July 1894

1 July 1894 • Sunday

Today I rose very late but went to the Tabernacle in the afternoon– Abram H. Cannon occupied the stand and gave an excellent discourse upon Charity. The anthem was fine– In the evening I went to the Odd Fellows Hall to hear the Countess on Theosophy– to me it has very little solid truth in it– I am greatly surprised that it should find so many intelligent followers– The Hall was very interesting in its furnishings– the three links very heavey ones expressed some order I suppose. I should have liked some explanation [p. 182] {p. 62}

2 July 1894 • Monday

The day was hot and windy I tried to do a little work but had copy to prepare and the news from all quarters about the Strikes is exciting. People are getting ready for the 4th. It is a time of general uncertainty– I had a letter today from Mrs. May Wright Sewall asking me to reveiw her work Representative Womem et al. I suppose as things are we are not likely to get much mail at present– and it is not worth while sending letters out either. We sent off all our City papers today. I have been reading the Countess Book which I borrowed <bought> last night Some parts are quite entertaining and others are very silly. [p. 183] {p. 63}

3 July 1894 • Tuesday

Today I wished to go to several places– this morning we held the regular silk meeting and Mr. Simons1 came and we went over the list of prizes and awards for the World’s Fair Territorial Fair– for cocoons silk raw & manufactured etc. Then we voted upon a letter to our Delegate2 and to ask him to present a Memorial for us and also use his influence to make Utah an experiment station for silk. I went to the 9th. Ward meeting also called upon the Countess– came back in a thunder storm and was soaked thro’ Wento the 20th. Ward in the evening, spoke at the meetings in all the places. [p. 184] {p. 64}

4 July 1894 • Wednesday

<Dot & the girls had a Curio party last evening> Independence Day– very cool and comfortable. I stayed at home and wrote a Chapter of my story 37th– of In Rural England then after dining at Belle’s went up to Annie’s and spent the evening, came home late– and did some reading. Dot went out to Garfield– the other girls were at home and Belle– news from the strikes all over are deplorable safety seems impossible anywhere, many small gatherings in a social way at the pleasure resorts I suppose my poem on the 4th. of July was read at Sandy– A soldier from Camp Douglas was killed today by a citizen named Hobbs, who had been a Confederate in the war– several disagreeable occurrences but not serious– [p. 185] {p. 65}

5 July 1894 • Thursday

This morning came up town and went to the Fast meeting in the 18th. Ward– it was rather an interesting time especially Bishop Whitney’s remarks I called over there afterwards for a few minutes. After going to the office I went to the Des. News and invited Br. Sondahl [Janne M. Sjodahl] to call with me upon the Countess I purchased the Key To Theology3 and took it with me and presented it to her– we had a pleasant call I borrowed a paper containing some notes of her history Dr. Shipp and myself called upon Bishop [George H.] Taylor in reference to the 14th Ward Hall– [p. 186] {p. 66}

6 July 1894 • Friday

This morning went up in good time– and took Sondahl [Sjodahl] some items to publish worked at the mailing– Miss Rhoda C. Nash of Alpine the poetess came to see me, Meantime Mrs. Allen with the letter & Memorial prepared which we considered soon after Dr. Ferguson came and brought the Countess– she is certainly a very gracious lady– I tried hard to get on with my work, about six I came down home and had a little visit with a party of ladies at Belles then went up town to the Lecture of Dr. M. Hughes Cannon before the Mother Class in the Relief Society Hall in the 14th. Ward [p. 187] {p. 67}

7 July 1894 • Saturday

This morning went on with regular duty tho’ my heart ached sorely with the news from Shoshone Co[unty, Idaho]. The Sheriff is powerless to suppress the strikers and has called for soldiers. I went up to Sister Horne’s in the afternoon called on Clara [Horne] James– took my photo to her mother–4 who was out. Dr. Shipp Dr. Pratt, Mrs. [Caroline Woods] Dye and myself went together to the Hall where the Countess was to lecture on India– She was handsomely dressed in costly silk with real lace & roses. When she came she went into the vestry alone to compose herself for a few minutes, this is her regular custom. To be alone just before coming before an audience– Her lecture was fine– the point which struck me most was the bathing in the Ganges– more than all else [p. 188] {p. 68}

