April 1875

1 April 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. Apr. 1. They are trying George Reynolds for polygamy here in the district court,1 today brought in a verdict of guilty and found a flaw in the indictment [p. 163] {p. 165}2 being legally served, consequently it will be necessary to try the case again; went to the Fast Meeting in the morning had an excellent meeting went again in the afternoon to our own meeting over which I preside I feel deeply the great responsibility resting upon me in being called to fill this public office;; but hope to be guided and sustained by the Holy Spirit in this calling and duty that I may keep humble and be qualified to do all things that are required of me and please my husband and gain his good will and favor as also all with whom I am associated,

In the evening I went to the Theatre to see the Lingards the play was Alixe aftewards songs and impersonation [p. 164] {p. 166}

2 April 1875 • Friday

Friday Apr. 2. It rained very much, went over to the Exponent Office; found Mrs. [Louisa Lula Greene] Richards baby quite sick, Zina D. Young came and wished me to go to the First ward to a meeting The Annual Meeting of the Retrenchment Society,3 it was well attended by Sisters and brethren, and a good spirit prevailed many spoke of the Gospel and bore their testimony, and to the home-industries, also Polygamy.

We went to the house of the Pres. Mrs. [Sarah Mitchell] Graham and took supper afterwards Br. [Joseph] Booth drove home with us; the rain was pouring; reached home safely; very tired and wet– George Q. Cannon was tried for Polygamy to day but acquitted on the plea that [p. 165] {p. 167} the case was of more than two years standing, otherwise the law of limitation; Gen. [Benjamin R.] Cowen4 from the East was here and an excursion went down to the end of the road in his honor; Em’s father invited him to her to go with him but they decided could not on account of busines

3 April 1875 • Saturday

Sat. Apr. 3. Went to the Office in the morning, in the afternoon to the 14th. ward meeting, acted as secretary, subject of the meeting was home industries;5 sister E. R. Snow was not able to attend. after meeting went round to the office and [o]ut to call on Sister Eliza who gave me some very good and useful instructions saw my husband and shook hands with him; [p. 166] {p. 168}

4 April 1875 • Sunday

Sun. Apr. 4. Belle came down and brought the children took me to Mells’ to dinner, had a pleasant time, was writing all the evening, Tom. Dawson David Miner & Heber [L.] Cummings were here Abbie Katie and Eliza called.

5 April 1875 • Monday

Mon. Apr. 5. Went to the office was not very well, staid all day,

6 April 1875 • Tuesday

Tuesday Mar <Apr.> 6. Commenced 45th. con[ference].6 John Kemp and Hannah [Blench] Pidcock and child are here, went and wrote all day long,

7 April 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes Apr. 7, visited all the morning, went to meeting in the afternoon and to the office in the evening, got some new things today– Em. & Annie went to the Association [p. 167] {p. 169}

8 April 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. Apr. 8. A stormy unpleasant day, went to the office in the afternoon more conference folks; no particular news, except preaching on subjects of special significance in regard to home industries by the authorities; called on Sister E. R. Snow.

9 April 1875 • Friday

Friday Apr. 9. As usual went to the office, no particular change in the weather more unpleasant than otherwise, Prest. Young preached very much about the sisters and their movements, Wm. [H.] Pidcock was here from Ogden staid over night.

10 April 1875 • Saturday

Sat. Apr. 10. Went to the Office for a short time, called with Sister Richards to see if we could get the key to Joseph A. Young’s office with a view of taking it for the Exponent; could not get the key, saw sister Eliza for a minute or two, her brother7 [p. 168] {p. 170} and herself, are getting their Palestine letters ready for publishing.8 Mellie called today and bought Onie a new pair of shoes.

Jeddie [William Jedidiah] Pidcock arrived from Ogden today. I took Hannah to the Theatre, we were pleased with the piece, “The Hidden Hand” and the farce the “Betsy Baker”.

11 April 1875 • Sunday

Sunday. Apr. 11. It has been an very pleasant day, went to meeting in the afternoon heard the Kanaka9 preach, afterwards Brigham Young, the largest congregation I have ever seen assembled.

Belle Sep & Dot– Emma & Annie, Onie and I were there Prest. Young blessed the people in the name of the Lord. he spoke of the manifestations among the Indians. it was a great satisfaction to see him [p. 169] {p. 171} able to stand up and talk to so many people. Louie has been up at Belle’s ever since Saturday Morn, <This Belle’s Wedding day 6 years.>

12 April 1875 • Monday

Mon. Apr. 12. Went up to mothers saw Joshua and Carloss [Don Carlos Whitney].

