July 1914

1 July 1914 • Wednesday

Today is the wedding of the young bride1 of Mrs. [S. Amanda Forbes] Done and Dr. [Charles F.] Wilcox came for me in his Auto– it was a brilliant affair and an immense crowd refreshments and congatulations were plntiful beautifully grooned girls also women– the evening was fine– there were many Payson people, the Gove.2 and Ex. Gov.3 were in attndance– Congratulations were very auspicious [p. 182] {p. 111}

2 July 1914 • Thursday

This is our meeting day Sarah and Amy both absent on missionary trip. Excellent meeting and all satisfcatory– no unpleasantness party in the evening and well attended up stairs this is the last week of Temple work Isabel is very tired. Susie [Susa Young Gates] is getting ready to go to the resort at Brighton. she is not very well [p. 183] {p. 112}

3 July 1914 • Friday

F[r]iday lots of callers saw strangers Susan Hunter birthday she would be 82 if living– preparations for the 4th. are apparemt on every hand special Recitals and parties also theatrres– I have been busy all day Isabeel has been here helping me– If I could only do the things I desiirre how happy I shou◊ld bee. [p. 184] {p. 113}

4 July 1914 • Saturday

Slept at home last night have been busy up heere Jnnie [Jennie] and boy were here and I wnt out and the McLelland saw me and invited me to dinee with thn [them]– thn we wnt for an Auto ride and stayed until theatre tine thn to the Aneri[c]an and home again to my own house or h◊◊◊◊ and aftewards home to sleep. [p. 185] {p. 114}

5 July 1914 • Sunday

Went to Fast meeting in the Tenple and then to Kate’s to have lunch thn to meeting in the 18th. Ward– after that to Sister Wm. Jennings and with her to evening meeting then over to Jode’s and stayed an hour or moree thn home to sleep Lisle [Elias A.] Smith was there who is to marry Alicee Wells [p. 186] {p. 115}

6 July 1914 • Monday

Came in good time have not ben well th[r]o the night but am better than during the night no mail of any consequence have written a sketch of the meeting in Brigham City and now it sems not wanted finally decided it should be used in Bulletin for August4– looked it over and kept up late [p. 187] {p. 116}

7 July 1914 • Tuesday

Today will be regular meeting and p[r]ay for Mrs. John Sharp [Sophia Smith Sharp]– A vry fine day and especially busy I have ben trying to write a paper on the historic gathring in Brigham City of the reunion of old friends and remmbrancees of the Stake, have not yet completed it for the Bulletin [p. 188] {p. 117}

8 July 1914 • Wednesday

Isabel has been so busy and is expecting Lucile and has not been able to give me much time that I am very much behind with my work and she cannot read my scribbling so well as Emm. could It is difficult for me to connecct things together when I cannot see what I have written and cannot correcct it bcaussee <I>5 canmot connect it. [p. 189] {p. 118}

9 July 1914 • Thursday

Du[r]ing this month in 1843 I was teaching school in Orange Mass. [Massachusetts] and was b[e]ing urged constantly by one who is know[n] whom I loved to be married without referencce to age or to the character of the y[o]ung man The month of July is always significant6 After7 the meeting wnt to Mrs. Sophia Sharp’s party on her 75th. birthday [p. 190] {p. 119}

10 July 1914 • Friday

Today there has been some work being done in the Bulletin room Sisters Lyman & Hyde were here and getting the Bulletin work along and I had my article in form corrected I answered some letters at least Isabel did for me and she felt so ill that I persuaded hr to go home Several p[e]ople came to call and in the evning we had the 18th. Ward Bishop and mmbers to go over the beginning of the Ward several brothers & sisters perhaps 40 in all [p. 191] {p. 120}

11 July 1914 • Saturday

No one came today of my ow[n] family and just a few callers there were no letters[.] I went over to th[e] Hotel Utah to get dinner & went up to the Roof garden thinking it would be cool and quiet– when who should come to see me but Prestn Nibley and stayed with mee and Mrs. Rehfe [Anna Johnston Relf] the poprrietors mother also came and was very f[i]ne [p. 192] {p. 121}

12 July 1914 • Sunday

Came down home last might and this morning went over to see Isabel she has fallen and hurt her right arm– from there I wnt to the Tabernacle– weather very hot se[r]mon by Elder Wm. Martin and President Penorse [Penrose] wh[o] gave us a real Gospel se[r]mon thn went to Annie’s and Louise <Dick [Richard D. Andrew]> & childrn all came– spnt the evening came home late [p. 193] {p. 122}

