November 1899

1 November 1899 • Wednesday

So many things to do that hinder my regular work, that it seems quite impossible to get ready to go to Idaho, yet I must having promised tomorrow will be Belle’s birthday and Dot’s baby is to be blessed. Will & Dot have asked her father1 to bless the little one and she is to be named Lucile. I have given some points to Josephine Spencer for my Sketch in the News, but have to get it ready after all. Hebe [Heber M. Wells] went up to Blackfoot [Idaho] and was not here at the birthday– much to our chagrin for we desired it. Election of Mayor and City Council etc. is occupying considerable attention, the Democrats feel sure of winning and the Republicans are hopeful. I have tried to think of all my various duties and get things in good shape before leaving for Idaho {p. 280}

2 November 1899 • Thursday

This is a perfect day as far as weather goes– and in fact the family are in good spirits and all fairly well, I was hard at work all day and hurried down to Belle’s to a six o’clock dinner and Annie came with Cavendish– and brought Belle a present– Em. & Jack [John G. Roberts] sent her a lace dress with silk lining and all had given something I took carnations <(a dozen & a half> and a blue neck-tie, and after dinner we all went in a crowd over to Dot’s except Sep who went up town. Mr. Sears gave the baby a very good and great blessing & we were all very much gratified named her Lucile which delighted all the family. News has been received that John Q. starts for home day after tomorrow. I wrote some after going home and stayed up very late, and afterwards read “Women & Economics”– & finished the book I was reading. {p. 281}

3 November 1899 • Friday

<Louise was at Belle’s when I came to stay with me–> I went up early to the office and worked hard all day and cleared the closet out. Dr. Pratt came over and selected the papers that were missing to make up her complete volumes. Mary Jane [Whitney Groo] & Latie [Vilate Groo Taylor] and babies came and brought present for Mell (cream-spoon) and Annie came with Katharine dressed up very pretty indeed. I seem to have made some headway towards going, Lucile and myself together bought what things I needed for the visit. I was late going home but Lucile stayed with me and at last I reached home and quiet. I am so fond of my home, it has been such a comfort to me and really I am never lonely, the rest after the day’s work is refreshing and the few hours I can get for reading are specially helpful to a life such as mine is and has been‒ Louise is such good company for me {p. 282}

4 November 1899 • Saturday

Today I must complete all arrangements and give the necessary instruction to Lucile about matters in the office. I am so glad I can have one of my own girls here with my affairs, instead of one whose interests would be for herself. There is copy enough for a few days and I am not sure that I shall send much home. I scarcely know how things will be up there or whether I will want to stay very long or not. I went round to the stables and engaged the carriage for morning and when I reached home little Margaret was there to stay all night with me. We had a nice visit and got everything in readiness for morning and then little Margaret went to bed and I wrote on and on and read the daily papers & felt very weary and sad as I always do when going away. {p. 283}

5 November 1899 • Sunday

This morning was up much too early but was afraid of not being on time carriage came at last and Belle and Lucile both came over to see me off, Margaret rode with me to the depot. It was a fine morning and the ride a great pleasure. I am sorry Margaret is not going with me, all the way to Wallace & Murray [Idaho] There was no one in the car that I knew and I felt it would be a good time to rest and think. I wrote a letter in pencil to the Deseret News correcting an error in Saturday evening’s paper and also commenced one to Sister Minnie J. Snow whom I love very much and to Aunt Zina who is very dear to my heart. These I finished and gave the porter to mail, we made good time and the weather was pleasant. I enjoyed the journey. My Sister Ellen is 68 years old today I remember her as a baby when father died. {p. 284}

6 November 1899 • Monday

I have been ill all night and at Pendleton [Oregon] we changed cars previous to that we stopped at Meachum [Meacham, Oregon] for breakfast and I was in such pain I could not get out, the porter brought me a cup of tea I had plenty of things to eat but was too ill to take anything except the tea. My pain was so severe I could not keep from groaning. When we changed cars there was no Pullman and I had to be where people were coming and going getting on and getting off at all stations on the way. I had no medicine to take and there was no one on board whom I knew. Conductor told me I had better telegraph for some one to meet me but I constantly prayed & tried to exercise the utmost faith in the Lord, and He healed me. When we reached Walla Walla [Washington] I sent dispatch to Wallace, and when I reached Tekoa [Washington] I felt much better. {p. 285}

