January 1902


22 January

Church president Joseph F. Smith blessed EBW to serve as Relief Society general secretary with “much scope for action mental and intellectual.”

20 February

At the National Council of Women meetings in Washington, DC, EBW read her paper “The Age We Live In.” At another session, Annie T. Hyde read the Relief Society report composed by EBW.

1 March

EBW met briefly with U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt at the White House. She carried greetings from Colonel John Q. Cannon and Utah governor Heber M. Wells.

2–3 March

In New York City, EBW spent a week with her granddaughter Verona Dunford Hillard and her family. One day, her brother Hiram W. Clark came to see her while visiting his son Charles in the city.

2–3 June

EBW and Sarah Jenne Cannon spoke at Relief Society meetings in the Bear Lake, Idaho, stake.

8–29 December

EBW traveled north. She spent time with her granddaughters Verona and Daisie in Spokane, Washington, then celebrated Christmas with her daughter Mell and her husband, William Woods, in Wallace, Idaho.

Emmeline B. Wells Salt Lake City

From George Q. Cannon

Christmas <for (1902)>‒

1901‒1 {p. 4}

1 January 1902 • Wednesday

The sun rose brightly, we had sat up until the new year came in at the Cannon Farm‒ and the whistles blew and bells rung joyously, and I slept with Louise [B. Cannon] in the West bedroom. Louise brought up my tea. After breakfast I called on Mrs. Sarah J. [Jenne] Cannon, soon after came home, and went to Belle [Isabel Whitney Sears]’s to dinner, Will [C. William Buchholz] & Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] were there and the three little ones2 We had turkey and mince pie with every sort of other thing to make the dinner desirable‒ then I went to see two of the Mrs. Wells, Lydia Ann [Alley Wells] & Susan [Alley Wells]‒ Hannah [Free Wells] came in & Gershom [B. F. Wells]‒ Lydia Ann is 74 today‒ Grace [T.] Cannon is 22. I came home late but wrote out the official announcement of the Relief Society organization ready to be signed. [p. 33] {p. 37}

2 January 1902 • Thursday

This morning went early to the office it was a damp wet day‒ went to see Aunt Bathsheba [Wilson Bigler Smith], on business, got the order for badges for her & A. T. [Annie Taylor] Hyde and C. S. [Clarissa Smith] Williams. Did some of my mailing and wrote to Kate Waller Barratt [Barrett] about our coming to Washington and Mrs. Frank [J.] Cannon [Martha Brown Cannon] being on local Committee‒ etc. Mrs. [Ellis Reynolds] Shipp spent the evening in my office, no particular news, could not do much, sent to Minnie J. [S. Ephramina Jensen] Snow Mrs. Browning’s poems & to little Lucile [Buchholz] Jean Ingelow’s Seven times Seven. gave Lyle Shipp In Memoriam and Lillie [Shipp] Harry Esmond they had been very kind to bring me lunch since Ellis had been away I worked late and came home to begin over again. [p. 34] {p. 38}

3 January 1902 • Friday

Went off early again this morning and called at Deseret News & Journal office also on Belle first of all, she told me Em [Emma W. Sears Roberts]’s husband3 had invented taking photo’s at long distances. it is in the papers. I rejoice in good luck for any of mine. Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon] came up today, John Q. [Cannon] & Geo. Q. [Cannon] have both been in, Mrs. Widstoe [Anna Gaarden Widtsoe] came to talk confidentially. A dense fog is hanging over the city today‒ one can scarcely see for it.

In the evening had callers & finally was so exhausted I was obliged to leave my work and go home when I reached 3rd Ave. the darkness was such I could scarcely find my way to the house I am reading Greensdale by Stimpson a peculiar book, have just finished Cranford by Mrs. Gaskell‒ A fine story [p. 35] {p. 39}

