February 1883

1 February 1883 • Thursday

Today Aunt Eliza called after being in the house seems pleased with the demonstration we made for her, I know well she likes attention had to pay for gas & coal used on the day of the party– perfectly awful paper not ready most aggravating thing after all the hard work– [p. 40] {p. 43}

2 February 1883 • Friday

Still very cold, room frozen cannot even get the carpet up yet plastering frozen solid Mary moved the pictures up stairs went to 7th ward Primary1 awful freezing cold weather hard work to keep warm baby all the time ailing with croup or cough–

3 February 1883 • Saturday

Paper just out Louie went to carry it in the 7th Ward and nearly froze– dreadful freezing weather, all the plants in the city are frozen nearly we have saved ours, we set them by the stove every night. So much talk about what Congress is going to do about legislation against our people2 [p. 41] {p. 44}

4 February 1883 • Sunday

Went to meeting, Edith is better, Ellen went to 17th Ward to ask some sisters to come over on Tuesday– intend to have some company for her– Ellen Pratt [McGary] is here from Beaver, in the evening had some strangers. sat up very late had so much writing to do.

5 February 1883 • Monday

This is Bishop [Newel K.] Whitneys anniversary he would have been 88 had he lived until now, how sad to look back upon is my peculiar history but he was ever kind & considerate towards me, I remember him with sincere reverence and due appreciation baby is better– [p. 42] {p. 45}

6 February 1883 • Tuesday

All is ready– had a pleasant party about 17 ladies or perhaps 20 Ellen [Fuller] seemed quiet but pleased– in the evening we had speaking and social conversation Ellen McGary was the life of the company– the dinner was delicious and the guests seemed contented

7 February 1883 • Wednesday

We are all tired today Ellen seems cheerful has been writing letters all day– she was administered to for her health yesterday and no doubt will be better Edith is much improved but very tiresome business is dull and bills come in heavily [p. 43] {p. 46}

8 February 1883 • Thursday

Distinguished strangers have come to visit our beautiful city– once it would have seemed improbable, but now it is common– the weather is growing milder and we are feeling the effects on our systems, my husband spent the afternoon and evening with me–

9 February 1883 • Friday

There are many annoyances to be met with in business, indeed one has to become hardened to bear everything. Sometimes I feel as if I had more than my share of work to do, but every day brings more and more. baby has been sick so much this winter, but he has been spared [p. 44] {p. 47}

10 February 1883 • Saturday

Grace Groo’s birthday today had she been living It is a pleasant day and the people are on the streets as if it were Spring. My work is most perplexing cannot get enough done no matter how hard I try to accomplish it. I feel so tired all the time and worried a great deal about my sister

11 February 1883 • Sunday

Went to the Tabernacle was not very well and had writing to do after I came home, my office is so upset that I cannot do as much as I otherwise could. Always callers in the evening generally some of Louie’s beaus. Annie has a letter tonight from John Q. he is doing well on his mission. [p. 45] {p. 48}

12 February 1883 • Monday

The girls are busy making ready for the calico ball in the theatre to be given by the Unity Club–3 It will be an immense affair, the weather is not the most propitious one could wish a strom is threatening– I am busy getting my paper ready as usual, Ellen is here and Edith is much better–

13 February 1883 • Tuesday

This is Joshua’s [K.] Whitneys birthday, once it was kept with joy, now there is no one to remember it.4 Mellie is not very well the storm is coming a heavy snow, it will spoil the party somewhat– Annie is working diligently in the interest of the Club– tiring herself out– [p. 46] {p. 49}

14 February 1883 • Wednesday

All day work has been going on at the theatre Annie & Louie have got new dresses for the occasion they look very nice indeed– I have a complimentary ticket, I wore my silk dress Aunt Zina gave me, the storm was awful Pres. [John] Taylor was there it was a mixed company.

15 February 1883 • Thursday

Today is the Maliners ball for the children, Annie took George Q. and Ellen took Edith Belle took all hers5 and they had a splendid time, our baby did not seem very well when he came out and Louie would not go back and leave him, Annie came home very tired the parties were not a financial success [p. 47] {p. 50}

16 February 1883 • Friday

The paper has just been issued today and of course we are busy– went to Ellen [Spencer] Clawson’s visiting my sister Ellen Annie & Louie Katie [Catherine Spencer] Young and Aurelia [Spencer] Rogers– had a very pleasant time Left early to go with my husband to the 14th Ward to a party– danced with several of my acquaintances husband did not dance

17 February 1883 • Saturday

Hard at work all day mailing up stairs, lots of people calling all the time, meeting held here in the house semi-monthly meeting, the 14th Ward could not be used for it– I could not get time to go in I had so much to do all the afternoon– [p. 48] {p. 51}

