March 1896

1 March 1896 • Sunday

wea. snow storm.

I came home after all the excitement to be alone and in repose– it was after two A.M. before I could retire, my mind was so wrought up with the events of the day. Gershom [B. F. Wells]’s baby [Robert G. Wells] is very ill not expected to live– Hannah [Free Wells] Abbie [Wells Chapin] & Lena are all detained from coming on account of it.

I was in bed until noon so exhausted with the party. Belle is very ill, severe bilious attack. A deep snow has fallen. I wrote to M. W. [Minerva White] Snow Manti and to F. B. [Frances Battensby] Dance Alma [Almo, Idaho]. Postals to Sisters [Mary Wride] John & [Marilla Johnson] Daniels. Went over to Belle’s and took dinner– the chickens Sister [Amanda Leggroan] Chambers, the colored woman1 gave me had been cooked, and we had other dishes, making a fine dinner Will and Mr Roberts were there. Belle could not hold up her head all day. Wrote to Mrs. Catt, Mrs. Boyer & Judge Zane in the evening {p. 97}

2 March 1896 • Monday

wea. bright sunshine

This is Lucile’s birthday she is twenty today I gave her a book of poems “Because I Love You” by Annie C. Mackay edited– I received gifts from Mell Verona Mrs. Salisbury, Mrs. [Elizabeth Harrison] Goddard, Mrs. L. [Louisa Noble] Badger and several others. I had the Club and we had a pleasant gathering, and everything fine. Lucile had a luncheon for some of her young girl friends Jean [Jeanne] Alford Ruby [Venice] Pike & Claire [Clawson], Alice [Young Clawson] & Kate [Young] Clawson I enjoyed the day pretty well yet did not accomplish much Mrs. Caine brought back a volume of the Exponent containing the two years volumes 9 & 10 that had been long missing, Mrs. [May Booth] Talmage had them 18 months. I was very glad to get them. Came home rather early and had dinner at Belle’s. She is very sad. {p. 98}

3 March 1896 • Tuesday

wea. cloudy & dark and snow

This morning I went up very late, found very little mail, but the ladies soon began coming in and work was interrupted– had lunch at Dr. Shipp’s, Kindergarten meeting to settle up– in the midst of it Mrs. Helen M. [Jackson] Gougar2 of Lafayette Indiana came with her husband and Zina Young Card, Aunt Zina, Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne and others came and we had an interesting time, Annie was there and little Margaret to have her tooth pulled– Young Ladies Conference today Sister [Maria Young] Dougall came in and so many others, Sister Fox brought a poem written for me. I came home alone to a cold house sort of miserable in a way yet comparatively blest– In reading and writing I very much enjoyed the evening. {p. 99}

4 March 1896 • Wednesday

wea. snow and blow

Before midnight the wind blew a tremendous gale and we were all in bed and the house dark at Thorndike, but here in my poor little lonely place alone it rocked to and fro and every now and then I felt I must go and wake the children across the way, but I kept up courage to remain here and read & write and at last go to bed. The book I am reading after saying my prayers is weird and might frighten one but it is very interesting and I persevered it is one of George Sand’s a sequel to Conzuelo– today I went up late, had numerous callers & interruptions, called on Mrs. Helen M. Gougar at the Templeton and Dr. Pratt & Mrs. Caine with me– [Ignacy J.] Paderewski is at the Tabernacle tonight I have not money to buy a ticket I wish I could– {p. 100}

5 March 1896 • Thursday

wea. fine & clear but cold as winter

Last night and yesterday wrote letters to Mary Lowe Dickinson New York, Louise Barnum Robbins Adrian Michigan & Rachel Foster Avery Philadelphia also some to Nineteenth Century Club Provo and to Susa Y. Gates Provo– Went up late found letters waiting and lunched with Dr. Pratt– saw Aunt Zina Lucy B. [Bigelow Young] and B. W. [Bathsheba Wilson] Smith. Went over some of the sketches and continued the mailing– Had lots of hindrances and became very nervous Went to hear Ex. Gov. [Davis H.] Waite3 at the theatre in the evening on the Monroe doctrine– he is an easy speaker and a fine looking man– a Populist and a fire brand. Gov. [Frederic T.] Greenhalge of Mass. is dead. I am reading one of Alphonse Daudet’s book Tartarin of Tarascon {p. 101}

