March 1909

1 March 1909 • Monday

First news this morning was Mamie Cannon’s death at 20 minutes past ten A.M. sad so very sad. I loved her very much she was a sweet gentle woman. She leaves six children Elizabeth [H. Cannon], Douglas [Q. Cannon] Allen [Alan M. Cannon] Robert [M. Cannon] Marjorie [Cannon] & Josephine [Cannon] Reaper’s Club met today subject Longfellow– very excellent paper and a good attendance, then Relief Society members seven besides Sister Smith and myself they were Bathsheba W. Smith, Carrie S. Thomas, Emily S. Richards Clarissa S. Williams Phebe Y. Beattie Harrie [Harriet] B. Harker Susan [Noble] Grant and myself. they brought flowers ginger ale crackers cakes, had stories speeches poems & Sister B. W. Smith and myself went to dine at W. S. [Walter J.] Beatie’s and had a fine dinner, he walked home with me, I worked a little and then came home telephoned to Ida had letter from Mell 10 dollars book from Daisie [Dunford Allen] letter from Adaline [Adeline Woodward Earl] [p. 60] {p. 111}

2 March 1909 • Tuesday

Today is Lucile’s birthday and also Elizabeth Cannon’s and Allen Cannon’s it seems very sad with the beautiful young mother lying dead. and baby Josephine so near a year old. There are so many sad things in life, painful and not understood by us poor short-sighted mortals, hereafter we shall know perhaps better than now at all events I feel this death is a great loss to Annie & John Q. and sad for Sylvester [Q. Cannon] in a foreign land. Funeral will be1 [p. 61] {p. 112}

5 March 1909 • Friday

Regular meeting of the Board had a troublesome meeting Alice demanded the letter that I had kept put away and it was very much out of order as there are no such places to be filled as Representative to the International Council and for these delegates or Alternates no such thing possible but2 [p. 64] {p. 113}

6 March 1909 • Saturday

Meeting of the Board that had been changed from Friday because of funeral of Mary Alice Cannon [p. 65] {p. 114}

7 March 1909 • Sunday

Went to the fast meeting in the Temple and as usual sat by Sister Smith who spoke a few words at the close of the meeting and then to Hannah [Free] Wells had dinner there and spent the afternoon came home and was very sick with pain in my side This would be Sister Rachel Grant’s birthday she would be 88 if living [p. 66] {p. 115}

8 March 1909 • Monday

Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears birthday anniversary six five today if living cold very bad indeed [p. 67] {p. 116}

10 March 1909 • Wednesday

Daniel [H. Cannon]’s 20th birthday I sent him a valentine containing a dollar paper money [p. 69] {p. 117}

11 March 1909 • Thursday

Today Annie & Minnie [Permelia Horne] James went to Ogden to attend the Conference of Weber Stake Emily [Wainwright] Shurtliff President– [p. 70] {p. 118}

12 March 1909 • Friday

Abraham H. Cannon’s birthday anniversary Party made for me by the Press & Reaper’s Clubs at the Critchlow flats Mrs. Florence Snow Critchlow is the President of the Press Club. On that afternoon while we were assembled Sister Annie Taylor Hyde passed away behind the vail [p. 71] {p. 119}

13 March 1909 • Saturday

Frank [Frances L.] Wells birthday 57 years old today telephoned Emeline [Wells] to congratulate her on her birthday [p. 72] {p. 120}

14 March 1909 • Sunday

Stayed at home all day [p. 73] {p. 121}

23 March 1909 • Tuesday

Sister Nuttall’s funeral [p. 82] {p. 122}

24 March 1909 • Wednesday

Was this Sister [Emma Smith] Woodruff’s party at Br. [Ovando C.] Beebe’s it was a very fine affair Sister Emma S. Woodruff was 71 on March 1, 1909 and the party was given for her and Sister McDonald Sisters Woodruff McDonald Wells [Katherine Howard] Brockbank, Young, Snow, [Vilate Douglas] Romney [Margaret Thomas] Romney, [Margaret Hunter] Salmon, [Roxeylena Snow] Savage, Card Taylor [Mary Alice Woodruff] McEwan, [Naomi Butterworth] Woodruff [Sarah Smith] Turnbow [Agnes Hogg] McEwan, Cannon Margetts3 McDonald4 [p. 83] {p. 123}

27 March 1909 • Saturday

The birthday of Sister [Priscilla Paul] Jennings and of Martha [Harris] Wells now deceased it is also the5 [p. 86] {p. 124}

28 March 1909 • Sunday

Kate Wells birthday anniversary born in 1853. [p. 87] {p. 125}6

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March 1909, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]text: Although her handwriting looks strong in this passage, EBW stopped in the middle of a sentence. It may be that she went to get a bit of information and never returned to finish the day’s entry.

  2. [2]text: As in the prior entry, EBW stopped writing in the middle of a sentence for no clear reason.

  3. [3]Daughters of the honoree married to a Margetts who might have attended this social were Frances McDonald Margetts and Rachel McDonald Margetts.

  4. [4]Daughters-in-law of the honoree who might have attended this social were Laura Miner McDonald, Lillie Neal McDonald, Kathryn South McDonald, Alice Bytheway McDonald, and Anna Stromberg McDonald.

  5. [5]text: EBW stopped in the middle of a sentence. The rest of the page is blank. It may be that she was interrupted before completing her thought.

  6. [6]EBW inserted a newspaper clipping between the diary pages for 9 and 10 April regarding the death and funeral of Rebecca Beesley Doolan. Rebecca Doolan died on 28 March 1909; the article was published the following day.