August 1892

1 August 1892 • Monday

Came home on ten o’clock U.P. train, lots of work as soon as I arrived and day extremely hot. John Q. was in and out, it was the meeting of the Literary & Scientific Society and he could not get to his work at the Bishop Whitney’s– I was busy with my mailing and Ort came towards evening– had some strangers from Las Angelos, very intelligent ladies mother and two daughters, Sister Hyde from Spring City & Sister E. S. Taylor and several others; kept me employed– in the evening I was too weary to work, and the heat was really overpowering– I wrote a letter to Sister Howard and another to Sister [Sarah Barnes] Layton of Kaysville [p. 214] {p. 239}

2 August 1892 • Tuesday

I have been hard at work today. Sister Kimball and Miss Augusta Kimball of Nauvoo her niece, Phineas Kimball’s daughter made a call and I enjoyed it very much indeed, they told me of the death of Dr. [John F.] Weld of Nauvoo whom I knew and had met in 1886 when there– he knew my husband very well indeed– he had been married to Emeline Hibbard a very beautiful woman– he was one of the oldest residents of Nauvoo, and had been very influential in his active life. I had strangers from Greencastle Penn. 6 of them stayed quite a long time, lots of callers besides terrible hot tonight [p. 215] {p. 240}

3 August 1892 • Wednesday

This morning went out on errands then set to work with mailing, Have had several callers, and time passed swiftly, in the evening Mrs. Kimball and Miss Kimball from Nauvoo and Bishop Whitney came and we had a very pleasant time conversing and the Bishop sang for us and whistled with the piano– he sung “Not for gold or precious gems” the[n] “My Native Land” & last “I stood on the bridge at midnight”– after the ladies had gone we talked a little and I read to him and we enjoyed the quiet. I called on Dr. Barney and sat writing on my story until midnight– the night is oppressive and wearisome [p. 216] {p. 241}

4 August 1892 • Thursday

The day has been fearfully hot and I have tried to keep on working in order to finish and get my mailing off, have had several hindrances, at last I finished and sent off the whole lot two big sacks of mail and it seemed such a relief, I went with Aunt Zina to see Sister E. S. Taylor and tell her about going to Bannock Stake, found she was away, went an [on] up to Sister Louie Felt’s and she consented to go– we came home and I sat & read to Aunt Zina all the Article upon the dress reform or rather the report of the Chairman of that Committee to the Executive session of the Council.1 We had quite a little talk over the matter [p. 217] {p. 242}

5 August 1892 • Friday

This morning Sister Taylor came and we talked of the intended trip north and she consents to go or to send some one– Aunt Zina came in and said Sister Horne would go for the Relief Society so it is all arranged. Aunt Zina has gone to wash and anoint Lizzie [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox and then she will go to Liberty Park with Zebulon [W. Jacobs] and family. Meantime Harriet Cook Young, Lydia Ann Wells Amelia F. Young called and I was very much delayed with my work, but it could not be helped. In the evening I took Elise and we went to the Post Office with the remainder of the mail. I began my editorial after coming home, and wrote several pages, felt very weary [p. 218] {p. 243}

6 August 1892 • Saturday

This is another hot day and I rose feeling quite ill and weak, Dr. Pratt came and wished me very much to go to the Lake as it was expected that Geo. Q. Cannon would speak. I made ready with all speed and we caught the one o’clock train, Dr. Pratt Mrs. Miln [Martha Brady Milne] and myself. We had a pleasant ride and found we were not too late for the speeches. Had lunch in the Hotel sat next table to Colonel [Francis W.] and Mrs. [Frances Stuart] Parker and Miss [Ida] Heffron and afterwards went to the pavilion and heard Col. Parker President Cannon. did not come We were presented to the Colonel by Br. [William M.] Stewart,2 he seems a very genial sort of man, very unlike in appearance what the people seemed to have expected– Sep leaves tonight for Denver in interest of Chamber of Com<merce> [p. 219] {p. 244}

7 August 1892 • Sunday

Today I tried to look after my book manuscript a little and went to the Tabernacle– Apostle Abram H. Cannon preached on the first principles of the Gospel– came home wrote to Daisie– had a call from Miss Kelsey of Springville–3 Went to hear Col. Parker of Boston lecture in the Tabernacle– his subject was “The Child”– and he gave very much the same as I had read that he gave in Provo– Mrs. Parker was to speak on Dress Reform but the time was so far advanced that she simply made a sort of apology–the singing was very good– Aunt Zina walked home with us to the gate Mrs. Parker & Mrs. Talmage came to the corner with us, I feel it was a lecture that would be calculated to do good. Lucile and Em. have been in to see me today [p. 220] {p. 245}