6 March 1896 • Friday

wea. blowing and cold

<visited the Senate & saw the Governor> A very busy day, went to see Sister [Ellen Spencer] Clawson, she looks very bad indeed, such a sweet woman, she sent me a box of beauty roses and ferns on my birthday, most elegant flowers, Mrs. Lizzie [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox also sent me a beautiful bouquet of roses and carnations and others also but these two were very fine also Mrs. Cummings and Mrs. Dale of the Woman’s Exchange4 a box of carnations and mignonette. Altogether I had many many flowers– and pretty cards & books I have been to see to the Hospital things today, such a damp cold place, dismal enough to make I any one blue. Kindergarten meeting, <I> made a suggestion about going before a Committee to ask that the Kindergarten system be engrafted in the educational law of the new state– Went to Annie’s in the evening John Q. has a very bad cold. Susa Gates was here today– {p. 102}

7 March 1896 • Saturday

wea. snow in the night

Went up in pretty good time found several had been waiting saw Zina about Grantsville and lots of other ladies on business wrote letters to Sister [Ruth Welton] Tyler and to Sisters on sketch matters sent letter to Mrs. Catt for Lucy B. Young’s books on Civil Government Deposited five hundred and twenty two dollars and thirty cents in the State Bank five hundred eleven dollars & fifty five cents handed me by Richard [Asbury] Shipp in checks on Deseret Bank and three dollas & twenty five cents in P.O. orders and two dollas and fifty in silver and five dollars in gold from Mell sent on Feb. 29. I was so weary I could scarcely keep up. I met Gershom and he told me how ill the baby was, and his heart was very sorrowful. I fear the babe will not live I am very sorry for Nellie [Ellen Sheets Wells] & for him– came home late Dr. Shipp and Sister [Elizabeth DuFresne] Stevenson came in the <evening> {p. 103}

8 March 1896 • Sunday

wea. weather cold and clear

This is Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears birthday & he is expected home from St. Louis & Chicago– Gershom’s baby’s death is announced in the morning paper– little Robert [G. Wells]– I stayed in bed until nearly noon to rest my body and my brain. I went up to see Gershom and his wife5 & Mother[,]6 stayed all the afternoon and came home and had dinner at Belle’s with Mr. Sears who seems in excellent spirits having succeeded admirably on his errand or business of arbitration. I came home and wrote several letters one to Mrs. Dickinson & to Mrs. Robbins & Mrs. Avery– prepared copy for the morning & went late to bed as usual to read in the Countess Rudolstadt by George Sand– {p. 104}

9 March 1896 • Monday

Today as usual busy and nervous– letters to answer and many things to do very fine weather– John Q. not very well. Annie came up on business and getting things for Daniel [H. Cannon]’s birthday. Funeral at 2. p.m. went up in good time Annie came late and said John Q. had gone home sick. John Nicholson and A. H. Cannon preached– Quartette sang Lord we come before thee now and also Divine Love which was very well rendered. Rulon <S.> Wells offered prayer and Bishop [John] Tingey conducted the service & pronounced the benediction– I went to the grave with Hebe & his wife– came home by Annie’s to see how John Q. was feeling. {p. 105}

10 March 1896 • Tuesday

wea. cold.

<Today Aunt Zina had her room dedicated by F. [Franklin] D. Richards> Today is little Daniel’s birthday he is seven years old today– Annie came up and I went with her and bought him a pretty scarf for his neck she got him a suit of clothes and cap etc. I tried to get down in good time to have dinner but was late– Annie was vexed– I spent the evening and Annie came up to the car with me. John Q. seems quite ill. I have been so annoyed for the last few days with our sisters who are so dilatory with their sketches for the magazine. It seems too bad for me to have so much anxiety over it– quite enough to make all the arrangements without other annoyances and worry wrote to the Countess Annie de Montaigutu7 {p. 106}

