November 1893

2 November 1893 • Thursday

This is Belle’s birthday and I gave her the purse with the letter S. on it I brought from the World’s Fair in Chicago– I worked all day as usual though with many potent memories of the day long past– a day of hail rain sleet and wind and of excessive pain, when lying in a wagon with but few comforts I suffered so much, yet withal endured and kept the faith. In the evening we had a pleasant time and there was nothing to mar the day except the wind blew fiercely and prevented many callers. Belle would not make any demonstration at dinner more than usual but the girls had killed the chickens so the routine was out of the ordinary. Mr. Sears is in some doubt as to the election on the 7th. but not very much [p. 326] {p. 145}

5 November 1893 • Sunday

My Sister Ellen [Woodward Fuller] is 62 today I believe. I do not know how she is at present. She writes very little has so many grandchildren and is an obstetrical practitioner– born in 1831. [p. 329] {p. 146}

7 November 1893 • Tuesday

This is Election Day but there is not as much excitement as there has been at the last two or three annual elections, still as it is the Legislature as well as other officers one can not help feeling a deep interest in the matter and every one is asking the result of each new face one meets or each old friend at least. Those divided on party question or in party politics feel most warmly, on these matters, but women who are left out entirely know the result will be more in their favor if good men can be elected. At evening it seemed that the winning was nearly equally divided both in the city and county as to the Members for Legislature it will take some days. [p. 331] {p. 147}

15 November 1893 • Wednesday

This morning felt very weary and languid, not having slept well all night– No mail worth looking at to console me– My house is nearly finished and I hope soon to move in1 [p. 339] {p. 148}

20 November 1893 • Monday

This is Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne’s 75th. Anniversary of her birthday.2 She is to have a great ovation in her honor– I have been trying to prepare A Tribute suitable to read on the occasion, but have been so disturbed it seemed next to impossible. Left everything here at the office and went to the Ward Hall at 1/2 past one <twelve> p.m. Guests soon began to arrive and as I was Chairman of Reception Committee was kept very busy– we were later commencing than we had hoped to be– on account of waiting for the First Presidency, but after all it passed off very well– Presidents Woodruff & Geo. Q. Cannon both spoke fine & Jos. F. Smith prayed at the opening. We had an abundance of picnic & bushels left to distribute to the poor– [p. 344] {p. 149}

23 November 1893 • Thursday

This moning left on an early train 8.10. U.P. South for Provo to attend the Utah Co. Convention of W.S.A. to be held at Provo.3 Arrived in good time was warmly welcomed. Convention held in Meeting house vestry large & comfortable room. Mrs. Electa [Wood] Bullock elected President, etc. dined at Mrs. [Mary Wride] John’s, held an afternoon session spoke both morning and afternoon, had supper and spent the evening at Mrs. M. M. Daniel’s [Marilla Johnson Daniels] went home with Mrs. Bullock and stayed all night. At prayer she requested me to lead– I slept with Mrs. F. S. [Emily Tanner] Richards Mrs. Bullock has a nice little cottage and her grand children live with her. She told us many interesting things about the people at the World’s Fair This is my first trip as the Ter. President of W.S.A. and I have enjoyed it very well. [p. 347] {p. 150}

24 November 1893 • Friday

This morning we went on to Spanish Fork where the Association were to have their meeting annual and elect officers for the year at 10. A.M. Arriving at the depot at Spanish Fork found no one to meet us, but took the Express Mrs. John Mrs. Dani[e]ls Mrs. Bullock & Mrs. Richards as well as myself and some other ladies from Provo– Found the meeting house well filled, much more interest manifested than in Provo, I occupied about 3/4 of an hour Mrs. Agnes [Ferguson] Lewis President– Dinner in R.S. Hall for over a hundred– excellent time toasts etc. Afternoon meeting Relief Society, spoke to the sisters about the Incorporation and the name National Woman’s– From this meeting we went to the depot and took the train for Springville, Mrs. Richards went on home Meeting at 1/2 past seven [p. 348] {p. 151}at Springville– Mrs. Boyer is a fine President, Meeting in Font Room– the principal speakers were Messrs. Kelsey Johnson (Editor) Hall (Mayor)4 then myself– then Mrs. Bullock followed by Mrs. Boyer who knows how to conduct a meeting creditably. Mrs. Bullock and I slept together after talking until midnight on suffrage and kindred themes.

