August 1911

1 August 1911 • Tuesday

A busy day had the Revise after replacing had many callers and no letters satisfactory, worked carefully on the revise and at evening had a meeting of rescue workers, and was very much affected by the recitals of circumstances now transpiring, it is very trying had a ride with Julina L. Smith went up to Alonzo Kesler new apartment house. And heard all her affairs discussed, and also Julina’s version of her family as compared with other families

After the day’s work and evening meeting on Rescue work went to the Cannon House and slept with Katharine [p. 213] {p. 114}

2 August 1911 • Wednesday

Yesterday and today most tedious visitors and many disagreeable things brought to my attention also happenings [p. 214] {p. 115}

18 August 1911 • Friday

<Luise [Louise] dined with me at Franklin’s> Sixty one years ago today was a memorable day in my life, my daughter Melvina Caroline was born a burning hot day no shade nor any comforts such as we have now– & yet the people were comfortable and peace more than even now with all the advantages we enjoy today, prosperity and with many wealth and every advantage of higher education– I am going to see Mell soon in her summer home on the Lake [p. 230] {p. 116}

19 August 1911 • Saturday

Bought my ticket and berth shall leave to-night midnight train have been very busy all day long and not accomplished much wrote to Mrs. Obray Montpelier and to Mrs. Shurtliff Baker City Oregon & sent off much matter yet so little comparatively have has as usual many hindrances Brent brought Robert to see me and thunder storm came up at evening– could not go out to supper– worked until the last minute Annie came and went to the station with me John Q. came down– all is well [p. 231] {p. 117}

20 August 1911 • Sunday

Slept very cold, train very slow, stayed at Pocatello [Idaho] three hours, pleasant people on but very crowded, all day Sunday talking to people. Wrote postals to Annie, Clarissa S. W. Julina L. S. Susa Y. G. Phebe Y. B. Sarah M. Mc L. mailed enroute. A very poor night, the porter named Brown knew me also the conducter and Leut. Shamnon of Salt Lake City met some nice people from Bozeman Montana– and a lady from Lewiston Idaho who was most agreeable and invited me to come to her home. very pleasant [p. 232] {p. 118}

21 August 1911 • Monday

This morning seems dreary & I am not in very good spirits yet I feel nearer my destination and more secure. I had no misgivings about traveling, the weather is fine and the train slow and tiresome, however the company has been agreeable. Arrived about 6. p.m. Emm. met me we took a carriage and went to the house 1707. 9th. Ave. and paid the driver fifty cts. had a fine evening with Verona and family, Emm. went to sleep at D.Ds1 and I slept with Verona. She was up nearly all night fixing Barry [Hillard] off to Stanford University Martin [W. Allen] is going and Daisie & Verona will both go to the depot to see them off [p. 233] {p. 119}


August 21st. [1911]

Helen Geddes– Union Stake

Elizabeth [Williams] Layton St. Jos.3 Stake

Zaidie [Miles] <(Secretary)> St. George Stake [p. 358] {p. 139}

22 August 1911 • Tuesday

<Ellen & Zilpha came last night to see me> Tuesday Morning all day with Verona talking visiting Barry went on early train Verona went to depot and Robert [C. Hillard] went to work, all day we visited and talked and I wrote letters to Annie Julina, and so on. Isabel[;] sat in the library in the Queen Ann chair. The house is perfect and the new baby4 is lovely but Verona is too intense over the baby. Mr. B [Charles W. Betts] seems devoted to it also and if a child can be spoiled with love she will be. We had a fine dinner. Verona cooked & Mr. Betts served as usual– I asked the blessing and we had a fire in the parlor which was very agreeable but not necessary Slept in Barry’s room [p. 234] {p. 120}

23 August 1911 • Wednesday

Mr. Betts went to Wallace [Idaho] the new maid came and Verona will I hope get a rest if that is possible, no word from home. We looked over the yard and garden and had a pleasant morning but in the afternoon we went to take tea with Lutie [Lucy Fuller Hamilton Davies], Ellen & Zilpha Verona with me and baby had a fine dinner and Verona enjoyed it. very much, Ellen & Zilpha came all the way home with us. then we had a fine evening and talked very late– Verona seemed to have enjoyed the visit very much, I read very late in my room and Verona was washing in the Bath room until late [p. 235] {p. 121}

29 August 1911 • Tuesday

Left Mell this morning & went on the electric car to Coeur d’Alene City, Will Mell, Emm. Tom [S. Thompson Allen] & myself had a pleasant ride in the launch, Will was off for Wallace to attend Court– & Mell stayed to see us on the car also Tom. We had Daisie with us too, and on reaching Spokane [Washington] we went to the Tea room &, had a bite to eat befor going to Verona, Daisie went to her apartments, Verona was glad to see us, we had a fine dinner, Robert Verona Emma & myself– we took the canary to Spokane we bought Em’s ticket for home [p. 241] {p. 122} I had mine verified. Engaged carriage for morning

30 August 1911 • Wednesday

Emm. went over to Daisie’s and Verona and myself were there alone, Rob. went to see about parrot at the station, we rode in the parlor car to Pendleton [Oregon] and then had to go into the observation car and finally into a state room to wait until we could arrive at LaGrande [La Grande, Oregon], the day was very hot and the dust so thick we had to have the windows closed, there was a diner on so we could get something to eat and that helped. Emm. was sick I never am on train or on sea. Cariage was at the depot [p. 242] {p. 123} and we were taken to Brother [Archibald S.] Geddes beautiful home.

31 August 1911 • Thursday

This morning some ladies called at Brother Geddes to go with us to Conference Sister Geddes was Helen Reed [Reid] of 16th. Ward Salt Lake City. We had a small meeting this morning but much better in the afternoon Brother William [Van Orden] Carbine came up at noon to speak to me, he came to Bishop Whitney on the plains and his Mother5 and stayed until after we came here. We went to dinner at the home of one of the Counselors and then back to meeting A very full meeting in the afternoon I spoke very long Sister Nibly did fine. went back to Sister Geddes to sleep also went to Parry in the auto with Sister [Louise Haymond] Stoddard. [p. 243] {p. 124}

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August 1911, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Daisie Dunford Allen.

  2. [2]text: The remainder of this entry comes from volume 37 of the diary, but this material is not in EBW’s handwriting. The preprinted date at the top of this page is 24 December 1910, but the day and month are clearly incorrect because the scribe provided a date of 21 August. The intended year seems most likely to be 1911, since EBW stayed at the home of Helen Geddes (mentioned in this entry) during a visit to La Grande, Oregon, in the closing days of August 1911. (See following entries for 30 and 31 Aug. 1911.)

  3. [3]St. Joseph.

  4. [4]Marjorie K. Betts.

  5. [5]Adelia Rider Carbine.