Sister Pidcock started for home I went down to the depot with her; met Mrs. Tucker when returning; Mrs. Richards and myself went up to Sister Eliza’s together, to look at the Office. in the evening I wrote my piece for the paper. Mell is quite sick. Priscilla [C.] Clive would have been 20 to-<day>

13 April 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. Apr. 13. Mother came early in the morning, I went over to the office worked all day, in the evening went up to the President’s with Mrs. Richards to see the President about Joseph A.’s Office. heard Charlotte Cobb [Godbe] was going to lecture in the Townsend House tomorrow evening. [p. 170] {p. 172}

14 April 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. Apr. 14. This is one of the loveliest days that ever was, just like Spring took mother to visit Aunt Rhoda Richards, and went to the office to read proofs. about three o’clock took them to the Printing Office and went down to Mellie’s found her eye very bad indeed. O my Father in heaven help her to do right and seek unto Thee for humility and sincere repentance, is my earnest prayer.

In the evening called on Mrs. Louie [Louisa King] Spencer Mrs. E. S. Barney and Mrs. E. H. Goddard.

15 April 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. Apr. 15. Went to our Relief Society meeting took mother with me wrote a letter of business to Sister [Romania Bunnell] Pratt according to my husband’s dictation; saw him today for a few minutes only: in the evening read mother Whitney’s Autobiography10 [p. 171] {p. 173} to her. Joshua was here several boys spent the evening: Mellie went up and spent the day with Belle. my br. Hiram [E. W. Clark]’s birthday also Grandma [Catherine Davies] Wilson’s her age is 94.

16 April 1875 • Friday

Friday April 16. The weather is certainly very beautiful, somewhat dusty, we shall soon see verdure upon hill and plain if it continues; the air is truly exhilerating; life seems a happy thing in spring time every pulse throbs higher all one’s aspirations swell out more joyously when the merry song of birds and perfumed breath of buds and blossom issue forth to meet the sunlight–

Went to Mrs. Richards and invited her to go with me to the examination of Miss M. E. Cook’s graded school–11 we were pleased with the exercises and met my husband there:– he requested Emmie to meet him at his [p. 172] {p. 174} house at seven o’clock;

Mary Jane & Eliza [Lyons] Groo called on me also Mrs Barney and one or two other ladies: [Francis] Ashbel Pomeroy came and spent the evening. Joshua was here to dinner. Mother is staying a few days with us.

Emma & Annie came home late had been to the reception their father had given in honor of the Governor [Samuel Axtell], Judge [George A.] Sutherland George Q. Cannon; Miss Cook was invited by him to participate in the entertainment.

17 April 1875 • Saturday

Sat. Apr. 17. Emma went to Black Rock12 to a party with her brother Heber, went by train I went and took mother to the 14th. ward, saw sister Eliza and some strangers were present who introduced themselves as Mrs. Jones Barnes & Morrison ladies travelling [p. 173] {p. 175} East, Emma came home about half-past twelve. <in the morning Em. and I went to Sister Runnell’s and called on Hannah [Free Wells].>

18 April 1875 • Sunday

Sun. Morn. Apr. 18. Dessie [Martha Deseret Wells] is 22 today. Em. was taken very sick, Mellie spent the day with us, Mary Jane Joshua Aunt Zina Junie Wells all called, in the evening she was easier but continued very ill until after midnight. Will called in the evening; no mail from the east since the 14th.

19 April 1875 • Monday

Mon. Apr. 19. Mother went over to sister Richards to spend the day with me, came home in the evening Joshua was here, my sister had called Elvira came to tell us that she was going to North Ogden. went down to Sister Goddard’s to see after the annual [Relief Society] report being got ready; John [K.] Whitney called on us. Esquire took Des. and Emeline [Young Wells] to the Townsend [p. 174] {p. 176} House to a party given by the Governor.

20 April 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. Apr. 20. Went up to Horace’s in the morning took mother, saw Helen and Mary [Cravath Whitney] called on Lydia Ann, went to the Office staid all day, in the evening met Sister Grant at Sister Goddard’s Belle and children have been down here and to Mellie’s today. There has been no Eastern mail since the 14th. one bridge on the Eastern route is torn away and some part of the road destroyed by the overflow of water. the telegraph wires have been displaced in consequence so that there have been no dispatches for two or three days. Mr. Sears bought Howards store east side Main St. today.

21 April 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. Apr. 21. Went down to Sister Goddards also to the Office to work, did not [p. 175] {p. 177} feel very well, went down again to Goddards in the evening to assist in getting ready the report.

22 April 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. Apr. 22. Emily [Harris Wells]’s birthday eighteen, went up and saw my husband for about two hours in the morning, went over to Horace’s brought mother down to the Thirteenth Ward meeting, sixth Annual meeting of the Relief Society,13 went home with Mother afterwards was busy writing Em. went to the German

23 April 1875 • Friday

Friday Morning <Apr. 23> Mr. jate came from California, saw his arrival in the paper. [p. 176] {p. 178}

24 April 1875 • Saturday

Sat. Apr. 24. Belle came down Em was home all day went to the Theatre in the evening John T. Caine’s benefit.14 Major [Henry C.] Goodspeed took part in the play– Mr. Hendrie called on me, how glad I am to see him return and so natural so friendly so much like his fre accustomed way of calling what pleasure his presence always brings, how inspiring and invigorating his conversation is, he brings a little variety into our monotonous life. Harry Emory is in town.

