February 1890

1 February 1890 • Saturday

This morning Mr. and Mrs. [James T. and Ellen Lee] Jakeman and Susa [Young] Gates were here and we had a sort of rattling conversation.

I rushed with my work reading proofs answering letters and so on wanting to go to Ogden, Daisie went out and so did Ellen & I was left alone and one after another came to call and hinder my getting ready. At last however I had my bath and dressed for the visit and rushed away as if for dear life. streets almost impassable. Denver train pleasant enough– and arriving in Ogden found all well except Margaret who had been ill with croup but was better. [p. 56] {p. 58}

2 February 1890 • Sunday

Did not get up until very late but spent a pleasant day with Annie & the children. In the evening we had John Q’s society and the little ones entertained us with songs and recitations– we had popcorn candy and refreshments, talked over all the questions of the times in Utah– and had a most enjoyable evening– Baby Daniel sat up and did his part well– he grows more and more interesting and is a very bright and pleasing boy. Altogether the family is an exceptionally good one in all respects and devoted to home and its enjoyments– shut out in one sense from the world outside & depending upon each other– [p. 57] {p. 59}

3 February 1890 • Monday

This morning came down on the early train from Ogden, Mr. F. [Franklin] J. Cannon & wife,1 Mr. C. [Charles] C. Richards, Mr. [George E.] Browning Pres. [Lewis W.] Shirtliff Supt. E. [Edward] H. Anderson and myself were all in a group– Morning mail waiting letter from Manti from my husband about noon [Hiram B.] Clawson came and told me the Supreme Court of the United States had decided the Idaho Test Oath case against us.2 It will give much strength to the opposition and weaken the faith of our party as a natural consequence Penrose came in and talked with me about John. W. [Young] and Luella [Cobb Young], they are having a tiff quite serious it seems. [p. 58] {p. 60}

4 February 1890 • Tuesday

Yesterday Daisie visited her cousin Latey [Vilate] Groo Taylor– this morning no mail again of any consequence Letter for me granting me the freedom of the Legislative Council– Hon. S. R. Thurmon [Samuel R. Thurman] called on me– Sister Horne [Zina D. H.] Young [Mary Love] Neff of Nephi and others. Mailed a letter to the American Publishers and also a photo of myself Letter contained five dollars to pay for engraving in the book. They have selected to publish from my poems sent to them– At Evening, The Dear Old Garden– Memory of The Sea, The Beauties of Nature etc.3 Helped the suffrage girls with the credentials tonight. Daisie has been singing for me– quite a few songs enjoyed them very much indeed [p. 59] {p. 61}

5 February 1890 • Wednesday

This would have been Bishop [Newel K.] Whitney’s birthday 95. No one is very likely to remember it except me or my children. Early this morning a telegram came from Barry and later in the day Daisie had a letter from her mother. Mrs. [Clarissa Maria Young] Dougall & Mrs. [Phoebe Young] Beattie called and Miss [Rachel] Edwards Mrs. Foster, Mrs. [Julia C.] Taylor, Mrs Dr. Pratt, and others.4 So goes my time– in the afternoon a letter from Belle, giving me a few hints I had not known before– Have had a hard day preparing copy and reading proof– it is very sultry– rain & a soft south wind. I am not feeling very well and many things combine to make me feel disagreeable, the girls or young women have been here to get me to help with credentials [p. 60] {p. 62}

6 February 1890 • Thursday

Another day much the same, so unpleasant & crowded with work copy not prepared. So much to annoy one and so little to comfort and encourage. Have had no further word from Verona, I feel so anxious about the poor child– hope however that she is all right, and baby well. Daisie seems very unhappy I fear she is an unhappy temperament under crosses and difficulties– It is hard to have her lover away so long and no brothers to pay her any attention or take her out. She is very positive in her views I bought a new pair of shoes today– and hope they will be comforta<ble> [p. 61] {p. 63}

7 February 1890 • Friday

This has been a most uncomfortable day for me. I have been so nervous all day long and have tried to get off to Sister [Elizabeth Jane Du Fresne] Stevenson’s it is her birthday tomorrow and she is having her party today. It was very late when I went I took her a card. I finished the Credentials beforehand– but felt very uncomfortable while there. The Memphis Weekly has our pictures in it several of us. such dreadful caricatures. Mine is about the worst, looks like a squaw. liberal parade tonight– [p. 62] {p. 64}

8 February 1890 • Saturday

This morning comes on copy again and so it goes, bought four flags today 2.05. People’s Party parade tonight– fire works etc. Sister Richards came yesterday and was here then and today too. She has lots of news.

