March 1898

1 March 1898 • Tuesday

<Fifty-six years since I was baptized> Today I feel very nervous– came up in good time– the Press Club adjourned last evening until next Monday evening– I am not well though so much has been done for me. I feel unequal to work of any sort– went to Mrs. Fabian’s to a meeting at 2 o’clock– not many present– came back very much exhausted. Tried to rest and get copy etc. some letters of importance to answer. The day is dull and miserable. Wind and dark clouds– bought a book for Lucile and some kid gloves. tomorrow is her birthday– 22– Annie came up and we went out together and she bought me a heavy silk skirt– in flowers black– she bore half the expense of the party. John Q. and Annie gave the skirt. [p. 92] {p. 84}

2 March 1898 • Wednesday

Lucile’s birthday I feel a little improved in general health today. I took the beautiful gift book up to Dr. Pratt this morning to have other leaves inserted and to have it finished off. I has [had] several callers who congratulated me on my entering seventy etc. Sister Goddard is very ill, has taken a severe cold. Heber Grant the Apostle is ailing. I dragged through the day some how and came home earlier than usual– called over at Belle’s Lucile seemed quite happy and all was lovely– It is a beautiful home and in every way attractive but my heart is pained that Mormonism is not more to them than it is. I am sure Belle would be happier if Mr. Sears could see things differently but one must wait on and on and trust in God alone. [p. 93] {p. 85}

3 March 1898 • Thursday

Another dull day threatening to storm and miserably damp– at evening the wind blew furiously– I am trying to get on with my work, but my heart is heavy with many sorrows and my limbs are languid– the flashes of my left eye annoy me. I spoke to Dr. Pratt she gave me no satisfaction seemed to think it was no more strange than such sensations as were common when one was tired– since then I spoke to Dr. [George H.] Penrose1 who seemed to understand the matter and gave me some lozenges for loosening the mucous membranes– which have certainly made my voice much better– I had been more or less hoarse since last Summer during the Jubilee– and it was a great hindrance in my work [p. 94] {p. 86}

4 March 1898 • Friday

Letter to me from Senator Martha Hughes Cannon M.D. published in Deseret Evening News today– Received letter from Mrs. Clinton Smith of Washington D.C. very good. She refers to the Press Congress and to my letter & book also to the Suffrage Convention and to the Temperance Congress It is a friendly and whole souled letter– Madame Cleophas has written several times but I have not time to reply I sent her the paper that must suffice. I do not feel able nor is there time to do so much writing when one has to do it all by hand– nowadays when we have short hand and type writing it seems dreadful for us who have written so much to still continue on the old lines [p. 95] {p. 87}

5 March 1898 • Saturday

I have had many callers read all my proofs and made the paper ready I am very much exhausted there seems no cessation of work it is continuous really I can scarcely stand so much of it. I have been so constantly employed that I could not go after anything to eat and had to go home at night without taking any little dainty home as I generally do. The days are not long enough for work nor the nights either. I have had a letter from Mrs. Sewall and she says she thinks of coming West and may stop over here. I intend to rest tomorrow as there is no meeting in the Tabernacle [p. 96] {p. 88}

6 March 1898 • Sunday

I stayed in bed late and then tried to get things picked up around the house– so I could sit down and make out my papers for the application for membership to send off– I meant to get them off last week– Belle & Dot came over also Em & Lucile and Louise came up to bring me some thing and learn how I was. I made a fire in the parlor and Will [C. William Buchholz] and Dot came in the early evening and Will played quite a number of pieces on the piano I did not go up town at all– sat down to my papers about nine and worked steadily three hours and a half– finished at last [p. 97] {p. 89}

7 March 1898 • Monday

I went up about 1/2 past ten and stopped at the City and County Building and got Secretary [James T.] Hammond & Judge Bishop to sign my papers– then came up and Eugene [M.] Cannon attached them as Notary Public– before I could finish Sister Jane S. Richards came from Ogden and wanted me to go up to Emily [Richards]’s to meet with Aunt Zina & herself to discuss some business matters– and also to notify Sister B. W. Smith– I sent off my papers went to Sister Smith and then to Emily’s– had some lunch there and after the meeting went home with Aunt Zina– and stayed awhile with her– [p. 98] {p. 90}

8 March 1898 • Tuesday

Mr. Sears– my oldest daughter’s husband is 54– years old today. I gave him a book “The Love Affairs of Famous Men.” Belle had a fine dinner for him Turkey etc. Em came to help me in the office I sent out postals for the ladies to attend a meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution at my office this afternoon– tomorrow afternoon– today the Kindergarten meets here to make arrangements for a hall– Went to Mrs. Fabian’s to a meeting of the George Washington M. Com. Received my money for stamps.

