April 1912

1 April 1912 • Monday

Monday 1 1912 April

<Julina Smith has gone to Logan> This morning went early and found considrable ma◊il– Em. came and Alice M. Horne with Resolutions prepard. Mrs. Dehlin came with a meessage abou◊t the engarvings to go in the Encyclopedia then a leter by mail form [from] Mr. Harries with sveral otherss, Reapeers were to meet but only a f[e]w came and the meeeting was postponed– sad news of the death of Rufus Cobb’s two children a boy and girl Camilla Cobbs gra◊ndchildren;1 no letter from my own folks today, called at Bee Hive tonight and invited President Smith to speak at the Relief Socieety Conference Wednesday about 3. he will try– [p. 91] {p. 93}

2 April 1912 • Tuesday

April Tuesday 2 1912

<I am very weary and tired>

Went early to the office found the Reception Committee already at work and no mail of any consequence– all day long carrying up stairs and arranging meeeting at 3. P.M. of semi-annual Directors much busineess transacted Rosoluton [Resolution] committee reported work and much discussion on the matter– Temple clothing2 being bought in r[e]ady for Conference, Mrs. Eda Dehlin in behalf of the Encyclopedia history has be[e]n in to know the decision about pictures Mrs. Own [Owen] of California a woman of literary tendencies askd to have an interview with me thiis evning [p. 92] {p. 94}

3 April 1912 • Wednesday

Wednesday 3 1912 April

<Lord bless our Conference today. Jos. F. Jr. spoke mor[n]ing> Early this morning went to the office and from there to the Assembly hall where Relief Society Conference was to convene, opning addreess by me responded to by Johnnah [Joannah Jennings] Jensen of Wasatch Stake R.S. Many people have come in from surrounding places pleasant to see so la[r]ge a numberr At noon went to Mrs. Jennngs [Jennings] home for lunch Amy Lynam [Lyman] with me Aftenon [Afternoon] session President Jos. F. Smith addressed the meeting, and we had excellent musice. Evening reception up stairs 4th. floor wore my new dress given on my birrthday Annie came and all was gratif[y]ing President Penrose, Bishop Nibley and other no◊◊◊◊t m◊◊◊s [p. 93] {p. 95}

4 April 1912 • Thursday

April Thurrsday 4 1912

This moning weather not so fine had a good audience fine music McLelland [John J. McClellan] and [Willard E.] Weihe 2 or 3 pieces the very best came on the platform to shake hands with me and it w[a]s really quite an ovation many visitorrs had lunch up stairrs on 4th. floorr Dr. Penrose and Marilla Danils [Miller Daniels] & Amy Lynam [Lyman] had lunch with mee– aftenoon session devoted to testimonies and was not so successful– as the other meetings music very fine and are as the str[o]ng testimonies May Ann Dudly [Mary Ann Dudley] Ellsworth was one May McLeland [Mary Douglass McClellan] Head was another Sister Benjamin [Rebecca Webb] Brown also more Confernce [illegible] until mext October– most memorable call with Dr. Wilcox. [p. 94] {p. 96}

5 April 1912 • Friday

Friday 5 1912 April

<March paper has gone to presss> This morning went early to the officce and started for the Conferenc◊e in pou[r]ing rain Bishop Nibley sent his auto to take me to the tabernacle– very acceptable, President opend the 82nd anniversary of the Confernce– a very good congregation even tho’ the rain poured President A. H. Lund also spoke briefly– In the afternoon Presdent Penrose F. M Lymn [Lyman] & H. J. Grant following the meeting was the funeral of Mary Ann Stearns Winterrs one of the veterans of the Church, I went[;] Dr. Talmage Howard [R.] Driggs & Young [Anthony W.] Ivins Geoge [George] D. Pyper & Horace [S.] Ensign sung In the evning went to a party in the Social Hall for the Indian War veterans very laudable [p. 95] {p. 97}

