Jenson, Minnie J. Snow’s brother and a returned missionary, and after him Dr. J. E. Talmage‒ After meeting we went to the stand where she was introduced to Dr. Talmage Elder C. W. Penrose and President Geo. Q. Cannon then I went with her to the Kenyon and we talked over many things of the experience of our women, and the crusade[.] came home and began my own writing etc. Belle came in for a minute‒ {p. 256}

10 September 1900 • Monday

Em’s birthday went to the Kenyon then to my mailing as Flossie had already gone home and so much work was pending, Reapers after about half-past three Mrs. Lee came and I went with her to the Des.8 News office to see Br. Penrose she had a very plain talk with him about Mormonism in its sociological phases, the day has been very gloomy and one cannot help feeling depressed. Terrible calamities seem to befall the cities and peoples of the world, Galveston Texas has been destroyed by a hurricane which has swept the sea inland, and killed many people. Went to the Primary (political) Annie too‒ Belle & Mr. Sears Will & Dot very disagreeable men there‒ went home with Annie & stayed all night. John Q. still at the encampment {p. 257}

11 September 1900 • Tuesday

This morning went to the Kenyon to class in the Art of Expression and then worked until late, then to the 14th. Ward to the Y.L.N.M.I.A.9 Ruth M. Fox Prest. It was a festive occasion in honor of the General President Elmina S. Taylor who will be seventy years old tomorrow. There were four tables the length of the long hall beautifully decorated with flowers and the menu was prepared by the Domestic Science Department of the Association. Sister Taylor and husband were present, I had the seat of honor opposite the honored guest of the evening. Jokes and humorous stories were told and I was asked to speak the only one except C. W. Penrose The house was well filled and many of the poor of the ward were present‒ came home alone and did some reading, wrote a very important letter today and received several‒ {p. 258}

12 September 1900 • Wednesday

I am trying hard to get ready to go to Sanpete, as I had promised Sister Mary Ann Hyde I would when the Sisters met in Conference, so many things seemed to intervene to hinder me from doing my work. Went with Annie T. Hyde to get our tickets to Manti and to see Sister Taylor & Mae [Taylor] Nystrom took her a book by Emerson, “Love & Friendship.” Margaret Caine promised to see after the office for me I could not see Mrs. Lee today but Mrs. Caine has seen her and is trying to get some of our sisters to take the training; I went to the Theatre and sat on the platform‒ gave Mrs. Foster a dozen carnations, colored and white‒ Mrs. J. Ellen Foster was the first speaker, then Hollowell and Senator [Charles W.] Fairbanks. Came home very much exhausted {p. 259}

13 September 1900 • Thursday

<County Republican Convention today‒ I cannot be present‒> Went off early after being very ill and really unable to go‒ was in good time and Sister Hyde also. Junius was on the train, and Sister Shipp part of the way she went as far as Mt. Pleasant June was going to the Conference of Kanab Stake at Orderville‒ At Thistle June got me a cup of tea and a sandwich but I really could not eat. Sister Cox m[e]t us at Manti and we had a good dinner & visit with Sisters [Rebecca Coolidge] Wareham [Abigail Tuttle] Shoemaker and [Jane Horten] Bench as well as Sister Wareham who is the most interesting of them all. A conjoint meeting of Young Ladies and Relief Society of Manti convened in the evening and we also had Prest. [John B.] Maiben with us‒ Annie Hyde spoke first a short time and I had about one hour. Br. Maiban spoke in a very eulogistic manner of me‒ {p. 260}

14 September 1900 • Friday

<Eugene Sears birthday 18 years old> This morning the Conference convened and there were sisters from almost every part of the County. Some of the Presidents are very intelligent. Sister Hyde spoke a few minutes also Prest. [Canute] Petersen, Sisters Cox Shoemaker and Bench. We went to Sister Jane Bench’s to dinner‒ Prest. Petersen with us, he is very jolly, yet he seems feeble‒ Afternoon the two Bishops and Br. Geo. H. Taylor were present and other brethren. Sister Alvira L. Cox was elected President of the R.S. of Sanpete Stake and Abbie Shoemaker and Jane Bench Counselors, the Secretary Maria Willardsen and the Treasurer Mary [Pedersen] Petersen were sustained‒ Sister Cox and Counselors were set apart and an excellent blessing given them we had supper at Mrs [Elizabeth Webb] Horning’s and spent the evening, I gave a little account of my trip to England {p. 261}

