March 1894

1 March 1894 • Thursday

Thursday March 1. fifty two years since I was baptized and this is fast day I would like to have gone to Fast Meeting but was detained by getting breakfast for Sister Bennion, and it was the first time I had eaten down stairs in the morning went up to the office and had several callers right away– Mr. Dwyer Dr. Ferguson and Emily S. Richards Aunt Zina and Mrs. Salisbury– came home at night feeling [p. 72] {p. 75} quite ill– the day has been like Spring Legislature is progressing. J. E. Booth of Provo introduced a Memorial to restore the franchise to the women of the Territory taken away by the Edmunds <Tucker Bill.>1

2 March 1894 • Friday

Friday March 2– Lucile Sears is 18 years old to day and they are all very busy over there preparing for her party this evening– she is to have quite a fine party of boys and girls– the house looks lovely and she is in high spirits. The Stake Conference began this morning, the Bishops are representing their wards, and Sister M. I. Horne and Mary Freeze were called to represent the Stake organizations of Relief Society and Young Ladies’. which is a new departure for women and looks like a more positive recognition of their work. All the Bishops too are testifying of the aid rendered by the sisters in their respective wards. I have been miserable all the morning Mrs. Salisbury and Mrs. Dye came to go with me to the Legislature Mary Silver was here and gave me some remedies. I am indeed quite unable to work and feel it very much as my work is piled up and I have no leisure to [p. 73] {p. 76} devote to those pursuits in which I find relief and pleasure. This morning Mamie [Mary Cannon] Cannon John Q’s oldest sister had a daughter2 born, Dr. M. Hughes Cannon attended her. Although I came home feeling very ill and faint– I persevered in going over the reports of the branches in this Stake and made a summary for the Conference.

3 March 1894 • Saturday

Saturday March 3rd. I feel a little better this morning and went up in time to meet Mrs. Richards and May Preston who were to read the Territorial Report of the World’s Fair Exhibit to me– but as Miss Preston did not come it was postponed until Monday– the Stake Conference is in session. I finished the Report this morning and took it to President Cannon’s office. It is quite a relief to have it done. I wrote to Sister [Minerva White] Snow <Manti> and to Sister [Mary Ann Farnes] House Grantsville and read proof and mailed papers and so on trying very hard not to give up– Dr. Shipp came in and I gave her some money to go & get me a remedy for my head– and I hope it will do me good. Several sisters [p. 74] {p. 77} came in from the meetings, but I did not feel well enough to go nor had I the time either. Victor [P. Wells] came and bade me Good Bye he is going on his first mission to England– he is a very good boy– and I am sure will do a good work in the missionary field. One has no misgivings when such exemplary young men go out– his mother3 feels it very much, but I think she ought to be proud of it. I am seriously disappointed in not having a letter or message from the North–

In the evening I called on Aunt Zina and found her alone with Phebe [Young Beatie]’s children. I had tea there and we talked over some Society matters. Sister Howard from South Bountiful came in and we decided to go up there to hold a meeting on Tuesday next– Elise was up at the office working away when I came back and we stayed and worked at the mailing until the ten forty car– the storm was disagreeable outside and the wind furious at East Waterloo and Elise came home with me, and slept here in the North East chamber. I do enjoy my sleeping room; it is a very handsome and comfortable chamber [p. 75] {p. 78}

4 March 1894 • Sunday

Sunday March 4– Although it is the Stake Conference I cannot go to meeting, I am not well enough to keep going all the time. My work is very exhausting and one must have occasional rest and repose. The night was a trying one the wind blew so furiously and the storm of sleet was something quite uncommon in this country. I felt very sick this morning Em. came over with hot coffee and ham and made me a fire– and after awhile I looked over some of my correspondence and answered some letters one to May Wright Sewall to whom also I sent my photographs both kinds and also to Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery the same– I wrote Susan [Noble] Grant of Bountiful about going to Grantsville and to Mrs. Stevenson on the same subject. I also wrote Belva Lockwood a letter of condolence– she having buried her only daughter–4 and to Mrs. [Martha A. Y.] Greenhalgh in regard to the W.S.A. of Millard Co. Belle, Lucile, Em. and Elise have all [p. 76] {p. 79} been over to see me. I looked for Annie all day but did not hear from her. A strange little boy came to Belle’s last night and they kept him over night and today he ran away without their knowing when he went or where– he said he came from Kaysville. The circumstance was rather suspicious. I had a quiet day and shall no doubt be better prepared for the week’s work.

