December 1908

1 December 1908 • Tuesday

A very fine sunshiny morning and I set off in good time took up magazines for Louise No letters sent off lettrs to Lehi Rebecca Stand[r]ing and to Emeline [◊◊i◊os] and to Verona Sister B. W. Smith came and we went together to the Bee Hive and the President’s office I read my revise and at lunch saw Frank Kimball and had some talk with him over affairs & people Sister Alder Dr. Shipp & Phebe Beatie came and altogether the day was good Ella W. Hyde came later I went up to Belles to see the new house, it is much bettere and more comfortable than the other– Letter from Sister Ellen C. Fuller talked with Sister [Anna Seegmiller] Musser about her Conference {p. 353}

2 December 1908 • Wednesday

Went up found letter from Mell from Sandpoint Idaho she has been ill with rheumatism, Sister Jennings very ill, Had letter from Verona Spokane from Lillian M. Hollister, Detroit– Susie Gates came to see me today. Caroline C. R. Wells Lydia D. Alder, Lizzie S. Wilcox, I sent off gift books to Sisters Relief C. Atwood “Abide With me” Maria B. [Bidgood] Barnes, “Home Sweet Home” Mary [McKay] Mair “Auld Lang Syne” Martha [Stringfellow] Morris “Hark The Herald Angels Sing” “Elizabeth Webb” “Rock of Ages Cleft for Me.” I have been very busy trying to do some work always left over and seemingly indispensable talked with Junius about the ladies who are here selling the Romance of America, Bought baby blankets for the twins today Louise’s twin boys talked with Sister Farnsworth about the meeting in Liberty Stake {p. 354}

3 December 1908 • Thursday

Still hurrying over work to get ready for meeting tomorrow, have had Junius and lots of callers who wanted favors of this & that. Letter from Frances E. Burns of St. Louis Michigan, about the Executive session of the Council at Union City This would have been my Sister Lucy’s birthday 91 years old were she living I am glad Isabel had endowments for her it is such a relief to one’s mind and I hope & pray she will soon go for Pallas and others. I am so anxious to get my loved ones out of prison1 {p. 355}

4 December 1908 • Friday

Was ready for meeting had been busy all morning, Sister Smith came early and Sister Woodruff with her We talked of Nurse class and what should be done. Finally the sisters gathered and it was rather a trying meeting, not order enough to make things easy for a Secretary however we got through at last and I succeeded in getting the meeting adjourned to the third Friday in January, Ida Dusenberry very much upset over it Sister Williams favored it particularly and other busy women, Ida came back and had so much to say She thinks Annie Hyde will die and the Board reorganized– however it will not Sister Smith will choose another Counselor and a member of the Board {p. 356}

5 December 1908 • Saturday

Had been looking for Sister Smith all day to sign some orders so as to get every thing fixed before going away; it is a gloomy day and Sister Smith stayed with me and we had some talk over matters and finally Edna got the carriage and took her home I spoke to her of its being the anniversary of the death of Sister Eliza R. Snow for whom we all feel great reverence I worked very hard, Lucile [Sears] has been helping me to get on Betsy too. At evening Alberta [Barton] came to manicure my nails etc. {p. 357}

6 December 1908 • Sunday

<Adeline [Woodward Earl]’s birthday 79– years old–> This morning went off early to go to the Temple Fast Meeting, on the way Julia Br. [Gutke Brixen] [blank] was on the car and talked with me about our affairs and seemed to be anxious for information she remarked to me that she considered me the best speaker in the Church of the women, after at meeting there were present of the brethren Joseph F. Smith John R. Winder Anthon H. Lund Hyrum Smith John Smith Patriarch. Angus M. Cannon, Junius F. Wells, some sick were prayed for– President Smith spoke with great power & some others, Sister B. W. Smith was not there and when the meeting closed I went over to see what was the matter Junius with me, then went to Ellen Harrison’s then home to my work {p. 358}

