March 1912

1 March 1912 • Friday

Friday March 1, 1912

seventy years ago I was baptized by James McGiin1 in the little brook on our own land– Sister Emm Woodruff is 74 today, lying very ill– had my picture taken today in cap and gown meting here of officers of Poplar Grove Ward– Annie spen[t] the evening reading to me [p. 60] {p. 62}

2 March 1912 • Saturday

1912 Saturday 2 March

<very many letterrs today congatulatory> Sister Emma Woodruff is still alive, and her family hovering over and a[r]ound her bedside. We none of us know how we may yet have to suffer. The day has been windey and cold. tonight the wind is fu[r]ious– I am here alone in my own home with omly the housekeeper. I have been verry nervous today– the D.R. met at the office and I did not feel I could go in and participate in the meeting. Emm went to her club and Katharine came to stay with mee The Deserret News has a picture of me in cap and gown and som[e] of the birrthday proceedings, and feel very much embarrassed with so much publice notice [p. 61] {p. 63}

3 March 1912 • Sunday

March Sunday 3 1912

<Sister Emma Woodruff still alive> Went off early this morning to the Temple Fast meeting, sat by Romania B. Penose [Penrose] Pres. Smith presided, Pres. Lund opened the sevicees, sung Come all ye sons of Zion prayer by Br. [Hamilton G.] Park sung many sick were prayed for and there were fine testimonies Prof. George Brimhall made an excellent talk Alice Kimball Smiith [Smith] made a very fine addresss also Rose [Rosetta Wallace] Bennett and Ruth M. Fox Thomas Hall and otthers James [W.] Ure went with Kate Wells to Susan’s and stayed until night then went to see Isabe [Isabel] came home late [p. 62] {p. 64}

4 March 1912 • Monday

Monday 42

Early at the office and loads of mail– a n[e]w shirt from Emm [Emma Sears] Roberts, and soon had letters read and all day long a str[e]am of p[e]ople– Raepers club met fine pogam [program] good attendance, Julia Druce very aged 88 April 17, 1912 was present– called at Bee Hive House– saw Julina, Edth [Edith Smith] and Ina [Julina Smith Peery]. Sister Emma S. Woodruff died at 2.40 A.M. today, very sad for her daughters,3 she was President of Garnite [Granite] Stake Relief Society, fune[r]al Wednesday 74 years old a man fell f[r]om n[e]w building out here, very seriously hurt taken to Hospital– must order carriage and flowers for funeral [p. 63] {p. 65}

5 March 1912 • Tuesday

March Tuesday 5 1912

<[Theodore] Roosevelt is apologgizing for his thinking of a 3rd term.> The morning w[a]s rather dismal and the Treasurer was there when I arrived– Br. [Walter] Beatie came and they were busy all day, Amy B. Lyman came and we got thro’ somee work– ordered flowers for the fune[r]al of Sister Woodruff Sister Farnsworth went with us and she wrote the letter to go with them I sent flowers for Belle Annie & myself Emmeline selected them. I am sure theey must be exquissite Mr. Carlson and a man from Indianapolis were here to see the buillding have had many callers went up to see Julina and talk with her about mothrs Councl Home [Alice Merrill Horne] [Cornelia Horne] Clayton came this evning had prayer meeting [p. 64] {p. 66}

6 March 1912 • Wednesday

1912 Wednesday 6 March

Today was Emma S. Woodrruff’s funeral at 1. P.M. most beautiful flowers and elegamt coffine etc. President Jos. F. Smith made closing renarks, music par excellance and long procession. Press Club in the evening4 fine spirit, ladies were superb. Dr. June W. Skolfeld magnificent also Mrs. Bleak– great reverence paid to age Sister Julia Drucee 88 very fine and Mary A. [Cannon] Lambert 83, m[e]mber of the Polysophical Society in the early fiftiees speakers were Annie Wells Cannon Isabel M. W. Sears & myself Sistr Lambert & Druce [p. 65] {p. 67}

7 March 1912 • Thursday

Thursday March 7, 1912

a very laborious day many du◊ties & Board Meeting Regular Board Meeting Rachel Gramts [Ivins Grants] Birthday anniversary arraneged all the Cmmttees very well [p. 66] {p. 68}

8 March 1912 • Friday

1912 Friday 8 1912 March

Have had a bad night, in great distress alone v[e]ry unpleasant this morning Emm. came early and Danil [Daniel] and Herald reporter & many people– Sister E. C. [Elizabeth Cain] Crismon Mrs. Hally [Vilate Snow Hawley] from Oassis and Mrs [Anna Gaarden] Widtsoe, Julia Madsen Isabel told me of Sister Jams [James] who went to school to me in Nauvoo, had tickets for the theatre Annie went with mee it brought back many recollections I sat as if transfigured sent papers today to my folks East & West with my picture in it Some of the actors were very excellent in their parts but it w[a]s sad to see H. B. Clwson [Hiram B. Clawson] & Phil Magretts [Philip N. Margetts]5 [p. 67] {p. 69}