7 November 1899 • Tuesday

Had supper and room and tried to go on with some verses I had been composing on the train as I came along. Slept fairly well was up betimes <breakfast> and ready for train at half past nine A.M. Mrs. Hutton who is writing a book quite interrupted my train of thought. At the depot only Verona & Will Mr. Kearnes were with me. When Arriving at the house Mell shed tears seemed quite emotional, it surprised me greatly– her house was a veritable bower of smilax & coptis leaves, roses carnations & chrysanthemums. Decorations were profuse and presents were constantly arriving solid silver, the bay window in the library was made exquisite with a yoke hung across 1874 x 1899 in silver letters– under this Will & Mell stood to receive congratulations and more than fifty guests assembled, delicious refreshments were served, and fruit punch served in the hall. Read my poem <seven> eight {p. 286} verses of six lines, never wrote anything under more difficult circumstances, and yet I feel fairly well pleased with it. I am glad I made the attempt. I am staying at Daisie’s have a very pretty room, and waited upon hand and foot– a bathroom attached to the library where I have the privilige of having all my writing materials etc.

8 November 1899 • Wednesday

Today Mell has been busy putting up her gifts and answering letters and so on. Daisie Verona & myself have talked over the visit to London and places adjacent and the parties at great houses. We are all rather weary with the extra exertion of the party. We felt determined not to admit visitors even if the military should call Daisie is one of the School Trustees of the city and takes much time to look after the work in that line. {p. 287}

9 November 1899 • Thursday

<Today Mell bought me a handsome cloth cape & Verona fur cape> Today I had lunch with Mell and Will, Barry has been sick ever since the wedding party. Mell had an elegant white silk tulle dress made over white satin and embroidered in white silver bow-knots, with real lace trimming everything to match, slippers white spangled and lorgnette chain of pearls & diamond rings, handsome head-dress etc. Daisie wore black lace over black silk decollette– <long black kid gloves> and looked particularly brilliant, Verona wore <black> lace over black silk with bead and spankles all black and low with lining but lace neck and spangles black, Ecru lace she looked beautiful, rose velvet both of them sung, Daisie has a magnificent voice, and Daisie sung fine. This evening we went to the Theatre Gen. Rawson very disgusting except <one tenor singer who sung very remarkably well.> {p. 288}

10 November 1899 • Friday

Today I had dinner at Mell’s and we talked over many things of home affairs and of course some things were agreeable and others not so much so. I am not fond enough of eating to enjoy so many extra good dishes at one sitting. The company socially is all right. I have succeeded at last in getting the notice of the wedding ready and Mell added the list of guests and gifts and took it to Mrs. [Daisie] Warren for the weekly issue of the Wallace paper. It will make about two columns with the poem 42 lines I had a pleasant evening with the family and music etc. and enjoyed it very much indeed. Something to be remembered in the future. A pleasant picture to look back upon. Both Mell & Daisie have homes cosey cosy and comfortable to receive in and enjoy {p. 289}

11 November 1899 • Saturday

This is a bright day rain seems to have passed over tho the ground is damp. Morning spent indoors talking over matters & things. And then dressed to go to Mells to dine with Mr. Doherty from Spokane [Washington]‒ had turkey Barry & Verona were there and the children Will, Mell and myself. Informal but formal, many condiments and much style. The evening Major Smith and Lieut Raymond came and we were all going over to Daisie’s but learned she had gone to bed with a headache, so we decided to stay where we were and visit, the days are so short and nights so long one unaccustomed to the fact cannot feel that it is true. Looking over papers tonight I saw that J. Ellen Foster had reached Salt Lake and decided to send telegram but it was too late, Harry [Henry R. Allen] was not {p. 290} <going up town again tonight.>

12 November 1899 • Sunday

This morning learned the office would not be open until six for dispatches– figured on it all day at intervals, scarcely know what to say. I feel it a disappointment and almost a shirking of a duty I owe. Am reading “When Knighthood was in Flower,[”] by Caskoden– and Penelope’s Progress by Kate Douglas Wiggin both books are excellent, but very unlike. I have written to Dr. R. B. Pratt, Annie, Belle, Louise and Minnie J. Snow I must write to tomorrow. We had turkey for dinner with all appurtenances and dessert– and in the evening the Military again and Daisie sung & Lieut. Raymond played the violin Miss Evelyn Johnstone was there and finally I wrote the telegram and Harry sent it off for me to Mrs. Minnie J. Snow, and that somewhat eased my conscience {p. 291}