5 March 1894 • Monday

Monday March 5. Went to the office at eleven Mrs. Richards and Miss Preston were there and read the report for the Fair from Utah– other matters came up– the Club met and we decided to send for Review of Reviews and Current Literature and I was to send for them and Mrs. Shipp M. C. [Margaret Curtis] and Mrs. <M. J. [Minnie Jensen]> Snow were to write the papers. Then we went to the Legislature about 14 of us and spoke to Mr. Eldredge and Bishop [Christian N.] Lund about the Library Bill– and heard the discussion on the Militia Bill. Worked late with my mailing and came home in a storm of wind and rain– sat down to write and after some time the wind became [p. 77] {p. 80} like a tornado, I had never experienced anything so dreadful of its kind, and I was here alone. I read the Psalms I prayed to the Lord to stay the power of the elements that we might not be harmed neither our houses or homes and I put out my lamp– let my fire go down arranged everything so if the wind ceased I might go to Belle’s for as yet the storm was so severe I was fearful I could not reach there but be stricken down upon the way– finally Mr. Sears came over from home for me; he had walked all the way from Liberty Park after the close of the evening session of the Legislature– It was a deliverance from anxiety and loneliness. We two had hard work to reach the house. I went to bed with Dot but the moaning shrieking howling wind of that night I shall never forget– about three in the morning I fell asleep–

6 March 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday March 6. A wonderful day– rose early after the restless fatiguing [p. 78] {p. 81} night and started for South Bountiful Aunt Zina true to her promise was at the Depot waiting– we stopped off at Bonneville and were met by two Sisters Howard who took us to breakfast, then went to meeting. I had never been there before to a meeting, and we both spoke Aunt Zina first and then myself– afterwards towards the close of the meeting Aunt Zina spoke in tongues and I gave the interpretation, though very reluctantly. We went to Sister Maria [Thompson] Hatch’s to dinner and from there to Sister Egan’s the Bishop’s5 house and washed and anointed three sisters for their confinement– Sister Mary Nobles [Noble] Egan, Sister Elizabeth Thurgood Parkins [Parkin], and Sister Mary Jane [Winegar] Mills– then we went to see Sister Elizabeth [Staples] Muir who is greatly afflicted with rheumatism and decline, had not been out for more than a year and three months and we administered to her; then drove to Bonneville Station and home; it [p. 79] {p. 82} was a most fatiguing day though exceedingly interesting and out of the common– we had a fine audience in the meeting house–

7 March 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 7. I have felt weary today and have done very little, some sisters have been in and Mrs. Bennett was anxious I should go to the Legislature and speak to Mr. Ivins– member from Washington Co. in reference to the Silk bill– Mrs. Ferguson reported to me how she had urged the Library bill and talked with members. She brought me “The Heavenly Twins” by Sarah Grand a book which seems to be creating quite a stir in the Literary World. I suppose there must have been an underlying object in writing such a book but I have only just begun it and glanced casually over it– I shall perhaps perceive it when I have finished reading it. Went to Annie’s after reading my Revise which I had waited the whole [p. 80] {p. 83} afternoon for– found Annie and the children alone– John Q. had gone to the Germania Club where they only speak in German. After he came home we sat until it was late talking over questions of the day. Mrs. Sarah [Carter] Foss was buried today

8 March 1894 • Thursday

Thursday March 8. Mr. Sears is fifty years old today– he is busy in the Legislature. Belle gave him a gold collar button and I hunted through the Book Stores for a book suitable to present him, found one very finely illustrated “One Touch of Nature”– I also selected a souvenir spoon for Rachel Foster Avery– silver handsomely chased– the angel Moroni on the handle in front and Territorial seal the Bee Hive and date on the back and gold bowl with Salt Lake Temple inside, I had my initials put on the back of the handle and full name of Mrs. Avery on the back of the bowl. Went down home in reasonable time <to Belle’s and slept with Dot–> and so weary I could not keep up– went to bed and read afterwards, a wind rose during the night and [p. 81] {p. 84} <Leopold Gasser was at Belle’s he is Elise’s brother–> I slept very little until towards morning so I lay in bed late and as I had promised to be up at the office at eleven <on Friday March 9.> to visit Mrs. Bennett, found her already, on the spot. Such a tiresome day– Legislature still plodding on over those tiresome bills upon which the members cannot agree. Yesterday morning I had a letter from Miss [Charlotte H.] Yates of Cleveland, Ohio6 asking for information upon which to write a lecture on our side of the Mormon question– have looked up some books to send to her. I never experienced a much more fatiguing day. I was not very well and the wind was high which always makes me very nervous. Elise came up late and I did some extra mailing. Dr. Ferguson had been repeating to me what the weather prophets had been saying about a cyclone and it did seem as though the wind was on the rampage– however the most serious result was a snowstorm– and the cold blasts and severe gales that took [p. 82] {p. 85} one almost off one’s feet. Came home between 9 & 10. Mr. Sears stayed up town all night and Belle slept in Dot’s room and I slept in her great grand room all alone– I was reading until after midnight “The Heavenly Twins”– Aunt Zina came in during the afternoon to tell me she was going to Ogden–