9 March 1912 • Saturday

March Satuday 9 1912

A very busy day Committee meeting in the morning and callerrs who needed attntion Emm. went to her club and the twins6 stayed to help mee, a letter from the First Presidency about Ma[r]ch 17, 1912 sventy yearrs afterwards all the wards are to celebrate7 for which I am very grateful. Isabel has gone to the theatrre tonight took Eleanor with her I hope she will feel satisfied with the perfomancce. Letters not important many callers by telephon Mary [Wright] Smith cane to see me about the books purchased recently f[r]om an agent– she is v[e]ry gay in spirit [p. 68] {p. 70}

10 March 1912 • Sunday

Sunday 10 1912 March

<Came home midnight form Cannon farm> Danel [Daniel]’s birthday he is 23. and I have promised to go over there I bathed and made ready and was in time for dinner, had a very fine dinner and cake such as the boy liked best– he had been absent in Holland the last 3. birthdays filling a mission– Annie had to go to Poplar Grove ward to a reorgamization of the Relief Society, John Q. and myself held quite a conversation on members of Congress in the past when his father8 had been a nemberr [member] and he was with him, I was also there during his fathers term and several terms aftewards, a storm came on Daniel and David went to Ward meeeting, several young people came in [p. 69] {p. 71}

11 March 1912 • Monday

March 11 1912

<A very rema[r]kable day in mamy [many] ways beautiful night> Went thro’ snow this morning to the office, found many letters, one particula[r]ly sweet and good frrom Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] others were excellent in their way. Had calls from several people about matter for March 17, Annual day 70 years sincee Joseph Smith turned the key of knowledge for wonan, Brother David McKennee [McKenzie] died last night he was a fine man borm in Edinburgh S[c]otland, a clerk for 50 years in the Church officces, Sisters Wilcox [Elizabeth Claridge] McCune McLelland, Lynan Empey and others have called also Brother Harris f[r]om Layton, Golden Kimball and Daniel H. Cannon & others Letter from Provo urging mee to go to Academy9 March 13, 1912 [p. 70] {p. 72}

12 March 1912 • Tuesday

1912 Tuesday 12 March

All day long answering questioons about Ma[r]ch 17. and trying to do a few things, so many want to be infornd [informed] upon matters relating to the celebation, letter from Ida [Smoot Dusenberry] yesterday must answer by long distance telephone tel◊ing her I will come tonorrow– it will be a very great honor and yet one hesitatees not knowing just what is best to say or do under the circumstances, Annie came so that Em. might go home to be at the Y.L.10 party, she read to mee umtil about one o’clock A.M. [p. 71] {p. 73}

13 March 1912 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 13. 1912

we went off early met Em. at depot stomy moning, met Mr. [Andrew C.] Nelson in depot told me he meet my niece Mrs. [Mellcene Thurman] Smith Cece◊lia Woodward Thuman [Cecelia Woodward Thurman]’s daughters.11 [p. 72] {p. 74} <[two layers of illegible words] Mrs Fitzgerald of Mineapolis [Minneapolis]> Wdnes. March 13 Arrived safe and down to Academy going to Richfield Recived much honor from Faculty and students and from Prof. Brimhall hmself it was very embarrassimg and most difficult for me to say fitting words w[e]nt to reception of the Utah Sorosis with Ida Dusenbury [p. 73] {p. 75}

14 March 1912 • Thursday

Thusday March 14. 1912.

wearry beyond description, M[a]ny coming for information and wr[i]ting to do for all who need assistance in celebating March 17. Emm went to matine[e] Anne [Annie] came up and we talked over matters about Relief Socieety [p. 73] {p. 75}

15 March 1912 • Friday

March Friday 1512

<Sarah M. [Mousley] Cannons funeral Annie went & John Q.> This moning went early to the office had a peculiar dream last night Dreamed of drawing [drowning] and that I extricated myself with the most strenuous exertion and reached the grassy bank of the river and saw I was dressed in white and only train of my white dress was wet an infant was in the water and I said some one must save it, next I dreamed I was crossing a high bridge across a wide river and woke on the bridge Went to 20th ward and spoke had a fine banquet, went to the genealogical meeting tonight, a very full day, worked hard had commttee meetings this forenoon– many callerrs and am very weary Mrs. Jennings was very good to me with her auto [p. 74] {p. 76}