15 September 1900 • Saturday

This evening we walked thro’ the grounds of the City and talked together‒ Sister Hyde & myself‒ Dr. Shipp came and lunched at Sister Cox’s with us also Sister Wareham. Howard [L.] Cox went with us to the station, Br. Hyde had come to meet Sister Hyde, Frank [J.] Cannon was going on to Richfield to speak on Democracy & Bryan‒ We had a pleasant journey home visited much of the way Dr. Shipp came to Mt. Pleasant also Sister Lizzie [Elizabeth Richards] Maiben‒ at Mt. Pleasant we saw Olea Shipp [Hill] and also Mina Ericson [Wilhelmina Morrison Ericksen] I came home very weary and lonely and passed a very miserable night. Brenton came to see how I was for his mother‒ The night seemed lonely tho’ I was glad to be at home again in my own bed. {p. 262}

16 September 1900 • Sunday

This morning Annie and some of the children called and I promised to go there to dinner after meeting I went to the Tabernacle and sat next in front of Lena Wells and Hannah. Elders Zachariah Derrick from Germany and young [Richard L.] Bird from the L.D.S. College reported their missions and bore good testimonies and then Elder Benjamin Goddard preached after the anthem had been rendered another beautiful anthem was sung at the close. I went to Annie’s and had dinner, Will had been shooting ducks and sent some to her. John Q. is not well, little Abram is walking but David has not yet commenced only by chairs etc. he is forward about talking They have sent a telegram to Thatcher to George Q. no answer yet‒ {p. 263}

17 September 1900 • Monday

This morning Mrs. Peepgrass [Bodil Jensen Piepgras] brought her daughter Mary [Ana Maria Piepgras] from Taylorsville to live with me, before I was up. I had spent a restless night and felt very unable to get up. However one must exert one’s self at a time like this. The day will be very full of work It was late when we started to the office, and as usual lots of people, letters not important one from Helena [Einerson] Madsen Gunnison, none that I had expected. I went to the bank and ordered coal and then to Mrs. [Myrtie W.] Ewing’s to the opening meeting of the “Reviewers” Club and saw the Gentile ladies not one of our people but myself. The ladies took their work well and were most of them very gracious to me, in the evening went to Mrs. Lea [Mary Urquhart Lee]’s class at the Kenyon came home late‒ Mrs. [Lela Horn] Richards read the paper on Helen Hunt Jackson very charmingly excellent voice‒ {p. 264}

18 September 1900 • Tuesday

Did not try to get to the morning class, but prepared copy and so on, went to the Headquarters and made one or two calls; then to the Parliamentary law class & saw some of the ladies afterwards, Mrs. [Rachel Ulman] Siegel invited me to go to her place to dine on Saturday next. In the evening went to the class again came home late and very cold. Felt unable to sit up, so went to bed and read awhile, the day was very cold and I did not see any one to help me mentally. Mrs. Jenson with grievances and Susa with high-falutin notions etc. I feel very much depressed about George Q. troubled in fact‒ Annie had a letter but not satisfactory and there are so many things to upset one, the Galveston calamity is in itself horrible now thought seven thousand deaths. {p. 265}

19 September 1900 • Wednesday

No mail for me worth mentioning, tried hard to prepare copy, Mrs. [Emma Holman] Bennett from Idaho and Mrs. Richards came early and interrupted my editorial work, must get some sisters to go to the Relief Society Conference at Bingham Stake‒ and sent message to Sister Jane S. Richards‒ word received back that she declines succeeded in getting Annie T. Hyde and Mary A. [Burnham] Freeze‒ a strong party to go and attend the Conference at Menan [Idaho] in Bingham Stake‒ {p. 266}

29 September 1900 • Saturday

Cathie [Catherine C.] Culmer 21 today it seems hardly possible {p. 267}

30 September 1900 • Sunday

Went to the Tabernacle to the afternoon service and heard the missionaries speak {p. 268}

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September 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]For more on Helen M. Ring, see “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Sept. and 1 Oct. 1900, 29:37.

  2. [2]Sunday School.

  3. [3]Salt Lake.

  4. [4]For more on Mary Urquhart Lee, see “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Sept. and 1 Oct. 1900, 29:36.

  5. [5]Ella Harrison and Margaret Harrison. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 235A, accessed 24 May 2021,

  6. [6]For a report on the Eighth Ward Relief Society meeting, see “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Sept. and 1 Oct. 1900, 29:37.

  7. [7]Judith E. Foster led the Woman’s National Republican Association.

  8. [8]Deseret.

  9. [9]Young Ladies’ National Mutual Improvement Association.