December 1903

1 December 1903 • Tuesday

This morning the fog was very bad and I went up rather late, I had intended to go early but was really too much fatigued, I had a tiresome day so many people coming in on errands for this and that. I went to Clarissa’s and had my lunch and went over to Sister Smiths and she was not at home I went on to the Bee Hive and Presidents office had a long talk with Geo. Reynolds and Br. [John M.] Mills about the Book of Mormon and its translation and later took my lesson in French. Mrs. Elias Smith [Emily Weiler Smith] came in and talked French fluently {p. 325}

2 December 1903 • Wednesday

Louise was in when I reached the office and I went over to the Temple. C. [Charles] C. Richards daughter1 was married to-day to young [Robert I.] Burton of Ogden Jos. F. performed the ceremony Sister Jane S. the grandmother came down. Sister Smith looked lovely in her white silk and lace. She came to see me afterwards. also Jane S. Richards E. J. Stevenson, M. A. Caine, Belle and Lucile [Sears], Miss Trevors Directory man Miss Clark Priscilla Smith etc. etec. At evening I came home very weary and went over to Belle’s and had tea and then came home to go on with my work. Rehoda [Rhoda] Bigelow across the way had diphtheria very sad for the poor girl away from home {p. 326}

3 December 1903 • Thursday

This morning was late and so much to do as soon as I arrived sent off the money for Madame2 to the Pub. Co. Springfield, Ohio. for the Relief Society, a number of people called A French gentleman whom Mell had requested to call upon me, quite an accomplished gentleman, he had been giving Mell French lessons for six weeks, The paper is now made up David [S.] Tall did the work I stood over him all the time, I have got in all the copy that inset. The name of the gentleman is A. Von Bellinger from France father a German came home weary and went over to see Belle and we talked over things– {p. 327}

4 December 1903 • Friday

This morning Louise was here Ida came early and Phebe and some others, Maria came too, the reports about those who would hinder me from going to Germany are very unpleasant but really it is only those who like to make mischief and really could not do the work possibly Afternoon came and the meeting begun in earnest and we really got on better than I had anticipated, we managed tho there was an awful spirit in some of those who were present we got over it all without any outbreak and perhaps we may be able to overcome those rebellious spirits. At evening Monsieur DeLaery came and Vivien asking me to excuse him from giving me the French lesson {p. 328}

5 December 1903 • Saturday

I hurried up expecting Sister Harker who never came and it was the Primary Conference and Louise went there also Emmeline & Catharine Annie came up to the Pioneer meeting Belle went in good time, at the Primary the little Bassett girl gave a sketch of my life as an example of noble women.3 Louise stayed awhile but the papers did not come over I wrote some letters and then went up to see Sister Horne found her feeble but sitting up and I stayed an hour or more. She shows her illness and yet she has faith very strong that she will recover. I had a bite of supper with her and we talked I did most of it as she has not much strength. I took her some red carnations, and she seemed very pleased {p. 329}

6 December 1903 • Sunday

Went off early to the Temple, a very good house Prest. Smith presided, Br. Winder and Br. Lund were there but not the patriarch John Henry Smith Rudger Clawson Owen Woodruff Hyrum M. Smith and George A. Smith were there Opening hymn Redeemer of Israel prayer by David McKenzie. Singing Anthem Wonderful Counselor– Prest. Smith turned over the meeting for testimonies First one <J. R. Winder next> Angus M. Cannon Sister Olsen, Rudger Clawson [blank] Buching Susie Y. Gates Owen Woodruff Adolph Madsen Miss Emma Ramsey song Fear Not for Zion, next one Lycurgus Wilson James Woodruff Mary T. Smith Lizzie [Elizabeth Ogden] Decker Maude May Babcock Hannah C. Wells Mary A. [Stearns] Winters H. G. Park E. R. Shipp, Hyrum M. Smith then President Jos. F. Smith gave a dreadful discourse4 evidently intended for some certain people, sung Softly beams the sacred dawning {p. 330}

