August 1894

1 August 1894 • Wednesday

I did not wish to go to Saltair but intended staying at home however I had lots of callers in the morning and in the afternoon went to South Bountiful in response to a letter from Zina Crocheron Walker telling me how very despondent her mother1 had become and urging me to come and comfort her if possible– Dr. Shipp went with me and we did do our very best, the place is very bare inside, she is sick in bed– we tried our best to make them all feel cheerful I came home late not knowing how things were at the Lake– the wind blew furiously and I became quite nervous finally I made the signal for Belle and Mr. Sears came over and went back & brought Dot. We had very little sleep [p. 213] {p. 93}

2 August 1894 • Thursday

Today I heard that M. [Marquis] F. Dickinson Jr. from Boston had called to see me while I was out of town. I felt very sorry indeed– I remember his being here in 1881 or 1882 and coming to my office in the Council House– Louie and Belle were at the Dickinson Reunion in 1883– I have been very busy today unusually so– I have the papers out now and Sister Horne came about the Excursion to the Lake and a big rain storm came on– yet it did not seem to cool the air at all. It is very hot and the afternoons in this office are very disagreeable and trying. No news from the North and none from the East I had a letter from Mrs. Ninette Eames and she sent me a poem to use if I liked.2 [p. 214] {p. 94}

3 August 1894 • Friday

This is a hard day for me so much to do and so hot Amelia was in this morning and also Mrs. Anderson later in the day, she has a great deal to say about herself and also about her plans for the future, has asked me to give her letters of introduction to ladies in England– She does seem to think I have wonderful power and capability– She seems to take to me to in a very friendly way. Sister Amelia Young Mrs. Benneett and myself were to go to Delegate Rawlins in reference to our memorial about an experiment station He was very gracious and then Mrs. Bennett took me to call on Mrs. [Maude Bennett] Davis her daughter and then home– [p. 215] {p. 95}

4 August 1894 • Saturday

This morning I hurried all I possibly could and worked very steadily Louise came up to say she was going to Ogden next day and then Margaret and afterwards Elise and Eugene & Brent– a terrific storm came on I had a visit from Tom the Japanese and he told me he had decided to go to Logan to school– because of so much opposition here in so many kinds of religion. I worked very diligently today and at evening was very weary Came home and went to Belle’s found Rob Sloan was there– Belle told me that Allie [Margaret Alley Davis] had broken off with Sep. It worries me very much indeed he had so set his heart upon it but it is unavoidable [p. 216] {p. 96}

5 August 1894 • Sunday

I rose late and lingered over my papers looking for this and that. I finally dressed and went up to Annie’s had dinner there and spent the afternoon. Saw all the children who were at home Louise & Margaret had gone to Ogden– their papa took them. Emmeline did look uncommonly sweet and attractive. About six I left and came up town to the evening meeting– David McKenzie preached and young [Charles B.] Stewart who has returned from Ann Arbor– there I heard of Ella Whitney Decker’s death. I turned cold as ice and could scarcely sit meeting out then went over to Ort [Orson F. Whitney]’s and to her own home– baby3 was born at 9 o’clock and at 12 m. she was dead. [p. 217] {p. 97}

6 August 1894 • Monday

This morning expected some work done at the office but the men did not come Miss [Ada] Patterson came in and a Phrenologist– who examined her head– had a call from Dr. [Martha Hughes] Cannon, Annie came too and we talked of Ella Whitney’s sudden death. She told me of one or two rather remakable occurrences. The day was fine but a storm came up suddenly and rain poured down in torrents. However I came home and dressed and went back to the funeral Annie with me Mr. Sears Belle & Dot had gone already. Ella looked very beautiful in death very peaceful– the speakers were Br. [Robert] Patrick Br [John] Nicholson and Ort– the singing was excellent– went to the graveyard– theere is a storm tonight. [p. 218] {p. 98}

