December 1909

1 December 1909 • Wednesday

I am still doing a little to make ready to move over the way, beginning of winter, my article is finished and I have taken it to the editor to have it typewritten and then I can correct it better than now. I dread the winter more than ever before much more indeed, I have grown very moody almost melancholy, thinking how dreary it will be– tomorrow I must really be in the building for on the 3rd. will be the regular meeting day, and I have come to dread those days of meeting awfully, I have really passed through in my feelings more than words can tell, I am glad I am to be on the Tithing office block. It seems like going home again after a long series of experiences in other places. I almost fancy I can hear the voices that I heard in my young womanhood. [p. 335] {p. 258}

2 December 1909 • Thursday

Today I shall go into the rooms in the Bishop’s Building and take possession, <of> the Headquarters of the Relief Society, I hope I shall be undisturbed there and not have grievous things to bear; I feel such a heavy burden and everything is hard very much so December is a gloomy month and the weather now is extremely cold much more so than usual in fact said to be colder than for many years, and my last load of household things or more really office things were taken home today to my house. I loved the place where the Wells house1 stood because of President Wells more particularly, than of the family– I knew the house well when Ezra T. Benson and his family lived there, and in a way put on a great deal of style, tonight I am in the new building the first evening almost– last night was really the first though. [p. 336] {p. 259}

3 December 1909 • Friday

Today I have been getting ready for the meeting– of course the sisters are sure to come early and so one must prepare for that. I have done all that was possible to have a good feeling– Irene Merrill Richards little baby girl2 died yesterday– it is our President’s great grandchild– and Alice Horne has been excused from coming to the meeting because of the death, the meeting was quite a satisfactory one– the Committee on furnishing made a partial report and made a motion that we purchase a piano and that it be a good one, and the motion carried unanimously so we shall have one I am sure– my sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] would have been 92 years old today if she had lived until now. [p. 337] {p. 260}

4 December 1909 • Saturday

This is a bitter cold day most unexpected weather [p. 338] {p. 261}

5 December 1909 • Sunday

Today 22 years since Sister Eliza R. Snow passed away I was in Logan with Annie & baby Margaret, President Wells was there and he remained after we left. we heard of the death in Ogden where we were over night at Frank J. Cannon’s The next morning came home and I went direct to the Lion House where she lay in her last sleep. [p. 339] {p. 262}

20 December 1909 • Monday

Today the Reaper’s Social observed as Memorial day to the Prophet Jos. Smith Sister Bathsheba W. Smith present and spoke at some length [p. 354] {p. 263}

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December 1909, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]EBW had office space in the Templeton Building, which was erected on the site of the large Daniel H. Wells family home on the southeast corner of Main and South Temple Streets. (See EBW, Diary, 3 Dec. 1890 and 22 Nov. 1909.)

  2. [2]Helen Merle Richards.