11 March 1896 • Wednesday

wea. windy & cold

Have been to the Legislature today– we have a Silk bill before the members of the Senate to be introduced. Mrs. Margaret A. Caine has prepared the. bill I scarcely approve it and yet I suppose it will help our cause along, I am so weary I can sccarcly crawl Zina Card and husband8 were here this morning and at noon I lunched with them at the Globe Restaurant– After being in the Senate Chamber went up to Aunt Zina’s and Mrs. M. A. Caine with me– Zina is going to Grantsville tomorrow to attend the Stake Conferemces of Relief Society and Y.L.M.I.A. Came home late to begin work. Verona’s childrens pictures came today– {p. 107}

12 March 1896 • Thursday

wea. queer & cold

Abram H. Cannon’s birthday he is 36 today John Q. is quite ill. A Committee met with me to talke of Anna Shaw lecturing here in the Tabernacle for the Kindergarten We decided to send a telegram asking her where we could catch her. Sent off telegram wrote two editorials– Saw Mrs. McVicker and other women Sent Receipts for money for Book of Poems There has been much talk about the comet which it is stated by some astronomers will interfere with the sun or the earth very materially. I am <and was> so weary I could scarcely get home– went to reading could not write very much–

Sent telegram to Adrian Mich. about Dr. Anna Shaw {p. 108}

13 March 1896 • Friday

wea. cold)

<Received telegram from Adrian this morning> Frank Wells [Frances Wells Naylor] birthday 44 today– her life is sad– all on account of her own folly– Kindergarten meeting have been quite nervous was invited to a sort of Social party, but really could not go– have felt worse than usual. Mr. Segfried of Chicago is at Belle’s had dinner and is to stay over night– I came home unusually early and was so wretched every way I could not do much of anything– had day of hard editorial work and nothing cheerful. Very peculiar sunset– Em [Emma W. Sears] has gone to the theatre with Mr. [John G.] Roberts. I am still reading Daudet’s Tartarin etc. the night is intensely gloomy and dark I feel nervous to be alone when so unwell– Rec’d letter Jane [Cussons] Birkbeck telling of dispatch on Feb. 29– {p. 109}

14 March 1896 • Saturday

wea. very cold

Went up town in good time Belle and Dot came to have Brent [Brenton M. Sears]’s picture taken have read proofs all day, first and second ones– had lots of people from the country– the silk bill has been referred to a Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures– Mrs. McVicker has been in with suggestions about the Legislature and the Regency of the University– Annie and Margaret have been up– Mrs. Avery sent me her picture, letter from Mrs. Catt– I came home early but weary so many people call and talk about every thing and I explain until I get very much exhausted– I was alone during the evening except Elise who came with my dinner and to do certain things for me– Wrote to Mell and sent off 16. Receipts for book money {p. 110}

15 March 1896 • Sunday

wea. fine sunshine

I laid in bed to rest until Elise brought my very late breakfast– then I used all my energies in writing letters & so on– read some in Bible as usual– also in magazines and in Daudet’s “Tartarin of the Alps”– Annie & Margaret came to see me and spent a couple of hours– have written to Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery and to Margherita Arlina Hamm Fales besides six others– I did not go outside the house, but towards evening opened my windows and gazed with profound thought upon the beautiful mountain scenery the sky and the whole scope of vision from my house is simply charming and I nver tire of the scene it has always some new phase of coloring and of landscape {p. 111}

16 March 1896 • Monday

wea. rather unpleasant

Reaper’s Club today– had a very interesting time– Political Science and talk of the franchise– how we should educate our women in politics. It is indeed a sort of puzzle– and yet we have faith they will be lead aright– I am so ill it is almost impossible to keep up– hurried home and after having a cup of tea at Belle’s went over home and into bed About nine p.m. thunder wakened all up– I was not asleep but had quite a nervous shock here alone Lucile came over soon the storm was heavy, one could scarcely walk in it at all. I was ill all night slept none at all worth mentioning {p. 112}