8 August 1892 • Monday

This morning I was taken violently ill, sent up for Belle and also for Dr. Pratt and after some time also for Apostle Abram H. Cannon John Q. came in and they both administered to me and I received a blessing. the pain decreased from that time Rosie [Lambert] did every thing she could for me before other help came except the girls from the type-room. I was very weak with the pain and fatigue and rested all I could after Br. Penrose came afterwards towards evening and administered to me. Dr. Pratt is 53 today I gave her “The Alhambra” by [Washington] Irving. Belle stayed with me all day and waited upon me, and I very much enjoyed her company [p. 221] {p. 246}

9 August 1892 • Tuesday

Today I have been on the lounge most of the time have had many callers, June has come from New York and came in to see me. Some visitors wearied me talking so much, others were very pleasant and refreshed me. Towards evening Abbie [Wells Chapin] and Nanna [Hannah Young Chapin] came nearly all the folks have been in, I have had quite a little work to do on the paper. I tried to recuperate so as to go to Liberty Park tomorrow. The weather is a little cooler and one can rest more. I have so many things I want to do and get ready to go north to see Mell Ort came in to see me and say good bye he is going up to the Weber [River] with Luella [Cobb Young] & Fanny [Young Clayton] & his wife4 and baby5 [p. 222] {p. 247}

10 August 1892 • Wednesday

This is a cloudy morning to go for a pic nic but may be it will be cooler. Aunt Zina, Sister Horne, Tina Bates, Josie, Pearl [Russell], Lucile & Rosie are going with me to the Park– Dr. Pratt called for me to ride with her but I preferred going with the girls and she took Aunt Zina– We had a high wind for a little while, and dust in abundance finally we concluded to persevere and have our exercises– sang “Now let us rejoice” Wilford Woodruff Jun. offered prayer and sister Zina made a few remarks. I read a poem by Lulaon the [Utah Woman’s Press] Club– Sister [Ruth May] Fox read a comic production original– Dr. Shipp one more sober and Mrs. [L. S.] Dickinson a comic one, we had some remarks from Br. Penrose and then pic nic– [p. 223] {p. 248}

11 August 1892 • Thursday

Our refreshments were fine and every one seemed to enjoy the it. It is Charlie [J. Charles] Earl’s birthday. Today I tried to have my picture taken, had arranged everything as I supposed and then had so many calls and hindrances that it was impossible to go called on Sarah Kimball and Mrs. O. J. Salisbury and was invited to dine with her but declined Senator [Alvin] Saunders of the Commission and [D. A.] Mac Pherson from Deadwood [Dakota Territory] were there. Vic & Brie [Victor and Briant Wells] have been in today Kate Edna my sister Adeline [Woodward Earl] and so many more– This evening I called on Hannah and Sister Horne and have accomplished quite a little in making calls– [p. 224] {p. 249}

12 August 1892 • Friday

Went out this morning and had my hair dressed and then to have my picture taken & sat half a dozen times– hope it may be satisfactory,. have not been very well today have felt very weak. Paper is out for the 15th and girls are working on September lst.– Sep has returned from Denver– looks very tired. City full of strangers Knights Templars6 whatever that may be. The weather is sultry and one feels weak. Lydia Ann has been in and talked awhile, mentioned baby Murray– Called at the Hospital this evening Dr Pratt was out took her the book & <Alhambra> (pitcher & glass from Belle) came home and sat here alone writing and doing regular office work until after midnight– feel a little better than last night, It is indeed lonely though– [p. 225] {p. 250}

13 August 1892 • Saturday

This morning Annie came down and brought Margaret– she went to look at the house John Q. had thought of buying– Mrs. Salisbury came to see me and several strangers came also. Had such a busy day and did not do what was really necessary after all– many people are gone to the caňons or away because of the heat and the City seems vacated almost. At evening Elise came with my dinner and we did some mailing, and afterwards I sat down to make a list of a hundred names or more for the Cor. Sec. of the N.W.C. of Women7 to send out Circulars to and wrote some letters one to Apostle [George] Teasdale in Mexico– I have so many to answer– one from Mell today [p. 226] {p. 251}