8 July 1894 • Sunday

This morning soon after rising went over to Belle’s and had breakfast with them then came home and dressed to go and see Dr. Pratt and take her a magazine I had promised. Had lunch there and we went together to the Tabernacle– Jim [James L.] McMurrin was preaching and afterwards President Geo. Q. Cannon spoke a few minutes warning the people against taking sides with those restless ones in the troubles– after meeting went to do some writing then to the 18th. Ward Chapel Samuel W. Richards & C. [Claudius] V. Spencer were home missionaries there– news from the East to the effect that troops are ordered from Oswego & Syracuse [New York] to Chicago terrible excitement in Hammond near Pullman [Washington] Troops from camp are ordered to Ogden– [p. 189] {p. 69}

9 July 1894 • Monday

Last night there was a terrific fire in Ogden & there is a great loss of property but no lives lost which is a comfort– and yet the scenes must have been horrifying. The situation in Wallace [Idaho] is very shocking and makes me feel most intensely for my own dear ones. I cannot see how Mell and the girls can endure so much mental strain. I do hope whatever I may have to endure that they will be spared much more of this serious trouble. Heaven help them is my constant prayer– I know not what to say. The Reaper’s Club adjourned today until the first Monday in September– I opposed it very strongly. The road is open East– Chicago is under martial Law. Susan B. Anthony has declared herself a Populist Amelia Young gives the Countess a reception tomorrow and has invited me– [p. 190] {p. 70}

10 July 1894 • Tuesday

This morning went off on the early train with the Old Folks Excursion, was in the private car with the First Presidency, Mrs. Bennett was on the train and we met in the Pavilion and were together most of the day, we had lunch with the Committee– at the same table as the Presidency– Pres. Woodruff Geo. Q. and Jos. F. each spoke a few words to the Old Folks. There were nearly two thousand people the day was fine and the sunset perfect– Statehood bill has passed the Senate and is sent back to the House for <a[r]guing with> amendments. I came home very weary Belle is feeling badly about Sep being up there and so much excitement going on. Countess went home on to Denver. [p. 191] {p. 71}

11 July 1894 • Wednesday

<Went to Amelia Young’s after the excursion–> This has been a hot day and a thunder storm came up quite unexpectedly, Lucile was in her white muslin and soiled it very much I have tried to work today. Ellis has been in and I have urged her and also Caroline Raleigh & Lucy B. Young and others to go to Saltair tomorrow to the Home Industry Excursion. Sister [Sarah] Louisa Norris Decker whom I had not seen for twenty years at least came to see me. She wants to enter the contest for the prize– came in 1847 early in September Sister Horne has been in to see me too went down early with letter from Sep– came up and sent telegram to Mr. Sears– [p. 192] {p. 72}

12 July 1894 • Thursday

<Em. was very sick this morning.> All day I was somewhat upset not knowing whether to go to Saltair and try to speak or not. Bought new gloves and went off on 4.10 train arrived all right not a very big crowd– music fine– Sicilian Club Maude Pratt leader sang “Life is real, Life is earnest” Harmony Club male voices sang well Mrs. Boyden recited How Salvator Won The Race gave as an encore something simpler Mrs. Ferguson had a speech– also Dr. Shipp I gave one very brief– All passed off pretty well– Mrs. Horne took the prize for 52 yrs Philanthropic Work, L. N. Decker longest in the valley, Went to Stevenson’s party on the way home stayed until eleven p.m. [p. 193] {p. 73}

13 July 1894 • Friday

This morning worked diligently– came home about 2 p.m. with letter from Sep for Belle– quiet at Murray– went over on 4.10 5.30 train to Saltair all our folks nearly were there such a big crowd. Y.M. & Y.L. Associations5 of Salt Lake County and a program etc. Annie & the children went and John Q. too– Lyde paid my fare– Rule was with us. Came home at 8. p.m– very weary indeed– a beautiful night. Dot & Lucile are gone out with a crowd of young people– [p. 194] {p. 74}

