June 1908

1 June 1908 • Monday

Went to office at eleven, looked over mail and copy, went to Deseret News. Letter from Mell she had just returned from Seattle where she saw the fleet sail away,1 returning found my letter telling of Emily’s death. She refers to the joyful meeting between her Aunt Martha Dessie [Deseret Wells Read] and Emily.2 Reaper’s Social today, good paper on Lord Beaconsfield Desraeli [Benjamin Disraeli], by Mrs. Francis. Sister Smith came and stayed all the afternoon. My dress came from the dressmaker. Hattie Harker paid me a long visit, it was ten minutes past 8 p.m. when she left and I had not had dinner. It is very lonely here tonight with Betsy gone and the new girl not come yet. Thomas Jennings is in a very bad condition. R. E. Little has come home from her trip to Sharon Cumorah and other points of interest. {p. 186}

2 June 1908 • Tuesday

All day I felt nervous and was determined not to stay alone again. I telephoned to Annie and engaged Emmeline to come and stay with me, she came to the office and we came home the usual time, it was dark and unpleasant but I felt well to have her come with me; when we reached the house we saw the parlor was lighted It was very alarming one might say to know that one had the house locked up and carried all the keys and come home to find it lighted. We had the courage to unlock the door and enter and on going thro’ felt confident no one had been in, <or> how the light was turned on and it is still a mystery. It had been a day of unusual fatigue and damp, wet, cold and uncomfortably tedious. {p. 187}

3 June 1908 • Wednesday

This is a fearful day rain pours in torrents, Thomas Jennings died at 4. this morning It is sad he has only been sick a short time, a very good man for business on sturdy business principles, but not generous. He leaves only two married daughters,3 and four or five grandchildren, his only son4 died so his name is not perpetuated through him. His wife5 was sick so was he, yet they have been very prudent. There will be an estate to settle, Briant [H.] Wells and Mary [Jennings Wells] are coming home from Manila, that will be comforting to Mamie Jennings.

Mrs. Susie [Alldredge] Theobald came to day to stay with me, she has a baby6 six months old is an obstetrical student of Dr. Ellis R. Shipp and comes from Hinckley, grand daughter of Bishop [David J.] Evans of Lehi {p. 188}

4 June 1908 • Thursday

<Brother [William B.] and Sister [C. Maria Young] Dougall’s party today house dedicated> This is Will Buchholz birthday and he came home from Bingham, rain very incessant and I was to have Sister B. W. Smith call and go with me to Br. & Sister W. B. Dougall’s, anniversary party married 40 years, however after very strenuous exertions I am going to dress and have telephoned to the Bee Hive to have Sister Smith go from there as I am sure she ought not to think of coming over here. I wore my new blue dress for the first time, and of course it was damp– and the umbrella could not cover me Willard Young came up with me and we went into the house together. There was a fine company and very sweet music songs and instrumental both and President Joseph F. Smith dedicated the new house, that was the principal feature of the evening {p. 189} there were beautiful decorations and delicious refreshments. The bride of 40 years carried a bouquet of roses, lovely ones in full bloom.

5 June 1908 • Friday

<Daisie Allen’s birthday to day 40 years old today. I hope she is happy.> Ida Dusenberry came this morning to the office, Susan Evans was there previously, she looks well and is in excellent spirits. She does not tell me much considering how long she has been absent and how much she must have seen since leaving here I saw Zina Card to day who is soon to be married to Hugh [B.] Brown of Canada. After the meeting I could not rest being so upset Came home and read my revise for May paper. I was late going to bed and very restless. {p. 190}