17 March 1896 • Tuesday

wea. weather fine

St. Patrick’s Day, many wearing the green– was quite ill in the morning had hard work to get up town but succeeded– went to the Legislature in the afternoon– several ladies came– we went into the House for a while and called on the Governor Annie’s wedding day– I went early to have dinner with them. she had a very elaborate dinner all the children at home John Q. came in good time and we had a pleasant evening– it was Sister E. H. [Elizabeth Harrison] Goddard’s birthday, she was 80 years old, I sent her a handsome vase filled with violets. Have had some important letters today and some callers. Was introduced to George Francis Adams of Boston– {p. 113}

18 March 1896 • Wednesday

wea. very fine but cool

This morning came early from Annie’s– found several waiting for me and went through the usual routine. To Meeting of Federation at 2. p.m. in the Executive Building and was made Chairman of the Local Committee– called at Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury learned she had been to Florida and would soon be in Chicago– must be improving– Mrs. [Anne Maddison] Bradley and Dr. Pratt called with me– in the evening attended the Ex. Meeting of Rep. Com. of the State– at the Bank to arrange for Convention for April 7.– [John E.] Dooley seems likely to be our next Chairman– Mrs. Pardee will not serve with him– came home quite late– wrote some & read in the Countess of Rudolfstadt {p. 114}

19 March 1896 • Thursday

wea. fine & sunny

This morning went up in good time and read my revise for which I had been waiting some time ever since Monday, much to my annoyance; callers very soon, letter from San Francisco for Belle. Weather remarkably fine. Aunt Zina has decided she can’t go to Nephi– after my writing last night I have been very busy all day with letters & manuscript Aunt Elizabeth L. [Lane] Hyde came to see me, and we had a pleasant talk about old times.

Went up to Aunt Zina’s this evening and found them in bed– came home alone down canyon road. Very dismal and with gloomy thoughts– had to linger waiting for a car home– felt very weary– {p. 115}

20 March 1896 • Friday

Friday morning people waiting had passed a dreadful night. over strain and weariness of mind as well as poor circulation. so many things are pending to be adjusted. Sent a telegram to Nephi, to say Aunt Zina could not come– to the Conference. Went to the Legislature several other ladies came later– Sister [Maria Mabey] Holt went with me, Mrs. Caine was already there– the silk bill was brought up in the Senate and discussed– Democratic members voted against it– all the Republicans in favor of it. This bill gives 25 ct. bounty on cocoons per lb. and provides for a commission of five– felt very weary and went home, too tired in a pouring rain. Sat up and copied in the Relief Society Record until 1/2 past two in the morning, when exhausted with work and wrought to the extreme with poetical ideas I had no time to use in verse I <retired but not to sleep.> {p. 116}

21 March 1896 • Saturday

<This was Herbert [W. Sears]’s birthday.> This morning went up at the usual time and found no special mail– Em. is going on with the mailing, I am very much distressed with a cold and sore mouth, ear ache and cannot rest for pain. Emily Richards came in she was full of the organization work for Idaho and of suggestions about this and that. Lucy Clark was on hand to have a program etc. and so it goes. Mrs. H. C. Lewis of Ketchum Idaho, came to see me about a lecture on equal suffrage– I went home completely exhausted and went on with my work of recording– so much of it and I had been in the Federation meeting and had so much to think of there, Mrs. Bradley accepted of the Secretaryship and seems very competent all the papers are assigned {p. 117}

22 March 1896 • Sunday

This morning I rested somewhat and then dressed and got ready to go to the Tabernacle– I was early and tried to reflect upon matters suitable for the Sabbath & not dwell upon burdensome topics. One cannot enjoy spiritual things unless one is divested of trou[b]lesome thoughts– which weigh down the soul and produce depression. Brigham Young the Apostle was the first speaker– he has an excellent voice a good delivery– but gives unvarnished truths, not always palatable to the audience. President Cannon followed and though he spoke in a similar strain his polished manner and choice of elegant language, make a vast difference and the congregation took it much better– went direct home and commenced writing {p. 118}

23 March 1896 • Monday

This morning I was late as I had worked so hard to accomplish what seemed positively essential in the record– found very little mail and set to work mailing the papers, worked hard until time to go Aunt Zina’s office to a meeting– Mrs. Smith Richards, Kimball Pratt9 & myself all came. Zina Card for a little while, and we talked about the Conference and Woman’s affairs. There was really nothing done but no doubt it is well to meet and talk over matters– I hurried back to the office and worked until eight o’clock to send off mail– at home I wrote some letters and also did some recording, felt very ill and low-spirited, there does seem to be too much for some of us to do {p. 119}