Letter from Susan B. Anthony today, prospectus of her book The paper is out and Em. is here helping me– the Committee of the Kindergarten met to arrange for a hall & entertainment. [p. 99] {p. 91}

9 March 1898 • Wednesday

Such a busy day again though I tried hard to have things on time. Meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution at 4. p.m. & we are mailing and so many things to be done when I am going away. Several letters to answer & books to be mailed & so many explanations to be made, and one cannot do it all– went to see Annie Hyde– heard some letters read from the Hyde’s in the East– Mr. Wadleigh sent me transportation to Manti and return. Went to Annie’s and had supper came home weary storm coming on snow and damp. [p. 100] {p. 92}

10 March 1898 • Thursday

This morning rose early and went off in good time to train Mrs. Hyde was on hand and we enjoyed our trip to Ephraim very much– arriving were met at depot as usual & taken to Sister Ellen [Rolfson] Dorius House– where we had dinner and found Sister Mary Ann Hyde in very delicate health and looking completely worn out. We felt alarmed almost Sister Annie Hyde and myself went over to see President [Canute] Peterson and his wife Mariah [G. Maria Rolfsen Peterson] he was greatly pleased I think. After returning to Sister Dorius house– the venerable President and wife came over and spent the evening– we had a delicious supper and pleasant conversation until near midnight, many things were discussed, and we parted company at last regretfully. [p. 101] {p. 93}

11 March 1898 • Friday

This morning is the Sisters Conference and before breakfast was over Sisters [Alvira Coolidge] Cox [Abigail Tuttle] Shoemaker & Anderson2 also [Jane Horten] Bench had arrived from Manti– We were ready in good time and repaired to the meeting house where we found a good-sized congregation– President [John D. T.] McAllister from Manti was present and spoke briefly– We very much enjoyed the meeting. We dined with Sister Dorius’ son the Bishop–3 also Prof. [Newton E.] Noyes, of the Academy of the Stake. Afternoon service more enthusiastic– Sister Hyde spoke in tongues towards the close of the meeting and I was entreated to give the interpretation which I did reluctantly– it seemed prophitic– the crowd went to Sister Willardson’s4 to supper and to sleep– [p. 102] {p. 94}

12 March 1898 • Saturday

<attended Primary after Conference yesterday> We had a pleasant evening and fine breakfast and set off to the meeting in good time– It was a winding up of the Conference. After meeting had lunch and flew to the train for Spring City– the day was sort of miserable. Sister [S. Agnes] Dorius (the younger) had dinner but we had not time to eat it. Arriving at Spring City station– we had some hesitation over the horses but started off through the mud driving slowly, had lunch at the Hyde residence and went direct to the meeting. Julia [Reinert Hyde] & Sophia [Margaret Lyon] Hyde went with us. Sister Mary Frantzen presided. We each spoke a short time. Ann Eliza Hyde came over also Sister M. Frantzen & E. Allred– had a fine dinner and pleasant evening [p. 103] {p. 95}

13 March 1898 • Sunday

This morning a snow storm was raging– and we were to go on to Fairview– We had breakfast and then Sister M. A. Hyde & myself administered to Julia Hyde who is greatly afflicted, Sister Hyde spoke in tongues & I gave the interpretation. It was quite powerful– We soon started off to the train– snow and storm not hindering even Sister Hyde who is nearly 82. Reached Fairview all right Brigham [T.] Cannon was on the car– We went to Sister Martha [Anderson] Tucker’s and found Mell [Melvin D.] Wells– had a nice lunch and Sister Pritchett5 came through the storm to see us– and stayed to dinner– Meeting in the evening crowded house. Br. Wells & Cannon each spoke, also all of us– [p. 104] {p. 96}

14 March 1898 • Monday

This morning meeting at ten A.M. and strong testimony borne again– We drove home to hotel in a bob-sleigh– the first this season– had dinner bade good bye and went to the station. Coming on car saw Prof. Wm. M. Stewart had a talk about Kindergarten– Sister M. A. Hyde slept nearly all the way, came up in the Hyde carriage and found there had been a severe snow storm– at the office quite a quantity of mail Scarcely ran it over until I came down to Belle’s and then to Annie’s, found all pretty well though Emmie fainted as soon almost as she saw me come which was quite alarming. Came home about 1/2 past 10– wind blowing furiously [p. 105] {p. 97}