6 June 1908 • Saturday

I went off early to News office and then to do errands and have lunch, afterwards copied the verses for Brother and Sister McDonald that I wrote for their Golden Wedding Saw Vilate [Douglas] Romney she told me Bishop [George] Romney and Margaret [Thomas Romney] were leaving tonight by Midnight train for Honolulu [Hawaii], stopping over at Los Angelos [Los Angeles] a week on the way. I have had Lucy A– Clark and Louise [Neighbor] Coulson and went to Belle’s this evening and had dinner. Lucile Sears thinks she will go to Los Angeles Monday night. I am so weary and my feet are swollen terribly to night. I feel more uneasy about things than usual, the weather is depressing and that is always one of the elements of melancholy and I have had no news that was uplifting in tendency. {p. 191}

7 June 1908 • Sunday

Went off to Temple took Verses to Sister McDonald saw many of my beloved friends and sat with Julina, sung Lord we come before thee now” prayer by Presiding Bishop C. W. Nibley sung Uphold the right and Prest. Winder spoke of his many blessings and then W. W. Riter who had been on a trip East referred to the great Conventions he had attended especially the Governor’s convention held in the East parlor of the White house, gave a vivid picture of the home where the prophet Joseph was born the grove at Manchester [New York] where the Father and the Son appeared to Joseph, the hill from which the plates were taken and other interesting matters, sung Let us pray gladly pray, Andrew Jenson Lorin Farr & others followed and Joseph F. spoke briefly Br. Duncan [M.] McAllister closed with prayer. Went to Lydia Ann’s had lunch and went with Kate to 20th.Ward, Jode’s baby was blest and named Margaret– went to P. [Philo] T. Farnsworths to dinner & then home felt very ill, in great pain {p. 192}

8 June 1908 • Monday

Same sort of thing daily beset with visitors who take up one’s time and to whom one gives out of strength and vitality getting very little in return. Lucy A. Clark is one of this kind, and three times today she has besieged my office, then I went to the Presiding Bishop’s office to see about the case of Mary O’Brien a woman in need of charity and hospital treatment, fixing off missionaries and seeing to the paper. Lucile Sears expects to go tomorrow to Los Angeles and Isabel has been down today so has Dot and little Lucile. I had several letters one from Verona, quite an important one begging me to go up there on a visit, I am undecided as to the wisdom of it, but hope to be guided right and to know what is best. Have written to Rufus K. Hardy Auckland New Zealand to night about Relief Society branches in that mission {p. 193}

9 June 1908 • Tuesday

Today is the [Absalom P.] Free reunion at Forestdale and I have made every preparation to go. Gershom [B. Wells] and children were on the car with me going down it was a very pleasant ride and seemed to promise a fine day. we were rather early not many having come but all the arrangements were complete and Preston [S. Free] and Hannah [Free Wells] & Litha [Tilitha Free Smith] the real representatives were present the first thing was the banquet, and it was certainly elaborate. Louisa [Free Wells]’s and Hannah’s family had one table Emeline [Young Wells]’s one Preston one and Litha one and the big hall crowded Rulon pronounced the blessing. After dinner I came away to go to Susa’s reception to U.S. Senator Reed Smoot The affair was exceptionally fine and well managed, went off splendidly and all enjoyed it Jos. F. Smith spoke also the Senator and wife and J. G. McQuarrie Tom Hull managed, there were some Apostles Heber J. And Augusta F. M. Lyman and Rhoda John Henry & Josephine [Smith] Rudger Clawson Dr. S. B. Young & Lizzie [A. Elizabeth Riter Young] {p. 194} <Geo. F. Richards & wife,7 Mrs. Babcock8> who recited Belle Salmon Ross who also recited. Heber J. Grant sung The flag without a stain. George A. Smith and wife9 were there also Golden Kimball and wife.10

10 June 1908 • Wednesday

Today June 10, the D.R. met in my office and elected officers for the ensuing year Elizabeth R. Wright Regent Emily Y. [Young] Clawson 1st. Vice Regent, Lucy W. Smith 2nd. Vice Regent, C. [Clarissa] H. [Young] Spencer Secretary Cor. Sec’y Jul Ass’t Sec. Julia F. Lund Julia P. M. Farnsworth Historian Isabel M. W. Sears Registrar Emily C. <Willey> Treasurer, Rachel Campbell Chaplain, I had lunch with Amelia F. Young at her home up stairs and Aggie Campbell came and stayed to lunch {p. 195}