10 March 1894 • Saturday

Saturday March 10.– Rose much earlier this morning and went to the office, had to return on an errand Miss Preston came for more items for World’s Fair Report– Sister Horne sent word she was ill and could not attend the Saturday meeting, Sister Hurst [Alvira Spencer Hirst] President of Pleasant Green came for counsel in regard to a student of obstetrics, and I advised her to attend to the matter right away. Nabbie [Howe Young] Clawson has been confined and her baby is dead only living a few minutes I believe it happened yesterday. Alex. Laurens who was office boy at the Deseret News office died yesterday– it is very sad, his mother is a widow. This is Daniel’s birthday and he has issued forty or more invitations to a [p. 83] {p. 86} party such cute cards– My Party– Plenty to eat and lost [lots] of fun A gay little crowd, want you to come– Annie & John Q. have both done everything possible to make it a success. I went down while the children were there– such a pretty sight– Belle Nett Emily [Wells Grant] and Rubie [Wells] were there– I took Daniel a china mug– I have been up and down so much today– have had Mary P. Silver and other sisters. Legislature still in session. Had a letter from the Federation of Clubs– asking that some one be appointed to speak at the Convention in May– Emmie is over here with me tonight had a letter from Daisie yesterday and one from Mell today. [p. 84] {p. 87}

11 March 1894 • Sunday

Sunday March 11. I am so weak in body and my mind distracted with so many subjects that I decided to remain at home and rest. Em. came and brought my breakfast and made my fire and after I rose and bathed and read some of the Psalms of David, I looked up some matters and wrote to Charlotte H. Yates of Cleveland, Ohio, who had asked for information upon Mormonism. I sent her some printed matter and then wrote letters of introduction for Miss Ada Patterson to some of the P.C.W.P.A.7 ladies in San Francisco– Mrs. [Nellie Blessing] Eyster Mrs. Gaden,8 Mrs. [Florence Percy] Matheson, Mrs. [Alice Cary] Waterman– went over to Belle’s to dine– John Q. and Annie called also Lucile Em. Eugene Brent and Elise. I am more interested [p. 85] {p. 88} than at first in the Heavenly Twins. I have been doing some work on a Poem begun in November, which has been in my mind in a vague sort of way ever since, and I am anxious to finish it.

12 March 1894 • Monday

Monday March 12. I have had a very bad night– little sleep and great nervousness, lay in bed late though the glorious Eastern sun shone brightly into my chamber. I enjoyed the peaceful feeling a sort of dr[e]aminess though I was scarcely well enough to do so in a way to exhilarate my body which is tired to the extreme. When I did rise I tried hard to feel myself equal to the duties of the day. I offered prayer, I read some of the Psalms of David which seem to comfort me– they are soulful. Dot came over to see me, she looks quite ill. [p. 86] {p. 89} I found my mail on arriving bundles of papers and several letters, and learned from Jim the elevator boy that several callers had been to see me during the morning. However I cannot help it and if it is of any consequence they will come again. Mrs. Mc’Vickor came to solicit my company for an interview with the Governor at 3. p.m. Miss Patterson had called and was to leave today for California so I went to the “Claire” to see her and bid her good bye & give her the letters I had written for her to press women; went to the Post Office and got the orders for Review of Reviews and Current Literature for the Reaper’s Club and sent them off with the letters. Dot and Annie Kate [Catherine Wells] too came to call on me. Bishop Lund of Mt. Pleasant– Dr. [Jesse J.] Murphy is very ill– not expected to live. At 3. p.m. we several of us called on the Governor to ask him to reconsider [p. 87] {p. 90} the Library Bill– Mrs. Royle Mrs. Mc’Vickor, Mrs. Mathers, Mrs. Debar Mrs. [Olive Youngman] Dart and myself– We found the Governor (Caleb W. West) very polite and very determined, three of the ladies of the party were Democrats, but it had no effect– he maintained his position with great dignity as far as talk goes, and spoke vehemently against the bounty bills, referred to the silk etc. and plead the tax objection vigorously never once relenting in the least–9 Dr. Ferguson has been in several times today– she is a red-hot Democrat– I felt very faint several times through the afternoon but managed to keep up. I bought a new book “Ships That Pass In The Night” by Beatrice Harridan–[p. 88] {p. 91}

13 March 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday March 13. This is Frank [Frances Lee] Wells birthday she is 42. how the years have passed since then so much has transpired been crowded into those years. How proud her mother10 was of her and how indulgent and how strange it developed or how she developed. and now her life is almost a blank– what will the future bring her– something in Rubie perhaps, but even that one cannot tell. I went late to the office and worked hard– went to lunch with Lydia Ann and Susan Wells, to both of whom I am strongly attached. May was at home though I did not see Murray [W. Whitney]– the place looks very well in the sunshine. Spring will soon be here and then it will be beautiful. May told me of Ort’s lecture before the University Club on the first years of Mormonism, and how well he succeeded, that he received a perfect [p. 89] {p. 92} ovation from those learned professors. She seems to almost worship him, which pleases me considering my suggestions in the matter.11 Several people have been in and some very pleasant ones. Aunt Zina came to talk about the Conference– it is set for the 5th of April, three meetings– I stayed and worked very late came home feeling much better than usual of late not so weak yet not equal to any writing tonight. The book I am reading is a sort of puzzle I cannot say I enjoy it– it may teach life lessons.