7 August 1894 • Tuesday

This morning I went up and called at the Woman’s Store with some shares left with me,4 called on Dr. Shipp and asked her to join with me in celebrating Dr. Pratt’s birthday We selected a present for her Jean Ingelow’s Poems a handsome cover– I went to the President’s Office but did not find the Presidency in– I bought some cards and Dr. Pratt <Shipp> and myself sent out invitations to fourteen ladies– The paper hangers came and began to paper the Office, Ella [Ellen Wilcox] Hyde & Joan [Millar] Campbell came to report about the meeting in the interest of the R.S. excursion to Saltair I came home rather early and wrote a long letter to Susan B. Anthony five pages Lucile came over to sleep here as I was lonely [p. 219] {p. 99}

8 August 1894 • Wednesday

I had a very poor night no sleep scarcely at all and such dreadful feelings but gathered courage to dreess and go away in good time– the office had to be cleared up Amelia came early also Dr. Cannon, Belle & Dot came up. I went twice to the Presidents office without effect. [Isaac] Trumbo was there and the Presidency were engaged with him– Sister [Elizabeth Peak] Kendall from Nephi was in and spoke of Sister [Mary Mitchell] Pitchforth’s health. Ten of us went up to Dr. Pratts tonight and had a very nice pleasant time We took pic nic and Sister Dye took flowers, We presented the book I made the presentation speech– [Charles W.] Penrose was there and Mrs. P. P. Pratt Junior gave us some music– Lizzie [Elizabeth Hillstead] Shipp sang5 [p. 220] {p. 100}

9 August 1894 • Thursday

Hurried up to the office this morning and to the President’s office, but failed to see George Q. Cannon whom I wished particularly to talk to– saw Joseph F. Smith and got an appointment for one p.m. Meeting of the Program Com. for Saltair at 11 A.M.– we talked over matters and decided on some things, Annie came up and made some calls. Had Awnings put up to the West windows today. 2 letters from Sep to Belle I took them down and had lunch there. Mrs. Caine returned last night from San Francisco– came to see me today & told me of the success of the Exhibit Maggie Shipp M.D. Mattie Cannon M.D. Mrs. Julia A. Anderson & others have called today. [p. 221] {p. 101}

10 August 1894 • Friday

This is a very hot day, and one cannot get on very much with work– I have been busy with finishing up mailing and seeing to this and that. Aunt Zina has returned from Canada and W. [William] B. Dougall wife son, and daughter,6 John Morgan is dangerously ill in Preston Idaho. Belle had a letter from Sep today and feels better satisfied. Many events seem to be hastening on the wars in foreign countries and strife and divisions on all sorts of questions in our own land; predictions in regard to the earthquaekes in New York and tidal waves– seem to be stirred up again and all sorts of rumors– [p. 222] {p. 102}

11 August 1894 • Saturday

This morning Mrs. Salisbury and Mrs. Caine and Mr. Lambourne were here talking of the new and artistic book Mr. Lambourne was about to issue called A Story of The Wasatch & The Inland Sea7 Mrs. Salisbury paid down for three copies and I put my name down for one. This is Charlie [Justus Charles] Earl’s birth, day forty years old today how strange he has never married– this afternoon a Committee from the Saltair Relief Society Excursion have been in to talk that over with me I cannot urge on my work do what I will. it does seem utterly impossible– I am very weary and not very well, my letters do not come. in as I had expected.

Aunt Zina spoke at the meeting in the 14th. Ward [p. 223] {p. 103}

12 August 1894 • Sunday

This morning wrote a long letter to Mrs. C. C. Catt about coming to Utah, etc. gave her many parti[c]ulars of our conditions and what seemed to be the outlook for future suffrage work. Went to meeting O. F. Whitney preached a sort of miscellaneous sermon– Afterwards went to the 22nd Ward to see Mrs. Pugsley about singing at Saltaire– she was not at home had a long walk and was much wearied Wrote postals to Program Com. on Reaper’s Club and notes to Mrs. Talmage extending congratulations on her recent confinement and the birth of another son–8 and to N. W. Clayton asking for a pass to Saltair– Annie went to Ogden to bring home Louise & Margaret who have been away a <week> [p. 224] {p. 104}