14 July 1894 • Saturday

This morning I went as early as possible to the type room to look after the “make up.” There has been shooting in Sacramento some strikers have lost their lives. There are terrible earthquakes in Constantinople and in Edinboro– a panic even in the former place. Such terrible things seem coming to pass it is distressing. I have worked hard to day. I have been looking over some writings too I had a letter from a man in West Virginia thanking me for information on suffrage– The Democratic rally at Saltair to day– I hope there will not be any accident or danger– These things worry me so much. The day has been lovely and the night is beautiful in the extreme. [p. 195] {p. 75}

15 July 1894 • Sunday

The morning was calm and serene here at Waterloo,6 and I rested as I wished and had need– about one o’clock went over to see Belle and then up to Annie’s spent the afternoon with her and then went up to the office. Elise was there and we stayed until dusk. There is no further news from the East or West save that one train is expected in to night from San Francisco.

I have been reading Ideala by Sarah Grand, it is quite a study as her other works are, The Heavenly Twins covers more ground. One might call Ideala very incomplete. Belle has rheumatism & is suffering considerably. She has been tending her garden & flowers and has taken cold most certainly. The night is very hot though not insufferable for July– [p. 196] {p. 76}

16 July 1894 • Monday

<The Talula has stranded on a sand bar near Antelope Island> This morning was busy with my revise and other items of some importance, no satisfactory mail much to my disappointment for I really had felt there would be a letter from Mell but none came. News from the North very harrowing, felt greatly depressed– wrote a letter to Mell begging her to let us hear from them. Louise came to see me, and stayed a short time. I have been trying to compose my mind to write something satisfactory but feel much too anxious about Mell & the family. President [David H.] Haight of Oakley [Idaho] and Robert Wilson came down to the Temple to have [two words redacted relating to a temple ordinance] and have been in to see me. I counseled Robert concerning the work for his father and mother7 sent off eight letters today one to Robert Ashton West Porterville [Morgan, Utah] [p. 197] {p. 77}

17 July 1894 • Tuesday

This morning Sisters S. M. Kimball & E. S. Taylor came early, Mrs. Kimball wanted articles on Theosophy and Sister Taylor wanted the Poem written for her party– then came the silk meeting– we signed the Bill & letter to the Delegate to be sent on to Washington Mrs. Emma Reese [Emma David Rees] of Spanish Fork came in and several others. Flags are flying on public buildings– as a token that Gov. President Grover Cleveland has signed the bill for Statehood for Utah. I was over at the Temple today to see Br. Wilson– Belle had a letter from Mr. Sears dated June 27– [p. 198] {p. 78}

18 July 1894 • Wednesday

I was busy all day long had several callers early in the day but not very important Had a letter from Aunt Zina from Canada– telling me that she was detained on account of the trains, I wrote her quite at length– Kate [Wells] came and Mr. Webster President Haughton [Horton] Haight of Cassia Stake Idaho and his wife, she was a pupil of mine in Nauvoo Louisa Leavitt. she was then nine years old and I was seventeen. Have not accomplished so much as I wished on account of hindrances; have written seven pages letter paper– prepared last of copy and mailed all my city papers. Fire at David [W.] James shops in Main St. made quite an excitement, came home about 1/2 past nine or ten Wrote until one A.M. [p. 199] {p. 79}

19 July 1894 • Thursday

<I had a letter from Mell and one from the Sandwich Islands.> Was very late going up this morning. Emma went with me to help– no mail worth mentioning. Mrs. Bennett came to say she was going to Manti I gave her the names of some ladies to call upon. Went to the 15th. Ward to a Relief Society Conference. Sister Kimball has introduced quite a new order of management– Sisters [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne [Elmina Shepard] Taylor [Mary Richards] Wilcox, [Elizabeth Jane Du Fresne] Stevenson and M. Y. [Margaret Young] Taylor and [Diana Davidson] Reid were there– also <L.> John Nuttall besides Bishop8 and Counselors. Sisters H. A. Taylor [Harriet A. Taylor Badger] & Many [Mary Russell] Gray were set apart as Vice Presidents we had ice cream & refreshments afterwards. <Belle had three letters from Mr. Sears & from Sep.> [p. 200] {p. 80}