18 February 1883 • Sunday

I was sick in bed all day long never sat up at all– Louie went to meeting have not been so ill for a very long time– There has been several callers but none to disturb me– I rested after the pain in my head abated a little and shall no doubt be better for the quiet–

19 February 1883 • Monday

Felt very weak this morning when I came up but was determined not to give up– worked all day as usual and had about the same amount of business It is very tiresome to go up and down stairs with my things all the time and be always looking for something that is lost [p. 49] {p. 52}

20 February 1883 • Tuesday

The mailing was all finished today and I begun writing my articles for the next paper– A great many ladies have called today Baby is not well at all & Mr. Sears is in depressed spirits wants to sell the store6 Belle is in trouble of course There are parties and visits here and there and I am invited to attend–

21 February 1883 • Wednesday

There are so many places of pleasure and so much to donate to one cannot keep track of everything– meetings and visits follow each other in quick succession– I have had a letter from Ort [Orson F. Whitney] in answer to mine– he is still himself but somewhat more dignified in tone– [p. 50] {p. 53}

22 February 1883 • Thursday

This is Washington’s birthday and it is being celebrated in several places in the city in different ways.

Pres. Taylor has a dinner at the Gardo to dedicate the House. The Esquire7 has taken Lydia Ann [Alley Wells] I am very glad for she seldom goes out with him nowadays. balls in the evening & theatres

23 February 1883 • Friday

Jo [Joseph] Sharp’s birthday today Lou sent him a handsome card– he has not many remembrances at the present time, strange that things should change as they have done– One can not tell what a year will bring forth so many events transpire which once seemed utterly improbable [p. 51] {p. 54}

24 February 1883 • Saturday

This is a day I will remember– five years ago today Mr. [William C.] Hendrie left Salt Lake City and since then I have never seen his face, the evening before he spent at our house and Emmie [Emeline W. Wells] was with us. He would be 39 today as he was born in 1844– shall we ever look upon his face again?8

25 February 1883 • Sunday

Belle came over and Mr. [John E.] Pilcher driving the span of dapple-greys and asked me to go for a ride, I consented and we went down the state road a long way had a lovely ride took George Q. with us. I was well satisfied with the affair in the evening we had company and I enjoyed it very much– [p. 52] {p. 55}

26 February 1883 • Monday

Went to the office and worked hard all day, in the evening went over to Belle’s and spent the evening Mr. Pilcher was there Louie Belle and myself– Mr. Sears was at Mary Ann [Needham Sears]’s and did not come in, we had some very nice refreshments & Mr. Pilcher came home with me Rob [Robert W. Sloan] with Louie

27 February 1883 • Tuesday

Ellen started off today for Harrisburg to get settled up and dispose of property previous to going to Arizona went with her to depot and saw her off she seems anxious to get settled she is in some perplexity and uncertainty– but resolved to take her own course [p. 53] {p. 56}

28 February 1883 • Wednesday

This is the day the girls call my anniversary and I have had a few gifts Belle gave me a handkerchief red silk Annie a satin embroidered bag– Louie [blank] and a chain made of her own <hair> Katie [Catherine Wells] a book The genius of Solitude, I had a quiet time–

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February 1883, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1883/1883-02


  1. [1]Two weeks prior to this, on 19 January, EBW spoke at the first annual meeting of the Seventh Ward Primary. (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Feb. 1883, 11:133.)

  2. [2]EBW discussed attempts in Congress to annul the right of Utah women to vote in her editorial “One Woman’s Opinion,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Feb. 1883, 11:132–133.

  3. [3]“Local and Other Matters,” Deseret News, 7 Feb. 1883, 8.

  4. [4]EBW referred to the fact that Joshua’s father, Newel K. Whitney, was long dead and his mother, Elizabeth Smith Whitney, died on 15 February 1882. (EBW, Diary, 15 Feb. 1882; “Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney,” Find a Grave, accessed 9 Feb. 2018, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/28533725/elizabeth-ann-whitney.)

  5. [5]Living children of Isabel Whitney Sears at this time were S. Isabel (Dot) Sears, born 1872; Septimus (Sep) Whitney Sears, 1874; Laura Lucile Sears, 1876; Emma Whitney Sears, 1878; and Eugene Stanley Sears, 1882. (Madsen, Intimate History, 504.)

  6. [6]EBW had noted previously that “Mr. Sears is going into business for himself.” It seems that the venture did not last, however, since the next year he was appointed superintendent of the “Coop,” or Zion’s Cooperative Mercantile Institution. (EBW, Diary, 5 Mar. 1882 and 4 June 1883.)

  7. [7]Daniel H. Wells.

  8. [8]Mr. Hendrie returned to Salt Lake City and visited EBW in May 1889. (EBW, Diary, 28, 29, and 30 May 1889.)