Sister S. M. Kimball & Maria Dougall started for Washington this morning, to represent the Utah W. S. A. at the Convention. They were blest and set apart yesterday– It will not be all roses they will find many thorns I fear. The Temple was grandly illuminated tonight reminding one of the weird legends of old cathedrals and temples. Have a dreadful headache. Parade a success– [p. 63] {p. 65}

9 February 1890 • Sunday

Staid in bed lat[e] to rest went to tabernacle, President [Wilford] Woodruff preached also Lorenzo Snow John Henry Smith Heber J. Grant– since meeting read some manuscript, wrote letters mailed papers at Post Office– Daisie went with me– she wrote to her mother– tomorrow is the Election day and there has never before been so much ado over one as this time– Liberals are confident of victory and so are the Peoples Party– but God will turn and over turn among the nations as seemeth Him good. The people have been told by Pres. Woodruff to day that it is better to suffer wrong than to do wrong– [p. 64] {p. 66}

10 February 1890 • Monday

Last night the snow fell and the morning was very cold but the voting went on just as rapidly as though the snow had not fallen or the wind blown. The bands were out and excitement ran high down town so I was told but the Liberals had all their own way and took no notice of challenges. At evening they were so well assured of success that they were making considerable demonstration and speeches and shouts & bands of a hit and miss kind were about the streets. The noise was almost unbearable and having had so much of a nervous strain for the last few days and hearing that the Victory had been won by the Liberals, I was almost overcome and heart sick and the wrongs of the past [p. 65] {p. 67} came over me–

11 February 1890 • Tuesday

This morning is still gloomy Dr. Pratt came and she took one of the Charter memberships tickets of the Lucy Webb Hayes Ass’n5 and sent it away. I went down street but felt too low-spirited to see or do anything except to wander (listlessly away. Daisie and I bought Valentines and sent to the children. One to Verona and little Helen– Sep. Dot [S. Isabel Sears], Lucile [Sears], Emma [Sears], Eugene [S. Sears,] Brent [E. Brenton Sears] and Elise [Gasser] Kept some on hand for Annie’s children, and we went down late and mailed them. I have had no letter this week with any copy, and Josie is quite sick– This evening I am still toiling away at the manuscript, Ellen is here but expects to leave here on Friday– and we have no one in view as yet. [p. 66] {p. 68}

12 February 1890 • Wednesday

This morning I rose earlier than usual and tried to accomplish some real work and had Mrs. Lizzie F. [Ann Elizabeth Riter] Young here, who had more or less to say about Luella and the separation and how unhappy John W. was. Luella has moved into the Burton House (Julia [Young Burton]’s) and Fanny [Young Clayton] lives there with her.6 It seems a very strange state of affairs– I am very sorry for him– Sister Mary Ann [Price] Hyde of Sanpete came and Br. Morris of St. George with her– we had quite a little visit and afterwards Sister [Elizabeth Child] Stookey of Tooele came and we had some conversation and then I went out to do some errands and found the air very cold– in the evening went up to see Aunt Zina she wants me to go to Provo with her on the 28th & first of March [p. 67] {p. 69}

13 February 1890 • Thursday

I went over to Aunt Zina’s a few minutes Mrs. [Margaret Thompson] Mitchell came in to see me and told me among other things that her twin sister Mrs. Annie [Thompson] Godbe was going to have a baby though over fifty years old– has not had a baby for about 25 years. I went to the depot D. & R. G.7 and took the train for Ogden just after seven– such a terrible feeling exists against our people on the part of the liberal element that one is in fear lest there should be an issue but our people have been so much advised to be quiet and at peace that it is to be hoped they will not be forced into any unpleasantness found Annie & children pretty well– [p. 68] {p. 70}

14 February 1890 • Friday

The children had some valentines last night and were very pleased.

This morning we had a pleasant time together Annie has read me an Address written to be delivered in Ogden to the Woman Suffrage Association today– it is very original and will be a decided hit. Mrs. Richards came and spent the evening Annie was quite nervous and excited, but glad it was over with– she is very well qualified for public speaking but no woman can do much for the general public with a family of little children. We have had a nice day together and a pleasant evening and tomorrow I must go back to my work, and will be so lonely– John Q. is away at his post of duty [p. 69] {p. 71}

15 February 1890 • Saturday

Caught the 11 o’clock train John Q. came down on business– had lunch with us. A letter from my husband urging me to come to Manti– it will be impossible for me to go now– Mr. J. [John] H. Leyson called in the afternoon and talked of old times– we spoke of his distress when hearing of Louie [Louisa Wells Cannon]’s death– talked of Rob [Robert W. Sloan]– and so on– told me of his visit to Europe– and much of the condition of Italy under the ban of Catholicism– promised to take one of the Biographical Dictionaries from me when they arrive– in the evening Daisie and I were here alone– she is not very well and I am only so-so– Lula has been in today– there is much going on– [p. 70] {p. 72}