13 November 1899 • Monday

This morning Mrs. Snow will receive my telegram and I trust all will be smooth sailing when I return and no unpleasantness– I wrote today to Mrs. Snow a long letter explaining things and I hope she will get it in time to make some apology to the ladies for my absence. Today is my last day here we leave at mid-day all is ready for us to start, we had lunch a cup of tea and piled into the carriage– Verona Robert [C. Hillard] & myself on the back seat & Hilda[,] the driver and Mr. McDonald on the other, two fine horses, grey and brown, the mud was terrible, Monarch the Bear mine– a big mill new, Beaver station stopped and had tea the woman was picking the feathers from a pheasant she had just gone hunting and shot herself. We drove on thro’ Delta and Myrtle, we were four hours & more on the way {p. 292} sent letters to Daisie Louise & Lucile– <Nov. 13 continued> We came home found the house warm and soon had dinner. and tried to rest and get straitened out. The house is very natural and home-like, the same one Verona was in when I was here before twice– in September 1896– it seems quite the same, it is the one in which Verona was married and where Mell then lived, and where afterwards Major Hopkins lived and we were all invited to dinner on a special occasion.

14 November 1899 • Tuesday

<Nov. 14. begun> 2|Barry came home this evening and we had a sociable time. He was in excellent spirits. The children3 are sweet and gladsome. I see great change in the woods, so many more trees burned and others cut down. Yet the pines are thick on the height and the moon rises from behind them in beauty and the creek still murmurs on. {p. 293}

15 November 1899 • Wednesday

<Sent off poem to Sister Horne on her 81st birthday Mrs. Tinker came in with her new baby.> The first evening Mrs. Maylock called a friend of Verona’s who lives across the way, in the house Dr. Ingall’s lived in formerly. A ch[a]rm almost, fond of Verona, her husband a German Druggist. Next evening– this Tuesday two Jewesses Mrs. Prager and Miss Jacobs her sister who formerly lived in St. Louis and knew Mrs. Jonathan Rice whom I met last Spring, also Mrs. Samuel Samuels of Salt Lake City. Very pleasant agreeable young women. We have had a fine day recalling people & incidents of mutual interest. This is perhaps the last time I shall see Murray as Verona is determined to leave here for some more desirable locality in which her children can go to school and she can have suitable companionship herself– {p. 294}

16 November 1899 • Thursday

Last night there was no sort of manifestation in the heavens and we were watching very late for the meteoric display; rose very late, rain had been pouring all night long, had a fine bath– and Verona fixed my hair and then took my blue dress to face <anew with silk> and put a new <velvet> binding on. Barry sent home <4> pheasants for dinner, and we had a real feast– pudding with raisins, and all the dainties of the table. Afterwards Mrs. [Olive Vander Bogart] Tinker with her first baby, six months old came in, and Verona made a fuss over the baby Samuel Horace afterwards Mrs. Prager & Miss Jacobs called only stayed a few minutes. I have not been out only in the yard since I came, and yet I am scarcely rested. We waited up late, Verona wrote a letter to Mr. Revett of Colorado who had sent her a handsome gift of pure gold and substance from the mine– thanking him. {p. 295}

17 November 1899 • Friday

Barry came home awfully late we had waited up & were weary I am reading Tekla by Robert Barr, have been writing on two poems. Verona & myself went down town and called in to see Barry in his office also Mr. [Charles W.] Betts the stenographer. Barry had received telegram which was disappointing in regard to Mother Lode Mine I had a letter from Dr. Pratt. Barry came home early and we had supper cold pheasant cold chicken & jelly and all sorts of dainties and then we had champagne, Barry and myself but Verona does not take any of these stimulants, drinks very little tea or coffee and that weak. Later Barry sung and Verona played the guitar and sung for me many of the old, old songs and some new snatches she heard in New York last Spring. It was very enjoyable– shall never forget it. {p. 296}

18 November 1899 • Saturday

Had earache all night, Verona fixed me warm flannels and laudanum and oil– Barry came home to dinner, fine set out‒ enjoyed it very much indeed sent off letters to Denver C. P. Stetson Ogden C. E. Coulter & to Lucile Salt Lake– day was dark with rain, no blue was in the sky dismal outside. Verona & I have enjoyed conversing more perhaps than if the weather had been fine– as we could not go‒ and neighbors kept away. I wrote on two poems at spare moments and letters too tho’ Sunday there will be no mail to Wallace. Harry has gone to Seattle and Daisie is alone, it will give her an opportunity to get the house straight after the party, and to attend to her school trustee business. Wind whistles among the trees just a trifle pretty not enough to be weird. {p. 297}