6 April 1912 • Saturday

April Saturday 6 1912

Conference today very fine and more than normally spiritual weather very favorable– housse well-filled– m[a]ny p[e]ople called and very agreeable in every way The Monk boys3 and Emma Monk [Adams] came her husband is naned [named] [George F.] Adams no n[e]ws from my folks eitherr North South East or West. Chu[r]ch Authoritiess voted upon Heber J. Garnt [Grant] officiating, my Counselors were not present Dr. Penrose and one or two m[e]mbers of the B[o]ard came music from Provo B.Y.U.4 After meeting Em. came over and we went over things together & the paperrs came and we went home to my house together [p. 96] {p. 98}

7 April 1912 • Sunday

Sunday 7 1912 April

We went up early and Emm. went over home for Sunday School and I to the Tabenacle early but saw Bishop Nibleey and walked part way with him, wonderful meeting spiritually more so than usual President Joseph F. Smith called some brethren to hold meeting in Assembly Hall, went over to the office at noon with Alice to look over the Suggestions prepard for the officers meeting Monday then went to Sister Cannon’s to dinner and ba[c]k to meeting. Annie was therre went home with her & Emm came back home with me [p. 97] {p. 99}

8 April 1912 • Monday

April Monday 8 1912

<Aftenoon spent in talking with5 p[e]ople> 34 years ago Emmie [Emma Whitney Wells] passd away, it seems very long since that dreadful time how many changes since them [then] People beginning to come in & we went to the 4th. floor to hold Business meeting made opning address, sung “High on the mountain top” prayer Sarah J. Cannon sung Z[i]on stands with hills surrounded Roll called made pertin[e]nt remarks and had busin[e]ss of importance mounted– ten suggestions were read and discussed and also list of lecturres and visits to Stakes Julina closed with prayer [p. 98] {p. 100}

9 April 1912 • Tuesday

Tuesday 9 1912 April

Em slept heere and we went up early to the office worked hard all day many visitorrs, yestrday Annie had [Brigham] Guy Thatcher and Florence Beatie [Thatcher] his wife to dine there, Julina has beem here much of the day doing w[o]rk with Temple clothing Clarisa cane [came] and Br. W. N. Williams ma[n]y visitors today Annie camee and wrote some letters for me no mail of any consequence Isabel is not well Louise and little Elizabeth came in, she looks so delicate it makes me feel very bad indeed– so many strangers comee & go– [p. 99] {p. 101}

10 April 1912 • Wednesday

April Wednesday 10 1912

This mor[n]ing went up early and have had a busy day not much mail. Isabel is sick could not go to the Temple, has a severe headache, not much n◊◊s [news], but floods are dangerous and much suffering in consequence, China has grantd equal suffrage, thus being more progressive than some of our United Statees, sent off many letters today– ten books of Outlines to St. D [St. David, Arizona] and Magaret [Margaret Taylor] Goodman Emm went to the Salt Lake Theatre with her cousin Elizabeth We had the Utah W.P.C. Miss [Amy] Eaton on Eugenics in Literature & Aton [Afton] Young on Social condiitions. a good metting came home very late [p. 100] {p. 102}

11 April 1912 • Thursday

Thursday 11 1912 April

Early at the office all thimgs propitious warm came to work Juline L. Smith Sarah McLelland and Jennie Hyde– stayed all day others came and helped– no mail of consequence– wind and rain Isabel is still ill could not go to the Temple– have had a hard day. Katharine goes to Sister Louisa Benson and her husband6 came today also Sister Amy A. [Adams] Thomas also came and we were pleasd– have had no letters of any consequnce, no one to uplift but constant drain upon my vitality I am in a poetic mood but too weary [p. 101] {p. 103}

12 April 1912 • Friday

April Friday 12 1912

<Annie had a most delcious dinner> A very unpleasant day, Mormon Battalion Ladies met here in our Receptin room and I was to go to Annie’s and could not be in the meeting but had several callerrs of the confernce visitorrs, was not very well and Em. had to go home to help her mother with the dinner. I went in good time alone and soon came President C. W. Penrose & Romania & later Presiding Bishop C. W. Nibley & wife Rebecca– we had very fine dinner and the Bishop asked the blessing, after an enjoyable evening President Pnrose had in evening prayer I stayed over night [p. 102] {p. 104}