14 March 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 14. This is another beautiful day though the wind was very high in the night and I really felt somewhat alarmed– but after awhile it subsided. I love to hear the wind when there is no danger, but such hurricane winds (or nearly so) as we have had of late– there is no music and only terror in them. I do not feel quite as well this morning as I did yesterday. Carrie [Louisa Caroline] Shipp [p. 90] {p. 93} came early for two books I promised to lend Dr. Maggie– “The woman of a Century” and “Local & National Poets of America”. I dislike lending my books very much indeed and yet when one is trying to make some progress, I do not wish to hinder but to help if possible.

Today I have had a number of ladies to see me Sisters Stevenson, [Augusta Joyce] Crocheron, Wilcox, Paul, Farnsworth, Aunt Zina, several gentlemen callers some from the country, Dr. E. R. Shipp, Dr. E. B. Ferguson Mrs. C. W. Bennett Mrs. Dart, <Mrs. Horne> and I have had kind of a tiresome day withal. A pleasant letter from Rachel Foster Avery and kind words, saying she intended to have taken me home to Milrae her residence at Somerton Philadelphia– I answered this letter and also wrote Verona in San Francisco Br. Jesse W. Fox Sen. called and talked over Sister Foss death and about her life work and so on. [p. 91] {p. 94}

15 March 1894 • Thursday

Thursday March 15. This morning went up very late and immediately commenced my mailing. Soon after noon Annie came rushing in to tell me Nabbie [Howe Young] Clawson had just died. She was confined just about one week ago, and has been suffering considerably since but her family were not alarmed. Her baby died soon after its birth, and appearances were all in her favor. So very sad her husband12 is overwhelmed with grief– they were very strongly attached to each other from children. There are six children Spencer, Clara[,] Grace[,] Curtis[,] John Neils [Neels] and baby whose name I have forgotten. <Nabbie I recall it now.> Annie and myself called we saw Evie [Evelyn Young Davis], and several of the Youngs It is indeed a sad blow– Dr. [Joseph S.] Richards attended her. We went into Emily Grants and had lunch– Annie went on home, and I went back to my work. Dr. Utter called and solicited my aid in entertaining the great Hindoo Dr. B. B. Nagarkar a Broumah Soumag [Brahmo Samaj] [p. 92] {p. 95} who expects to arrive here from San Francisco about the 25th. of March. I shall speak to President Cannon about it. I came home earlier than usual, have had quite a number of callers and have been very much upset because of the shocking death of Sister Nabbie Clawson. My letters today have not been important.

16 March 1894 • Friday

Friday March 16. This is the anniversary of Hannah T. King’s birthday she would be 87 today were she alive– a grand woman in many respects. Appreciated by a few and admired by many– The moning was sort of dismal and I was late in getting to the Office– hard work came on the continuation of the mailing which seemed interminable. Annie came up and little Daniel we went to the President’s office to see Br. Geo. Q. Cannon but there were so many already waiting that we came away again. My Sister Adeline called and brought some news of my brother Manson [J. Woodward]’s health [p. 93] {p. 96} and some other members of our family. We are all advaning towards the sere and yellow leaf– Lucy is 76. Pallas [Woodward Clark] 74 <will be 75 in June> and Manson will be 74 in April next– It seems as though we were long-lived most of us at any rate only two gone out of ten– although now it would seem that any day might bring news of death from those who are so feeble. Inez [Earl Godbe] my niece called and others. Finally I went to the President’s office and saw President Cannon and he took me in to the inner office and I talked with the First Presidency about the East Indian Minister who is coming here. They finally concluded we should have some sort of social reception for him and that the details were to be left to the sisters. We have had a special meeting of the Press Club and a very pleasant one though there were only a few present, the weather being too disagreaable for many to venture out. Dr. Shipp M. A. Freeze Nellie C. Taylor C. C. R. Wells, Lizzie [Elizabeth Hillstead] Shipp Harriet Badger, Lydia Alder [p. 94] {p. 97} Phebe Young E. B. Wells, Georginana [Georgiana Fox] Young. Leona [Pemberton] Benson <Gladys Woodmansee> not many I read an a poem of Sister King’s entitled Life and Gladys Woodmansee sung Josephine– discussion upon love was the principal theme. five new members admitted. Quite a severe storm came on late and at eleven o’clock it was snowing– when I reached home after the Club had closed its meeting the scene was lovely a snowy landscape.