4 January 1902 • Saturday

The morning is dismal on account of the fog‒ but better than yesterday, I have worked incessantly at the mailing and have had many visitors & hindrances. of course people I love mostly but still nevertheless work must be done‒ Susa [Young] Gates has been very ill but is better‒ Lulu [Emma Lucy Gates] is in the City getting ready for the Concert in the Theatre‒ Sister Elmina S. [Shepard] Taylor who has been ailing a long time came to see me today‒ I bought George Q. a pair of gold sleeve buttons‒ and had his initials engraved on them‒ the Official Announcement of the organization of the Relief Society was published in the Deseret Evening News today‒ written by me and signed by the officers.4 I reached Annie’s at six p.m. they were at the table John Q. & Annie George Q. Margaret [Cannon], Daniel [H. Cannon], Emmeline [Cannon], Cavendish [W. Cannon], David [W. Cannon] Katharine [Cannon] & baby5 and myself Louise was with Abram [Abraham H. Cannon] who has measles. A fine dinner‒ came home 10 o’clock car [p. 36] {p. 40}

5 January 1902 • Sunday

<Went to see Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne and administered to her & blessed her‒> Rose early and went to the Temple fast meeting President [Joseph F.] Smith presiding the Patriarch6 on his right his first Counselor7 on his left, 2nd. Counselor8 next the Patriarch the Apostle John Henry Smith. Sister Bathsheba sat in front of me Emma [Smith] Woodruff by her Annie Hyde by me– sung Come come ye Saints, prayer by Jos. McMurrain [Joseph W. McMurrin] sung I know that my Redeemer lives Pres. Smith made opening remarks speakers were, Frank Y. Taylor, [B.] Morris Young Sister [blank] Sarah [J.] Eddington, Margaret P. [Pierce] Young E. C. [Elizabeth Ann Claridge] McCune, Alice K. [Kimball] Smith Maggie [Margaret Curtis] Roberts, E. [Elizabeth Downes] Langton, John Lindsey sung [“]Zion stands with hills surrounded”‒ Emma [Nield] Goddard spoke and prayed, James [W.] Ure Asahel [H.] Woodruff Martha Winder, Helen [Winters] Woodruff Sister [Mary Ann Huntley] Burnham [Minnie] Mabelle Snow, P. P. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings, A. [Aurelius] H. Miner, J. [John] R. Winder Jos. F. Smith with great power‒ sang We thank thee O, God for a prophet prayer Thomas Hull [p. 37] {p. 41}

6 January 1902 • Monday

Had a dismal night, felt very ill could not sleep‒ have been busy all day with extra things Susa Y. Gates has come up from Provo We had lunch with Dr. [Romania Bunnell] Pratt. Lucy B. [Bigelow] Young and Mrs. Widtsoe came to see me and stayed to the Reaper’s Club‒ Lucy B. talked to the ladies about her trip on the continent‒ Susa & I talked over Washington affairs in Dr. [Martha Hughes] Cannon’s office H. [Horace] G. Whitney came and invited me to a birthday party at his house this evening, he is 44 years old; he also invited Belle & husband.9 Belle could not go but I went after going home to dress‒ had a pleasant time all Whitneys nearly. Ort [Orson F. Whitney] & May [Wells Whitney], Rule [Rulon S. Wells] & Jote [Josephine Beattie Wells]‒ & Josephine [L. Wells] [p. 38] {p. 42} Dolph [Joshua Rodolphus Whitney] & wife,10 Austin [Austin Whitney] and wife11 Geo. D. Pyper & wife12 Henry & Marian [Florence M. Whitney] Dinwoodey George T. Bourne & wife,13 John Owen & wife,14 Sallie and Hattie [Harriet Whitney] Deek & May & baby Mary Jane [Whitney Groo] & Latie [Vilate Groo Taylor] & Rocco [Roscoe W. Groo], had fine music & Budd [Horace G. Whitney] was presented with four volumes of [Napoleon] Bonaparte

7 January 1902 • Tuesday

15|Belle has a very dreadful cough‒ and is nearly sick‒ poor girl & no help at all. I am so sorry for her‒ and yet I could do so little if I were to stay with her. Susa and Annie Hyde Marie [C. Maria Young] Dougall & dozens more were in, and I really accomplished next to nothing‒ the fog is still very dense. Mrs. [Sarah Forbes] Done came and I went with her to the Presidents office and to the Railroad office. I worked on until 8 then came home to begin over again. Wrote my editorial on the New Year and a letter to Daisie [Dunford Allen] and then read in bed until very late‒ [p. 39] {p. 43}