7 December 1908 • Monday

Today Lucile is here and Betsy to help with mailing. Emmeline has been in & one or two of the Cannon’s and Wells family. It is Annie’s birthday I bought her a blue silk waist, and hurried to get there to dinner and succeeded, took Annie her gift and Louise was there with baby Denton one of the twins, we had a fine dinner a bright fire in the parlor, it was lonely with Margaret away and Daniel gone and it did rather cast a gloom over us Cavendish went to Priesthood meeting & we sat and talked. I had to get the ten o’clock car and got home all right sat up until after 2 A.M. writing {p. 359}

8 December 1908 • Tuesday

This is my Sister Cordelia [Woodward Holden]s birthday she is 84 years old, and still well and comfortable living just out of Boston in Swampscott [Massachusetts] so Hiram tells me in his last letter. Sister Smith came about noon from the Temple and we fixed all the orders, and I went home with her and on the way we conversed on my coming visit to Idaho and she was well pleased I went home into the house and had lunch and tea and asked the blessing, afterwards she laid her hands on my head and gave me a good blessing, saying I should go in peace and return in safety and I in turn laid my hands on her head and blessed her and we were both happy in each other’s love and society worked until past 3. A.M. {p. 360}

9 December 1908 • Wednesday

Came up in good time and had lots of callers and many hindrances until I began to be very nervous & agitated lest I should not get the train Annie came up & Katharine with her and they both went with me to the Depot and into the car, but did not stay as it was nearly time for starting. I found I had left my Article written for the Xmas News on my desk and had no paper on which to write, In Ogden I went into the station and bought a tab to write on and therefore could scribble a little on the way. After lunch on train towards evening about 5.30 the train came to a stop 60 miles this side Pocatello {p. 361}

10 December 1908 • Thursday

<Annie speaks today in Liberty Stake about me.> This morning train still standing, wreck of freight train ten carrs but no one hurt did not move on until 12.30– very provoking and we cannot reach Verona’s until her birthday is non set., We fully expected to catch the Spokane train but failed and were detained 8 hours in Pendleton [Oregon], and finally made a start but soon stopped again waiting for the right train to take us At American Falls [Idaho] two ladies who had traveled with us got off to visit friends Mrs. S. A. Longbury of Brigham City and Knockhack of Salt Lake so thre were only myself and Mrs. Wilson who was on her way to Spokane left. Later Br. Geo. [C.] Parkinson of Preston with his sister and 2 children came aboard {p. 362}

11 December 1908 • Friday

Arrived Spokane just before 12 M. Verona & husband2 came to train to meet me with carriage– had tea and then talked awhile and to bed slept in Barry [Barrymore C. Hillard]’s room and had a good night– tea before getting up visited with Verona and the boys all day, <Saturday> wind blew high, had letters from Mell and telephone message, also spoke to Will over the phone. Daisie and boys Martin [W. Allen] and Tom [Stephen T. Allen] – opened my trunk and took out the books– Holly & Easter Lilies Daisie Pat J Carry, Friendship Martin “Dont’s for Boys” Tom, verses for Verona, All That’s Lovely Bob [Robert C. Hillard] Pictures of Memory Barry Plet Charles [W. Betts]– Daisie left about ten. Bob took my copy for Des. News & postals– {p. 363}

12 Deccember 1908 • Saturday

I had mistaken the page and written on the other page for today, have been resting and eating, been writing too on the article for Christmas News, do not feel in the least satisfied with my work, and even now when I have really tried so hard to get it ready and have actually mailed it I cannot help feeling it will be too late, but if so, it will do for me at some future time. Daisie and her boys seemed in excellent spirits and it was quite joyous to see them and I hope to have some of my letters from home soon and know how things are going left in much haste {p. 364}