7 December 1903 • Monday

<Went to 18th. Ward Chapel & afterwards to dinner at Martha’s> This is my Annie’s birthday and John Q. is coming home for at least a few hours. Sister B. W. Smith is installed at the Bee Hive House today I went down to Annie’s and had dinner took her a plate China and 44 carnations, a fine dinner John Q. Annie and all the children also Sylvester and myself fourteen in all and I went to theatre after to see the Bonnie Briar Bush, Robe [Robert C.] Easton singing the Scotch melodies and we were so late that the Cannon car had gone so I came home alone and made a fire and made a piece of toast and so forth I think it was quite a happy birthday for Annie {p. 331}

8 December 1903 • Tuesday

Today I have been doing a little in the way of copy and Sister Smith came and we had a long talk and visit and I went with her to the Bee Hive House and saw her chamber she has a pretty new iron bedstead and all new mattresses down puff etc. New chest of drawers new wicker rocking chair, she seems sort of lost with nothing to do but to make herself comfortable I went to my French lesson tonight but did not feel very well some way–

My Sister Delia [Cordelia Woodward Holden]’s birthday today {p. 332}

9 December 1903 • Wednesday

Today is Br. Winder’s birthday I believe and he is 83 years old. There is so much talk about the strikes and so on– I am busy Louise had to go home about half-past 3, that makes her leave here at three– Annie has been up today Sarah Jane has been in I have been all day long trying to get some one to go to Manti to attend the Conference finally succeeded in getting Sister Harker. at evening, {p. 333}

10 December 1903 • Thursday

This is May Wells Whitney’s birthday and she is 49 years old– I have not seen her but saw Nett. Annie has been buying Xmas things Louise has been helping her. I have been busy and feeling miserable {p. 334}

11 December 1903 • Friday

Verona’s birthday and I had selected a book the “Japanese Nightingale” to send to her but cannot get it off today I am so busy. How well I recall her birth, as I also do most of my grandchildren’s even if I have not been present, in this case it was a very trying one. {p. 335}

12 December 1903 • Saturday

Joanna Noel [Robertson] Whitneys birthday anniversary also Daisie’s wedding anniversary– {p. 336}

14 December 1903 • Monday

Today Katharine Cannon six years old has brokin her arm, her mother came up with her and Dr. William Cannon has put it in splinters and done all he could to reduce the swelling, the dear little girl was very brave and so was her mother who of course had to see to it alone as the father is away in Scofield {p. 338}

15 December 1903 • Tuesday

Meeting in the 7th. ward kind of a testimonial to the President Sister Mary Alice Cannon Lambert. {p. 339}

16 December 1903 • Wednesday

This seems to be a very full day two invitations and wish to do myself the honor of being present at both places. It is Sister Esther Mainwaring Bunnell’s anniversary 89 years old and as I have been present year after year at these annual dinners I wish to avail myself of the opportunity of meeting with Dr. Pratt and family as she is one of my dearest true friends. the dinner is to be at 2. p.m. the meeting at 3. at Mrs. W. [Walter] J. Beatie’s. I hurried off to the dinner found Br. C. W. Penrose and Elizabeth [Lusty Penrose] there also Josephine [Bunnell] Hardy and Hortense Klingersmith [Kleinschmidt] and all the Dr’s family that are in town. A very sumptuous dinner then went to the D.R. Meeting anniversary of the Boston Tea party the affair was in every way a success and refreshments were fine, stayed a few minutes after to talk with Phebe {p. 340}

19 December 1903 • Saturday

Today my nerves were fearfully unstrung and it seemed quite impossible for me to settle to anything. President [John W.] Hess of Farmington Davis Stake was buried today. a special train went up and President Joseph F. Smith and Julina also Aunt Bathsheba and others. I received a very important letter and late in the afternoon went to the Bee Hive to see Sister Bathsheba & also Julina and read the letter to them and had some conversation with them also with Sister Sarah R. Smith who came in while we were there, afterwards President Jos. F. Smith came and read the letter gave me some advice and I came away feeling much better in mind the letter was from Mrs. [Ida Kinney] Church of Wellsville. New York asking me to write the lecture on <Mormonism> {p. 343}

20 December 1903 • Sunday

Dot’s little Lucile has had a severe spell of croup, and Dr. [Charles T.] Douglas a Homopathist was called to take charge of the case, Marian came to stay at the Big Brick house, she is growing very fast, and her hair is long and beautiful. I did not go up in town at all had dinner over at Belle’s Sep. and Gertrude were there and we had a fine dinner and then I came home and tried to get some editorial matter ready. I am very weary of working every day and Sunday too.