8 January 1902 • Wednesday

Wednesday work begun in the Temple today and Sisters S. J. Cannon M. Y. Dougall and Annie T. Hyde came over from there to see me‒ then Susa & Phebe [Young Beatie] and later Sister Seavenson [Stevenson] and Ellis R. Shipp and Louise Cannon & this one & that one in the evening Lizzie [M. Elizabeth Hillstead] Shipp‒ and I could not get on with my work‒ try as I would‒ the days are very dark too and I have to turn on the electric light to see at all‒ I succeeded in getting off a few letters and two New Years cards and came home at ten and wrote to Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods]‒ feeling I could not delay it longer, there are so many duties left undone from day to day. I received a book from the Era company with a letter signed Joseph F. Smith16 [p. 40] {p. 44}

9 January 1902 • Thursday

Was very ill during the night or early morning did not call any one but had a nervous chill. Was awake and distressed some hours. Went up this morning as usual May [Mary] Bigelow came from Wallsburg Callers Sarah J. Cannon Annie T. Hyde Bathsheba W. Smith Louise Margaret Emmeline & Cavendish‒ News came that Emily Cannon Willey had a son,17 born in Washington this morning. Lydia D. [Dunford] Alder Margaret A. [Mitchell] Caine, Lizzie [M. Elizabeth Hillstead] Shipp Belle Evans and Teressa Neil [Theresa Neel] and Mrs. Seigel [Rachel Ulman Siegel] came to see me. I was over at the Temple and at Sister B. W. Smiths and Clarissa Williams. I must rest to night if possible Mrs. Seigel bade me good bye she is going to South Carolina for part of the winter. I received a handsome Calendar from Germany‒ cannot read it. pictures of great women of that country‒ [p. 41] {p. 45}

10 January 1902 • Friday

This morning Sabina left as May is to come today & I feel quite comfortable about Sabina going as she was not at all unpleasant. Mailing is an interminable thing this time. May came about noon and we worked diligently to get the papers off, went with Margaret to get lunch at the Royal. Br. [Walter J.] Lewis paid for it. May went home and I went off to Annie’s and had dinner there, hurried back on 8. o’clock car. John Q. & Geo. Q. both went to Priesthood meeting‒ David is very sick with measles, Katharine recovering and the others. I am feeling very unwell again some of the old symptoms coming back no word from my folks in the East. [p. 42] {p. 46}

11 January 1902 • Saturday

I have been trying to write to President Jos. F. Smith and thank him for the Book sent me Canon Ferrar’s “Life of Christ” and cannot quite get it done. It was given for writing for the “Era.”18 Saturday is such a busy day. Prest. [George Q.] Cannon’s birthday to be kept at Carlie [Caroline Young Cannon]’s, because of the measles at John Q’s Margaret has been in to see me. I am trying hard to get things done. A meeting of the State Council and Mrs. [Rosalie Gabriel] Bridewell of the South called on me meantime also Mrs. Shepherd & Emeline [Young] Wells, meeting very confused. some very disagreeable women‒ do not keep any sort of order. I am very weary came home so tired I really could not do any more work only read. I feel anxious about Dot cannot see Belle to night it is too late [p. 43] {p. 47}

12 January 1902 • Sunday

This is a beautiful Sabbath day‒ sunshine and pleasant weather for Winter‒ yet we need snow. Belle came over a few minutes quite a rare thing‒ Eugene [S. Sears] came too and afterwards Teresa Neal to see May and then they went out and I was alone‒ I did not feel very well, but was trying to get some things done as my work lags and accumulates so very fast. I feel sorry this evening that I did not go to the Tabernacle because I really feel I should feel better if I had. Yet at my time of life I must have seasons of rest and retirement which I cannot get in the daytime at the office [p. 44] {p. 48}

13 January 1902 • Monday

This morning went over to Dot’s with May she needs help so much‒ and I hope May will like it‒ then called to see how Sister Horne was, and reaching the office found quite a bundle of letters waiting for me, soon Louise came then Sarah Jenne Cannon & Harriet Ann [Taylor] Badger and Annie M. [Mead] Pratt and Mr. Stanton and Miss Evans & so on. Margaret & Marnie [Mary Alice Hoagland Cannon] & Grace & time flew swiftly‒ reading proof sending off New Year’s cards &c. called on Mrs. [Maria Banks] Francis to ask after Mrs. [Mary Francis] Kelly who is at home ill‒ says Sister Minnie J. Snow who recounted some of her grievances and also May [Booth] Talmage who really had expected to go to Washington but has been disappoint<ed> Kate [Katherine Howard] Brockbank has been in & I went to Officers meetings at 5 p.m. at Sister Smith’s‒ [p. 45] {p. 49}