13 April 1912 • Saturday

13 1912 April

Emeline [Young] Wells birthday 54 years old today I came up in good time Em with mee and Abam [Abram] & David to help with folding papers, first came Mrs. Nosiah [Mosiah] Evans [Catherine Carter Evans] had a long7 talk thn Louisa Benson of Onieda [Oneida] Stake with a real grivance had a long serious talk with her lasted for hours, the[n] Sarah K. Bidges [Kirkman Bridge] came time folowed by Lizzie [Elizabeth Liddell] Felt all of these sisterrs were lovely but nvertheleess constant giving out and not receiving anything in return is very wearisome and fatiguing. Have had a good dinner and am home now to rest saw Isabel on the car, she has been ill but went out today and feels better [p. 103] {p. 105}

14 April 1912 • Sunday

Sunday 14 1912 April

Layed in bed very late indeed to rest Eleanor and Eugene camee unexpectedly, I was just getting up and of course could not see Eugenee I had barely time to dress & get to the funral of Helen Whitny [Whitney] Timpson’s baby boy8 up on B. St. Arrived on the same car as Flo. Dnwoodeey [Florence Whitney Dinwoodey] and Heny [Henry M. Dinwoodey], Bishop [T. Alfred] Clawson and LaFayette [T.] Whitney both spoke then Orson F. (Apostle) all very quiet and p[e]aceful good servicee after wards went to see Edna Wells [Sloan] and spent the evening [p. 104] {p. 106}

15 April 1912 • Monday

Monday 15 1912 April

<Abbiee Wells came th◊is evening> Arbor Day went up early offices all locked up, no mail, no news every ome waiting to get in– Sarah Jenne Cannon came for me to go to the Rex theatre with her Old Folks Day– she wore a red ribbon for 70 I wore blue for 80– The building is very old much loved garden, it is rather a fine hall and beautifully lightd, but the play was silly and stupid. Govenor Spry made rather a fine speech pleasing to the men and wom[e]n veterans assembled there After coming back to the office I had a nunber of callerrs.9 Ort Whitny & Jode Wells and others had been in whiile I was away <Ny [My] b[r]other Hiram [E. W. Clark]’s birthday> [p. 105] {p. 107}

16 April 1912 • Tuesday

April Tuesday 16 1912

N[e]ws of the great ocean St[e]amer Titanic near the Nova Scotia destoyed by an iceberg– la[r]gest steamer afloat– hundreds of lives lost, terrible disaster, no one knows yet how many people went down–today has been very pleasant as to the weatheer

17 April 1912 • Wednesday

Wednsday April 17, was invited to Sist[e]r Druce’s birrthday 88 ye◊◊ [years] old could not go– went to Rea Nibley Whitny [Rebecca Nibley Whitney]s party in honor of her mother,10 12 guests fine dinmeer [dinner] elegant homee a finer harp aftewards rode about the city in Sister Jennings Auto. [p. 106] {p. 108}

18 April 1912 • Thursday

April Thusday 18 1912

<No word yet from passngerss on the Capathian [Carpathia]> Went up early, and found messages waiting. Letter from Pauline Stevens Toledo Ohio nothing from the North, John Q. is really seriously ill, came up today and semed very much distressed, regular meeting and all accoumts br[o]ught foward and everything satisfactorily settled. Mrs. Neldon [Sarah Stem Nelden] called and wanted to ascertain some facts concerning the State Federation of clubs. Banquet in honor of Counselor C. S. Williams, each m[e]mber had a sntment [sentiment] written– Sister Susan [West] Smith11 and Elizabeth [Smith] Cartwright12 were invited passed off very pleasantly, snowing tonight <Theatre at Logan burned> [p. 108] {p. 110}