19 November 1899 • Sunday

Still rain very dark all day, reading, talking etc. going on with list of names for Mrs. Stetson’s circulars. The papers at San Francisco and Spokane are full of the Roberts affair, Is It has all been a fearful mistake, calling attention to matters that might have been quiet and making public, things that seem quite unnecessary– bringing on the old persecution, stirring up strife. Verona cooked the dinner and it was a success in every particular, mince pie and all. I have been going over Dickens, “Our Mutual Friend” read in the Harper’s so many years ago. The characters and places all seem so real to me now after having been in London where his stories were drawn from actual people and incidents‒ Evening rather dull alone with the children for the greater part. {p. 298}

20 November 1899 • Monday

Raining again tho’ we had hoped to be able to go to a cottage in the mountains. Stedman’s very unique. Verona is going to pack and go to Wallace with me to stay and take a house at Spokane‒ Today is Sister Horne birthday 81. years old and I have sent the poem I wrote her she will have a party given her I am quite sure and some one will read the poem. We have had a fine day and nice visit together and we went down together, and called at several places, Barry’s office and the Post Office and some of the stores, and we had a nice dinner and evening together and I had a long reading of “Our Mutual Friend” and kept up late in the morning. No letters came and I was disappointed because I was worried of things at home– {p. 299}

21 November 1899 • Tuesday

Tuesday morning sent off telegram to John Q. Barry paid for it. We could not get to the cottage on account of the storm, mist lay on the hills and woods dark at mid-day and afterwards rain and some sleet, but Verona went and made some calls on people she wanted to remember before going away for the winter. I did some writing on the poem for Helen [Hillard] and much reading & amused the boys telling them stories and verses. Barry & Verona and myself spent a fine evening together I feel sure I shall never come to Murray again & so wish to go on the mountain & into the pines. {p. 300}

22 November 1899 • Wednesday

Today is brighter Verona is packing away and like one in a dream trying to think clearly and do all needful things before leaving. I read as usual, wrote a little on my poem and then went for a walk on the mountain, climbed a tremendous height, among pines, that I might hear the pines singing, but the day was very quiet, there was a bird singing so sweetly it seemed a harbinger of good to me who have all my lifetime been so oppressed and forlorn until late years. I went to the graves who had died there & home again. {p. 301}<22nd continued> Yesterday while out I saw Mrs. Nason. whom Barry considers an evil a Hoodoo‒ he also saw the evil eyed boy– and had bad news in telegram. We were called upon by Mrs. Prager and Miss Jacobs Jewesses.

23 November 1899 • Thursday

4|This morning we left Murray forever in a surrey with a fine span of horses and good driver. Barry gave me 25 dollars when parting from me. We had mud and a slow time but at last reached Wallace. I was very muddy and tired lunch was ready and Mrs. Bunch of Wardner was at Mell’s. Verona went on to Spokane with Barry [Jr.] and Robert stayed here. Will came home to dinner and we had a fine evening tho Will had to go to the office and we talked of Utah and friends and relatives there– {p. 302}

24 November 1899 • Friday

I would give much to hear from home no letters come Major Smith called on me but I was too weary to see any one, Mrs. Albert Johnson had also called in the afternoon Robert ran away and we were very much alarmed– Mell was telling me things in a tea-cup,5 she saw a ship with 2 maists, a letter with ducal seal an animal and cross bar and some other imagery. (coat of arms.) I was at the top of an observatory, cupola, or high tower in <a> city full of steeples & minarets‒ also a long journey unexpected & <by which I obtained> some knowledge of wonders. money and some present in letter coming a great gathering of people from all quarters in a large city‒ An owl meaning wisdom a peacock honor, a goose gossip an old woman with staff and bent figure going away in whom I was interested a queen with crown & veil on her head. {p. 303}

25 November 1899 • Saturday

This morning turned my cup again Mell saw my wish clear, a horse’s head, <honor> a goat, <obstinacy> an eagle again which Hilda had seen in the other cup signifying courage, daring, my wish clear to both Hilda & Mell; several other things. Went up town with Mell & Daisie saw Will’s office and the new one over the bank to which he is to move very soon December 1st. anyway. Had a letter from Mrs. Coulter in Ogden Later in the day a letter from Louise, giving some news from home and the health of Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon. Also sickness of Preston [J. Cannon] & the condition of his mother.6 The evening with Mell & Will, and talking over old times and hearing their versions of conditions here in Wallace and Idaho generally. Will’s unqualified admiration of Rule, his love for Annie & Kate– {p. 304}