11 June 1908 • Thursday

Today has been hop and busy I have worked like a trooper. making up the paper, and had so very many callers, Letter from Dr. Penrose with notice of the Mormon headquarters in London illustrated, in a leading paper quite a good notice, she is fine in her correspondence. Wants to know about B. H. Roberts[.] Whitney Hall11 opening speeches by President Jos. F. Smith and Bishop Orson F. Whitney {p. 196}

12 June 1908 • Friday

<mistake in dates Whitney Hall opening yesterday– Y.L.M.I.A.12 party today> Today has been very tedious and had many people as it is the opening of the two Conferences the Young Men & Young Ladies I. A.13 and also the Primary and tonight Whitney Hall was to have its Housewarming, I went up in good time Belle and Mary Jane [Whitney Groo] were there and quite a few Whitneys, we met first in the Meeting house or Chapel it is called and had opening exercises then went into the new building through the corridor, first Priesthood and the wives, then Relief Society and others, Apostle O. F. Whitney gave a fine address, quite poetical Joseph F. Smith President of the Church of L.D.S. made a sort of speech very complimentary to the Whitneys and to the Hall itself, then we went through the rooms and had refreshments in the Relief Society rooms {p. 197}

13 June 1908 • Saturday

Today the outing at Wandamere14 and tickets given away I had many Emmeline went down with me. We were out in a launch and in a skiff with Heber J. Grant, Emmeline went down the Shute. It rained while I was there and was quite unpleasant, I had many people after me but did not have much time to converse in the rain and confusion, walked about and the moon rose over the water in its most superb beauty, Margaret Cannon went as my escort to the evening reception and entertainment, she danced some Lawrence Miner took her home {p. 198}

14 June 1908 • Sunday

This morning <weather> not very pleasant Sister Theobald has her husband15 and his Sister16 and baby17 with her here, all going off to meeting and I did not care to go, tried to do a little writing and to rest & be ready for the hard work this coming week, I began to feel very much distressed sort of faint and really did not feel safe in the house alone, so I dressed my self to go out and took the car thinking of several places I might go and made up my mind to go and see Emily Grants girls but instead Went up to see Hannah Wells at evening, found she was very sick, Litha Smith was there and Abbie and they gave me some ginger tea then some sling18 which relieved me very much and I came away quite like myself. Hannah does seem very sick, and looks bad Nannie [Hannah Young Clark] and husband Allen [A. Alan] Clark were there and came on the car with me. {p. 199}

15 June 1908 • Monday

This is flag day as the 14th. set apart as Flag day because the 14th. fell on Sunday. The forenoon no one came as it rained furiously but in the afternoon people began to come. There was no platform as had been promised and making up the affair we got an old table moved into the dancing hall and then the band had to go up in roof or attic with loose bands ladder for staircase Clive’s band a very good one. It was not a great success but pretty good, Some of the ladies did very well though nothing had been planned beforehand, as it should have been because of the storm coming on. Susa Young Gates President of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers was Master of Ceremonies and conducted the exercises, {p. 200}

16 June 1908 • Tuesday

Sunday Schools at Saltair & at Wandamere Annie and family went to Wandamere Belle Dot and children went to Saltair the day has been rather cold and unpleasant but better perhaps than the hot sun for the children {p. 201}

17 June 1908 • Wednesday

Zina Card was married today and it was not very pleasant some showers kept coming now and then and I went to the wedding breakfast in Brother Dougall’s surrey, The wedding guests were Brother Dougall and wife Phebe Peatie [Beatie] Mamie Cannon Mary [Eliza Young] Croxall’s daughter, [H.] Chariton Jacobs and wife,19 Col. Willard Young and wife,20 and Joseph Card’s wife (she was a Ballantyne)21 and her sister Miss Ballantyne22 and Miss Zina Woolf of Canada