Belle and myself went to the Farmer’s Ward meeting house to the evening meeting and Belle took her Recommend from the 18th. Ward and she was admitted by the vote of the congregation it was a crowded assembly and a very cold night to be out in; we reached home all right and I felt satisfied when it was accomplished. {p. 344}

21 December 1903 • Monday

I went up late and had to go direct to the typo’s and urge them to get the paper out. Other little duties came along and interfered with my duties This is my mothers5 anniversary and I would like to keep it in some appropriate way. I am sure she was a woman a hundred years ahead of her own time, she knew the Bible well also the old sacred hymns. {p. 345}

23 December 1903 • Wednesday

This is the anniversary of the Prophet Joseph Smith’s birthday and the Daughters of the Pioneers will hold a meeting in Barratt Hall on the occasion and President Jos. F. Smith will speak also Judge W [William] H King, I am working to get my paper issued this year and feel I really cannot go. This evening there will be a meeting where all who knew him will be expected to attend the 16th ward meeting house and a dinner at one of the sisters home’s. It is reasonable to keep this day that the important event may be fixed in the mind of our children who do not know of him as we do. It has been quite a gloomy day. Sister Horne is still indisposed not able to be out and not much prospect of it either {p. 347}

24 December 1903 • Thursday

Today Margaret Caine gave me a handsome embroidered handkerchief, I have been hurrying and scurrying to get off to Annie’s on the half past six car and it seems impossible, no matter how hard I try there does seem so many hindrances, I gave Alice my Book of Poems also one of the same to Clarissa S. Williams. Reached Annie’s in time to have a bite of supper with John Q. who had come down for Christmas and then the tree was to be decorated and we were just beginning and Sylvester was helping with the top when word came by telephone that Sister [Mary Trewhela] Saville was dead and it put a damper on our enthusiasm, However later we were together in the parlor and George Q. Louise Margaret Annie John Q. and myself had refreshments and wished each other Merrie Christmas {p. 348}

25 December 1903 • Friday

This morning rose late and stayed to lunch with Annie came home and had dinner at Belle’s– one of her own Turkeys– Isabel carved[.] Will, Dot and the children and Sep. & Gertrude Eugene Brenton and myself at table– Lucile waited on all It was a fine dinner and enjoyed it very much– came home and did some writing then went on reading in the Christian which is intensely interesting. I did have a number of presents, Belle gave me a dozen linen napkins and a fine clothes brush Dot a silk skirt Em. two underskirts, Lucile china cup and saucer Brenton white woolen gloves, Gene his Photograph Sep & Gertrude handsome collar, Annie and John Q. Chiffon neck Ruff, Geo. Q. Diary Louise pins & holder, Margaret two handkerchiefs Daniel stockings Cavendish toilet perfume Emmeline Tulle Katharine ribbon {p. 349}

26 December 1903 • Saturday

I have tried hard to do a few little things but really one does not make much headway– some things are imperative of themselves. Phebe Young Beatie gave me a pair of elegant kid gloves, Mable & Budd white neck tie– Elizabeth S. Wilcox blue neck tie Deseret News Book Store handsome calendar Sister Thomas a handsome silk neck shawl or kerchief, and Margaret Caine an embroidered handkerchief. The year is drawing towards the close and one feels rather a solemn feeling. Press Club met here in the office tonight and had a good program paper by Lucy A. Clark on religion in the Public Schools and discussion opened by Ida [Crippen] Haag in which we all joined and we had a dissertation on radium by Lizzie Wilcox {p. 350}