14 August 1892 • Sunday

Slept late this morning went to Tabernacle heard Dr. J. E. Talmage he spoke eloquently upon breaking the Sabbath & its consequences went to evening meeting, 18th Ward Chapel– home missionary night. Brs. Kaddington [William Keddington] & Theodore [W.] Curtis were the speakers–the meeting was not very well attended and was tedious, the house very warm etc. the day has been so hot Elise went over Jordan to see her brother and came here on her way home, it is very close in the house one can scarcely breathe Wrote to Rachel Foster Avery tonight and sent away the lists I had prepared– so much to do it is very fatiguing. Tomorrow two meetings to be attended to.. [p. 227] {p. 252}

15 August 1892 • Monday

Busy all day with mailing and preparing copy Little Margaret [Cannon] is at Belle’s but came down to see me, so sweet [p. 228] {p. 253}

16 August 1892 • Tuesday

Working away at the mailing again today [p. 229] {p. 254}

17 August 1892 • Wednesday

Have been to see the Presidency they leave on Thursday for an out on the Weber I got my ticket today and am all ready except finishing copy and mailing [p. 230] {p. 255}

18 August 1892 • Thursday

This morning before I left my room some ladies called one from Bloomsbury, Penn. with Mary Freeze her sister in law– before they left Edmund Russell of New York City Prince of Delsartism8 called with a letter of introduction from May Wright Sewall and what to do with him I did not know– but as he wanted to talk on our question of course I could do that. He went to his hotel to lunch & by permission which he asked came back at three p.m. We talked & talked and I sent for a carriage and we drove out & went to Tabernacle and Temple & grounds etc. to the Tower on Prospect Hill and lots of other places. theatre etc. Afterwards he asked me to dine with him [p. 231] {p. 256} at the Knutsford and came in at 8 o’clock and stayed until eleven– then I packed my trunk and sat up until 4. A.M. getting copy ready.

19 August 1892 • Friday

This morning at 7. got up & began to prepare for the journey. Belle came down & Lucile & Em. Josie & Pearl & Emma9 were all here too. and at ½ past nine the carriage came and Belle went to the depot with me– and I bade her good bye there– she has always been considerate & has done a great deal for me. In Ogden Annie came to see me at the depot and brought George Q. & Daniel. On the train I met James [H.] Hopkins of Washington member of the Senate in Br. Cannon’s time– his son was with him Hebe [Heber J.] Grant & Joseph F. Smith were both on the train [p. 232] {p. 257}

20 August 1892 • Saturday

We reached Pendleton in Oregon this morning at 10 and here we must stay until tomorrow morning at seven and so I have been doing some of my writing. sent off my article about Edmund Russell10 and then wrote to Aunt Zina and sent them off also a postal card to Dr. Shipp. Later at night I wrote of Mrs. Parker and Miss Hefron– and prepared it to send in the morning I had to go out to a restaurant to get my meals. Sent a telegram to Will so the folks should know why I was detained and not feel alarmed. Had a nice room at the hotel. I had met Mr. & Mrs. Scott Waldo on the train who were at the hotel with me– [p. 233] {p. 258}

21 August 1892 • Sunday

This morning came in to the train at 7– without breakfast, had porter get me a cup of tea etc. the day was hot & uncomfortable but we stopped for dinner early and that helped to relieve the monotony a little. It was at Le Grande in Oregon. During the afternoon Mr. Dorrity came on the train he knew me directly and came and sat by me & seemed very glad to see me again, introduced his friends Mr. & Mrs Stoel11 Judge Beatty and wife were there too I had some conversation with Mrs. Beatty she is a very pleasant lady. Mrs. [Abby Allen] Klein met me at Spokane on my arrival and took me with her to her home where I had a very nice visit, slept well– [p. 234] {p. 259}

22 August 1892 • Monday

Took seven & half-past train for Wallace Mrs. Klein wnet to the depot with me. and saw me on the train. The day was cooler and I had much pleasure all day long admiring the scenery as we traveled along especially on the Steamer crossing the Co’eur de’Alene Lake. Mr. Heyburn was on the train and also on the boat and payed me some attention. I reached Wallace between three and four very tired Mell and Will and Daisie all came to meet me. Every thing was very pleasant some ladies sent me in flowers, and Harry [Henry R.] Allan came in the evening and both Daisie & Harry sang for me. Mrs. Livers called [p. 235] {p. 260}