13 July 1914 • Monday

I had a sleepless night but feel pretty well today– have been more quiet than usual, thiis aftenoon late I wnt for a ride with Sister Jennings about 8 or 10 miles out very windy all the time going and coming Lucille Seears arrived from California today is down at her mothers I am alone this evning [p. 194] {p. 123}

14 July 1914 • Tuesday

T[h]is moning did not feel well, night not refrshing expected to see Bishop Nibley at 10 A.M. but could not get ready in time wnt down about eleven saw both Bishop Nibly & Miller aftewards dressed and went to Lillie [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze party for some elderly ladiess about 40 in number– spoke to them of seeeing Queen Victoria and being entertai[n]ed by her at St. George’s hall Windsor castle and also the Duchess of Sutherland at Stafford Housse– this evening called on S[i]ster Clarissa Williams and husband8 who have just come from Europe9 [p. 195] {p. 124}

15 July 1914 • Wednesday

President Jos. F. Smith is in Los Angelos [Los Angeles] left a few days ago. Edna [Lambson Smith] has gone with him and her daughters

Today has been a very unsatisfactory one as concerned my work. Isabel did not come and therre was no one to help me letter came from Enily S. Richards– went down to see President Penorse [Penrose] this evening interview quiite satisfactory came home 10.30 very tired [p. 196] {p. 125}

16 July 1914 • Thursday

Board meeting Clarissa reported concerning her visit to Romee [Rome] her seeing the Pope. It was quiite renarkable that sh[e] should have had this unxpected privilege and I am very glad that she has done all that came in h[e]r wa◊y Br. Williams being with her w[a]s certainly a very greaet help and also a comfort to her– we started this aftrnoon f[o]r Bnson [Benson] [p. 197] {p. 126}

17 July 1914 • Friday

Sarah McLelland and myself arrived at Bnson [Benson] about 8 P.M. last evening Emm. and husband met us at the station and we drove to the houuse where we soon saw Cavendish and Abram [H.] Cannon my two grand sons had supper, sat up late and talked. A very beautiful place and fine housee [p. 198] {p. 127}

18 July 1914 • Saturday

All day yesterday we were talking and today we drove to Clarkston by way of [blank] yesterday w[a]s fine the orchards and grounds are charming. have ben so happy with Emm Cavendish took us to Clarkstn and we reached the tabrnacle in good time every one was delighted to th[i]nk I had come felt it was a great pleasure, spoke in the morning meeting [p. 199] {p. 128}

19 July 1914 • Sunday

we had dinner at Brother Shumway’s10 he took care of our horses Cavendish was there too. I spoke again in the aftrnoon This morning left Emn– felt it very much Sarah stayed at Clarkstn, I took the moning train for Ogden– reached there in time for morning servicce Annie W. Cannn [Cannon] Zine Y. Card Alicee M. Horne had come fron Salt Lake– A wonderful anniversary [p. 200] {p. 129}

20 July 1914 • Monday

<we had our pictures taken> Came home last night went down to Cannon farm with Annie Slept well this morning Katharine came up to the office with me and stayed until noon Letter from May Wright Sewall– Clarssa [Clarissa] came to see me also Ida Smoot Dusenberry and other sisters. Isabel and Elanor came and I went to June’s at evening had a visit with Sua [Susan] and Abbie[.] came home late wind blew fiercce [p. 201] {p. 130}

21 July 1914 • Tuesday

This moning was very cool I had a very good night except exciting dreams had Synopsis of Intrnational Council from Rome today May Wright Sewall, also Clarissa– she is coming this evening, we have had no convrsati[o]n about the Council as yet– sent letters today to five Stakes Woodruff Utah Wasatch Alpine Davis–

5 letters written today to Presidents of Stakes [p. 202] {p. 131}

23 July 1914 • Thursday

We held our meeting and made arrangements for some of us to go away Susa wa[s] in the Caňon and Clarissa did not like to go on with reporting whn she was absent we had some represntation from Stakes and the sisters were very weary weathr quite fatiguing [p. 204] {p. 133}