17 March 1894 • Saturday

Saturday March 17. 1894 This morning I tried very hard to reach the office early and succeeded fairly– about ten not later. I remained all day working hard at the mailing. Annie came up about 2 in the afternoon and she purchased the new book of Lew Wallaces’s “The Prince of India” to present to John Q. as a wedding gift– and she invited me to dinner. I went from the office about six and selected some lovely flowers for her and took them down to the house, spent the evening with them. Came home late. [p. 95] {p. 98}

18 March 1894 • Sunday

Sunday Morning March 18. Belle came over for me and we went together to Mrs. Clawson’s– saw Nabbie in her robes and the house profusely decorated with the most exquisite flowers.13 The perfume was almost overpowering the whole house was <heavily> fragrant. We did not see Br. [Hiram Bradley] Clawson nor any of the <nearest of the> family except Gracie, dozens of the brothers and sisters of both Nabbie and Spence. Afterwards we went over to Ort’s as we did not wish to remain at the funeral. The house we were sure would not even hold the two large families of the Youngs and Clawsons. From Ort’s we went to Sister Ellen Clawson’s who is very ill and after staying a short time came home again. I went up to the office in the evening and found Mrs. Ellen Jakeman just going to bed on the lounge– I had given her permission in the [p. 96] {p. 99} middle of the day, having met her as she came from the train, and I was on my way to the Post Office. Elise went up with me we came home on the last car– the wind blew furiously and I felt almost alarmed. After midnight the storm came on snow and rain and the wind quieted down, but I slept little until morning.

19 March 1894 • Monday

Monday March 19. Went up to the office about eleven A.M. Soon after Dr. Shipp and Dr. Ferguson came and several others, later Dr. Utter. Had several important letters one from Miss Yates of Cleveland, asking many questions about our faith and institutions. Mrs. Jakeman is a very bright young woman but too dictatorial altogether, she somehow antagonizes one on almost every subject. She is indeed very aggressive– a person I could not be happy with closely associated. The Reaper’s Club met at 2. p.m. and had an interesting session very indeed rather out of the ordinary routine and quite entertaining. Dr. Maggie C. Shipp and Sister Minnie J. Snow were the [p. 97] {p. 100} <ones> who presented the subjects Dr. Maggie current literature and Sister Snow Celebrated Women taking Eve– Sarah Hagar Rebecca & Rachel– after the club went to the Relief Committee meeting, then to the Pioneer Library– then back to the office– had more callers, and such a storm– Dr. [Ellis R.] Shipp had invited me to the closing exercises of her Class in Obstetrics and I went over for a little while. Spoke about ten minutes to the graduating students, so did Sister M. W. Wilcox and Sister E. J. Stevenson– Sister Shipp had prepared a written address which she read– the young girls gave us some music and we had delicious refreshments President Angus M. Cannon came in late the only gentleman present– President Geo. Q. Cannon has been ill but is better this evening, his brother had just come up from there. [p. 98] {p. 101} I came home just after eleven very weary yet feeling I must read the evening paper as I had not been able to look it over earlier. I also have the Review of Reviews which I must look at in bed. It is a stormy night, yet I am thankful the wind is not high. Such dreadful accidents are reported in the dispatches.

20 March 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday March 20, I was busy all morning Hannah Wells came in and others then, Aunt Zina with a message about changing the meeting of the Relief Society and of course a notice had to be given out and published– I went to Sister Mc’Cune’s to a meeting of the County W.S.A. Sister [Emily Tanner] Richards read a paper on woman suffrage which she had prepared for the Democratic Club and had given there some weeks before– I spoke a short time also Dr. Ferguson– Mrs. Mc’Cune’s little daughter sung two of her songs for us. [p. 99] {p. 102} Went to the Surprise Party at Mrs. [Almira Young] Russell’s in the Tenth Ward, About thirty ladies present, Bishop J. [John] R. Winder and Elder George [B.] Freeze who has just returned from the Society Samoan Islands becaush he was too ill to remain and fill his mission. Mrs. [Sarah Nunn] Woods was there a former neighbor who always manifested a great affection for me. Mrs. [Mary Ann Huntley] Burnham whom I knew when first I went to Nauvoo and who knew Jim [James H.] Harris14 there are but few now who ever knew him. And it seems so strange that I should ever have known him, he seems so far away from my life now. I came home in a fearful wind storm, it was something frightful really. I went right over to Belle’s got in bed with Dot– the wind fairly howled and shrieked and there was no sleep for me– I tossed on my bed, [p. 100] {p. 103} and listened to the terrific blasts.