16 March 1912 • Saturday

1912 Saturday 16 March

<Much of the day spent in answering qu[e]stions> Went up usual time, Emm. was there and many letters and messages, and so much to do, people coming for this and that to celebrate March 17. seventy years of Relief Society. John Q. came in and several for litrature Mrs. Conelly13 for picture for Journal Br [George C.] & Sister [Lucy Doney] Parkinson from Preston Idaho and several others that had not seen the headquarters before, [first and last name redacted]’s son [first name redacted] committed suiccide today his par[e]nts must be ovewhelmed with grief, many sad things happen Abbie [H.] Wells came and others [p. 75] {p. 77}

17 March 1912 • Sunday

March Sunday 17 1912

<Lizzie [M. Elizabeth Thomas] Edward cane hom[e] 12.30 sung Annie hymm in Conference> Left home early and went to the Ensign Stake Conference in the Assmbly Hall– fine meeting President R. [Richard] W. Young presiding went over to Sister Nibley’s at noon and to Taberna[c]le in the afternoon, spoke 15. min[u]tes14 and Levi Edgar Young spoke upon Relief Society work went up to Jode Wells to dinner and th[e]n to 18th.Ward evening service spoke 35 m[i]nutes from there to Dr. [Charles F.] Wilcox home and heard fine musice. Sister Wilcox my poem Dear Old Garden & Alice Horn O◊◊◊◊t◊◊◊e [p. 76] {p. 78}

18 March 1912 • Monday

Nonday [Monday] 18 1912 March

Suse Gates birthday she is 56 today the first chiild bo[r]n in the Lion House– Lizzie Wilcox’s birthday do not know what year she was born– wnt up in good tiime, had many callerrs, Raeper’s Club met here Alexandria the subject went to the Menorial services for Sistter Emma S. Woodruff very large congregation fine program excellent music, sweet gentle refreshing spirrit fiv members of the Boa[r]d pressent besidees me pressent, Sarah Jenne Cannon and Julia Farnsworth spok[e] also myself– cars crowded to suffocation many flowers fragrant with bloom, exceellent spirrit prevailed [p. 77] {p. 79}

19 March 1912 • Tuesday

March Tuesday 1915

Went up early found two or three letters and soon after Sister Lillie [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze came and we had a long intervew she told me of her dream last night and what she had been told to tell mee– we had a serious talk and she blest me and in turn I prophesid to her– D.R. Society met and elected new officers and transacted other business Kate [Catherine Wells] as Regent, Abbie Secretary, and I am still Chaplain, saw President Jos. F. Smith tonight <&> gave him Emma Smiths sketch to witness [p. 78] {p. 80}

20 March 1912 • Wednesday

Wednesday 20 1912 March

<cane home late very cold night a hea[v]y fall of snow> Went up in good time, deep snow to wade through– meeting of Com. at eleven A.M. and quite a long sitting– Daniel came and brought biographical sketches he had typewritten Thodore [Theodore L. Cannon] came with Emm. aftenoon meting of another Confernce Com. stayed late several letters written and sent off today. Dr. Winship of Boston called to congratulate me, State Snator [William N.] Williams came in and many others Tonight went to Home industry and manufactures meeting Annie was ome of the speakerrs I allso spoke by request [p. 79] {p. 81}

21 March 1912 • Thursday

March Thursday 21 1912

<sent letter to Mrs. [Margherita Arlina] Hamm in New York City> This was our Board meeting and in addition to our otheer work we protested against the weight of bread,16 and we ho◊◊◊ [hope] it m◊ay be of some avail after meting attended a lecture by Lyman Beecher Sperry in the Tabenacle for womn only in the evening again went to hear him Lecture for men and women a fine audience he has a good voice and his subject was well handled. Hyrum Smith offered the benediction. In the womans meeting Louie [S. Louisa Bouton] Felt made opening praye[r] & Sister Farnsworth closed [p. 80] {p. 82}

22 March 1912 • Friday

Friday 22 March17

This morning went up late, Emma was there, Danil [Daniel] had his money today for type writing ten dollars and fifty cents. Emma helped me to get ready to go to Jenniee [Jeanette Acord] Hyde’s party, went in Auto, Isabel came in from the Temple stayed just a few minutes went to the dinner with Julina in the Auto, President Penrose came to dinner with uss, there were Julina Smith, Susa Gates Amelia MacDonald [Crossland McDonald] Sarah McLlland [McLelland] Romania B. Penrose, Mary [Robinson] Acord and myself & the family [p. 81] {p. 83}

