June 1912

1 June 1912 • Saturday

June Saturday 1 1912

A very busy day, many people coming and going trying to get work done and almo[s]t impossible to control circumstances, one doess like to acconplish things but we all fail in our efforts more or less– times are queer and we can only do our own little share, the people who accomplished things have had desperate courage, Mrs. Kleein [A. Elizabeth Allen Klein] and Vaughan [E. Vaughan Klein] have been to see us and I hope their impressions were good◊◊ and that they will speak well of Utah and the people [p. 152] {p. 154}

2 June 1912 • Sunday

Sunday 2 1912 June

Went early to the Tenple Fast meeting– President Lund presided, did not speak nor seem to feel well, President Penrose opend the services by very appropriate rmarks and we had a refreshing time Heber J. Grant spoke and Junius F. Wells– at noon I went to see Hannah C. Wells and we went together to the 18th. Ward fast meeting. Hannah spoke and did very well indeed wnt over to Belle’s and spent the even[i]ng, she raed [read] to me most of the tiime [p. 153] {p. 155}

3 June 1912 • Monday

Mo[n]day June 3, 1912 very unpleasant weather have a bad cold– am weary Clarissa & Julina came to see me and to talk about the Expon[e]nt many people calling now the weather is warm [p. 154] {p. 156}

4 June 1912 • Tuesday

Tuesday June 4. 1912 Fred Caime [Frederick A. Caine] and Hazel How◊e [E. Hazel Howe Caine] were married in the Tenple [p. 155] {p. 157}

5 June 1912 • Wednesday

Wednesday June 5. 1912

visited Ida B. Smith today. Juliana [illegible].1 Daisie Allen’s birthday no word from the North, no doubt her mother and the boys are keeping the day, and we hope are in hea[l]th and enjoyment [p. 156] {p. 158}

6 June 1912 • Thursday

Thursday June 6. 1912.

A very fine warn [warm] day and all is as well as usual with us meeting of the R.S. Gen. Board m[e]mberss present. The City is full of people coming in to the Y.M. and Y.L. Conference also the Primary conference. The weather is very wa[r]m [p. 157] {p. 159}

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June 1912, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1912/1912-06


  1. [1]text: This portion of the 5 June 1912 entry appears above the 5 June 1910 entry on the same page.