21 March 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday <March 21.> Rose early and went to the office expecting to accomplish some good but Aunt Zina came in again with some business and I was obliged to leave everything and attend to it. I tried hard to get some writing done but utterly failed in that– came home early and set to work to write– succeeded in getting seven pages of letter paper filled answering Mrs. Yates questions, and copied it ready to send. It was nearly three in the morning when I finished it– A perfect night lovely white moon light

22 March 1894 • Thursday

Thursday March 22– Carrie Granger [Snyder]’s birthday– went in good time and called to see Mrs. Jennings about the reception– she was not at home. About noon went up again meantime she called on me, we talked the matter over and Annie came in and joined in the conversation. [p. 101] {p. 104} Mrs. [Sarah Stem] Nelden and her mother Mrs. [Maria Odenwelder] Stem called– and had some conversation afterwards Mrs. Horne and others– at last about five a carriage came for me to go to a party in the 22nd. Ward at Bishop [Alfred] Solomon’s–15 Jennie [Janette Acord] Hyde had made the arrangement– Aunt Zina and Aunt Bathsheba both went in the same carriage. There were about 30 ladies most of them young. A very pleasant company– handsome house and furnishings– Sister Young Smith and myself washed and anointed Sister [Mary Louisa Solomon] Solomon for her confinement. Sister Nellie Druce Pugsley was there & sung my favorite songs for me. The Bridge “One Day in June”– ‘the “Blue Alsacian Mts.” “The Last Rose of Summer” We had some good instrumental music a poem for Sister Solomon 40th birthday and recitation Abby Solomon [p. 102] {p. 105} Only A Girl the poem was by Miss Carrie Smith– Some brief speeches were made by Aunt Zina Sister Smith– Maria L. [Dilworth] & Elizabeth [Dilworth] Nebeker and by Sister Solomon & Jennie Hyde– Sister Mary Ann Hyde spoke in the gift of tongues and Aunt Zina interpreted. I drove in the carriage to Main St. and caught the last car to East Waterloo

23 March 1894 • Friday

Friday March 23– I was up early tho’ I had retired late and had not slept well– read some proofs on the way up and went over to Pearl saw President Angus M. Cannon and invited him to attend the Conference– went as soon as possible to the meeting read the Stake report and spoke to the audience upon sericulture, and saving grain, [p. 103] {p. 106} other generalities– at noon several of the sisters came home with me to the office– Annie came in also Dot– this afternoon had to see Hon. James Sharp about entertaining the East Indian Nagarkar– did not do much intellectual work today but some odds and ends– weather has moderated– came home early sent dispatch to Cleveland telling Mrs. Yates the letter was on the way. Belle had a letter from Sep today and Dot had two– the Current Literature Magazines for the Club– January February and March arrived this morning– President Geo. Q. Cannon is better, Saw Dr. Pratt for a few minutes only Have been reading Magazines and current news– would like to do some particular writing. [p. 104] {p. 107}

24 March 1894 • Saturday

Saturday March 24. Came up in good time and looked over my mail, then went to the Primary Conference to which I had promised Sister Ellen Clawson I would go– I addressed the children on obedience faith and prayer etc. the exercises were creditably performed. Aunt Zina & Sister Horne were both there– Mrs. [Camilla Mieth] Cobb presided and Lydia Ann Wells conducted the exercises. There is a decided improvement in the children– In the afternoon I had the revise to read and calls from several ladies. James Sharp sent a note declining to entertain Nagarkar– I wrote a note to President Woodruff <Cannon> giving him some ideas and asking advice– towards evening the papers came over and I went up to Mrs. Salisbury’s and took her kahali16 to her and an Easter Gift Book very sweet and tender verses and sayings, she invited me to come and sit with her in her pew tomorrow Easter Sunday. Miss [Golda] Breedlove was to sing in the Roman Catholic Church. After coming home I called on Dr. Shipp to apologize instead of going to call upon Sister [p. 105] {p. 108} Emily Woodmansee whose birthday it was. 58 years old. Came home and did a little reading then went to bed, lovely moonlight– I do so long for more leisure to write– I have the tranquility and retirement here but so much to do that seems imperative.