23 March 1912 • Saturday

March Saturday 23 1912

This monng [morning] a call from a lady whom President Lund had told to see me Mrs. Martha Owens of Califrnia who is intrested in a Portarit gallery of women of r[e]nown– she was very much delighted with the photo of Lucy Mack Smiith [Smith] and soon afterr brought a gentleman frie[n]d to see it Em. went to her club of young girls I had a committee meeting etc– took Conference no◊◊tice to the Des. News went to see the B[i]shops and then had an Auto ride with Mrs. Jennings <[illegible]> came in and brought an old St. Louiis [Missouri] friend of Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears himself and wife18 are stopping at Hotel Utah Margarret and baby have been in today several others. [p. 82] {p. 84}

24 March 1912 • Sunday

Sunday 24 1912 March

Rsted until late then made some research and dreessed for the Tabenacle– sat with Sister Mary A. Lambert– Pres. Anthon H. Lund presided Heber J. Grant spoke upon Home Manufacturre very strongly– F. M. Lyman followed in much the same starin [strain] & Pres. C. W. Penrose offered the benediction. I went to see Louise & her little family had supper there and spent the evening, she is very interresting and has very fine children– I feel very sad tonight about John Q. he has been much worse today may the Lo[r]d give him breath to live on and mainta[i]n his family and his place in life [p. 83] {p. 85}

25 March 1912 • Monday

March Monday 2519

<fine weather today> Sister Prisciilla Jennings birrhday Went up in good time and commenced work Mrs. Owns [Owens] came and we had a little talk and fnally I called up President Penose and succeeded in getting him to make an appointmnt for tonorrow 10.30 A.M held the special meeting and acconplished what seened necessary then went to Mrs. Jennings birthday anniversary 74. today called at Hotel Utah saw Mrs. Brdfod [Bradford] and went to Mrs. Owens room had a little talk we are to go to the Presidents in the morn[i]ng [p. 84] {p. 86}

26 March 1912 • Tuesday

Tuesday 26 1912 March

<Auditors were herre and I went to a meting in the 22nd Ward> There are a number of incidents that seem essential to record but only what is positively in our own lives are all we can use in a small space– we are all of us in this age crowded with happnings I went to the President this morning with Mrs. Martha T. Owen of Califonia who had an intervi[e]w with him in relation to a publication she has originated It was intereesting but I am not at all sure she will get assistanse from him– the question of money is one our people are unwilling to risk upon uncertainties I wish we had morre [p. 85] {p. 87}

27 March 1912 • Wednesday

March Wednesday 27 1912

<knowledge and power are increasing> Have had a busy day with visitorrs and work sending out notices of legal meeting Apr. 2,– and callers vissit f[r]om Sister Augusta Joyce Cocheron [Crocheron]– Jane Walker Smith’s fune[r]al in Famington [Farmington] today Pres. Smith and Julina went up, Isabel attnded a funeral in 21st. Ward of Sister Hageman [Ingri Hanson Hagman] a temple worker– had several calleers, Daniel made some copies of lecturres etc. John Q. called and I gave him Boswell’s Johnson in 2. volumes. There are many very interesting things transpiring and the progrress of the world is wonderful How we can keep pace with the timess in [is] a serious qustion [p. 86] {p. 88}

28 March 1912 • Thursday

Thursday 28 1912 March

Hiram B. Clawson is near dying he was one of my first aquaintences when I wnt to Nauvoo it brings to mind many scemes [scenes] of the past in thimking over the people then[.] meeting of Confernce Committees today in the office, getting things in shape Mrs. Jennings has charge of the reception Kate Wells birrthday I went up and took her a book of poems and spemt the evening Susan is not yet very well, Annie went to hear Zannie C. [Rosannah Cannon] Irvine on Dickens in Liberty Stake, Em went to a Matinee with Mollie Barnes Kate is 59 today commencing her 60th year [p. 87] {p. 89}

29 March 1912 • Friday

March Friday 29 1912

Today has been gloomy and mise[r]able, letter from Veona [Verona] very sweet and tender but melancholy it is too bad that one so young should seeem to be in such despair, I p[r]ay earnestly that she may be cheered and comforted the day is dismal rain and snow and the death of Hiram Clawsom is depressing bringing back so many recollections of Nauvoo Magaret Caine has been in to see me, also Susa Y. Gates & Isabel and 2 meetings of Committees Emmeline & myself went out to dinner together– the storm was frightful and I was very cold I w[r]ote my editorial tonight [p. 88] {p. 90}