13 December 1908 • Sunday

Read the Spokane Reveiw early saw nothing from Salt Lake nor any notice of Mormon meeting– had a fine bath and it was really refreshing. afterwards went down stairs and we had a sumptuous dinner and had fine fire in grate in the parlor and boys were very pleasant and sociable Barry went to Church and Robert [C. Hillard] stayed at home with us, at evening he went out for a little while. Verona was all day doing house work, very unsatisfactory to me, as I wanted to have her company tomorrow Mell will come and then there will not be much chance for us, I do hope for news from home tomorrow {p. 365}

14 December 1908 • Monday

Rose late spent the morning talking with Verona then wrote 2 letters one to Dot and one to Annie, talked most of the time with Verona, no news from home nor from Mell, morning very bright, afternoon dismal and later snow; looking for Mell to come, was visiting with Verona not knowing when we would ever be together again, it is very pleasant to have her to myself Mr. [Charles W.] Betts is very unobtrusive and quiet his coming or going is without noise or any demonstration and all that he says or does in the most modest way, although he has been a reporter in the great city of New York {p. 366}

15 December 1908 • Tuesday

Mell came last night & had dinner with the family, there were six of us at table, a fine dinner veal cutlets and vegetables Mell talked of her house & affairs. I dreamed of a large gathering of ladies and of 3 coming up to me Sisters [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne, [Elizabeth DuFresne] Stevenson & [Bathsheba Wilson Bigler] Smith asking me to speak for them today Mell had lunch here at Verona’s and we Mell and myself went to see Daisie had a fine dinner, Daisie had very many pleasant things to tell us, showed us the quaint old keepsakes from England, Harry [Henry R. Allen] Martin & Tom Mell Daisie and myself at dinner chickens, dumplings and squash pie. Mell is staying at the Palmerston Hotel {p. 367}

16 December 1908 • Wednesday

<Letter B. W. Smith> Late this morning wrote <cards> to Sisters Farnsworth, Jennings, Richards Wilcox and to George Gibbs at the President’s office[,] Ik Marvel author of Reveries of a bachelor and of Dream Life– name Donald Grant Mitchell[.] Verona went down town to do errands, Robert and Barry were at a school dance last night, had new things looked fine– Mrs. Lizzie Kleein [A. Elizabeth Allen Klein] came to see me with Josephine [Vincent] & Allen [L.] Vincent her sister’s3 children– Verona is cooking dinner Ik. Marvel died Dec. 15, 1908 at Edgewood {p. 368}

17 December 1908 • Thursday

We were here by ourselves and I was hoping to have word from home but none came, had time to send off cards to Sisters Druce, Woodruff S. J. Cannon Alice Horne Clarissa S. Williams Susan Grant Annie Taylor Hyde & Ida Dusenberry after noon late we all went to Davenports to dinner they ordered beforehand afterwards were shown through the building very elaborate fine hall for dancing with balconies and every luxury for the enjoyment of guests fine music during dinner hour Robert went to show {p. 369}

18 December 1908 • Friday

<Catharine Granger King born 1836–> This morning Verona had one of her terrific headaches and could not get up at all, it was very pitiful– Robert brought up my breakfast and the new girl was here washing Verona suggested that I should go to see Daisie and Robert went with me I came home at ten, had done nothing still no mail from home, not a word I am uneasy, feel someone out of the many should write to me. Daisie was delightfully interesting on Mystic subjects and music Martin is a very high-spirited boy Tom gay and happy Harry came home to supper had been to Hillyard [Washington],4 came home at ten p.m. Robert with me, Verona still in bed {p. 370}

19 December 1908 • Saturday

had an hour’s talk with Mr. Betts on Mormonism, yesterday, before going to D.Ds.5 Today Verona’s head was still painful, but she got up about 2 in the afternoon and after lunch we went down town and in the Crescent large dry goods store and she bought a few Xmas things went in a carriage and after making purchases we went to the Palm and had tea and bought candy & carnations and came home to dinner, I read “The wise women of Inverness” by William Black, Will and Mell came over from Sand Point tonight they are at the Palmerston Hotel. Had telegrams from George Gibbs and Nephi Pratt today. It has been a day of experiences for me, wrote a letter to Louise her wedding day. {p. 371}