20 July 1894 • Friday

All day worked hard at mailing went to Annie’s in the morning, and had several callers Mrs. Anderson who has been much in the habit of coming in and chatting She gives Mrs. J. Ellen Foster’s9 character– In the evening went to the 14th. Ward to a meeting in honor of the New Zealand Chief & party– Maoris– It was very interesting. Hiringi Whonga [Hinrini Whanga] his name–10 The Elders interpreted, he made a speech and the two ladies his wife and sister in law– they were tattooed considerably. The wife of the Maori chief kissed me, and that was the first kiss I had from a Maori woman or a woman who had been tattooed. I came home late and very weary Mr. Sears sent a telegram today to say he would be at home tomorrow. [p. 201] {p. 81}

21 July 1894 • Saturday

This morning went up to the office direct and worked all day– had to fold and write both– no letters– no callers except on business in the morning. Afternoon Kate [Matilda] Chase came and told me her mother Mrs. Josephine [Streeper] Chase had died suddenly last evening about 1/2 past ten– it seems very sad and yet a happy death, to be released so easily. I tried to get her to see how much better it was than to suffer so dreadfully She will be buried on Monday I have been so busy that I could scarcely think but towards evening wrote Miss Zundell of Willard and Mrs. [Ellen Whitaker] Lunt of Cedar City– Mr. Sears came home about noon today. Br. Savage & Mrs. Salisbury came [p. 202] {p. 82}

22 July 1894 • Sunday

This morning I lay in bed late to rest– after my weary work of yesterday. I prepared myself for meeting went over to see Mr. Sears and had some dinner– then went to the Tabernacle and heard Brigham Young the Apostle– also young Geo. A. Smith the grandson of Geo. A. Smith and son of Apostle John Henry Smith. Br. Brigham has been down to Mexico and Arizona New Mexico etc. a long trip. Geo. A. has been preaching in the Southern States. There was a large congregation President Geo. Q. Cannon dismissed with prayer. I invited Dr. Pratt to go with me to Willard and Brigham City. Came home and did some writing, the day has been very hot. Have not seen any of Annie’s folks today. [p. 203] {p. 83}

23 July 1894 • Monday

I have been working very hard today and have accomplished considerable, and have had some visitors too. Went to Annie’s to dinner and saw all the children then from there to the Lecture of Prof Scott Rue– it was quite entertaining, the views were excellent of cities cathedrals and old ruins, also distinguished people. His explanations were accurate enough but he tried to recite poetry and also to sing and he had the Rue Ladder to show to young men which was quite simple. After coming home I felt very nervous and peculiarly excited. I could not account for it unless in regard to Annie and the children going to the new farm tomorrow away over Jordan [River]. Had a bad night, tried to read [p. 204] {p. 84}

24 July 1894 • Tuesday

This is one of our memorable days but our folks are not observing it as a day of festivity, more quiet and restful Public celebration there is none but Saltair and Garfield came in for their full share of patronage Liberty Park too is full of strollers I sat writing all morning & finished letters to Rachel Foster Avery, May Wright Sewall, Rand McNally & Co. and some others papers. The Conservator Philadelphia. I went over to Belle’s then to see Pres. Woodruff We had a talk about the Relief Society and then about the politics of the people– such a pleasant interview and did me so much good. Went to see Mrs. Salisbury and dined there, had a pleasant time and hospitable welcome– [p. 205] {p. 85}