13 August 1894 • Monday

This morning came up early and stayed in all day attending to this and that and finishing up odds and ends of work. Finally Aunt Zina came and we had a long talk I wrote a letter to Mrs. Webb at Mountain View Canada, and came home to do more work still. Lucile came and slept here– I sat up writing until very late, the night was magnificent and yet I could not rest. I have been trying to write of late something more creditable than common but so far I have not succeeded. I wish for more calm, so much transpires that is disquieting to my nerves. I feel very anxious about Sep– we cannot help it. [p. 225] {p. 105}

14 August 1894 • Tuesday

This morning was the silk meeting Mrs. Lapish came from American Fork and Aunt Zina came over early and also Mrs. Caine and there was such a confusion and disturbing element– Amelia came too and of course I told her about what Miss House had written and she was very much upset– Mrs. Bennett Mrs. Allen came and although Mrs. Salisbury was not here we had the meeting and transacted the business all the same– then I went to the Presidents Office and saw all three of them and read the letters from the Armenian gentleman9 and Mrs. Catt & Miss Anthony and Mr. [Henry B.] Blackwell– [p. 226] {p. 106}

15 August 1894 • Wednesday

<John Morgan died at Preston> I got the advice I had been waiting so long for & went off to Mrs. Pugsley and then Aunt Zina came and I went over it all again. This morning had meeting of program Com. and did all the preparatory work– wrote to Mrs. [Lucinda Morgan] Howd at Beaver and sent Mell a birthday present– had a letter from Rachel Foster Avery in answer to some questions I had asked her. Aunt Zina came in and we went over all that had been said and considered about Woman Suffrage I read her all my letters and gave her my opinion freely, she promised me to pray about the matter and to let me know the result I know she is very much afraid of any Gentile element [p. 227] {p. 107}

16 August 1894 • Thursday

This has been a busy day program Committee met this morning and fixed up the affair– Sister [Julia] Druce came in to see me and Luella Miles A newly pledged physician whom I had always known came and brought her cousin Miss Prescott from Brooklyn– I had a very queer sensation & Dr. Shipp gave me a prescription– Went to Abbie’s to dinner, Hannah was there we talked a great deal– John Morgan’s funeral was to have been today but is postponed until Saturday at 12. M. It was currently reported that Olsen grocery clerk at the Co-op had died but it was not true– [p. 228] {p. 108}

17 August 1894 • Friday

This morning I felt quite unequal to any exertion but went up and looked over my regular work, Pearl had not come and I could not get Maude; the weather is dull and signs of a storm– I had no letters worth any thing and only a few papers, Caroline C. R. [Raleigh] Aunt Zina, Sister Stevenson, Dr. Shipp two Misses Pratts10 and other callers, Zina C. Walker and baby and Sister Hurst [Alvira Spencer Hirst] & several gentlemen came and I did not accomplish much– went to Dinwoodeey’s and selected curtain poles and fixtures and secured a man to put them up– sent off some letters and went to Annie’s to supper, saw all the children baby is not very well. [p. 229] {p. 109}

18 August 1894 • Saturday

This morning was very late because of waiting for workman to measure for rods and cornice etc. found Mrs. Caine at the office Mrs. Salisbury came in soon after She was so kind and urged me to go away for a week, just as my own girls do– went to Sister Stevenson’s to a Committee meeting in the Afternoon– John Morgan’s funeral at 12.M. in the Assembly Hall, a very numerous attendance, and a remarkable life– he leaves a large family three wives & many children– I sent a telegram to Mell and gave a little present to Stella Salisbury “Thistle Drift”– I went up there and took it myself, I have such a severe headache and such queer sensations– the night is beautiful– the poem I have been writing is always [p. 230] {p. 110} singing in my ears.11