20 December 1908 • Sunday

This morning Will & Mell came over from the hotel before I had gone down stairs, Mell has a severe cold and her knees are very lame, otherwise she looks well and is in good health and spirits, Will is very well and seemingly enjoying himself, and very glad to see me, and is at any rate very dignified as becomes his position, the day is very cold we had lunch together and talked of Salt Lake and the Wells family, particularly too of Belle and her family and of Annie & the children especially Jack. I wrote a letter to Margaret after they had gone, and did a few other things, they went over to see Daisie, and Will had matters of business to attend to, We had a late supper and I did some reading {p. 372}

21 December 1908 • Monday

This morning mail brought a letter from Dot, no news at all except snow and more snow, she has been ill not a word about Annie or any of the family there. I would like to hear from them, it seems too bad not a word all this time. Mell came early and spent the day Verona was busy with work Barry went skating and Mell and myself had the day to ourselves talking of things of the past, she was making a bead chain, her cold seems very bad indeed, she is in good spirits, had taken her parrot to Daisie, as the hotel did not seem suitable, Verona went down town in the afternoon quite late, and Mr. Betts was out, we had tea together and Mell told me things out of my cup, that I would have every wish, which I hope comes true {p. 373}

22 December 1908 • Tuesday

I dreamed last night that I was bedden to a great reception where people came by train by Auto and by carriage in parties and by twos and threes. I stood upon a high and dangerous place and was expected to speak at this dizzy height, giant trees surrounded this immense building filled outside and in with people. There were many whom I did not know and some very dear and famous friends. Some one brought me a handsome bonnet which I put on my head then came a veil with decorations or insignia, so delicate yet so exquisite as to be almost distinguished– the veil was black and like crepe– square. The trees were most magnific {p. 374}

23 December 1908 • Wednesday

<Robert went to Coeur d’Alene to see Lucy [Fuller] Davies> Christmas is the season when people buy things they can’t afford to give to people who don’t want them Daisie had lunch and dinner came home at ten.30 she sung for me Believe me <1> those endearing charms[,] On the Danube River <2>, Old Madrid <3>, The Bridge <4>, The Blue <5> Alsation Mt. <6>6 Slumber song by Jessie Gainor <7> Mell was there, Boat Song– D. D. gave me an electric lamp to carry in my satchel for a Christmas gift and I staid until about ten Martin came home with me, and we talked on the way of various things that boys enjoy, found all bright and cheerful, lovely fire in the grate {p. 375}

24 December 1908 • Thursday

<Robert is sick tonight> Had 5 letters one from Annie, one from Julia Druce C. S. Williams, Lillian [Clark] Ramsey, H. [Henry] B, Blackwell sent off a letter to Annie and cards to a few friends Edna Smith Susa Gates and Ellis R. Shipp Elizabeth [Claridge] McCune and did all I could to get on with Xmas preparations. Yesterday sent cards to all Annie’s folks except Daniel who is far away. I have not succeeded in much because Robert is sick has been in bed all day nose bleed and choking & coughing Mell has been shopping down town so has Mell & Daisie Verona had a cab to bring her things home, holly and mistletoe and presents. {p. 376}

25 December 1908 • Friday

Last night Mr. Betts and myself sat down stairs until after 12 M. then Verona came down and we had Merrie Xmas all around and then came up after Verona had filled the boys stockings, and brought me presents from all the family, pretty side comps [combs], a barrett for my back hair, smelling salts, Bay rum– 3 pairs of fine stockings, we are all to go to Davenport’s to dinner, Will & Mell & me and Mr. Betts Verona & boys but Robert was too sick, so we went without him had a fine dinner Christmas and all appurtenances in the German Room table set for 7. six seated, Came and went in carriage Mell and Will spent the evening here {p. 377}