25 July 1894 • Wednesday

This morning came up to work as usual and had Caroline Raleigh here for a list of names and so many hindrances that it retarded my work very much indeed. I wrote some letters and finished my chapter on Rural England the fortieth. I received a letter from Susan B. Anthony in reference to Statehood and the suffrage which I took to John Q. to be published. She wants us to set to work and try to get a platform in the Constitution and be admitted as Wyoming was.11 The Constitutional Convention should do this whether we intercede with them or not, their own knowledge of the country’s needs and what women have done to help settle the Territory should inspire them.12 [p. 206] {p. 86}

26 July 1894 • Thursday

This morning I have been hurrying to get my work done that I might go off to fill my appointments at Brigham City and Willard Mary A. Freeze is to accompany me. We were in time for the train and had a pleasant ride to Willard a beautiful and picturesque little town up in the vale of the mountain. Sisters Ward and Zundell came to the station to meet us and we drove through fields of grain to the house where a company of ladies were in waiting to receive us, and supper was waiting. We enjoyed the conversation until evening when we repaired to the meeting house where we found a rather numerous gathering of ladies and gentlemen. I addressed <the audience first Sister Freeze following me> [p. 207] {p. 87}

27 July 1894 • Friday

<We slept at Bishop [Abraham] Zundell’s> We certainly had an attentive audience last evening, and a very responsive one This morning we held meeting with the Relief Society and had an excellent spirit and feeling– Sister [Mary Bosworth] Hubbard took us home to dinner and we had a time of blessing we administered to two of Sister Hubbard’s granddaughters we also blest her. This afternoon we met with the Primary many children heard their songs and recitations, afterwards I went on to Brigham City and went to the home of Sister Ray [Rachel Wright] Evans the President of the County A party of ladies came to Willard from here last evening. drove their own team We met in City Hall– a fine audience flags and one with two stars for Colorado and Wyoming [p. 208] {p. 88}

28 July 1894 • Saturday

<I spoke today in the 14th. Ward meeting Surprise party on John Q. Ruskins [Ruskin] volumes presented> Slept at Sister Evans, got up early to catch the train. [A. B.] Thompson editor of the Voice was on the cars and came and talked with us. This is a memorable day to me and ever will be, fifty one years last night and on the same day of the week a most remarkable circumstance transpired which affected my whole after life. I cannot tell it here not even after all these years. And the following morning my destiny changed or the course of my life drifted into an entirely different channel from that heretofore anticipated by me or any of mine13 This was as completely a turning point as one could possibly have. I cannot think of that past without feeling I was mysteriously guided and my way marked out. [p. 209] {p. 89}

29 July 1894 • Sunday

This is the one day of all days in memorys cabinet locked up and sealed and hidden away– the key is thrust aside now and rusty and eaten up with age– O what shadows what grey and grim spectres force themselves in my pathway after more than half a century– fifty years ago– we were together James [H. Harris] and I never expecting to be separated one year only we had been wed– and now he sleeps in a foreign land– far far away and only last year I got those letters by accident he had written me in all the confidence of boyish love. I can scarcely look at them I can only read a word here and there. It is too trying and his mother14 kept them while she lived notwithstanding I visited her she did not give them up– [p. 210] {p. 90} Now she has gone past holding them– and a cousin sent them to me. I must not look backward– the present demands my attention. It is the day we came home after the wedding– let me not think of it.

30 July 1894 • Monday

This is Louise’s birthday she is ten years old– how I hope she may grow up good above all else. I bought her a new lawn dress, her mother has taken her to Saltair and a party of her playmates. I have been to Sister Afford [Margaret Anderson Alford]’s and had tea and met with a large party of ladies, then I went out in Mrs. [Elizabeth Claridge] McCune’s carriage and took three ladies Sister B. W. Smith S. H. [Susan H. Alley] Wells and E. R. Shipp After went to Annie’s Louise came home with me and stayed all night– [p. 211] {p. 91}