24 July 1914 • Friday

I took Ida & her daughtr11 on the roof-garden of th[e] hotel to have supper last evening and thn we went to the depot together– this morning we changed cars and we reachd Rexburg [Idaho] soon after 10 A.M. and were ushered into the Taberncle to whre th[e]y were celebrating 24th. of July Chief Justice Aushie12 was there and spoke so did we– [p. 205] {p. 134}

25 July 1914 • Saturday

After celebrating Presidnt [Mark] Austin took me over to St. Anthony [Idaho]. Th[i]s morning Confernece began we had officers meeeting first– thn regular Confernce Apostle Geo. F. Richards and Goldn [J. Golden] Kimball were there a very good day tho’ Ida was sick and also her daughter could not attnd [illegible] evning meeting [p. 206] {p. 135}

26 July 1914 • Sunday

This morning arrived officers meeting 9 A.M. Ida gave a very good talk, I closed with a f[e]w words, we had dinner both days with Sister Fogg. After meeting went to see Vera Cannon Sharp13 Thn Heber & Vera both came to evening meeitng stayed all night there had a pleasant timee [p. 207] {p. 136}

27 July 1914 • Monday

This morn[i]ng left early for home Ida & daughter stopped off at Idaho Falls I came home alone and had a safe journey found all well and also that Sister Julina L. Smith had attended the Conferencee at Heber Wasatch Stake and was greatly pleased as it added one more to our list of Conferences It is very hot weather here– [p. 208] {p. 137}

28 July 1914 • Tuesday

This is the birthday of Annie’s twins and I sent a leter with one dollar in it to Abram [H. Cannon] Jennie Hyd [Hyde] was her[e] and we talked all day about conditions Annie came up and I give her a dollar for David [W. Cannon] thn I went down there and stayed all the evening and slept with Katherine weathr is very hot– we had a plasant evening [p. 209] {p. 138}

29 July 1914 • Wednesday

Today Alice Wells and Elias Smith wer[e] married at 10 in the Temple by Gorge Albeert [George Albert] Smith– in the evning Annie Daniel and myself wnt to the receptin Merrill Nibly [Nibley] b[r]ought me home in his Auto I gave th[e]m a beautiful copy of Lucile by Merdith [Owen Meredith]. [p. 210] {p. 139}

30 July 1914 • Thursday

Tday I have been suffring with heat– war is on in Europe and it sems as if it would cover that continet we have had a good meting and have adjurned for one month– Isabel has ben here but not feeling well– had a gool [good] atendance Annie has been to Zina Card’s to a party [p. 211] {p. 140}

31 July 1914 • Friday

Today Anni[e] has an officers meeting at the Cannon homee of the officers of Pioneer Stake and I was invited, went down early and found quiete a number thrre, stayed all night had a very pleasant tiime came up next morning Katharine with me going to her work. Summer– supervisin[g] [p. 212] {p. 141}

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July 1914, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1914/1914-07


  1. [1]Irene Done (1888–1963). Irene Done was married on 25 June 1914 rather than 1 July 1914. (“Irene Done,” FamilySearch, accessed 27 Nov. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/KWC4-9W7.)

  2. [2]Governor William Spry.

  3. [3]Previous governors of the state of Utah were John C. Cutler (1905–1909) and Heber M. Wells (1896–1905). (“Former Utah Governors,” National Governors Association, accessed 18 Oct. 2021, https://www.nga.org/former-governors/utah/.)

  4. [4]“Historical Gathering,” Relief Society Bulletin, Aug. 1914, vol. 1, no. 8, 1–5.

  5. [5]text: This I is written over the first part of the next word.

  6. [6]EBW refers to the courtship and marriage with her first husband, James H. Harris.

  7. [7]text: After is written over part of significant.

  8. [8]William N. Williams.

  9. [9]Clarissa S. Williams reported to the Relief Society general board as a delegate returning from the International Council of Women’s 1914 conference held in Rome, Italy. (EBW, Diary, 16 July 1914; “Relief Society General Board Minutes,” Minutes, 16 July 1914, vol. 5, 117.)

  10. [10]Perhaps Charles M. Shumway.

  11. [11]Margaret A. Dusenberry.

  12. [12]Likely this is James F. Ailshie (1868–1947), who was elected to the Idaho Supreme Court in 1902 and served to 1914. (“Supreme Court Justice Ailshie Dies in Boise,” Idaho Daily Statesman, 28 May 1947, 1; Hawley, History of Idaho, 4:228.)

  13. [13]text: EBW has crossed the h here.