19 August 1894 • Sunday

Inez Earl [Godbe] was born 42 years ago today– how well I remember it and all the circumstances. I made up my mind to rest today and stayed in bed all the morning. I have been reading a very touching story of “A Stranger Artist” by Edith C. Kenyon, it has many artistic touches in it and is a good book for young women. I have been saying to myself today Those who have borne heaviest burdens are better prepared to help carry the load of others. E. B. W.– I wrote Mell a very long letter telling her of Ella’s death, John Q’s party and of Mamie’s wedding– Toward evening I went up to see Annie and the children found all well– a lovely evening, tomorrow is to be a wonderful day at Saltair I am not well satisfied with myself today– [p. 231] {p. 111}

20 August 1894 • Monday

<John Q. and other officers conducted the Court Martial–> This morning I was at the office early and working away, people coming in from the country and I was very light-headed– Mrs. Boyer from Springville and Mrs. Bullock from Provo both anxious to know all about suffrage in the Constitution of the new State, and I read them my letters– Sarah M. Kimball called too and we had quite a caucus over the affair– At 2.15 we all went to the Lake started I mean on that train. <Annie & I were together–> Such a long train of cars, the Presidency were aboard that train. When we arrived we found the seats near the stand all taken– Br. Lorenzo D. Young was on the platform and quite a number of pioneers– speeches and songs and dances and there were many relics of early days– the day was quite a joyful one and we came home on the 6.20 train [p. 232] {p. 112}

21 August 1894 • Tuesday

The Tabernacle choir went out to Saltair today– I had a letter from Mrs. C. C. Catt– and answered it also one from Boston quite important, one from Mrs. Talmage– and one from Mrs. [Wilmirth Greer] East– Arizona– I have been very busy Br. Nuttall came and advised with me concerning blanks for reports. I wrote to Mrs. Lunt and to Mrs. Shelby Lake Town President W.S.A. Rich Co. This evening saw Asenath Adams who used to be an especial friend of Belle’s. Her daughter Maude is here on the stage with the Drew company– she seemed very natural and delighted to see me again. Ella Hyde has been in and seems to be disappointed in the sale of tickets for the Excursion. The wind is very high tonight. [p. 233] {p. 113}

22 August 1894 • Wednesday

This is another hot tedious day and brings no change that is helpful to me– most of my friends are gone into the country for rest and to recuperate but I cannot afford the time, and must continue to work on– I have a letter from Miss Anthony in reference to Mrs. Catt’s coming to Utah– the meeting in reference to the Excursion was held today, and final arrangements were made Mrs. Caine is added to the Committee and badges decided upon these pleasure excursions are laborious for those who do the serving. [p. 234] {p. 114}

23 August 1894 • Thursday

The same round of work each day, no cessation I am trying very hard to do all I can to get off some mailing, many calls and hindrances and the copy to prepare for next issue– there has been some work to get sufficient of the exercises to make the program interesting for tomorrow. We have been disappointed in the Harmony Glee Club– and the scarf dance two good numbers. I am reading “Katharine Lauderdale” by F. Marion Crawford– a very queer book I think it not very good to put into the hands of young people, not so good a book as Marcella by Mrs. Humphrey Ward– that is the best book of the season undoubtedly– [p. 235] {p. 115}

24 August 1894 • Friday

An immense crowd President Geo. Q. and Angus M. [Cannon] both came also Joseph E. [Taylor] and Bishop George H. Taylor and others We had prayer by Angus M. then a speech by Geo. Q. and lots of dancing Eli H. Peirce sang a comic song– We had the Relief Society banner and the silk streamer with Brigham Young’s name and so on. our exercises were fine and our lunch was superb– I hope the financial success was as great as the other– we came home early at least I did and almost worn out I could scarcely crawl into bed, and too weary even to read– [p. 236] {p. 116}