19 April 1912 • Friday

Friday 19 1912 April

Went to Mrs. Elizabeth [Brockbank] Meyer’s to celebrate for Sister Kate [Katherine Howard] Brockbank her mother– G[r]anite Stake R.S. were the ones who had prepared to give her a party for her faithful and valuable services in the Stake as Counselor to Sister Emma S. Woodruff. An elaborate hot dinner had been prepared and she was given a sygnet ring as a token of love & appre[c]iation of her work. We went & came in a severe storm. Afterwrds I w[e]nt to the Cannon homee, it was John Q.’s birthday and his wife and children presented him with a gold watch, we spent a pleasant evening and I stayed all night, I gave him some linen handkeerchief[s] and 2 silk neckties [p. 109] {p. 111}

20 April 1912 • Saturday

<April 20, went to Sister Soan [Phebe Watts Sloan]’s party and had a good time>13

Saturday April 20. 1912 No more n[e]ws of disaster at sea all fla[g]s at half m◊ast [p. 110] {p. 112}

21 April 1912 • Sunday

Sunda◊y 21 1912 April

<Rested & went to 18th Ward Sunday meting> [p. 111] {p. 113}

22 April 1912 • Monday

Mo[n]day April 22. 1912 This has been a dreadful day for me. One of my closest fri[e]nds has hurt me beyond my forbearance [p. 112] {p. 114}

23 April 1912 • Tuesday

Tusday 23 1912 April

Percival [Woods]’s birthday and may it be a day of happy memories to Mell and to me bring something sweet & tnder A day of sunshine and it ought to have been full of joy but rmembrances of what had comee to me, like a burst of thunder yesterday has hung over me like a solemn dirge. 15 letters from Sisterrs answered today by Annie 2 by Emmeline. she went with me to dine at the Waldorf, had a call from Miss Amy Eaton, she will go to London to the Conventi[o]n of Eugenics this summer Congratulatory letter from Kate Waller Barrett today Washington D.C. Testiimony being taken from survivors of the Titanic [p. 113] {p. 115}

24 April 1912 • Wednesday

April Wednesday 24 1912

<Letter from Mell today> Today has been tedious and unpleasant in some ways, the meeting unsatisfactory, and imbearable almost, aftewads [afterwards] Em. and myself were here trying to get things straitend out. Dr. Penrose came and we went to Sister Margaret Y. [Young] Taylors’s reception on 9th. Ave. in the norning rain– and came back here Br. Penrose called to take Romania to the party up stairrs Em had been invited to go and help to serve– thn she came home with me; laterr a heavy thunder storrm came up and hail as well, finaly cleared up and we slept well [p. 114] {p. 116}

25 April 1912 • Thursday

Thusday 25 1912 April

We went up in the rain Em. & me in the rain again– I became very nevous, semed hard to control myself, my throat swelled and I scarrcely knew what I shou◊ld do Margaret [Petterson] Bingham of Ogden came to solicit for a book of Thoughts, ◊ame has some names went to Sister Saral [Sarah] Richards Smith’s to a dinner party of ladies. very pleasant affair spent the afternoon Sisterr Lot Smith Joel Gover [Grover] [Mary Richards Grover], Levi [W.] Richards, Willard Richads [Richards] wife,14 Mrs. [Mary Wallace] Garrett, Alice K. Smi◊th Julina L. Smith and sevral more 20 in all fine time, Miss Amy Ea◊ton came and spent the evening [p. 115] {p. 117}

26 April 1912 • Friday

April Friday 26 1912

<M[r]. & Mrs Brown of Sharon Vt. [Vermont] were here today> Today has been very moderate in weather but I have not had my usual strength or courage very despondent almost to the extreme, callers in abundance but still not enough of the atmosphere of cheerfulneess to lift up my spirrits, went in to see Golden Kimball he aluded to the lack of inward movements in Church affairrs and stated that our former leaders had said tha[t] whnever such a lull occurred it would be followed by a trremendous excitment which would stir things up– womdered what was coming, answered many telephone messages and at evening went to Sister Farnsworth had a pleasant call and came home usual time [p. 116] {p. 118}

15Friday, April 26, 1912

Carrie S. Thomas & Jamnie [Jennie] A. Hyde to Provo Utah Stake Conferenece Emily S. Richards & Sarah McLelland to Cach [Cache] Layton to Davis Stake Conferences [p. 119] {p. 54}