24 March 1896 • Tuesday

Another busy day and in the afternoon Kindergarten Committee meeting– ladies planning for an entertainment in the 18th. Ward schoolhouse some of them much discouraged– worked away at the mailing, went down to the Senate by request of Geo. M. Cannon and found Mesdames Young (Amelia) her cousin (Miss Folsom) Dr. [Martha Hughes] Cannon & Emily Richa[r]ds with Captain [G. H.] Palmer there visiting the Senate– had a talk with Geo. M. about Chairman & Secretary for the Rep. Com. insisted upon a woman for Secretary– Geo. M. gave me some private pointers in politics– he is a bit of a diplomat. Afterwards called on the Governor and talked with him on the same matters– went home again weary, weary, weary– {p. 120}

25 March 1896 • Wednesday

Came up early and sawe Geo. M. Cannon who had promised to see the Presidency for me in reference to my being nominated to the position of Vice Chairman of the Republican State Committee, and ascertained that he had talked with Joseph F. Smith in regard to it and a note was left asking the brethren if there were any objections, if so to let us know before noon.

Everywhere we are making preparations for Conference I am sending out letters for the Board of Directors meeting and other matters pertaning to the Relief Society. My paper worries me terribly I am so much behind. Letters still coming in about Aunt Zina’s birthday, some very interesting I have received some letters from the East too that are very complimentary, and which I shall cherish with great satisfaction. {p. 121}

26 March 1896 • Thursday

Received letter from Mrs. Mary L. [Lowe] Dickinson private secretary– Dr. Ellis R. Shipp is moving her residence from Main St. to 75. Centre St. and is really going to be very comfortable, there is so much to be done I am trying very hard to get in the sketches and forward them to New York befor the Conference comes on. The Relief Society report is another heavy task on my hands and is so unpleasant because the secretaries do not make annual reports correct. I have new blanks and it would really be comparatively easy if the Stake reports were corrected and balanced. Letter from Mrs. Catt New York City– Letter from Richfield saying Mrs. [Elizabeth Baum] Bean could not come to Conference and one from Philadelphia Mrs. Avery– {p. 122}

27 March 1896 • Friday

Martha [Harris] Wells birthday though I could not go up to see her. The folks are getting ready for Conference and the City is already crowded. The Legislature are putting in the best work possible, and the Governor is busy with bills under advisement. The bill to legitamitize children born in plural marriage up to the admission of Utah has aroused some ill feeling among the outside element and is likely to provoke opposition and some division.10 It is rather unpleasant to wake up the old prejudices but unavoidable it is those who are not themselves patterns of propriety generally who are so terribly afraid of being contaminated but right must prevail let come what may. {p. 123}

28 March 1896 • Saturday

wea. cold and hail and wind–

Katie [Catherine Wells] is forty three today, she does not like to admit it but nevertheless it is true. I bought her a book and wrote her name and a sentiment in it for her: the book was one of Sarah Grand’s Ideala. I went to the meeting in the Executive Building of the Local Committee and afterwards up to see Kate and the folks, had supper and enjoyed it very much indeed. Lydia Ann & Susan & May [Wells Whitney] and Kate were all pleased– Kate & May came part way home with me over the hill– I walked down to the office then took the car for Waterloo– I was very lonely and soon set to work on my report which is simply killing– I feel as if I could never do another one unless the Stake reports were in better order– {p. 124}

29 March 1896 • Sunday

wea. fine and clear and cold

All morning tried to rest and in the afternoon went to the Tabernacle and enjoyed the Anthem very much came home and tried to get some figures added up– had dinner at Annie’s Mr. Roberts and Emmie came and added up some of the long columns. for me– but I was until late working to make the figures of the various Secretaries balance, the night too was very dismal and melancholy. I sometimes get very much dissatisfied that things are not easier. There are so many pleasant things one would like to do, soar away to the tops of the mountains & lose one’s self in meditation but one is soon called back by everyday occurrences if not by annoyances. {p. 125}