Afternoon Sister Wilcox reception a very brilliant affair but rain poured down in torrents, crowds of ladies in fine costumes. Sister Smith (Bathsheba) was there and Sister Maia W. [Maria W. Richards] Wilcox who was 81 today stood with her daughter-in-law23 and grand daughter24 to receive {p. 202}

18 June 1908 • Thursday

The Union of Commercial Travelers enroute for the West are scheduled to arrive and the town is decorated in their honor and flags are everywhere. A parade of the business people and bands are out and streets crowded in central part of town, it is all very exciting but does not in the least affect me. I am busy getting off missionaries, Ida is in trouble, has lost her horse– and she has worn herself out in hunting for him, she leaves tonight on the midnight train for the Rigby Conference, and then to Fremont Stake at Mary’sville [Idaho] I was crowding through the crowd to cross the street on 2nd. South and boys in a regular stampede ran into me and hurt my hand Dr. C. [Charles] F. Wilcox attended to it. The City is beautifully illuminated with colored lights blue yellow and white, brass bands are out giving a festive appearance to the City as a whole {p. 203}

19 June 1908 • Friday

Yesterday and today have been very strenuous days for me because I am trying to mail papers as well as to attend to other duties. My minutes are ready I attended to that last evening at home. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith came early to the meeting and lay down on the lounge as usual, by and bye one after another came in and we had ten at last in attendance, however the spirit of the meeting was much more agreeable than usual. Six Sisters were absent on missionary duty and Jane S. Richards is not able to come now, Dr. Penrose is in Europe Susan Grant does not come to semi-monthly meetings and Emily S. Richards in [is] traveling abroad with her husband. Clarissa asked to be excused, and Sister Jennings was not here. Illuminations again tonight and all sorts of festivities in progress {p. 204}

20 June 1908 • Saturday

Today is very pleasant and the people do seem on pleasure bent excursions here and there but I am busy trying to get mail off have had a number of callers and some hindrances, have not heard from dear Sister Bathsheba W. Smith today, I like to know every day how she is and to see her if at all possible The National Republican Convention in Chicago is over and Taft is nominated for President with Sherman for Vice President. Lucy A. Clark one of our Suffrage workers was there, and I hope made a creditable representative for our Suffrage State. {p. 205}

21 June 1908 • Sunday

Today has been a delightful day altogether. It is the Ensign Stake Conference but I did not go as I felt I needed rest– towards late afternoon I went to the Lion House to a meeting of the Island people. It was a pleasant gathering and I enjoyed it very much Hon. Wm. H. King gave a legend of the islands of long ago and prefaced it with historical comments and poetic descriptions of the old-time heroes and troubadours etc. There were present men of note who had formerly been missionaries to the islands John T. Caine, Henry [P.] Richards, W. [William] W. Cluff– Wm. Farrell and other younger men also Sister Mildred [Johnson] Randall, Jacob F. Gates. I was introduced to C. [Charles] C. Smith the one they call Coulsen he is very nice looking but very like the Kimballs Wrote some letters after coming home Belle & Dot had been down getting roses out of her part of the garden {p. 206}

22 June 1908 • Monday

Went up rather late many letters and callers continued all day several strangers one lady who was converted to suffrage by Elizabeth Cady Stanton had been here in 1866 and called upon Mrs. Mary Ann [Angell] Young at the White House,25 Sister Amelia Young telephoned me to tell me that she had been out riding with [Shamira Young] Rossiter on Sunday Worked diligently all day long after coming home wrote two long letters explaining matters to St. John’s [Arizona] & Panguitch {p. 207}