27 April 1912 • Friday

Saeturday 27 1912 April

<D[r]. R. B. Penose came and stayed for hourrs.> Vent [Went] up in good time, not much mail, Letter from Suffrage leaders, regarding election of President U.S. More n[e]ws of the Titanic, very sad, John Q. very miserable– Dr. S. B. Young came in and sat talking a long time Junius F. Wells brought Robert Woodard of Vt. [Vermont] to see me & sveral others Emm. has not been able to do much today and I have had so many callers and other hindrances Mrs. E. S. [Elnora Nielsen] Wight stayed at least 2 hours and Sarah McLeland [Quigley McClellan] about the same Kate Wells twice today and [G.] Alberta Barton & Sister Farnsworth all morning I never went outsid the officee at all– [p. 117] {p. 119}

28 April 1912 • Sunday

April Sunday 28 1912

Today I have been writing a little and composiing a few lines, hoping I night do something creditable or desirable but have not succeeded in doing so ny heart is full of the ideas but the form of [illegible] does not seem to comee. I have had no calls to day only by telephome, I went to the 9th. ward to speak– old nemoriees came flooding over me, and I recalled many people and incidents of long ago. This is near the end of the month and I seen [seem] to have done so little I must persevere moree [p. 118] {p. 120}

29 April 1912 • Monday

Monday 29 1912 April

<had an interview with Hazel Love Dunford today> Called by telephon before I was up and hurried to go to the office and met some peopl– have had many callers, Heber J. Grant Junius F. Wells Jennie Hyde Sister Knight16 & Bunker & secretary from Eleventh Ward & Rene Selm & Hazel Bennion Emeline Wells, Abbie Wells and and quite a few besides, Emm. has had s[e]vere head ache all day. Cavendish went to Snyderville early this morning answerd letters from Mrs. C. C. [Cedaressa Cartwright] Shepherd Beaver & Emma [Emeline Johnson] Christenson North Western mission. Nette Culmer invited me to Susan Wells birrthday dinner May 3. at her home– dinnr at 4. P.M. [p. 119] {p. 121}

30 April 1912 • Tuesday

April Tuesday 30 1912

Leslie [A. Dunford]’s birthday, how stra[n]ge it wou◊ld seem if he had been living to have had a large family but perhaps he would not have married, as it is Mell’s family is compa[r]atively small. When her grandsons marry there will be a change Tday has ben fine as to weather, I went up into the Des. News officee and talked to the prrinters, then to the engravers. Bihsop Whitney brought a stranger to see mee Miss Gallop from Norrth Carolima [North Carolina], she is a member of the National Board of Education Mrs. [Susan Greene] Homer came also, then I had a blind man unfortunate, and Miss Fitzgerald and Mr. Andrews and Jos. Wilson and a lot more Went to Belle’s and had dinner Mr. & Mrs. Eldredge & Dr. [George] & Mrs. [Florence Girardin] Gillespie were therre [p. 120] {p. 122}

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April 1912, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1912/1912-04


  1. [1]John K. Cobb and Marian Charlotte Cobb.

  2. [2]text: The t and the h are conflated.

  3. [3]Probably William T. Monk and Newel W. Monk.

  4. [4]Brigham Young University.

  5. [5]text: The t and the h are conflated.

  6. [6]George T. Benson.

  7. [7]text: EBW has dotted the o.

  8. [8]Phillip W. Timpson.

  9. [9]text: EBW has crossed the ls.

  10. [10]Rebecca Neibaur Nibley.

  11. [11]Susan West Smith was the mother of Clarissa Smith Williams, the party honoree.

  12. [12]Elizabeth Smith Cartwright was the sister of Clarissa Smith Williams.

  13. [13]text: These 20 April 1912 entries are written above and below the 20 April 1910 entry on the same page.

  14. [14]Perhaps Mary Snelgrove Richards.

  15. [15]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  16. [16]Perhaps Amanda McEwan Knight.