30 March 1896 • Monday

wea. clear and pleasant

The Reaper’s Club today and really one gets little time beforehand. I had to go to the City and County building first and the mailing was in progress & the office never clear of people– and then the Club in which of course I am specially interested and anxious to learn all that is possible and to help others as well as myself– the lesson was good and the discussion of unusual interest and it seemed to be educational to all. The matter of citizenship is one which concerns us all and we ought to give it even more attention than we seem able to do. I have had so much anxiety over the pen sketches for the magazine it has been just a trial in truth. {p. 126}

31 March 1896 • Tuesday

wea. dismal and misty

Today we are struggling to prepare for the Press Club. I realize it is a busy time but as we have some new members we should take some pains to appear well. The single tax question is very fascinating and the papers presented by Dr. Pratt have certainly been excellent and as citizens we should try to comprehend all these intricate problems and questions that are agitating the public mind and become able to talk of them in a way to help others. Miss Munroe [Sarah L. Monroe] and Dr. [Orielle] Curtis came in time only a few members came and the subjects were not given as satisfactorily as they ought to have been still one must submit to these disappointments. Dr. Curtis poem to the Club11 was very fine– {p. 127}

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March 1896, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]The use of the term colored when referring to African Americans was considered standard neutral language for EBW’s time. (For additional information on usage in her era, see Historical Context.)

  2. [2]Helen M. Gougar, Indiana suffragist, journalist, and lawyer, was married to an attorney, John D. Gougar, who was engaged in court cases over suffrage. (1880 U.S. Census, La Fayette, Indiana, 23; 1900 U.S. Census, La Fayette, Indiana, 129B; Northeastern Reporter, 339; “Helen M. Gougar,” Indiana Historical Bureau; Clifton J. Phillips, “Gougar, Helen Mar Jackson,” James et al., Notable American Women, 2:69–71.)

  3. [3]Davis Hanson Waite (1825–1901) was governor of Colorado from 1893 to 1895. (“Gov. Davis Hanson Waite,” National Governors Association.)

  4. [4]The Woman’s Exchange was a woman’s charitable organization in Salt Lake City. (“Woman’s Exchange,” Salt Lake Tribune, 12 Apr. 1896, 12.)

  5. [5]Ellen Leaver Sheets.

  6. [6]Hannah Free Wells.

  7. [7]Editor Susa Young Gates published a biographical sketch of the Countess Annie de Montaigu in the Young Woman’s Journal. She noted that the countess had written from New York inquiring about Utah and its people. That led to correspondence, a picture, and information on her life. A southerner from Mississippi, Annie Kershaw married a French count, was widowed within the year, and, needing to support herself, became active in journalism. At this time, she edited the women’s department of Godey’s Lady’s Book, wrote fashion articles for several papers, and was active in the Woman’s Press Club and the Authors Guild. (Gates, “Biographical Sketch of Countess Annie de Montague,” 8:107–108.)

  8. [8]Charles O. Card.

  9. [9]Members of the general Relief Society presidency at this time were president Zina D. H. Young, first counselor Jane S. Richards, second counselor Bathsheba W. Smith, third counselor Sarah M. Kimball, general secretary EBW, and general treasurer Mary Isabella Hales Horne. Romania B. Pratt had been assistant secretary to Sarah M. Kimball in 1888–1892, while EBW was corresponding secretary during those years. (Derr et al., Women of Covenant, 435.)

  10. [10]The Utah State Senate passed a bill declaring that children born in polygamous families were legitimate offspring entitled to the name and inheritance of their fathers, if they were born before statehood was granted on 4 January 1896. (“Chance for the Exposition,” Salt Lake Tribune, 27 Mar. 1896, 5.) Although some legislators urged that the cut-off date be set at 1 October 1890 to coincide with Wilford Woodruff’s declaration ending the practice of plural marriage, the bill passed with the 1896 date. (“Polygamous Issues,” Deseret Evening News, 28 Mar. 1896, 1.) EBW recognized that the latter date might arouse negative feelings in the community against Latter-day Saints. (Madsen, Intimate History, 360.)

  11. [11]Orielle Curtis, “The Utah Press Club,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1896, 24:137.