14 January 1902 • Tuesday

This morning was in fairly good time tho’ I had a poor night, could not scarcely breathe, letters not very much consequence, Louise and companion came in and Grace, then Mr. Peter Rundquist & mother and one or two more, then Mrs. [Hannah Settle] Lapish and Ivie Greem [Clawson Green] to invite me to dinner on Friday got ready for the Cleofan & hurried off‒ Ort was reading Childe Harold when I arrived he gave some of his own ideas‒ Mrs. [Rosetta Wallace] Bennett was there & Mrs. [Mary Spencer] Carlson we had tea & wafers after the reading. had more callers and Olea Shipp came and spent the entire evening– I sent off a number of letters June [Junius F.] Wells and Kate Thomas have both been in‒ Came home & wrote to Verona [Dunford Hillard] and then read in Family Herald. [p. 46] {p. 50}

15 January 1902 • Wednesday

Went over to see Belle and then to the office and begun sending off Receipts‒ disposed of some copy etc. had many hindrances‒ went to lunch with Mrs. M. A. Caine. Phebe Beatie and Hazel [Y. Beatie] called, Louise was here, and Caroline [Raleigh] Wells, Mrs. [Frances Booth] Hanson of Mill Creek and others. Had the revise to read in the afternoon and Olea Shipp came in late. I went out intending to go to Annie’s but turned back again, felt very weak and not equal to the distance wrote to Mrs. Rebecca O. [Osborn] Allen since I came home. [p. 47] {p. 51}

16 January 1902 • Thursday

This has been a very busy day and I have tried hard to get off to Annie’s but had many callers and hindrances, C. C. R. Wells, M. A. Caine, Emma [Howell] Jenson and then the D.R.19 Society met here at 3. p.m. Quite a good meeting paper by Mrs. [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber‒ present C. S. Williams Regent, M. A. H. Cannon Lucy W. [Woodruff] Smith, Isabel M. Sears, Ella W. [Ellen Wilcox] Hyde Alice M. [Merrill] Horne Maria Y. Dougall, Phebe Y. Beatie Myra Y. [Shamira Young] Rossiter E. B. Wells Kate [Catherine] Wells, visitors B. W. Smith & Miss Bastion and Mrs. J. S. [Jane Snyder] Richards. Afterwards went off to Annie’s and spent the evening‒ came home in a heavy snow storm [p. 48] {p. 52}

17 January 1902 • Friday

<Met President C. [Charles] O. Card today from Canada> This morning the new paper was at the door and went to work, Mrs. [Ida Smoot] Dusenberry was waiting when I came and wanted to talk to me about Washington, letter from Susa enclosing one from Mrs. Ida [Husted] Harper‒ went to Sister Ivie C. Gren [Green]’s to dinner, Bishop H. [Hiram] B. Clawson was present at the head of the table next him Aurelia S. [Spencer] Rogers on one side and his daughter Mrs. [Winifred Clawson] Ellerbeck on the other‒ Katie [Catherine Spencer] Young and Lucy [Maud] Grant then Edna Tibbetts [Clawson Tibbitts] and Ruby [Clawson] Godbe Georgie [Clawson] Foote, E. B. Wells, L. A. [Lydia Ann] Wells, C. C. [Camilla Mieth] Cobb Ivie Greem [Green] We had roast turkey and vegetables, and condiments then Banannas and cream and two kinds of cake, tea & chocolate. Meeting at Sister Smith’s at 5. p.m. Sister Smith Ida Smoot Dusenberry and Clarrissa L. Williams and myself [p. 49] {p. 53}