30 March 1912 • Saturday

Saturday 30 1912 March

Went up very early Em. came soon after and we arra[n]ged for the day– she goes to her club today and I am to attend the Relief Society Confernce of the Saltt Lake Stake and aft[er]wards to go to the 2nd Ward meeeting house to a party given in honor of Dan Weegland [Danquart A. Weggeland]– I spoke both forenoon and aftrnoon in the 14th.Ward Hall at the Conference Juline [Julina] was there and spoke upon Temple clothing & also the ref[o]rm work Brother Wegland was greatly honored by the visit of President Smith at his anniversary [p. 89] {p. 91}

31 March 1912 • Sunday

March Sunday 31 1912

Fast day went to the Temple early sat by Julina, excellent testmoniees given, President Smith presided all three of the Presdenccy were preesent nome [none] of the Twelvee At noon Dr. R. B. Penose, Lula Green Richads [Richards] & Magaret A. Caine came over to the office with me and we had a light luncch. th[e]n went to the funral of H. B. Clawson in the Assembly Hall, beautiful drapery & flowers Miss Pendletn [Erma C. Pendleton] sung I dreamd a dream speakers were Seynour B. Young Heber J. Grant– President Smith spoke with great power, Lucile [Sears] returned today f[r]om California, went to Belle’s to dinner have had a long day but comparatvely happy onee [p. 90] {p. 92}

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March 1912, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Eli P. Maginn. (See Madsen, Intimate History, 29–32.)

  2. [2]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended month and year for her entry. The month and year were determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  3. [3]Clara Woodruff Beebe, Winnifred Woodruff Daynes, and Mary Woodruff McEwan.

  4. [4]Members of the Utah Woman’s Press Club and the Reapers’ Club paid tribute to EBW. (“With the Clubwomen,” Salt Lake Tribune, 10 Mar. 1912, 11.)

  5. [5]As to feeling “sad” at seeing these older actors, EBW refers to the natural decline in stature and articulation of these former actors, eighty-six-year-old Hiram Clawson and eighty-three-year-old Philip Margetts. (“Several Who Were Present at Opening of Salt Lake Theatre Fifty Years Ago Attended Anniversary Celebration Last Night,” Evening Telegram [Salt Lake City], 8 Mar. 1912, 3.)

  6. [6]David W. Cannon and Abraham H. Cannon.

  7. [7]The Nauvoo Female Relief Society was founded on 17 March 1842.

  8. [8]George Q. Cannon.

  9. [9]Awarding of the honorary degree to EBW took place in Salt Lake City on her birthday. (See EBW, Diary, vol. 38, 29 Feb. 1912 and “Emmeline B. Wells, Lit.D.,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1912, 40:50–51.) A meeting on 13 March 1912 would be her first chance to be honored on the campus of Brigham Young University. (See EBW, Diary, 13 Mar. 1912.) In 1903, Brigham Young Academy in Provo, Utah, separated into Brigham Young High School and Brigham Young University. In speaking of the Academy, EBW was referring to the older name. (“BYH Historical Overview, 1876–1968,”, accessed 25 Mar. 2022,

  10. [10]Young Ladies’.

  11. [11]Cecelia Woodward Thurman was the daughter of Manson J. Woodward, EBW’s brother.

  12. [12]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1912 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  13. [13]Perhaps Lillian Beatrice Connelly.

  14. [14]Describing EBW’s speech, a newspaper reporter wrote, “In spite of her advanced years, she is the possessor of an excellent voice which was distinctly heard in all portions of the large auditorium, and she spoke entertainingly and well of the work of the great charitable organization.” (“Emmeline B. Wells Principal Speaker,” Salt Lake Tribune, 18 Mar. 1912, 12.)

  15. [15]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1912 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  16. [16]Bakers expressed concern about a city ordinance compelling them to standardize the weight of bread that they sold. In response to their complaint, city commissioners reversed the ruling and declared that weights could vary but must be printed “in plain type” on the label. Leaders of local Relief Societies and the Relief Society general board then sent in petitions, urging standardization by arguing that consumers, many of them poorer wage earners, should be able to count on receiving a 16-ounce loaf for five cents and a 32-ounce loaf for ten cents. The ordinance stood that bread weights could vary if printed on the label. (“Bread Loaf May Be of Any Weight,” Evening Telegram [Salt Lake City], 19 Mar. 1912, 3; “Ask for Statute to Regulate Loaf,” Salt Lake Tribune, 23 Mar. 1912, 9; “Applause is Heard in Council Chamber,” Salt Lake Tribune, 26 Mar. 1912, 16.)

  17. [17]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1912 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  18. [18]Likely John E. and Charlotte Pilcher. (See EBW, Diary, 29 July 1891 and 21 July 1895.)

  19. [19]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1912 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.