23 June 1908 • Tuesday

<wrote to Snowflake [Arizona] Mary J. [Robinson] West> Today has been perfect in weather and Margaret came up to help me and I soon began to get ready to go to the luncheon at Margaret [Judd] Clawson’s there were about 30 ladies present– Temple sisters mostly– B. W. Smith M. A. Lambert Caroline <D [Daniels]> Smoot E. [Elizabeth Taft] Webb S. J. Cannon, M. W. Wilcox L. A. Wells, M. A. Freeze M. T. [Martha Telle] Cannon, E. W. Hyde Julia [Julina] Smith Miss [Edna May] Davis M. B. [Maria Burnham] Winder Edna Smith Ann [Bringhurst] Groesbeck Sarah A. J. Cannon M. Y. Dougall, C. C. R. [Caroline Raleigh] Wells, Phebe [Judd] Kimball Winnie Godbe Tessie [Clawson] Groesbeck, Mamie [Mary Clawson] Beatie, E. B. Wells, finest luncheon strawberry shortcake to finish, went from there to Mrs. A. W. Carlson [Mary Spencer Carlson]’s Kensington or garden party out under the trees, more refreshments more ladies, C. F. [Charlotte Fox] Richards, M. E. Webber I. M. Sears Kate Wells P. P. Jennings Abbie Wells Hattie Picket [Harriet Jones Pickett] Clare Clawson Mamie [Mary Ann Jones] Clawson, Emma Empie [Empey] Mrs. Miner Mrs. Adams Mrs. Hardy Mrs. Jennings Mrs. Brooks Etta [Henrietta Dyer] Ellerbeck {p. 208} Mrs. Cutler & Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. R. Shipp Babara H. [blank] & daughter, Ruth Fox & 2 daughters Mrs. Dougall– Mira [Shamira] Rossiter Mrs. Stauffer

24 June 1908 • Wednesday

Betsy came today to fetch her things from here, and looked around at the place and seemed sort of home sick Grover Cleveland died this morning at Princeton New Jersey 71 years of age, leaves a wife and 5 children,26 last meeting of pioneers for the season today, Annie came up, and Louise & Theodore Sister Randall called also C. C. Raleigh Wells, Miss Groo Kate, No letters today at all mailing all finished, I am weary as usual, wrote letters to Stakes and looked up on important matters, had wedding announcement of Allie [Alice Woodward] Godbe and husband Mr. [Harry J.] Ruess from Los Angelos [Los Angeles] married Sunday June 21st. 1908 {p. 209}

25 June 1908 • Thursday

Today has been very warm people complaining of heat– callers Zina Young Card Phebe Y. Beatie Annie W. Cannon & Lizzie Wilcox from Liberty Stake meeting, Br. [William O.] Crowther from Manassa [Colorado] several others can’t rmember all Sister Smith came she had been to the temple I went with her to the Bee Hive– getting of missionary for Malad Stake, Sister Smith brought letters from Annie Hyde and E. L. S, [Eliza Luella Stewart] Udall, answered Sister Udalls letter Wrote to Sister [Sarah Caldwell] Tyson Woodruff Stake and Emma Empey was here for some time and talked of her work went to the Bee Hive saw Julina and the girls, she does not think she can go to the islands until after October Conference Wrote long letter to Sister Udall about resigning27 {p. 210}

26 June 1908 • Friday

Had telephone message from Paris Idaho before I was up– want Conference changed agreed to the Conference being July 12 instead of 19. went to Conference Ensign Stake had letter from Davis Stake Conference July 31. at Syracuse Spoke 25 minutes, Sister Smith spoke about five minutes, John T. Caine was there paid me a very high tribute– Rebecca Little presided, Made it a sort of Memorial day to Prophet Joseph wrote to Mary O. [Olsen] Crowther San Luis [Colorado] and to Ellen H. [Harrison] Jolley Big Horne [Wyoming] about Conferences Belle still has tooth ache Annie had a very full officers meeting Henry Lawrence paid me marked attention {p. 211}