16 February 1890 • Sunday

No letters yet from Murray since Jan. 28– seems too bad. I went to the Tabernacle– Joseph E. Taylor who has been hid up for three years or more preached quite an impressive discourse– Angus M. Cannon followed him– there was quite a large congregation. I have written to Verona this evening and Daisie to her Aunt Belle– yesterday she sent her a pair of plaques– paihted [painted] in oil by express– Geo. Reed came in to see Daisie this evening– and stayed awhile– I have been reading the manuscript for the Juvenile. It is quite an undertaking though to be sure there is much to be learned. The New York Herald has been sent me containing sketches of the ladies here in public life– [p. 71] {p. 73}

17 February 1890 • Monday

This morning I rose earlier than usual because Josie had remained away several days on account of illness and Frank Woodbury had come in her place, Dasie too had gone to teach for Mrs. Dahl who was ill. Early came John Q. and Geo. Q. the postman brought letters from Mell to Daisie– telling us how dreadful the storms north had been, and the fearful sickness of Verona– and how small baby was– I was very glad to get word that they were all alive– last night was a fearful wind and snow storm– several inches of snow fell– today is very bright & people are more light-hearted– Q. has staid. I went up to Nett’s and she came to go with Daisie to the Musicale Q. & I stayed here in the parlor together– [p. 72] {p. 74}

18 February 1890 • Tuesday

Daisie taught for Mrs. Dall again today– John Q. came down and had lunch here and took Q. home with him– Judge [Charles S.] Zane decided in our favor or in favor of the People’s Party on the question of the contested precincts today but the Liberals appealed immediately– To-night the Liberal City Council take their seats and I do hope there will be no contention except for the right– if that should be really necessary.

This afternoon I went up to Emeline’s 12th ward found them all out and learned that Hannah had gone with June to Manti– went on up to Lydia Ann’s and Susan’s and home on the electric car. Dull rather gloomy evening as we are shut in with the storms & feel great anxiety about Verona and the weather in Murray. Wrote 6 pages of my story Hephzibah– [p. 73] {p. 75}

19 February 1890 • Wednesday

This morning Sister [Mary Ann Price] Hyde came to see me and we had a little friendly chat– I went over to see Aunt Zina afterwards and told her Miss [Matilda] Hindman was coming at last invited her to go with me to the Legislature for an hour or two the next day– I wrote several letters one granting me the freedom of the Council of the Legislature and some others, prepared copy and read some on the narratives for the Juvenile Instructor– the weather is fine today bright and sunshiney– How I would like to go for a ride but have not the least privilege of that kind. Daisie drew a map of China and has given the illustrations today before the school. The evening was pleasant– [p. 74] {p. 76}

20 February 1890 • Thursday

Ort was here this morning Daisie sung for him and in the afternoon Lizzie [Lisabeth] Almy came and Mr. [Montgomery D.] Parker and she sung again for them. Then we went out together and she made some purchases for her mother & we called at Calder’s Music store and saw Mr. Crouse [H. S. Krouse], he promised to take her as a pupil. In the evening I went up to see Emeline and Lyde and stayed until nearly ten– then commenced my evening’s work finished my Chapter 15 of the story and wrote my editorial and some notes– was so weary I could scarcely endure my labor– it was 4 o’clock when I finished my work and then I was so excited it was almost impossible to compose myself The night time brings such vivid recollections of the beautiful past– [p. 75] {p. 77}

21 February 1890 • Friday

This morning after reading my letters went into the office and commenced proof-reading, had such a very disagreeable day. lots of callers and Emily Richards came and talked about Miss Hindman’s coming, she went in her own buggy to the depot, but there was no train from San Francisco– Emily spoke of her disgust at the with the managing Committee of the W.S.A. especially the Secretary– told me a dream, and so on. Daisie went to a Concert with Kate [Catherine Wells] & May [Mary Wells Whitney] to hear the great pianist Sarasate, and [blank space] D’Albert Martha Marx pianist– she enjoyed it very very much indeed. Went down to my dear old garden tonight wept like a child– so sad, so lonely without my girls– [p. 76] {p. 78}

22 February 1890 • Saturday

This is Washington’s birthday and observed as a holiday all over the country– we had no work done here nor had the Deseret News. Parties and Theatres are the order of the day. Every one seems bent on enjoyment so far as is possible. I remained at home and was writing reviewing and so on. My spirits are very sad and low I cannot rise above the depression that hangs over me. Loneliness perhaps and no help and Daisie seems to think the work such a hardship. it is too much for her with practising [p. 77] {p. 79}

23 February 1890 • Sunday

<called at the Cullen on Miss Hindman and met Col. & Mrs. Ferry–> I rested in the Morning and in the afternoon went to the Tabernacle Br. Cannon spoke he has just returned from Washington, we have had some letters from the North, Verona has had to wean her baby and give it the bottle, I am so very sorry. It does not grow nicely at all Will talks of going to Washington with some of his cases. [p. 78] {p. 80}