23 August 1892 • Tuesday

Today I have written some one letter to Dot some copy for Josie– letter to Annie– went down town and telephoned to Verona– Have tried to rest. Will Mell & I went out to see the soldiers parade and hear the music– had a call from Mrs. [Elizabeth Shaw] Hussey today, and Mrs. Livers called to say Good bye before going away to Coeur d’Alene She sent me some flowers sweet peas– In the evening Lieut. Lindsey came in, it was pouring with rain and Mell went down town to a meeting of the Columbian Club– and adjourned it because of some Church affair to which Harry and Daisie went later. Lieut. Lindsey sung for us after Daisie came home she sang with Harry I enjoyed the singing & wrote to Florence Balgarnie– [p. 236] {p. 261}

24 August 1892 • Wednesday

Today has been raining pouring all day nearly, no news from anywhere officers parading up and down in the streets etc. talked all day with the girls. Mell went down town and bought me a new wrapper which she is going to make up for me herself– Annie Verona’s hired girl came over from Murray and brought a Dutch cheese for us I wrote Verona a letter, short one also a postal to Emma Kofod, had written one before to Ellis R. Shipp– In the evening Lieut Pattison came in and talked of Salt Lake where he was stationed, from 1877 to 1880– he has a family at Vancouvers. We had quite a pleasant evening. Mell is excellent company– [p. 237] {p. 262}

25 August 1892 • Thursday

This morning Will wrote went off to Montana, Spring Hill, on some case to be away two days. started at 6. A.M. The day was dull and lowering, I went out with Mell to do some shopping and saw a little of the town it is very picturesque but not so beautiful in point of scenery as Murray. After our return home Mrs. Trask, who was here made a pleasant call and I liked her very much better than either Mrs. Hussey or Mrs. Livers. In the evening Captain Mc’Cammon came and later on Captain Ballance, McCammon <14th infantry> is from Vancouver & Ballance from Keogh 22nd infantry. Both had been in Salt Lake, Mc’Cammon from 1874 to 1880– Daisie went horsebackriding and came home deathly sick Harry was with her. I wrote to Belle and Miss Minna V. Lewis– [p. 238] {p. 263}

26 August 1892 • Friday

<Mell and Daisie sang together for me–> This is a dark damp day & the girls don’t feel well at all. Mell had Bishop [Ethelburt] Talbot to call in the morning and Daisie a pupil on the piano. I sat and read and talked and mostly of Woman suffrage– and of home folks. In the evening Mr. & Mrs. Trask came in and we had a pleasant evening, later Lieut Mell went to the Columbian Club which had been postponed12 Mr. Mann came while she was away & finally went down there, Leiut P Lindsey came and sung for us. He is very peculiar in mannerisms but good company, the rain poured down in torrents and the air was quite cool and refreshing no news whatever from home and not much from anywhere [p. 239] {p. 264}

27 August 1892 • Saturday

Wrote to Di Vernon13 also to Dr. Pratt at home and letters of introduction to Miss Eliza D. Keith Minna V. Lewis & Mrs. Alice Carey Waterman of San Francisco for Edmund Russell directed to the Palace Hotel there. Have had a busy day Mrs. Lang one of Mell’s dear friends called and Mr. Taylor one of Daisie’s old lovers came and Mell told Jemima the girl he would stay to lunch where upon she protested and made things very disagreeable and Mell told her she need not stay if the work was too hard. Evidently she has been too well treated and has taken liberties was very impudent. Will came home Mr. Montgomery of New York one of the 400 spent the evening– he is a very polished gentleman– [p. 240] {p. 265}

28 August 1892 • Sunday

<Mrs. Angell gave me a bouquet of sweet peas–> Wrote to Florence Percy Matheson and Mrs. Nellie B. Eyster last night and letters of introduction to them and sent to Edmund Russell this makes five in all to P.C.W.P.A. women and I presume it is really more than he will need. This morning went to Church with Mell the Episcopal Mr. <John R.> Stanton a very young man conducted the service in white habit over black gown with green <11th Sunday> shoulder <after Trinity> scarf a Priest’s surplice, his black gown is called surtont–14 Captain Mc’Cammon came and spent the evening, he was very fluent in conversation and told us many curious things. I felt very weary and after the folks went to bed I sat reading a long time and felt very solemn– so much had been going on in the way of merriment [p. 241] {p. 266}

29 August 1892 • Monday

This morning before I was up, Will came back from the office, and told us or at least brought a telegram saying Eleanor had died at 7 o’clock–15 sad indeed and me away from them all. How unexpected these things happen to us all, who could have dreamed of it when I came away, all was so well and so happy. We telegraphed both of us Mell and myself and sent word to Dot to order flowers, a star for Mell and Gates Ajar16 for me. How my heart aches for my dear ones at home. I feel now that I do not want to go again and leave my own especially where I cannot get back immediately. Barry [Hillard] came over today. We drove to Asburn for a ride Will, Mell, Harry and Daisie, such beautiful scenery enjoyed the ride very much, wrote to Annie. had lovely bouquets from Will on our way <home> [p. 242] {p. 267}