25 November 1893 • Saturday

This morning 25. we lingered around until Mrs. Boyer took her buggy to go with us to the train. Mrs. Bullock left me at Provo and I arrived home about three or half past. As soon as I came I heard Septimus had been injured in my absence, falling from the coal house had broken the ligament that holds the arm to the shoulder and had to have his arm bound down until it unites. It is very painful and he gets no rest. Slept at Annie’s with the children [p. 349] {p. 152}

26 November 1893 • Sunday

Today stayed at Annies until meeting time then came up and was too late for the Tabernacle, so went to make one or two calls important, and wrote some letters. Elise came up to help me and we went home together. We prepared the room for the Club tomorrow– and I worked at the manuscript in hand. My house is waiting for me, but the rains are so unpleasant one does not like to be moving goods. Mr. Sears being hurt Belle cannot help me– or spare Elise very well– Annie can’t leave baby and so it goes on from day to day, yet I do long so to be in it. I think how many things I can do when I get in it. Poems, stories, evening entertainments and I have dwelt so much upon a name– one came to me which I may use Em Wood– [p. 350] {p. 153}

27 November 1893 • Monday

This morning did not seem natural because of the Club not meeting at the usual hour– letters this morning unsatisfactory– Club met at 2. p.m. had a good session and afterwards Mrs. Little and some others stayed to talk over a few things but I had to hurry away to the meeting of the Relief Committee. This Committee takes up a deal of time but is on the whole perhaps a very good thing. As one cannot go on working forever meeting new people, hearing matters discussed apart from one’s accustomed routine is educational and certainly interesting if even you do not always agree with their ideas. Gov. [Arthur Lloyd] Thomas is as weak as water but like most little men very opinionated and I really do not perceive any great intellect in any of <them> [p. 351] {p. 154}

29 November 1893 • Wednesday

Today I wrote my article for this evening mid general confusion– A New England Thanksgiving in which I am well versed– but O such a time to do anything with so many asking questions etc. Always so here when I am particularly busy. Some people are so antagonistic they irritate me– however it must be done some how. The Club met at Dr. Shipps for the first time. I gave the President newly elected a bunch of roses. We had two new members admitted and Mrs. [Martha A.] Greenhalgh of Meadow was present for the first time. She is a very talented Englishwoman. It was a Thanksgiving program and all were special articles– also a hymn prepared on purpose. And the Refreshments were after the same order of things, quite a pleasant affair altogether.5 I went down to Belle’s afterwards [p. 353] {p. 155}

30 November 1893 • Thursday

This morning after breakfast went over to the new house and measured carpets and so forth, then up to Annie’s and spent the day & evening. Had a fine dinner– and all went off pleasantly. Never came up to the office only just to get my mail which I found had been delivered once as sometimes Postmen do on general holidays. Every one seems to have been keeping <up> festivities on this day and much charity has been bestowed. I sent out a letter to one President of Relief Society to look after a poor family where there was a sick baby– the day has been dark and gloomy– In the evening had to go to a sick and dying woman Sister [Elizabeth Harper] Brooks– 20th. Ward [p. 354] {p. 156}

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November 1893, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]On her move, see EBW, Diary, 26 and 30 Nov. 1893; 10, 19, and 20 Dec. 1893.

  2. [2]A report on the exercises in Mary Isabella Horne’s honor and a brief historical sketch, with details on the organization of the Retrenchment Society, are included in “Three Quarters of a Century,” “Historical Sketch,” and EBW, “A Tribute,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Dec. 1893, 22:68–71. The same issue also includes poems dedicated to Horne by Lydia D. Alder and L. Lula Greene Richards. (Lydia D. Alder, “Affectionately Inscribed to Mrs. M. I. Horne on Her Seventy Fifth Birthday,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Dec. 1893, 22:69–70; L. Lula Greene Richards, “M. I. Horne’s Seventy-Fifth Birthday Nov. 20, 1893,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Dec. 1893, 70.)

  3. [3]The Provo meeting was reported by E. J. [Ellen Jakeman] in “Utah W. S. A. Convention,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Dec. 1893 and 1 Jan. 1894, 22:78–79.

  4. [4]In her editorial “A Few Suggestions,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Dec. 1893, 22:68, EBW wrote, “At Springville . . . there were three gentlemen on the program, the Mayor of the City, the editor of the Springville Independent and Mr. W. H. Kelsey of that place.”

  5. [5]Gladys Woodmansee, “U. W. P. C.,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Dec. 1893 and 1 Jan. 1894, 22:75.