July 1911

1 July 1911 • Saturday

Today went off early Ellen & myself damp, cloudy and chilly Mrs. [Emma Adams] Empey came and Walt [Walter J.] Beatie to fix books & accounts etc. I began to prepare the back accounts of missionaries etc and found it very harassing– Zilpha came and Ellen went out with her and both of them bought spectacles, afterwards they went off to Annie’s and Emma Empey went home to dinner and came back with Walt and Phebe and took the whole day keeping me in a worry I wrote letters to Woodruff Emery and Carbon Stakes and sent off papers also. bought a Century Magazine for July, have not had one before this year– several people have been in and talked with me– letters from the Stakes about visiting Conferences– and other matters and weather cold for this time of year and so much to do to keep things going and satisfactory [p. 182] {p. 95}

2 July 1911 • Sunday

Went early to Temple Fast meeting sat between Edna and Julina Pres. A. H. Lund presided, John Henry Smith and F. [Francis] M. Lyman and C. W. Penrose were at the meeting Dr. Seymour B. Young offered prayer also spoke, Dr. Talmage and Horace [H.] Cummings A. [Aurelius] Miner President A. M. Lyman and some sisters Minerva Richards Young and Sister [Rebecca Neibaur] Nibley. It was an excellent meeting and a very good feeling prevailed– I went home with Susan [Alley Wells] & Kate and then to the l8th ward sat by Camilla [Mieth] Cobb and went over to Sister P. P. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings and had supper then home and wrote two letters one to Charlotte [Eyre] Ellsworth Sec’y Woodruff Stake and one to Sarah Nancy [Wilkins] Colton Uintah Stake am also writing in Relief Society Record [p. 183] {p. 96}

3 July 1911 • Monday

1Monday, July 3, 1911

wrote to Mrs. Ellsworth Lyman Wy. [Wyoming] Received from B. B. Gundy [Bathsheba Blackburn Grundy] Loa Utah [p. 184] {p. 78}

13 July 1911 • Thursday

This is one of the most important days since Ellen came we are to see President Smith and I hope it may be a pleasure, Golden Kimball and Rulon S. Wells both came in and Golden gave Ellen a fine blessing and Rulon blest Zilpha both were excellent in spirit and in the words that were spoken if they can only live to obtain the promises. I am very weary all the time scarcely able to keep going but must [p. 194] {p. 97}

14 July 1911 • Friday

<Apostle Penrose gave Ellen a fine blessing today also Zilpha.> Today is my last day with Ellen and Zilpha and it is depressing very much so– as we shall probably never meet again here in this life– It is difficult to keep one’s poise under the circumstances I went to the President’s office with her and introduced her to President Anthon H. Lund and some of the clerks and then to the Lion House and showed her the room where President Brigham Young died, and to the Historian’s Office saw Apostle Hyrum M. Smith C. W. Penrose, O. [Orson] F. Whitney & Elder B. H. Roberts also Willard Weihe’s wife Orson Pratts daughter,2 then Dr. C. [Charles]. F. Wilcox came and took us a ride in his Auto 26 miles. went of to depot at 9.30. sad parting forever & ever [p. 195] {p. 98}

15 July 1911 • Saturday

Went up in good time had talk with Golden Kimball about conditions– of young people wrote on copy and letters– had Sister [Julia Permelia Murdock] Farnsworth and several others Apostle Penrose & Miss Hamby a trained nurse I had several after advice yet I managed to get some writing done not so much as I wished to I long to get up with my work again or nearly so.

I hope my sister is having a pleasant journey and not too wearisome. The night is glorious and the Hotel Utah so beautifully lighted that it in a way illuminates the Temple and makes it seem more divine and grand [p. 196] {p. 99}

3Saturday July 15, 1911

wrote to Mrs. Carrie O. Larson [Caroline Olson Larsen] Castle Gate also to Nancy [Wilkins] Colton Vernal Uintah about Stake Conference in Uintah Stake & Phebe A. [Hacking] Merkeley Venal [Vernal] Uintah [p. 196] {p. 80}

16 July 1911 • Sunday

Rested in bed later than usual Mrs. Metcalf went to Sunday School and I looked up matter for record and then dressed and went off to Annie’s, as George Q. [Cannon] & Ruby [Derr Cannon] are going to move to Snyderville on a farm and I shall not see them very soon again. Annie went to the Relief Society Conference at Pleasant Green Mrs. Helen S. Cutler her Counselor went with her Katharine cooked the dinner John Q. Cavendish Abram [H. Cannon] Theodore [L. Cannon] & Katharine and her f[r]iend La Frange [La Fond] Tanner was there, Ruby and baby4 were out on the lawn. George Q. & boy5 with Daniel [H. Cannon]– went off for Snyderville with team it seemed lonely to see them leave, hope they will be safe– came home Mrs. Metcalf out as usual [p. 197] {p. 100}

17 July 1911 • Monday

<Have been very nervous all day also near fainting several times> Meeting of Reaper’s Social, march news, Mrs. Margaret [Nightingale] Caine dead a dear old friend– unexpectedly. 3 letters came one for Ellen 2 Zilpha cholera in New York City an alarm– Dr. Jame [James] E. Talmage came and talked with me today for hours. Sister E. C. [Elizabeth Claridge] McCune returned from Woodruff Stake came to see me and report. Dan. Cannon came at noon, Edna May Davis from Wasatch Stake came and reported– have been trying to get copy ready– wrote to Sister Sarah M. [Farr] Taylor Ogden accepting the invitation to attend Conference and bring visitors [B.] Morris Young called & a dozen more Dr. Margaret C. [Curtis] Roberts Emily [Maxfield] Brinton & many more Signed for Annie W. Cannon for book of Temperance Workers [p. 198] {p. 101}