30 August 1892 • Tuesday

<Wrote to Mrs. Alice Cary Waterman> Had a very dreadful night– so uncomfortable and disturbed, dreaming of home whenever I fell asleep for a moment– Judge Mc’Bride and some woman Doctor called on Mell today but I was excused from seeing them– Barry was here at breakfast but I was not up– I went down town with Mell & Dr. Mary B. More of Chicago who is now at Bannock, [Beaverhead] Montana– having charge of Hospital work in a mining camp– we called on Mr. Stanton the Episcopal minister then Mr. Livers Druggist then Dr. Stone in her interest then I sent two telegram one to John Q. to know Annie & all were and one to Dot asking about press meeting to be posponed Barry & Mr. Lucas spent the evening John Q. answered telegram– [p. 243] {p. 268}

31 August 1892 • Wednesday

We left after dinner to come over to Murray feeling & knowing that at home the funeral service was being held that the party had already gone on the train and were by that time returning from the graveyard if not before. Our ride was very pleasant and we chatted along. I tried to be as cheerful as possible as one does under such a dreadful strain. My heart was far away with those who were suffering so much grief and pain. We wound round and round and over the summit of the mountains through the pines– our driver Mr. Short was very obliging and competent. Will had engaged this private conveyance in a three seated wagonette to avoid the stage driving [p. 244] {p. 269}

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August 1892, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]National Council of Women.

  2. [2]William Mitton Stewart (1859–1913) was a prominent educator in Utah, at this time acting as principal of the normal studies department at the University of Utah. (“Noted Educator Is Dead—W. M. Stewart Is Called,” Salt Lake Tribune, 27 June 1913, 14.)

  3. [3]Probably Esther Ruth Kelsey, who resided in Springville, Utah Territory, before and after her marriage to George William Mason. (1880 U.S. Census, Springville, Utah Territory, 163C; 1900 U.S. Census, Springville, UT, 311B.)

  4. [4]Zina Smoot Whitney.

  5. [5]Heber K. Whitney.

  6. [6]The Knights Templar was a Roman Catholic military order founded after the First Crusade; the order was dismantled in the 1300s. Successor organizations adopted some Templar symbols and rituals but had charitable purposes. (“Knights Templar,”

  7. [7]Corresponding Secretary of the National Council of Women.

  8. [8]A method of performance developed by François Delsarte incorporating speech, movement, and gesture to convey emotion. Edmund Russell made his living by teaching deportment to society women, as well as by lecturing and training actors. (Williams, “A Brief History of Delsarte”; Wilbor, “The Spread of Delsartism,” 90.)

  9. [9]Josie Simmons, Pearl Russell, and Emma Kofod were EBW’s typesetters and assistants on the Woman’s Exponent. (EBW, Diary, 24 Feb. 1900; 27 Jan. 1894; 4 and 6 Sept. 1890; 7 Oct. 1890.)

  10. [10]EBW’s article summarized Russell’s educational theories. (“Edmund Russell,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Sept. 1892, 21:36–37.)

  11. [11]Perhaps William H. and Ida Furth Stowell of Spokane, Washington.

  12. [12]In honor of the 1893 Columbian Exposition, society women organized Columbian Clubs to promote cultural opportunities in their communities. (Bakken and Farrington, “Clubwomen of Boise,” 64.)

  13. [13]Eliza D. Keith used the pen name Di Vernon for articles on patriotism and against cruelty to animals in the San Francisco News Letter. (“‘Di Vernon’ Makes A Hit,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1892, 21:7–8.)

  14. [14]This may be Wells’s attempt to spell soutane, another word for cassock. (Merriam-Webster, s.v. “soutane,” accessed 31 Mar. 2020,

  15. [15]EBW published a tribute and a description of the funeral services. (“Baby Eleanor,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Sept. 1892, 21:44.)

  16. [16]Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1844–1911) wrote her novel The Gates Ajar in 1868; the book described immortality and was designed to give comfort to those who had lost loved ones in death. EBW visited Phelps on 19 January 1886. (Encyclopedia Britannica Online, s.v. “Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward,” last modified 17 Dec. 2013,; EBW, Diary, 19 Jan. 1886.)