26 December 1908 • Saturday

This is the anniversary of the birthday of Mother Whitney born in 1800 and Sister Sarah Griffith Richards born near that time both women of great endowments, & spiritual gifts, it is a very cold day, and I am busy with visiting and went to the Palmerston Hotel after to see Mell & Will and Lutie Fuller Davies who had come over to see me from Coeur d’Alene We visited until train time and then she Lutie went home by train & Will and Mell and myself talked of days gone by and of days to come and the summer home by Lake Coeur d’Alene Will came home with me & had pleasant time together {p. 378}

27 December 1908 • Sunday

This Morning Sunday Bobbin was to get up today and Barry went to Church I was sending off postals and notes and reading all morning, dressed and was ready before Will and Mell arrived Verona helped with dinner, Mell brought her a bead chain for Christmas gift she was delighted with it. Mell had made it herself and we had a pleasant dinner turkey and cranberry sauce 3 kinds of vegetables, bacon also and plum pudding and cake for dessert. Oyster cocktails for those who could eat them first course, tea coffee & milk Mell & Will spent the evening and Verona ordered a carriage to take Mell home but the order had to be [illegible] {p. 379}

28 December 1908 • Monday

Daisie sung for me and for Mell, “The Rosary” <1> Louie’s <2> song “If she who loved be true” “Josephine My Josephine” <3> “Allah” <4> The Old Garden 5 Happy Days, <6> One Morning O so early <7>, “Unless” <8> “Fly Forth O, Gentle Dove.” <9> Consider the lilies” <10> Mell bought me a long coat today and sewed on all the buttons again 7 dozen, put in a pocket she is not well has a terrific cold and lost her voice entirely. We had dinner together Daisie Mell Martin Tom and myself and it was after dinner D. D. being D. D. took the impression of my hand to read character by {p. 380}

29 December 1908 • Tuesday

This morning Mr. Betts went away to Wallace [Idaho] Robert is better and tonight Barry goes to a party I went to the hotel to see Mell and she showed me her nice things, and chains galore, Verona and myself had the evening together after I came home {p. 381}

30 December 1908 • Wednesday

This morning packed and hurried Mell & D. D. both came early and stayed until time to go to the luncheon at Mrs. McDonald’s a very rich woman who lived lived at Wallace at one time {p. 382}

31 December 1908 • Thursday

Have had a dreadful night terrific dreams, no sleep scarcely and feel very ill not at all like myself Mr. Herman Rosii is on the car on his way to Boise has been very gracious brought me Bromo-Selzer, Mrs. Samuels of Spokane is on the train going to Long Beach California. This is the last night of 1908– very strange for me to be on a train seeing the old year out and New Year in, very fast girls on the car Yardley. {p. 383}

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December 1908, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]By “prison,” EBW was probably referring to a post-mortal “spirit prison,” which Latter-day Saints believe is “a temporary state in which spirits will be taught the gospel and have the opportunity to repent and accept ordinances of salvation that are performed for them in temples.” EBW desired to extend the blessings of salvation to her deceased sisters and other loved ones. (“Hell,” Gospel Topics, accessed 16 Apr. 2022,

  2. [2]Charles W. Betts. (Charles Wheaton Betts and Verona May Hillard, Marriage Certificate, 6 June 1907.)

  3. [3]Maria Allen Vincent.

  4. [4]Between 1892 and 1924, Hillyard, Washington, was an independent town that housed shops for the Great Northern Railway. (Meany, Origin of Washington Geographic Names, 114; “Hillyard Is Now Part of Spokane,” Spokane Daily Chronicle, 24 Sept. 1924, [1].)

  5. [5]Initials for Daisie Dunford Allen.

  6. [6]“The Blue Alsatian Mountains” was the title of one of the songs.