15 March 1898 • Tuesday

Susa was here early to see me about F. Marion Crawford the brilliant and versatile author and lecturer. Susa thinks the Utah Woman’s Press Club– can have the opportunity of tendering him a reception– she has telegraphed him– Gov. [Alva] Adams & wife [Ella Nye] of Colorado and Gov. [William A.] Richards of Wyoming and wife [Harriet Hunt] are here to confer with Utah’s governor in regard to Robbers. Mrs. N. W. Clayton gave a luncheon to the ladies of the party and a few others, and a party went to Salt Lake to the Pavilion– tonight there will be a reception at the Knutsford– The Governor came up and insisted on my going, so I feel in duty bound to do so– have several letters my check returned for my signature– Went to the reception very late– [p. 106] {p. 98}

16 March 1898 • Wednesday

This is a very unpleasant day– Elias Morris Bishop of the 15th. Ward fell down an elevator shaft last night and is lying unconscious Prof. Wm. [Willard] Done has his little Phyllis lying dead too and another boy next older ill.6 Charles M. Cannon the Dentist whose office is next to mine is very ill with rheumatism– today we consulted about Crawford’s lecture and the reception– Susa feels certain. I expected Sister Steel to come and go to the President’s office to get counsel concerning a visit to the Eastern States– she did not come– I fixed copy talked with people and had a meeting of an Executive Committee to decide about a special meeting for Saturday night– A Crawford meeting came home and sat alone reading– [p. 107] {p. 99}

17 March 1898 • Thursday

Today is John Q. and Annie’s wedding day eighteen years– I have been unusually busy– Lutie [Lucy] Fuller Davies came and her little girl Lucy and then Mrs. Maynard the Unitarian minister’s wife and an ordained minister herself– formerly known as Mila Tupper– I had met her in Washington– Lyde Wells came with her– she had a letter of introduction from Mrs. Caroline M. Severance– whom I had met many years ago– We had a pleasant chat and finally I went out to see what I could buy suitable for a wedding anniversary present and purchased one of Crawford’s books in two volumes & a dozen scarlet carnations– I was too late for the dinner, John Q. presented Annie with a blue delph breakfast set– [p. 108] {p. 100}

18 March 1898 • Friday

I stayed all night at Annie’s we had a social evening– slept with Louise & Emmeline– got up earlier than usual– such deep snow cars off etc. came up in good time after all. Br. Morris died yesterday morning at half-past ten– Lots of callers on business though I hoped there would not be any– prepared copy– sent off books and letters– Edna Lamson [Lambson] Smith’s little child died today with scarlet fever and bronchitis– four years old named Ruth– Bishop Morris funeral will be in the Tabernacle on Sunday at 2. p.m. Joseph F. Smiths child from their residence tomorrow– Dot is quite sick tonight– Margarret is with me here to stay all night [p. 109] {p. 101}

19 March 1898 • Saturday

This morning we hurried off as usual had a very busy day– many callers. Meeting in the 14th. Ward Relief Society Stake Conference and Primary in the Assembly Hall. Dr. M. H. Cannon came in to see me brought me a box of fine toilet soap from Mrs. Fel.7 in Philadelphia– Miss [M. E.] Cadwallader came to talk to me– she is a spiritualist– came down from the Presidents office– the brethren told her to come and ask me about our principles. She is very intelligent and examining all religions I am not in the best of health or spirits so much seems to depend upon my exertions [p. 110] {p. 102}

20 March 1898 • Sunday

This is the day of Br. Morris funeral. I wrote some letters and then went up town to keep my appointment made with Miss Cadwallader to see her after the funeral. She told me she had been dreaming all night about me saw me in the Temple in regal robes or drapery made of beautiful purple fine soft graceful flowing drapery– falling over my head as well and in a train– that I stood with some priestly man who was reading and expounding or discoursing from a book he held in his hand. that I appeared to receive the eloquence of his words or the divine flow and diffuse it to the audience– that there was also another woman whom she did not know– but who– [p. 111] {p. 103} had not the same look or expression– nor did she seem partaking of the inspiration; she thought the place magnificent– and holy– this is Herbert [W. Sears]’s birthday. he would be 27 years old. How long it seems and yet how the years have flown. The weather is trying and yet we need the snow. I am still reading the Amazing marriage.