25 August 1894 • Saturday

[Hiram B.] Clawson came in & announced Mrs. J. Ellen Foster– she will speak at Provo tonight Mrs. Bennett and some other ladies were in– he is on hand when anything is wanted– it is the Saturday meeting but I am not able to go– I have too much to attend to– Wrote a note to the meeting asking some of the sisters to sit on the stand with me tomorrow in the Tabernacle, Mrs. J. Ellen Foster will speak on the subject “The Christian Citizen”– it will be the first time a woman has spoken in the Tabernacle on the Sabbath at the regular service. A new departure altogether. I am so weary tonight I must rest tomorrow morning. [p. 237] {p. 117}

26 August 1894 • Sunday

A very singular circumstance Mrs. J. Ellen Foster occupied the stand in the Tabernacle– the people do not know what to make of it– it must bode good for women, some good must surely come of it. Br. [David] McKenzie and John Henry Smith one of the Apostles followed her– she repeated two verses of the hymn “Zion stands with hills surrounded,” and when she finished the choir sang it. It was a compliment. Mrs. [Helen Smith] Warren wife of the Senator [Francis E. Warren] from Wyoming was with her she is a very sweet woman– In the evening Aunt Zina Mrs. Dougall and myself went to the M. E. [Methodist Episcopal] Church to hear Mrs. Foster speak there, she did very well– I was so tired I could scarcely stand it to sit the service through [p. 238] {p. 118}

27 August 1894 • Monday

<My darling Louie’s birthday– so many memories come up–> Today I have been busy being up very early and going the rounds inviting the ladies to go with me to the Lake. Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Tisdell and Mrs. Bennett were all the outside ladies– then we had Aunt Zina and Aunt Bathsheba Sisters Horne, Little[,] M. G. & E. Y Clawson, C. Y. Cannon I. M. Sears, A. W. Cannon, C. E. Dye, Dr. Pratt, her sister Mrs. Hardy–12 and some others– John Henry Smith and wife and so on, Mrs. Dye took a large and elegant bouquet of flowers. I went in the Lake and had a bath and felt quite refreshed. Came home six-twenty train and went to the lecture at the Federal Court Room. Mrs. Foster spoke on Republicans for the party– I was very much disgusted and annoyed– she is too much of an extremist– [p. 239] {p. 119}

28 August 1894 • Tuesday

The ladies did not come to the Silk Meeting except Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Allen– not even Mrs. Caine, so we did not have a quorum, I mailed papers all day except correcting copy– had several callers. Letters too but no money– I have talked to a great many about the lecture last night– there are many different opinions concerning it– some think it was quite moderate enough, I do not think it was even dignified. I don’t believe in berating other people– let every one think as they please. I feel so disappointed that I have not been able to get to the cemetery with some flowers– it really is too bad. My sisters three of them are visiting old places together in Mass. and also calling upon old friends and schoolmates–13 [p. 240] {p. 120}

29 August 1894 • Wednesday

This morning I wrote to Mell first thing before going to the Office and then when I arrived I wrote out so many Postal cards and Receipts and sent off– letters to Sister East and one or two more– Received letters from several Mrs. Ninette Eames with her manuscript for the Contributor and one from Sister Lunt14 Cedar City about our approaching visit. Caroline Raleigh reported her visit to Payson and Spanish Fork– Sister Carrie S. Thomas was in and we had some conversation about wit & humor. I gave her one of my copies of the song of the N.W.P.A.15 Belle Eugene Brent & Em. & <Lucile> went out to Garfield today the first visit for the boys this summer– Fayette Granger16 died yesterday will be buried tomorrow– [p. 241] {p. 121}

30 August 1894 • Thursday

Wrote to Pallas [Woodward Clark] before going to bed last night– It must be exceedingly interesting to be visiting the scenes of their childhood together after the lapse of so many years. Families separated so long and such distances away from each other– coming together in an advanced age are exceptional I really think. It seems very like a fairy story– if one could get a view of those three sisters straying over hill and dale wha[t] a wonderful picture it would be.