18 January 1902 • Saturday

This morning hurried off and found very little mail to what I had expected, Annie came up today and John Q. came in also, and Sarah J. Cannon, Ruth M. [May] Fox C. C. R. Wells, Emma Jenson E. J. [Elizabeth DuFresne] Stevenson, Lula G. [Greene] Richards Miss Allie [Young] Taylor her niece‒ and Grace Cannon who is going to Washington starts tomorrow‒ came to bid me Good Bye‒ I worked very hard although in constant pain‒ other visitors were Mary E. [Knight] Bassett, Julia [Morris] Golightly, Harold Reporter <Theresa Niel> etc. etc. I called at the Young Woman’s Journal Office and could not ascertain any more in regard to Susa’s coming‒ which I was anxious to learn definitely as it will have a special bearing upon me in my work East. Came home so weary that it was impossible even to write a letter afterwards. [p. 50] {p. 54}

19 January 1902 • Sunday

Today stayed in bed until noon then sat up the rest of the day, May went out and I was alone all day no one came‒ was writing most of the time, at evening felt very queer and after some time in bed had a nervous chill and was very depressed almost alarmed wanted to call Belle but dreaded to awaken the family; feel asleep about four in the morning. the day was fine and I learned that Elder James E. Talmage had preached in the Tabernacle and that there had been a very full house.

I have read much more this winter than heretofore for a long time‒ books of some merit and the best magazines‒ everything calculated to awaken thought and quicken intelligence [p. 51] {p. 55}

20 January 1902 • Monday

This morning was in good time and called at the Journal office, but Susa was not there– then Louise & Annie T. Hyde came and several others and after a while the Reaper’s Club met‒ Mrs. M. W. [Maria W. Richards] Wilcox in the chair‒ before the meeting adjourned I left and went to the State Historical Society Annual Meeting in Deseret Nat’l Bank‒ John T. Caine resigned as President and Bishop O. F. Whitney was elected President and my time as one of the Executive Committee having expired I was reelected for another term until 1905‒ then when that meeting adjourned I went to the officer’s meeting at Sister B. W. Smith’s and read the letters and so on and we agreed to go to the President’s20 office at 4. or half-past tomorrow then went to Gen. [Robert T.] Burton’s and had a long talk with Susa‒ & bade Lula good bye [p. 52] {p. 56}

21 January 1902 • Tuesday

This morning hurried off and soon after Clarissa S. Williams came and we went on to the President’s office but after waiting did not see him‒ tomorrow we go again at 4. p.m. afterwards we came up in my office and talked over matters and Susa came and bade me Good Bye‒ and so on[.] Sister Smith and myself talked over some letters that had come and decided how to answer them‒ I went to find Dr. Pratt but could not she had gone to Saltair. Lula Gates came to bid me the Good bye before parting but I was not in. Had a visit from George Q. today and a letter very sweet from Emily W. Roberts‒ came home weary to begin more work. [p. 53] {p. 57}

22 January 1902 • Wednesday

This morning went over to see Belle for a few minutes and then on to the office and commenced work. Callers Br. [Henry W.] Naisbitt, S. J. Cannon, E. S. [Emily Tanner] Richards, D. K. Olsen [Delilah King Olson], B. W. Smith L. D. Alder, A. T. Hyde, C. S. Williams, Belle [A. Isabella] Evans Kate Wells Carroll [Young] Cannon Mabelle Snow‒ Louise Cannon Kate Hall‒ and others Bishop [Walter J.] Beatie and wife,21 Margaret A. Caine, Lyle [Lida] Shipp‒ went to the President’s office and saw the Three Presidency‒ had some conversation and then was set apart as Secretary for the Relief Society of the Church in all the World also as Secretary of the National Woman’s Relief Society and was given much scope for action mental and intellectual, and felt it was a great honor‒ Sister C. S. Williams was set apart too Joseph F. Smith was mouth in setting me apart. John R. Winder & Anthon H. Lund also laid on hands [p. 54] {p. 58}

23 January 1902 • Thursday

<I am reading Donovan by Edna Lyall‒> This morning did not feel well but set off early Belle had already gone to a Committee meeting at George A. Smith’s‒ had many annoyances today and felt so upset because I could not get on with my mailing‒ Callers Mrs. Jennings Mrs. E. S. & Zine [Zina] Taylor and dozens of others, Teresa Williams Beatrice [C.] Hyde Gen. Cannon, Louise and Margaret‒ Mrs. Caine Dr. Pratt and dozens more, all day long & until late in the afternoon Members of the Canadian Press Association, men and women, Lydia D. Alder & Lucy A. [Rice] Clark had been with them all day. I have been nervous and dizzy most of the day. Had very hard work to throw it off and keep firm hold of myself. Belle came over a minute this evening and told me of the day, and the meeting to arrange program for the D.R. [p. 55] {p. 59}