18 July 1911 • Tuesday

Worked very hard to get copy ready it seemed impossible at 4. p.m. Went up stairs to the Young Ladies Rooms to hear concerning the Rescue work6 Terrible reports and so little can be done to remedy evils [p. 199] {p. 102}

19 July 1911 • Wednesday

Went to Ogden to attend Conference anniversary of first organization 34 years since Brigham Young organized7 [p. 200] {p. 103}

20 July 1911 • Thursday

Today General Board meeting

Wrote letter to Isabe [Isabel] and one or two more [p. 201] {p. 104}

21 July 1911 • Friday

Went off in 7.50 train to American Fork Alpine Stake conference– felt very happy but weary Susa Y. Gates with me– came home exhausted [p. 202] {p. 105}

22 July 1911 • Saturday

Wrote to Flo Jamison Miller Wilmington Illinois Frances Williams Willington Mass. [Massachusetts] [p. 203] {p. 106}

23 July 1911 • Sunday

Mailed letters to day went to see Louise & children Margaret & Baby8 & David [H. Clayton, Jr.] came and we all went over to Pioneer Park to hear the band Went to the Farm towards evening [p. 204] {p. 107}

25 July 1911 • Tuesday

Dr. Ellis R. Shipp brought me flowers a variety, a very trying day in many ways hard at work on proofs that are difficult and pale have had no letters of any avail. Worried over Belle and Brent [E. Brenton Sears], two holidays– [p. 206] {p. 108}

26 July 1911 • Wednesday

Wrote to Kate [Kenney] Stevens, Aurora <Utah> to Olive B. [Bybee] Stowell & Sarah A. Clayson Juarez Mexico & Emm Cannon Coeur’d’Alene City Idaho– had a call from Miss Eaton of New York Apostle O. F. Whitney, Mrs. Chrismon [Crismon] Annie Lynch Mrs. Annie D. Widtsoe [p. 207] {p. 109}

27 July 1911 • Thursday

Letters written today to Uintah Stake R.S. Sec. to Bannock Stake Pres. to San Luis President To Big Horn President Read Nahum 2nd Chapter 4 ver To Carbon Stake President St. George Stake Secretary Isabel arrived home today from Los Angeles and Brent and Inez [Van Sant Sears] and Robert [V. Sears]– word received from Emm [Emma Sears] Roberts that she has a new daughter9 born on the 7th. Dr. Margaret C. Roberts came to day to see me and my Annie and Mrs. Priscilla P. Jennings and took me a long Auto ride talked with Susa, Hattie Harker & Julia Farnsworth Maud [M.] Babcock [p. 208] {p. 110}

29 July 1911 • Saturday

Saturday had many hindrances and annoyances, and people who were wanting favors that could not be granted, no mail at all satisfactory and so many hindrances with the paper– [p. 210] {p. 111}

30 July 1911 • Sunday

Wrote all morning in bed– read in Psalms and tried to rest, recalled the morning Sweetie was born and how I drove to get Sister McAllister and how we all rejoiced– dressed just after two and went over to Annie’s– little Abram is up at Snyderville and we do miss him Annie had a fine dinner served out under the trees, John Q. pronounced a very excellent blessing I stayed until late Daniel went home with me, & Mrs. Metcalf also. I sat and wrote until late, and also did some reading and felt very weary and melancholy, and in a way low spirited [p. 211] {p. 112}

10July 30 [1911]

Matilda [Painter] Flamm

Rexburg. Idaho (card)

Don C. Driggs

Driggs Idaho concerning

R.S. conferance

Teton Stake (letter)

Susie E. Wilson– (card)

Teton Stake R.S. Conf.

Julia E. Miller

Parker Idaho– (2 cards) [p. 362] {p. 143}

31 July 1911 • Monday

Today has been hard work with the Revise and mail not very satisfactory, many things pending. A rather serious day wrote a note to Bishop [Edwin F.] Parry and explained how the paper must be made up. Mrs. H. V. Metcalf telephoned me that she was leaving the house to wait upon a sick woman and so after a very disturbing day I went home to the lonely house– and lighted up the rooms and began writing letters etc. and waited for Daniel until the last car began to be very nervous. [p. 212] {p. 113}

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July 1911, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1911/1911-07


  1. [1]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  2. [2]Larinda Pratt Weihe.

  3. [3]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  4. [4]Woodward D. Cannon.

  5. [5]George Q. Cannon Jr.

  6. [6]Rescue work involved outreach to reclaim or safeguard young women from moral failings. It was a project of the Utah Federation of Women’s Clubs and other women’s groups. Elizabeth Cohen, a community leader of this reform work, “praised the cooperation she received from the LDS women’s auxiliaries, the Relief Society and the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association, as well as the WCTU and YWCA.” (Nichols, Prostitution, Polygamy, and Power, 193; see also EBW, Diary, 1 Aug. 1911.)

  7. [7]Brigham Young organized the Relief Society on a stake level in Ogden, Utah Territory, in 1877. (Weber Stake Relief Society, Minutes, 19 July 1877, in Derr et al., First Fifty Years of Relief Society, 405–409.)

  8. [8]David W. Clayton.

  9. [9]Ruth E. Roberts.

  10. [10]text: The remainder of this entry comes from volume 37 of the diary, but the material is not in EBW’s handwriting. The preprinted date at the top of this page is 28 December 1910, but the day and month are clearly incorrect because the scribe provided a date of 30 July. The intended year seems most likely to be 1911, since Relief Society leaders from Utah visited the Teton Stake and other stakes in that region of Idaho in summer 1911. (“Minutes of the Relief Society Board, 7 September 1911,” 3:12.)