25 March 1894 • Sunday

Sunday March 25. Wrote a long letter to Mell, then went to the Tabernacle– two speakers Josiah [H.] Burrows and Joseph E. Taylor– called at Annie’s and had supper, saw all the children and learned that Br. Louis [Lewis M.] & Sister Mamie [Mary Alice Cannon] Cannon had driven over during the day and that Br. Cannon was better. A poor woman has died in the ward Sister [Louisa Nicholas] Reed baby one week old leaves three little children. Came home and went over some papers, Elise came over awhile, wrote some letters etc and read until late– [p. 106] {p. 109}

26 March 1894 • Monday

Monday March 26. Had a tiresome day in the office worked hard at the mailing, wrote to Daisie and Verona both also did some other writing. Dr. Utter called to say Mr. B. Nagarkar of Bombay India would arrive next morning. Went to Br. [William H.] Rowe’s and asked about holding the Reception there, Mrs. [Hannah Bates] Rowe went with me to Mrs. Thomas Jennings [Mary Hooper Jennings] who decided to give the reception in honor of the distinguished foreigner. We made some arrangements and I made a list of the people to be invited, and also wrote out the Ticket

27 March 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday March 27. This morning went to the President’s Office with the list, and also the copy for the Tickets. President Cannon was very pronounced against Dr. Utter, but others were more lenient. I stated it was not too late to reconsider [p. 107] {p. 110} giving the Reception. However he was unwilling to do that– and so I ordered the Tickets and the ices and cakes. Dr. Utter called to tell me the East Indian had arrived and was at his house. In the evening we went to the Pioneer Party at the Bee Hive. We had so many there such crowds, old style dressing and curious speeches, saw many friends and some Gentiles, Mayor [Robert N.] Baskin Col. Donellan [John W. Donnellan] Mrs. Harkness and others. Brigham Young made the opening <Prayer &> speech– then the song O my Father– then Bryant S. Young Joseph A [Young]’s son spoke and then Joseph [E. Young] John W. Young’s son made a speech– then Mayor Baskin– Br. Martin Lenzi danced a hornpipe– there was some music and an original song to the tune of chada– etc. Afterwards there were Scotch Reels and square cotilions and the young people enjoyed it immensely– Bell and Dot were there, [p. 108] {p. 111} the only ones of my family. Lydia Ann, Susan, Martha & Hannah were there. We came home on the last car. I had directed & sent out all the Tickets for the party at Mrs. Jennings before dark. Mrs. E. S. Taylor has been in yesterday and today.

28 March 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 28. This is Kate [Catherine Wells]’s birthday she is forty one years old, she does not look it however– Mr. Wantland came in yesterday and today to invite me to speak at the Mass Meeting in the theatre on Home Industries– but I really cannot think of doing any more than I am doing. Mrs. Ferguson will speak and she has taken some matter from me to make use of. Mrs. Nelden has been for material for an article on News paper women and Nellie Little for one Benefits of the use of Parliamentary Law in Clubs– Such tax upon my time is very hard with all the other work I am trying to do. Letters written today to Mrs. Joanna M. Washington, Mrs. M. B. San Francisco and to Lu [Lucinda Lee] Dalton [p. 109] {p. 112} Payson, Mrs. M. A. [Mary Ann Greenwood] White, Beaver Mrs. Aquila [Hortense Haight] Nebeker Lake Town and others Mrs. M. A. [Mary Asenath Richards] Grover Nephi–

29 March 1894 • Thursday

Thursday March 29. This morning I was very ill and low spirited– could scarcely get up– head ached violently, yet so much before me. Mrs. Salisbury came to ask me to preside at the Mass Meeting in the Theatre–17 she had utterly refused– herself– but I told her I could not on account of the Reception to B. Nagarker–18 she understood the situation. Mrs. Thomas came and I gave her my photograph– I was dressed and ready before five and Aunt Zina and myself went up to the party together– we were just in time. Dr. Utter and wife and their guest Mr. B. Nagarkar were just coming so we waited and were introduced in the yard. The guests soon began coming afterwards President Woodruff and daughter Mrs. Beebee [Clara Woodruff Beebe] [p. 110] {p. 113} President Jos. F. Smith and Elder F. D. Richards, B. [Brigham] H. Roberts, Abram H. Cannon F. [Francis] M. Lyman A. [Alfred] W. McCune & wife Br. & Sister Horne, Sister [Lillias Hook] Teasdale Brigham Young and wife Heber J. Grant and Augusta, Nellie Little, Dr. Ellis R. Shipp Rulon S. Wells and wife19 Captain Willard Young and wife,20 Bishop O. F. Whitney and wife–21 Mrs. Nellie Druce Pugsley and accompanist Prof. [J. K.] Sullivan22 Everything was fine, and in perfect order Amelia F. Young Caroline E. Dye– Emily Grant Celia Sharp, Margaret Y. Taylor– John T. Caine and wife23 Lorenzo Snow and wife W. W. Riter and wife24 Refreshments were delicious and elegantly served. I remained with the family when all the guests had left and talked over the matter and had some refreshments. Of the invited guests who did not come, were President Angus M. Cannon & wife, John Henry Smith and wife Geo. Teasdale, Mrs. F. M. Lyman [p. 111] {p. 114} Mrs. A. H. Cannon, Bishop Geo. H. Taylor & wife, Bishop H. B. Clawson & wife, Hon James Sharp and wife, W. H. Rowe & wife Mrs. Jos. F. Smith, John Q. & Annie–