26 November 1899 • Sunday

No real Sabbath here, only signs of it by bells ringing. still rain & Mud & turkey for dinner; telegram of a death of one of the Wallace ladies in Spokane a young woman (Roman Catholic) recently married. I am still reading and ransacking my brain for ideas to finish my two poems. Bob & the day Dick seem to have upset everybody together with the plumbing left in an unfinished state over Sunday. Eugene Klein is dining at Daisie’s and we are as usual only the family. Turkey and all the other delicacies for dinner. I spend my entire time in conversation with the family. Bob. turned up the coal oil stove and upset us all with smoke & soot. {p. 305}

27 November 1899 • Monday

<Something to come fame, honor or money before or about the next new moon.> Mell has decided to have her company for me on Saturday next and Daisie on Wednesday– D. D. [Daisie] will have 18 and Mell only 7. in all Mell’s is to be a luncheon, she sent to Spokane for flowers chrysanthemums and D. D. is to be a tea I am to write a verse on each card for D. D.’s of my own composition. I wrote a letter to Clarissa S. Williams about a meeting on the 16th. of December Boston Tea Party day, at my house in Waterloo. I was not so very well. Mell told me some things I wish to put down here that some one wanted me at home so much that it was thought best to send a telegram, also honors & money and letters. Letter from Lucile came today, all well at home. {p. 306}

28 November 1899 • Tuesday

Not well this morning, wind sig[h]ing thro the pines all night. Hildah & Mell looked in my cup, both said I would surely get my wish, new moon & Lion with winged person on the back of the same. Comet– and cross– which pertains to a monument– presents from people of statuary. No letters yet from home. In the afternoon Mrs. France of Wardner Mrs. Walter Jones and Mrs. Neill of Wallace called & Mrs. France and her husband Dr. France dined and spent the evening at Daisie’s, Mell and myself were alone Will went to the Masonic Lodge. I was not very well and was very low-spirited– Mell seems to long for society and possibly for admiration. and for a larger sphere of action and more literary friends & theatres and places of public entertainment– {p. 307}

29 November 1899 • Wednesday

<Mell had a letter from Mrs. Stetson. from the Kenyon in Salt Lake> This morning wrote a long letter to Annie and talked to Mell and took a bath and then we had lunch and I dressed for the company at Daisie’s in my striped silk and black lace trimming. I had previously written cards for each lady’s place at the table, with a quotation from my own poems There were eighteen <invited> and only fourteen came. We were a pleasant party, tho’ it rained very hard. Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mrs. [Harriett] Finch Mrs. [Harriet Hubbell] Beale, Mrs. Moffitt [E. Jane Colburn Moffatt], Mrs. Neill, Mrs. Burke Mrs. [Margaret Middlemiss] Genoway Mrs. [Estelle Thibadeau] Trask, Mrs. Brockensting Mrs. [K. L.] Carlson– with Mrs. [Melvina] Woods Mrs. [Daisie] Allen and myself making fourteen. the other ladies all sent excuses. I read the poem of the silver wedding and talked to the ladies about Windsor Castle & the Queen’s reception to the Council. {p. 308}

30 November 1899 • Thursday

<carnations & chrysanthemums from Spokane> This is the first Thanksgiving from Salt Lake for years if ever since I came there. Everything was pleasant and agreeable only Will Mell Robert & myself to partake an immense turkey & all the trimmings. Daisie had Judge Mayhew & Mr. McCullough– two others invited also Mr. Klein who always comes on Sundays and holidays. Harry’s brother in law. It rains again tho’ it is trying to snow almost sleet. In the evening we went over to Daisies & she sung my old songs Old Madrid, Danube River, The Bridge, Love’s Bower Josephine and we talked of friends in Salt Lake‒ Mell went home when Will came back from Masonic Lodge & we {p. 309} <talked on and on. late in the evening we had champagne>

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November 1899, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Septimus Wagstaff Sears.

  2. [2]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was likely intended to indicate the start of a new entry.

  3. [3]Barrymore C. Hillard and Robert C. Hillard.

  4. [4]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was likely intended to indicate the start of a new entry.

  5. [5]For more information on tasseomancy (reading tea leaves) and other similar practices in EBW’s time, see Historical Context.

  6. [6]Sarah Jenne Cannon.