24 February 1890 • Monday

This is Will C. Hendrie’s birthday. How is he I wonder? We have wanted very much to hear of his wife’s confinement in August last of which he promised to write, but has not kept his word. I would be glad if he would come to Salt Lake and settle– strange the peculiar attraction that he created in our family. Emma [Emeline W. Wells] my darling I fear loved him but she was too good and pure to unite with one not of our faith, soon very soon will be my birthday anniversary and I shall be growing old and older. I do not count these birthdays and yet I am so much older all the same. Still I do not feel it my heart is not a whit older or more unimpassionable [p. 79] {p. 81}

25 February 1890 • Tuesday

The days pass on and we hear so little from the North, where our dear ones are; we do not know how they are hemmed in by snow and roads almost impassable. We are so anxious about Verona and to know how she is getting along and so on. We do not know the baby’s name yet even– it seems too bad. I take walks every day to my dear old home. it seems so sad and dreary. There is such a dreadful booming in real estate, that though I despaired once felt sure I could recover some part of it now I mourn and cannot see how it will be possible. I have no sympathizers in my sentiments, and no one to step forward and assist me to lay any claim upon it– [p. 80] {p. 82}

26 February 1890 • Wednesday

I hear there are distributions being made in the family of means from the sale of the 12th.Ward property. Rule [Rulon S. Wells] has been looking for me, and I suppose it is to make some arrangement– I do not like saying anything on the subject whatever– I feel that my case was a distinct one and my views and feelings are very different to those of other people: my temperament is very unlike, I cannot be understood & therefore I would prefer to keep silence. My heart has long ago been broken and parting with my home has added much to my sorrow. I do not wish to tell it nor to dwell upon it and prefer to nurse my woes in solitude. Heaven help me in my great need, and give me consolation [p. 81] {p. 83}

27 February 1890 • Thursday

I want so much to get to Ogden– Belle has sent me the most elegant bracelet set with three amethysts– Daisie has been sending away for something for me, and Mell has sent a five dollar check– so one and another have thought of me Talula [Charlotte Talulah Young Wood] sent me an exquisite white crepe fichu– Miss Hindman has been here to see me and Aunt Zina came over and spent a little time. The snow has been very deep this week and weather exceptionally cold and unpleasant– Work behind as usual and no strength or courage to do more than keep along. Have had some very affectionate letters from my husband he is anxious I should come and see him & urges me to work a week in the Temple [p. 82] {p. 84}

28 February 1890 • Friday

This is the nearest to an Anniversary <of my birth> of any part of the year, it seems so peculiar not to have an exact birthday. However it is just as well nowadays my children are solicitous about my having a good time, formerly we thought nothing about it. I am so busy I cannot go to Ogden even and I know they will be disappointed the little ones, but I will go tomorrow and take my things and spend Sunday. Lucile sent me a perfumery bag she made herself and spent her own money for material, Emma a handkerchief case and did the same. Sep & Dot went in with me <Belle> on the bracelet affair. It is an exquisite thing, Mrs. Horne made me a little remembrance and Verona sent me pretty little side combs new style– [p. 83] {p. 85}

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February 1890, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1890/1890-02


  1. [1]Martha Brown Cannon.

  2. [2]In Davis v. Beason, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Idaho Test Oath, confirming that the practice of plural marriage was a crime and excluding “from voting or holding office anyone either convicted of a violation or who had condoned someone else’s support of it.” (Lyman, Finally Statehood, 233.)

  3. [3]For EBW’s entry in the volume, see “Mrs. Emmeline B. Wells,” in Herringshaw, ed., Local and National Poets of America, 805–806. Other Utah poets are cited on pages 182, 455, 476, 497, 507–508, 576, 781–782, 807, 880, 953–954, 956, 969, and 1029. (Flake and Draper, Mormon Bibliography, 1830–1930, Indexes, #3967, 502; see also EBW, Diary, Memoranda, 1890.)

  4. [4]Three of these women were officers in the Woman Suffrage Association of Salt Lake City. Rachel Edwards was secretary, Julia C. Taylor was corresponding secretary, and Phoebe Y. Beatie was chairman of the executive committee. (“Utah Delegates,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Mar. 1890, 18:158.)

  5. [5]Lucy Webb Hayes was the wife of U.S. president Rutherford B. Hayes, who served one term in the years 1877–1881. Both President and Mrs. Hayes supported temperance reform. (Gould, American First Ladies, 143–152.)

  6. [6]Julia Young died on 29 November 1889 while in England with her husband, Charles Samuel Burton. Fannie Van Cott Young married Isaac Ambrose Clayton on 22 January 1890. (See EBW, Diary, 20 Jan. 1890.)

  7. [7]Denver and Rio Grande Railroad.