24 January 1902 • Friday

Today is Will [William W. Woods]’s birthday <Sydney W. Sears> and also little Eleanor [A. Cannon]’s, how beautiful she would be now if we could only have kept her, but O how glorious she is if we could but see her shining face from there. But it hath not pleased the good Father to have it so‒ and we must submit however painful it may be. I saw Belle a few minutes this morning and went to the office to begin work, and Louise and Margaret and George Q. have all been in to see me. Sister E. J. Stevenson, Margaret [Robertson] Salmon of Coalville and Sarah R. [Radcliffe Hardman] Stanley[,] Warren [S.] Stevenson Gen. Cannon Sarah J. Cannon Aggie [Agnes Stewart] Campbell, had a talk with George Reynolds & Will [William C.] Spence at the President’s office and really felt relieved somewhat, more rested and passive. Belle called on her way to the Pioneer Society May has gone to a ball at L.D.S.22 [p. 56] {p. 60}

25 January 1902 • Saturday

This morning Belle cam just at daylight and told me she had been up all night with Mr. Sears. Just after a blizzard came up one could not see or go out in it for a time cars could not run very cold indeed went up town late, Minnie H. [Permelia Horne] James came very soon, then Phebe, then Annie then Kate & Gen. Cannon, then Emily [Wells] Grant brought me the Japanese pictures and a letter from Heber [J. Grant]23 quite an expression of good feeling and complimentary Later came Sister Stevenson and Lizzie Shipp‒ Florence [L.] Alder was another caller, I was not at all well thro the day felt very dizzy all morning. Many unpleasant things were on my mind‒ however came home weary yet went to work trying to get Sister Smith’s book ready with the names and addresses and Conferences of the several Stakes of Zion‒ [p. 57] {p. 61}

26 January 1902 • Sunday

Sunday I really felt I must rest and recuperate my brain the day was cold and dismal although it was only comparatively so to people outside. I had a fire made in the parlor but stayed up stairs all the time writing and doing a little reading. Brent [Brenton M. Sears] came over to see me and tell me to come to dinner as it was Sep’s birthday and they had turkey and mince pie and other extra things‒ I went and gave Sep a small book full of maxims Emerson and others‒ took Belle the Ladies Home Journal for January and stayed about one hour. Felt very bad during the evening and had a bad night dizzy and faint and alarmed. [p. 58] {p. 62}

27 January 1902 • Monday

Monday morning Belle had the astounding news that Johua [Joshua] K. Whitney was dead had died Sunday afternoon and she could not go up Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears was too ill‒ neither could I there were too many things to do‒ helped Budd prepare items for notice in news of Joshua’s death‒ went to Sister Smith’s late had so many hindrances Clarissa & Annie were both there before me and we went over the letters and talked over Society affairs, I came away to attend to some important matters for the Society, that required immediate action. Then went to see Mrs. [Julia Murdock] Farnsworth and invite her to go to Bountiful to attend the Relief Society Conference of Davis Stake‒ had a pleasant call, saw Sister [Julia Farnsworth] Lund’s new baby boy‒ named Philo [F. Lund] [p. 59] {p. 63}

28 January 1902 • Tuesday

Went to Mary Jane Groo’s this morning and saw Joshua laying in death‒ he looked quite well however and there was no manifestation of mourning. hurried over my work and tried to get off to Sister Stevensen’s in good time was nearly perishing with cold when I reached there. The party was quite a brilliant success in every way. There were present‒ Bathsheba W. Smith Margaret P. Young, Eliza B. [Burgess] Young Hannah C. Wells, Margaret [Young] Taylor Amelia F. [Folsom] Young, Lucy B. Young Lydia Ann Wells, Minnie J. Snow Martha G. [Harris] Wells, Mrs. Seth M. Blair [Sereph Young Blair] Susan H. Wells, Emily H. [Hoagland] Cannon Caroline C. R. Wells, Lizzie [Elizabeth Evans] Watson and myself of the dinner much might be said in its praise, it was exceptionally good. [p. 60] {p. 64}