31 July 1894 • Tuesday

This is the day of the silk meeting Mrs. Salisbury came and I was out, she left me two bottles of wine and the letter from [Joseph L.] Rawlins at Washington in reference to the Memorial– Mrs. Bennett, Allen and Amelia Young came– We held a meeting many ladies came in after– I worked on as usual had a letter from Carrie Chapman Catt– the preparations for tomorrow are occupying peoples attention– Last <Monday> evening P[r]of. Scott Rue gave his panorama in the 14th. Ward to a crowded house– His views are very good it is his language and manner that are against him– Some meeting every evening of my life tonight went to the theatre took Lucile to see Sowing The Wind– [p. 212] {p. 92}

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July 1894, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1894/1894-07


  1. [1]Probably Fred Simon, president of the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce, who was connected with Simon Brothers (Fred and Louis), a wholesale millinery and dry goods company. (Utah Gazetteer, 1892–93, 648; Whitney, History of Utah, 4:305–306; “Sudden Death of Fred Simon,” Salt Lake Herald, 11 May 1899, 1.)

  2. [2]Joseph L. Rawlins.

  3. [3]Parley P. Pratt, Key to the Science of Theology (Liverpool: F. D. Richards, 1855).

  4. [4]Mary Isabella Hales Horne.

  5. [5]Young Men and Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Associations.

  6. [6]Waterloo is the name of the section of south Salt Lake City in which EBW’s house was built. (“Waterloo Pretty Part of the City,” Salt Lake Herald-Republican, 5 Dec. 1909, 12; Madsen, Intimate History, 324.)

  7. [7]William Wilson and Catherine Davies Wilson.

  8. [8]Elias Morris.

  9. [9]Judith Horton Foster trained as a lawyer after her marriage to Elijah Caleb Foster. She was active in the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) in Iowa but opposed Frances Willard’s move to ally the WCTU with the Prohibition Party in 1884. She left the WCTU and helped form the Non-partisan Woman’s Christian Temperance Union in 1890. She also founded the Woman’s National Republican Association. She continued in humanitarian work until her death. (Rose, American Women and the Repeal of Prohibition, 24–25; Adams and Foster, Heroines of Modern Progress, 251–253, 257–258, 265, 272–273; Mott, “Judith Ellen Foster,” Annals of Iowa, 19:126–138.)

  10. [10]A description of Hinrini Whanga is found in “A New Zealand Chief,” Salt Lake Herald, 19 July 1894, 3.

  11. [11]The Wyoming territorial legislature granted the vote to women in December 1869; in September 1889, the Wyoming state convention approved a constitution that continued the right of women to vote. (“Female Suffrage,” General Laws, Resolutions, and Memorials of the Territory of Wyoming, 1870, in Kitterman and Clark, Thinking Women, 12, 65; “Wyoming Suffrage,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 20 Sept. 1889, 1; “Wyoming,” Salt Lake Herald, 6 Nov. 1889, 1.) Wyoming was admitted as a state with this clause in July 1890. (“W. S. A. Celebration,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1890, 36.) Sarah M. Kimball, EBW, and other members of the Utah Woman Suffrage Association celebrated the success of Wyoming women. (EBW, Diary, 28 June and 23 July 1890; “Lawn Fete,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1890, 28.)

  12. [12]“Appeal for Woman Suffrage,” Deseret Evening News, 26 July 1894, 5; “From Susan B. Anthony,” Salt Lake Herald, 27 July 1894, 5; “Susan B. Anthony’s Letter,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1894, 23:169.

  13. [13]EBW seems to be describing the night before her wedding to James H. Harris on 29 July 1843. Biographer Carol Cornwall Madsen explains that EBW always noted the date of this marriage as 29 July, but when Annie Wells Cannon later copied the marriage certificate, she put the date as 28 July. (EBW, Diary, 1862 or after; Madsen, Intimate History, 36–37, 36n39.)

  14. [14]Lucy Harris Blackinton. EBW was referring to letters her first husband, James H. Harris, wrote her after he went to sea in 1844. The letters were mailed to his mother, Lucy, who never forwarded them to EBW or told her they existed, even when EBW visited her. After the mother’s death, a cousin of EBW in New Salem, Massachusetts, sent the packet of letters to EBW. (Madsen, Intimate History, 336–337.)