30 March 1894 • Friday

Friday March 30. This morning was up town half an hour before time to open the office, and soon had callers, poor women wanting sympathy and help– at Eleven o’clock came F. [Franklin] S. Richards to look over by-laws and matters of incorporation before he went Sister Stevenson and Hutchings called and others kept coming in. Sister Fanny [Frances Atkinson] Hatch of Bountiful and her daughter Mrs. [Lillie Ann Hatch] Eldredge came and Sister Eldredge wished to be washed and anointed for her confinement. I made an arrangement with Dr. Shipp and then went to the Temple to see some of the sisters, so many had [p. 112] {p. 115} gone to Sister [Eliza Camp] Binder’s funeral in the 15th. Ward. could not secure any one. As soon as I came back Mr. Nagarkar and Dr. and Mrs. Utter came in & I had quite an interview with him. He registered and was very pleased to accept a copy of the Contributor and 2 of the Millennial Star– also copies of the Exponent– He is certainly a most refined and cultured gentleman. He manifested his appreciation of our kindness to him. After they went away one thing after another came along Mrs. Bennett called & also took away the Kahali’s. I sent off the remainder of my letters to the people who are to attend the Directors Meeting. Sister Hatch Eldredge & myself also Sister [Maria Mabey] Holt whom I met on the street– went to Sister Stevenson’s where we attended to the ordinance for young Sister Lillie Ann Eldredge Sister Holt washing Sister Stevenson anointing and I confirmed or sealed the same [p. 113] {p. 116} Returning home to Waterloo and invited Lucile to go with me to the Theatre Lecture in the Church to hear Nagarkar– on East India Manners and customs. The lecture was good– the points he made were Social exclusiveness– Composite families Social women isolated, cast[e] etc. His manner is specially refined and his language choice altogether he is a typical <or> what you must admit as being a typical East Indian

31 March 1894 • Saturday

Saturday <March 31> Making every effort to get mailing done and attend to all matters pertaining to the Suffrage Semi-annual Meeting and the Executive meeting of the Board of Directors, sent out notices etc. and talked to all who came, tried to get off mail but did not succeed very well. [p. 114] {p. 117}

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March 1894, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Utah women voted from 1870 to 1887, when they were disenfranchised by the Edmunds-Tucker Act. (See “‘Mormon’ Women’s Protest, 1886,” First Fifty Years, 517, 523–524; see also “Antipolygamy Legislation and the Manifesto,” First Fifty Years, 441.)

  2. [2]Elizabeth H. Cannon.

  3. [3]Hannah Free Wells.

  4. [4]Lura McNall Ormes’s death and public work with her mother, Belva Lockwood, were noted in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Jan. 1894, 22:84.

  5. [5]Richard E. Egan.

  6. [6]See EBW, Diary, 11 Mar. 1894.

  7. [7]Pacific Coast Women’s Press Association.

  8. [8]Probably the wife of George T. Gaden; EBW met George Gaden at the convention of the National Editorial Association in San Francisco on 22 and 23 May 1892. (EBW, Diary 22 and 23 May 1892.)

  9. [9]Reports on legislative bills and the governor’s response to those bills were included in Zina D. H. Young and EBW, “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Mar. 1894, 22:109.

  10. [10]Louisa Free Wells.

  11. [11]EBW had been a confidant to May Wells and Orson F. Whitney, encouraging their friendship and later marriage in 1888. (See EBW, 5 Jan. and 11 Feb. 1887; 23, 28, and 31 Mar. 1887; 17 Jun. 1887; 30 Mar. 1888; 17 Aug. 1888; 10 Oct. and 9 Dec. 1888.)

  12. [12]O. Spencer Clawson.

  13. [13]A tribute poem by E. (Ellis) R. Shipp, “Nabbie,” appeared in Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. and 1 May 1894, 22:123.

  14. [14]James H. Harris was EBW’s first husband.

  15. [15]For a description, see “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1894, 22:116.

  16. [16]Probably a garment made of silk.

  17. [17]Reported in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1894, 22:116.

  18. [18]For a description, see “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1894, 22:116.

  19. [19]Josephine Beatie Wells.

  20. [20]Harriet Hooper Young.

  21. [21]Zina Smoot Whitney.

  22. [22]J. K. Sullivan, who arrived in Salt Lake City from the East in late 1893, led the choir and played accompaniment at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. (See “A Fine Concert,” Salt Lake Herald, 6 Feb. 1894, 7.)

  23. [23]Margaret Nightingale Caine.

  24. [24]Priscilla Jennings Riter.