29 January 1902 • Wednesday

This is a very cold day went over to see Belle first thing found her gone to the funeral or to see Joshua, she took flowers, and ribbon‒ I went to the office telephoned to Sister Julina [Lambson] Smith, Sister Farnsworth and two or three other ladies came, got ready and went to the car found the Whitney crowd John [K. Whitney] from Mendon and John [K. Whitney] Junior from Rexburg, whom I had not seen for 25 years. I was seated at the head of the coffin on the right hand side, there were many flowers, the Bishop Peterson presided, sung Come ye disconsolate[,] singers Geo. D. Pyper John D. Spencer Heber Sharp and H. [Horace] G. Whitney‒ prayer by Counselor [blank] sung [blank] Br. Aurelius Miner spoke first then Br. Pyper sung The Holy City Mrs. Francs Thompsen [Frances Thompson] played the accompaniment Br. Woolley spoke then Budd, and the hymn I need thee every hour [p. 61] {p. 65} was sung and prayer was offered by [blank]

30 January 1902 • Thursday

This morning was very late and had much to do and as usual visitors and a heavy mail, tedious day went to the Temple to see Sister Smith and had a bite of lunch by invitation and then back to work, spoke very freely to me about the trip to Washington and felt unpleasant about so many going considering what President Smith had said. I have no heart to go on with the work I should like to take up because so much is being said‒ that hinders progress. I am not at rest because of Mr. Sear’s illness as well as other disturbing influences, that take my mind away from that which would help to the accomplishment of that I feel is my life-work [p. 62] {p. 66}

31 January 1902 • Friday

<Utah State Council met here today‒ Jane S. Richards birthday> Letter from Mell containing ten dollars. terrible snow storm cars all stopped went to see Belle a few minutes she is quite worried about Mr. Sears, his heart is very bad, irregular. Eugenes is going away to school in Valparaison [Valparaiso] Indiana‒ Dot’s children are not very well‒ May is over there helping her she has been four days this week‒ Annie T. Hyde and Ida Smoot Dusenberry were set apart today for the trip to Washington. Annie has been very obstreperous I consider– I do not know how I am to bear it and do not think it is right‒ my whole soul rebels against it‒ because it is not her right or prerogative to domineer in that way. Had supper there but felt every mouthful would crush me Treasurer gave each of us the check for 190.00 [p. 63] {p. 67}

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January 1902, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1902/1902-01


  1. [1]text: It appears that EBW inserted “for” and “1901” at a later time since the changes are in a different color ink.

  2. [2]Marian, Lucile, and S. Herman Buchholz.

  3. [3]John G. Roberts.

  4. [4]“Official Announcement,” Deseret Evening News, 4 Jan. 1902, 2.

  5. [5]John Q. Cannon.

  6. [6]John Smith.

  7. [7]John R. Winder.

  8. [8]Anthon H. Lund.

  9. [9]Septimus W. Sears.

  10. [10]Emeline World Whitney.

  11. [11]Catheryne Hardin Whitney.

  12. [12]Emmaretta Whitney Pyper.

  13. [13]Helen Whitney Bourne.

  14. [14]Lucy Whitney Owen.

  15. [15]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  16. [16]Joseph F. Smith was the editor of Improvement Era, which was a church magazine representing the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association. (Jay M. Todd, “Improvement Era,” in Ludlow, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 2:678.) For an explanation of the gift book sent to EBW for writing an article, see EBW, Diary, 11 Jan. 1902.

  17. [17]Emerson C. Willey.

  18. [18]EBW, “Zina D. H. Young,” 43–48.

  19. [19]Daughters of the Revolution.

  20. [20]Joseph F. Smith.

  21. [21]Phoebe Young Beatie.

  22. [22]Latter-day Saint. EBW was referring to LDS College. (Kenneth H. Beesley, “LDS Business College,” in Ludlow, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 2:816.)

  23. [23]Heber J. Grant, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, opened the Japanese Mission in August 1901. From March to August 1902, he returned to the United States for a six-month leave, after which he took his wife Augusta and daughter Mary back with him to spend another year in Japan. (Walker, “Strangers in a Strange Land,” 239, 243–244, 253.)