27 December 1903 • Sunday

Today the Granite Stake Tabernacle was dedicated, Prest. Joseph F. Smith offered the dedicatory prayer– I exerted myself to go but after reaching there could not get in, stayed in the hall in a crowd for some time then waited in the street for a car and came home, went over to Belle’s and had dinner with her came home and did some writing and reading, have been reading The Christian by Hall Caine it is a wonderful book full of meaning and evidently written for a purpose. Today is May Earl’s birthday she is 44 today. I am alone here this evening and not feeling very well, still I have much to be grateful for and I wish to be. worthy. all the blessings bestowed upon me. {p. 351}

28 December 1903 • Monday

Went to the office and made everything ready for the paper had it made up– Sister Smith came and we went over quite a number of things, Letter and Outline from Hyrum Stake it wearied her very much Donnetta Kesler who has had a miscarriage has been brought to her mother’s6 at the Bee Hive and is doing very well– it is sad. I have written to Mr. S. [Samuel] K. Hall and wife cousins of Prest. Wells today, they live in Washington– I have been busy & am very tired, had an interview with Dr. Ellis R. Shipp this evening that was very distressing, she is much disheartened, I am truly sorry for her. Annie & Louise went to Ogden today to Olive Wallace’s wedding anniversary, As usual I was late going home– {p. 352}

29 December 1903 • Tuesday

Today I read my revise and went in the Church carriage to the 15th. Ward Relief Society hall by invitation of Sister Badger the President. The meeting was in honor of Sister Sarah M. Kimball’s birthday and the last meeting before the division of the Ward. a part of them coming to the 14th. Ward and the others joined by the 24th. Ward will retain the name and position of the 15th. Ward. There were present of the General officers President Bathsheba W. Smith Counselor Annie Taylor Hyde, Secretary Emmeline B. Wells, Treasurer Clarissa S. Williams, of the Salt Lake Stake Board Counselors Sarah Jenne Cannon & Clara C. Cannon Aid Julia C. Howe Samuel Richards was also present & L. John Nuttall {p. 353}

30 December 1903 • Wednesday

<Iroquois theatre burned many hundred lives lost‒> This morning I felt determined to do a few things that had been neglected, and had so many hindrances I really could not but talked to those who came in and had Sister Alder & Phebe Beatie and Dr. Shipp later in the evening. She brought a long poem she had written for me to see and read over but finally took it away again, and the day was somewhat unsatisfactory considering all I intended to have done. I have had a letter from Mrs. Thomas in Rome and word from Mrs. Church in Wellsville New York saying she would give me until the first of Feb. to get the lecture ready. It is near the close of the year and I have been trying to do a few little things paid my year’s tithing at the Presiding Bishops office and also sent off a few Remembrances. {p. 354}

31 December 1903 • Thursday

This is the last of a very prosperous year for this people and not unfortunate for me except in regard to Mr. Sears death. It is the only real misfortune we have had and there have been a few good things in our family. The day has been crowded, the pioneer girls came and went over the papers to get them properly arranged and labeled. John Q. came home for New Year’s and the evening paper gives a long list of those who perished in the fire in Chicago theatre Iroquois on Dearborn Street. I hurried off to Annie’s had some flowers given me which I took with me. Louise had gone to a party at Mamie [Mary] Silver’s and Margaret at Sarah Cannon’s, had some supper and spent the evening with Annie and John Q. we watched the old year out and the new Year in and soon after went to bed {p. 355}

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December 1903, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Letitia J. Richards. (Robert I. Burton and Letitia J. Richards, Marriage License, “Utah, Weber County Marriages, 1887–1941”; “Burton, Robert Ibbotson,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 4:19.)

  2. [2]Lydia von Finkelstein Mountford.

  3. [3]“Primary Conference,” Deseret Evening News, 7 Dec. 1903, 10.

  4. [4]EBW’s description of Joseph F. Smith’s message as a “dreadful discourse” suggests that it was intended to strike dread in the minds of those needing to receive a particular rebuke from the church president.

  5. [5]Diadama Hare Woodward Clark.

  6. [6]Julina Lambson Smith.