27 June 1908 • Saturday

<Agatha [Walker] Pratt buried tomorrow> Sixty four years today the martyrdom of Joseph & Hyrum Smith took place in Carthage jail. The day is always a mounful one to those who were in Nauvoo at the time. Sarah Jenne Cannon & Hattie B. Harker gave a party to the General Board and others and I went down with Sister Jennings in her carriage also Sister Smith there were a large number present Sisters B. W. Smith, M. A. Lambert, R. Grant S. Grant P. P. Jennings E. S. Woodruff M. G. Clawson P. Kimball <A.> McDonald C. S. Thomas, E. S. Wilcox A. W. Grant M. C. Roberts, C. S. Williams, P. Y. Beatie A. D. Groesbeck Tessie Groesbeck Maria B. Cannon, Bennion, Lily [Louise] Richards Farnsworth R. E. Little M. H. James Alice M. Horne S. J. Cannon H. B. Harker A. W. Cannon Phebe Snow E. B. Wells L. S. Wilcox Mamie [Mary F.] <Silver> Cannon Zannie [Rosannah Cannon] Irvine Mabel [Harker] Cannon Florence [Groesbeck] Cannon May W. Cannon. No Press Club, Ellis came and decided to adjourn {p. 212}

28 June 1908 • Sunday

Today was the annular eclipse of the sun from seven in the morning one hour and more. I was up to see it thro smoked glass. Did not attempt any writing only to get ready to go over and visit Annie and the children and have dinner with them, of course they were glad to see me, and I stayed until nine p.m. car, Sister [Sarah Brown] Clayton David’s wife came over on her way to meeting, and visited a little while and after meeting the Bishop28 and Mamie and new baby Marjorie [Cannon] and Douglas [Q. Cannon] and Elizabeth [Cannon] all came. Margaret Emmeline Cavendish & the father all went to the evening meeting, and after wards there was conversation in the parlor. The weather has been very cool almost too cool for comfort. I have tried to rest and be in better condition for my work during the week {p. 213}

29 June 1908 • Monday

This morning was hindered with many telephones to people and from people, went off at last and found the President Bathsheba W. Smith waiting on the stairs for me to come we signed all the Notices to Presidents of Stake etc. and then I walked to the Bee Hive with her. She seemed very well indeed better than usual. Sister Brockbank came and Margaret Y. Taylor and several telephone messages. finally Nell McEwan came and wanted me to consent to change Rooms and go into 507, it will be in a month Frank [H.] Hyde is dead and so is John Paul Sister Jennings brother, Edith Smith and Ina [Julina C.] Smith are going to New York and so does to the Monument in Vermont. It will be a fine trip for them. The Reaper’s Social held a meeting today and adjourned until Sep. 14. next I am so weary tonight I scarcely know what to give them. do first or last I have so much to prepare for the paper– {p. 214}

30 June 1908 • Tuesday

Today Sister Smith has been over signing letters and we have had a long conversation over matters and things and I neglected my work very greatly for her sake, Annie has been to one of the wards in her Stake and called in to see me on her way home– there is preparation going on for the fourth of July and noise beyond anything one can stand almost I have had lots of callers and been hindered to look up matters for this one and that one missionaries are going out & much to do for them, etc. {p. 215}

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June 1908, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1908/1908-06


  1. [1]U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt’s Great White Fleet arrived in Seattle, Washington, on 23 May and departed on 27 May 1908. (Reckner, Teddy Roosevelt’s Great White Fleet, 85; “Fleet Leaves Frisco,” Harbor (WA) San Juan Islander, 23 May 1908, [2]; EBW, Diary, 1 May 1908.)

  2. [2]Melvina Whitney Woods’s reference was to a meeting in the spirit world between Martha Harris Wells and her deceased daughters M. Deseret (Dessie) Wells Read and Emily Wells Grant. (“Death of Mrs. Dessie Read,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 16 Jan. 1886, 8; “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, May 1908, 36:69; “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, June 1908, 37:4.)