This has been a busy day but withal not disagreeable– The storm which came on in the afternoon was all wind just about and a little thunder and lightning. Annie was up today and Sweetie–17 She went to the Cemetery on the anniversary of Eleanor [Addy Cannon]’s death– [p. 242] {p. 122}

31 August 1894 • Friday

This is the last day of a very pleasant summer it has been only moderately hot here in the valley, tho’ many people have been in the mountains and cañons to rest and escape the heat and consequent depression– And so the City has not been so full of style and fashion and society parties etc. as before. A heavy storm came up this afternoon and deluged the City, and the cañons are simply flooded. The Press Club tonight and I am to give Pen Women18 which has been on the tapis for such a time. Mrs. [Ellis Reynolds] Shipps girls19 have come home– from Sanpete– Nellie is better– Drs. Shipp & Ferguson have papers on Heredity. We had an interesting meeting I had a letter from Miss [Nevada V.] Davis & read it to the Club [p. 243] {p. 123}

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August 1894, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Augusta Joyce Crocheron.

  2. [2]Ninetta Eames, “Life’s Moment,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Aug. 1894, 23:169.

  3. [3]Ella Florence Decker.

  4. [4]The Woman’s Cooperative Mercantile & Manufacturing Institution was organized in Salt Lake City in December 1890. For a summary of its history, see EBW, Diary, 19 December 1890.

  5. [5]The party was reported in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Aug. 1894, 23:173.

  6. [6]William Dougall’s wife was Maria Young Dougall; their children were William B. and Catherine. Zina D. H. Young’s return from Canada, along with that of the Dougall family, was reported in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Aug. 1894, 23:173.

  7. [7]“Mr. Lambourne’s New Book,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Dec. 1894, 23:220.

  8. [8]Mrs. Talmage actually gave birth to a daughter, Zella Talmage.

  9. [9]Ohannes Chatschumgan is listed under “Addresses” at the end of this volume as “Armenian Delegate to the Parliament of Religions,” which was held in Chicago in 1893. (EBW, Diary, 1894, “Addresses.”)

  10. [10]Probably Hermie Estelle Pratt and Maude Eudora Pratt, daughters of Laron Pratt and Ethelwynne Brown Pratt.

  11. [11]This summer EBW published two poems: “Meditation” (which begins, “My soul hath gone forth in its wandering / To the hills that are purple with light”) and “Eventide.” (EBW, “Meditation,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Aug. 1894, 23:169; EBW, “Eventide,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Sept. and 1 Oct. 1894, 23:187.)

  12. [12]Those who went with EBW to the lake included Zina D. H. Young, Bathsheba W. Smith, Mary Isabella Hales Horne, Rebecca Mantle Little, Margaret Judd Clawson, Emily Young Clawson, Caroline Young Cannon, Isabel Whitney Sears, Annie Wells Cannon, Caroline E. Woods Dye, Romania Bunnell Pratt (Penrose), and Josephine Bunnell Hardie.

  13. [13]EBW’s sisters living in New England were Pallas Woodward Clark and Cordelia Woodward Holden. Prompted by this occasion, EBW wrote to Pallas on 30 August 1894. The third sister could be Lucy Woodward Hewlings, who had been in New Jersey in January (EBW, Diary, 5 Jan. 1894) and may have remained in the area, or Adeline Woodward Earl, who lived in Salt Lake City and who reported news about their “Eastern relatives” to EBW. (EBW, Diary, 13 Dec. 1894.) The other living sister was Ellen Woodward Fuller, who lived in Arizona Territory.

  14. [14]Probably Mary Ann Wilson Lunt, to whom EBW wrote letters in 1896, 1899, and 1900.

  15. [15]National Woman’s Press Association.

  16. [16]Lafayette Granger was a brother to Sarah Melissa Granger Kimball.

  17. [17]Louise B. Cannon.

  18. [18]EBW earlier mentioned preparing a report for the Press Club on “Pen Names.” (EBW, Diary, 30 June 1894.)

  19. [19]Ellis Reynolds Shipp and Milford B. Shipp had three daughters living at this time, all unmarried: Olea Shipp, Ellis Shipp, and Nellie Shipp.