25 April 1875 • Sunday

Sun. Apr. 25. It is a most delightful day warm and sunny, in the evening my husband came and we had a very pleasant <time> [p. 177] {p. 179} he talked to me considerable of his journey south. manifested the greatest affection for me and interest in my welfare, I felt blessed in his comforting presence, as I always do when he comes:

26 April 1875 • Monday

Mon Apr. 26. Went to the office this morning spent the day in reading proofs. Mrs. Richards had the windows of the New office cleaned today– we shall move on Wednesday.15

Joshua came down and took tea with us. a lot of boys came and spent the evening very pleasant

27 April 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. Apr. 27. Busy all day getting through the proofs, Mrs. [Charlotte Cobb] Godbe called at the Office, read me one of her articles wished its publication, [p. 178] {p. 180}

28 April 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. <Apr. 28.> The things were moved over today, went over took possession in the afternoon, somehow I feel unpleasant in regard to going into it, yet it is very pleasant.

I feel rather sad about losing some tender associations which I have clung to almost desperately; how our hearts are touched by tenderness, the need of sympathy in a fearful vacuum, and there are so few in this world who think loving words are necessary. wrote a poem this evening called Answer Me!

29 April 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. Apr. 29. Went this morning to the new office staid all day had lots of callers, spent the day agreeably reading and writing, my husband came down this evening, the girls went to Felts to play croquet. [p. 179] {p. 181}

30 April 1875 • Friday

Friday Apr. 30. This is the birthday of our little Leslie [A. Dunford] he is three years old, I went up and took him a little mug, saw Mellie and had a glass of wine, went to the office, in the evening went, up to mother’s took supper at Lile’s met Mr. [L. O.] Tanner, who came home with me, and spent the evening

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April 1875, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1870s/1875/1875-04


  1. [1]The District Court for the Third Judicial District of the Territory of Utah empaneled a jury to hear evidence that George Reynolds was cohabiting with two women. Church leaders used this as a test case for first amendment religious freedom rather than of the 1862 law against bigamy. (Van Orden, Prisoner for Conscience’ Sake, vii, 66–73; “Third District Court,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 1 Apr. 1875, 4; “Third District Court,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 2 Apr. 1875, 4.)

  2. [2]text: Page break occurs between “in” and “dictment”.

  3. [3]This meeting was reported in the Exponent. (“Correspondence,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1875, 3:171.)

  4. [4]“President Grant sent General Benjamin R. Cowen, assistant Secretary of the Interior, to be an observer at the trial” of George Reynolds in Salt Lake City, which was held on 31 March and 1 April 1875. (Van Orden, Prisoner for Conscience’ Sake, 68.)

  5. [5]EBW reported, “The meeting was one of particular interest was manifested by the large attendance and strict adherence to the subject now being agitated, namely, Home Industries.” This included “straw work, silk manufacture, the making of trimmings, laces, flowers etc; duties devolving upon the different Societies in accordance with the counsel which has been given by Prest. Young.” (“R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1875, 3:170.)

  6. [6]Conference of the church.

  7. [7]Lorenzo Snow.

  8. [8]See Smith et al., Correspondence of Palestine Tourists.

  9. [9]The slang term Kanaka refers to someone of Hawaiian descent, in this case the visiting Hawaiian convert Kaulainamoku, who spoke in the Salt Lake tabernacle at the invitation of President Brigham Young. (“The Conference,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 13 Apr. 1875, 4.)

  10. [10]text: Page break occurs between “Auto” and “biography”.

  11. [11]EBW reported the outstanding scholars of the quarter: “Emeline Wells, Amy Colkins, Ida Felt, Hortense Lange, Anna Lynch, Isabella Pugsley, Wealthy Richards, George Taylor, Anna Wells, Nettie Wells, Luella Miles, Julia Stringham, Ida Young, Elizabeth Best, Georgia Spencer.” (“School Examination,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1875, 3:180–181.)

  12. [12]A resort on Great Salt Lake.

  13. [13]This meeting included a mission homecoming report from Margaret Mitchell, who had been in the Hawaiian Islands with her husband. (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1875, 3:181.)

  14. [14]John T. Caine was a popular actor in the Salt Lake Theater and became one of its managers in 1873. (“Caine, John T.,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:727–728, 730; “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1875, 3:181.)

  15. [15]“The office of the Woman’s Exponent is removed to the building known as Jos. A. Young’s office, corner of South Temple and 100 East [now State] Streets, south of the Eagle gate.” (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1875, 3:181.)