21 March 1898 • Monday

I went last night to hear Mrs. Maynard talk of Hull House at the Unitarian hall. She spoke well and made the matter very clear to the audience. There was not a very good attendance for so good a subject. came home alone and sat up writing as usual. [p. 112] {p. 104}

22 March 1898 • Tuesday

Yesterday the girls of the Club were sending out invitations from my office to the Reception to be given to Mr. Crawford at the Bee Hive House by the Press Club. He is a distinguished novelist and is lecturing under the management of Major Pond on Pope Leo XIII. evidently thinks the Pope the greatest man of the age <&> of the century His name is Francis Marion Crawford– he writes it F. Marion Crawford. He lives in Sorrento Sicily– has a family wife and four children the youngest are twins a girl and boy. He has a handsome Villa– his physique is fine has a strong face and a well developed head, sets well on his shoulders, throws his head back as he talks and accentuates his words good– is remarkable in tone lectured in the M. E.8 Church [p. 113] {p. 105}

23 March 1898 • Wednesday

Today Mr. Crawford goes to Ogden to speak there– we had a satisfactory reception several from camp– Douglas– the Governor could not come however– neither did John Q. though we were anxious he should meet him. [p. 114] {p. 106}

24 March 1898 • Thursday

Today the Governor sent for me to go to the Lake with a party of strangers among them Governor Daniel [H.] Hastings wife9 & daughter10 from Pennsylvania Senator [James H.] Cochran wife11 and daughter12 and District Attorney [Henry C.] McCormick wife13 & daughter–14 Col. Kent & others– John Q. was one of the party– Col. & Mrs. N. W. Clayton and a few outsiders– we had a very pleasant time a charming day– the Lake never looked more delightful. [p. 115] {p. 107}

25 March 1898 • Friday

Kindergarten meeting and so much to do. [p. 116] {p. 108}

26 March 1898 • Saturday

All the same as usual, so many unnecessary things going on– [p. 117] {p. 109}

27 March 1898 • Sunday

Tried to rest went to the Tabernacle and heard three mssionaries bear testimony of their labors and experiences then Heber J. Grant the Apostle and George Q. Cannon– preached powerfully– choir sang The– Spirit of God– with the Hosanna– went up to the Governor’s residence to see Martha and found her family gathered there in honor of her birthday 66. years old– I knew it was her anniversary but did not know the family were coming to dinner. Stayed until about 8 then went to see Nett [Annette Wells] Culmer who has been ill with pneumonia– came home alone as usual [p. 118] {p. 110}

28 March 1898 • Monday

This is Kate [Catherine Wells]’s birthday she is 45– and not yet married– she has the usual gift from the girls of a set of dishes china tea set and silver spoons– which was decided to give each one when married or at 40 if they lived single. The company was specially pleasant the day was not so very pleasant– besides our own girls all of them except Belle and Mell there were the four young girls of Uncle Joseph [L. Heywood] & Keetie [Lucretia] Heywood Kimball I was over and above busy and we had the Reaper’s Club not many in attendance but very good papers on the Book of Mormon and Ancient peoples on this continent. [p. 119] {p. 111}

29 March 1898 • Tuesday

The principal talk is war talk and news from Cuba and the blowing up of the Maine and whether the Spaniards had done it or if it was accidental but now it is well authenticated that the explosion was from the outside [p. 120] {p. 112}

30 March 1898 • Wednesday

Today the ladies who have secured certificates of membership in the Society of the Daughters of the Revolution met and organized in my office. Susa who had been appointed Regent to organize– took the initiative and proceeded to establish a Chapter. She was made Chapter Regent Claire Clawson Secretary Clarissa Williams Treasurer Julia Farnsworth Registrar the Chapter was named by me– Wasatch– Susa was to telegraph to New York but left it to me to do. there were ten members. 6 beside the officers– Mrs. J. P. M. [Julia Murdock] Farnsworth, Myra [Shamira Young] Rossiter Mamie & Emily [Hoagland] Cannon Almira Murdock Sarah F. Smith Belle and Ella [Hyde] & Marie [Dougall] were present beside myself Mabel Snow and Minnie [Jensen Snow] came in– the meeting was at 4 o’clock [p. 121] {p. 113}

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March 1898, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]This Dr. Penrose was a practicing physician in the community who was connected with the national guard stationed at Fort Douglas in the Salt Lake City area, not Dr. Romania Bunnell Pratt Penrose. (“They Have Gone to the Front,” Salt Lake Herald, 21 Apr. 1898, 8.)

  2. [2]Perhaps Mary Crowther Anderson.

  3. [3]Charles R. Dorius.

  4. [4]Probably Karen Sorenson Willardson.

  5. [5]Perhaps Mary Fulcher Pritchett or Mary Hambrick Pritchett.

  6. [6]Cyril F. Done.

  7. [7]Likely Jennie May Fels, wife of the president of Fels & Co. of Philadelphia, manufacturers of Fels Naptha soap. (“Samuel S. Fels,” Samuel Fels Fund.)

  8. [8]Methodist Episcopal.

  9. [9]Jane Rankin Hastings.

  10. [10]Helen R. Hastings.

  11. [11]Avis Rouse Cochran.

  12. [12]Avis Cochran

  13. [13]Ida Hays McCormick.

  14. [14]Ellen McCormick.