  3. [3]Mary Jane Jennings Wells and Hattie Jennings Shepherd. (“T. W. Jennings Passes Beyond,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 4 June 1908, 5; Briant H. Wells and Mary Jane Jennings, Marriage License, 29 Dec. 1896; Arthur Shepherd and Hattie Hooper Jennings, Marriage License, 3 Mar. 1903.)

  4. [4]Thomas W. Jennings. (“Died,” and “A Sad Death,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 17 Jan. 1889, 1, 8.)

  5. [5]Mary “Mamie” Hooper Jennings. (“T. W. Jennings Passes Beyond,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 4 June 1908, 5; “Died,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 17 Jan. 1889, 1.)

  6. [6]Leo L. Theobald. (Leo Lane Theobald, Birth Certificate, 13 Nov. 1907.)

  7. [7]Alice Robinson Richards. (“Richards, George Franklin,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:545.)

  8. [8]Maud May Babcock. (“Senator Smoot Guest of Honor,” Salt Lake Tribune, 11 June 1908, 2.)

  9. [9]Lucy Woodruff Smith. (“Smith, Lucy Woodruff,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 4:265.)

  10. [10]Jane Knowlton Kimball. (Jane Knowlton Kimball, Death Certificate, 25 Aug. 1940.)

  11. [11]Whitney Hall, the cultural hall built next to the Eighteenth Ward chapel on Second Avenue and A Street, was named in honor of former bishop Orson F. Whitney. (Smith, One Hundred Years in the Heart of Zion, 69.)

  12. [12]Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  13. [13]Improvement Associations.

  14. [14]Wandamere was a resort in Salt Lake City.

  15. [15]Ernest B. Theobald. (“Theobald, Ernest Burgess,” in Esshom, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, 1207.)

  16. [16]Possibly Martha Theobald Alldredge.

  17. [17]Possibly Adrian L. Alldredge.

  18. [18]Sling is “an alcoholic drink that is served hot or cold and that usually consists of liquor, sugar, lemon juice, and plain or carbonated water.” (Merriam-Webster, s.v. “sling,” accessed 2 Apr. 2021, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sling.)

  19. [19]Emma Rigby Jacobs. (1910 U.S. Census, Ogden, Weber County, Utah, 147B.)

  20. [20]Harriet Hooper Young. (1910 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 205A.)

  21. [21]Leona Ballantyne Card. (Joseph Young Card and Leona Bertha Ballant[y]ne, Marriage Certificate, 14 June 1905.)

  22. [22]Likely Geneva A. Ballantyne.

  23. [23]Elizabeth Stevenson Wilcox. (“Society,” Inter-Mountain Republican, 18 June 1908, 4.)

  24. [24]Possibly Ramona S. Wilcox.

  25. [25]Brigham Young built a South Temple Street home called the White House for his wife Mary Ann Angell Young. (Dykman and Whitley, “Settling in Salt Lake City,” in Whitley, Brigham Young’s Homes, 96–97.)

  26. [26]Frances Folsom Cleveland. Their children were Ruth, Esther, Marion, Richard, and Francis Cleveland. (“First Lady Biography: Frances Cleveland,” National First Ladies’ Library, accessed 13 Apr. 2022, http://www.firstladies.org/biographies/firstladies.aspx?biography=23.)

  27. [27]“Resigning” was the term used at this time for requesting a release from a church position. Knowing that Eliza Stewart Udall had given many years of service as stake Relief Society president in St. Johns, Arizona, EBW seems to have been kindly writing her a letter of encouragement. According to Udall family records, Eliza Udall was called to this position in 1887 and was not released until 1922. (“Eliza’s letter upon being released after 35 Years as Stake Relief Society President,” Eliza Stewart Udall to Clarissa S. Williams, 8 May 1922, FamilySearch, Eliza Luella Stewart [1855–1937], Memories, accessed 16 Apr. 2022, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/memories/KWN2-DKJ.)

  28. [28]Lewis M. Cannon. (“Cannon, Lewis Mousley,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:687–688.)